View Full Version : Peh.......

Jan 22nd, 2003, 01:30:01 PM
I got a story for you people. Yesterday I woke up for school two hours late right. I get to school at like 10:30. I go through orchestra class and no one talks to me in there. So I just sat by the door and sang. Then I get home and go to my dads friends house to help install a hot tub. Nothing to do there and I get a headache the size of Mt. Everest. At school I had almost failed a test. I then had to get home and drive on the interstate for the first time. Spaz attack. I get home at midnight and think about my ex. I fight with myself all night long and then wake up this morning. I was sick. I have been in bed all day, but I cant take it anymore. No more bed. Its driving me nuts. Thats okay, church is tonight. Makes me happy. So everyone hope my week gets better. Toodles guys.