View Full Version : Returned(Nathan)

Vladimir Vin Niktu
Jan 22nd, 2003, 11:55:53 AM
The figure genlty slid from the shadows, as though born from the depths of their hollow cast. His senses shivered--not out of fear, but out of anxiety. They excited at their return to the dark halls of The Shrine, and they tasted every steely, crimson detail that eminated from the air of the corridors.

The Dark Magiks of the ancient Sith Witches and Sorcerers were lost to the modern Sith--it was obvious in their ways. Vlad could recognize it, ever since he first witnessed the dealings of Sith Knights, he realized how lost they had become to the mystery of the old Sith.

Today, though, he sought not to philosophize or breath truth to anyone--only to revisit his Master. Nathan Vergis--the one he had left in his absence. Would his old teacher take him back, on such short notice and after such abrupt abbandonement?

He had left a message for Nathan to meet him here.

Jan 23rd, 2003, 10:38:53 AM
Shadows had names in places such as this, and only the bravest of souls dared to call on them. Brave or stupid... 'Apologies for my tardiness fledgling.' the darkness spoke with out face. 'I was unaware of your return to my teachings, or my surroundings. I trust that what you have attained in your absence was worth missing my classes?' and the shadow danced around him as elegant as the ballerina on a stage.

Vladimir Vin Niktu
Jan 24th, 2003, 11:03:03 AM
"No apologies required, Master," Vlad spoke, bowing his head in the general direction of Nathan's emminence. He bowed his head, honoring the arrival of the dark being. "The apologies shall be an utterance from my repenting soul. Please excuse my absenteeism as of late." He turned away, thinking of his time spent away from The Shrine.

"I went forth to find my old master--the one who had forsaken me. It was not he that I located. No, instead I found trouble and lonliness. I longed to return to this place." He turned back to face Nathan's presence again. "I am weak--I have no skill such as the other vampyre that stalk the night. I wish to enter back into the training I so immaturely left."

Feb 2nd, 2003, 01:18:42 PM
"Then you are lucky that I have no wish to destroy you. You have so much potential I see little point in wasting it. We at the council have decided that your training shall be swift, for there is a looming cataclysm that has forced us to call upon all of our children. If we fail to prevent its occurance then the word Vampyre will be eternally forgotton." The young male version of Nathan Vergis stepped in to the light holding out his hand, "These are trying times Vlad. But of this we will discuss at a later date. For now I am hungry, let us feed."

Vladimir Vin Niktu
Feb 3rd, 2003, 11:43:43 AM
Vladimir listened intently to the words that his master spoke. He understood--he didn't know what looming cataclysm would come to be, but if Nathan spoke of it with dark undertones, he would deem the matter as serious as it seemed to be.

Then he spoke of feeding. A smiled grew across the lips of the young vampire--one twisted with spite. He was very hungry indeed. He could use some fresh drink to continue this night's activities.

"Of course--please, lead the way." Vlad bowed, a low, sweeping bow, and took position to follow his master.

Feb 5th, 2003, 11:51:37 AM
The grand hallways of the shrine never lost any beauty through the millenia it had stood, though the brief chance of its destruction had loomed when the Vordoni had waged war*. Vergis led his apprentice through the winding maze of tunnels illuminated by glowing flowers that grew from the very walls, casting a purple haze over all that they passed.

At the end of their journey stood a large oaken door, which he waved away through the force opening a large circular room, human males and women chained to the walls. "I'm sure you know what to do, but please don't kill them. The others will be easily upset."

Vladimir Vin Niktu
Feb 5th, 2003, 02:53:00 PM
The vampire bowed, and ushered himself into the room. He scanned the room with piercing eyes--it was dark and shadowy, like many rooms at The Shrine. Better for the permanent residents to travel without detection.

Silently, he stalked the room until his piercing eyes found a beautiful young pair to gaze into. He could sense her fear through the Force--it's dark energy seemingly tempting him to feed on her. She looked radiant in the darkness. Allowing his figure to be seen, he stepped from the shadows, releasing the Force's cloak over his figure. The woman gasped at his appearance. He smiled.

"No, no. Don't be afraid." She calmed a slight bit at his kind tone. Vladimir had always been very skilled in the Charm--it was perhaps his only natural Dark Gift. He commanded attention and worked extremely well with the opposite sex. "I'm not going to kill you."

"Please...I'm so tired...please..." she barely eeked out as he spoke. Her eyes had softened as she assessed him as having no threat.

"I know." His voice was soft as he stepped closer to her. "Come closer." He reached into the Force to pursuade her to come to him. The chains drug across the cold stone floor as he stood. Her eyes becoming entranced in his own as her mouth dropped open.

She had become infatuated with him in one single second.

"That's it," he whipered as she neared him.

"I want you--"

"Shhhhhhhh." He silenced her voice, bringing a single finger up to hush her lips. She kissed the finger. "No more speaking--let my lips do the work." He smiled bringing his mouth to her cheek and chin. He kissed over her face, sliding down her neck. She moaned a bit with passion as his lips parted slightly, the small, pointed fangs showing for the first time. They made their way to the surface of the young girl's skin and pushed through very gently.

"Ahhhhh..." she breathed with a bit of pain--but it was pleasing. She smiled brightly as Vladimir fed, the vampire accomplishing his goal well.