View Full Version : To the friends we have...

Sanis Prent
Jan 22nd, 2003, 03:03:22 AM
This thread is to applaud the community we have here, and to acknowledge the friends we have made. I ask that each person who knows someone here who has been a friend to tell others about at least one. I think sometimes friends often downplay or take for granted how much they mean to each other.


I've gotten to know you better than anyone here...though that isn't hard...seeing as we're often in the same town. You were the best roommate I've ever had, and I always look back to that semester with great memories. You're funny (most of the time), extremely intelligent, and share so many of my likes. Though we disagree on a lot of things, we're good about agreeing to disagree. You're the first number on my cell phone in case something comes up, and I always know I'll have fun around you. You've been a blast in RP ever since me and LV dragged you into this mess, and I couldn't count the hours of discussion we've had over the smallest details. I think you're a blessing, to have come to me in a time of my life where I needed a positive influence, academically, as well as spiritually. Through you're stubborn persistence, I've rekindled my faith in God, as well as myself. I can't quantify how much that means to me.

Lady Vader:

I've known you longer than almost anyone here, and though we were casual acquaintances at best for the first few years, our friendship grew and grew. When you told me you were interning in Birmingham...I was a little scared to meet you. I'd never met anyone from the internet before, and I strongly considered not coming. But for some crazy reason, I did. It was one of the best decisions of my life. You're such a great complement to me. I never knew girls existed like you...but then you're so unique. I can't believe I got the chance, and I can't believe I almost turned it down. For a year and a half, you were the twinkle in my eye, and if a good word came out of my mouth, it probably preceeded your name. Everyone back home always asked about "that California girl", and it made me realize just how blessed I was to be with you. My two trips out to California were heaven. Though time was at a premium, you treated me like royalty. My only regret, now that its over, is that I never got to truly return the favor. You'll always be loved, and you'll always be my friend.

Lady De'Ville:

From the moment I met you, I had to poke fun at you. You're a magnet for that kind of attention. Whether you're Winona Ryder, Juliette Lewis, or the psycho chick from the Breakfast Club, you're cute to the point of morbid fascination. You're smart, and a great conversationalist. Its easy to talk to you, even when there's so little to talk about. Even though you have man arms and bony knuckles, and kick like a mule, I never have to worry about offending you, because you're extremely easygoing. Though you help me try to be good, you're also understanding of when I'm not. The biggest crime in the world is that you don't get down into Portland and become as insatiably likeable as I know you can. You could have the whole world eating out of your hand, if only you gave it the effort.

Morgan Evanar:

You are my haven for ranting and for tech-ness. I am not 1337 enough for today's fancy technology, and I'd be up the creek without a paddle if it wasn't for you. Venting frustration about anything and everything is healthy, and you've been a great outlet for stress. Though you're easily tipsy, you're fun at parties...and you're yet another one of my friends who knows 3 gazillion times more about cars than I do. If I ever hit a midlife crisis, I'll call you. I hope that you make it up to Bama a few more times, because hanging out with you is a blast and a half.


Its not because you look like a clone of my best friend...its because you're one of the best guys to talk to that I've met. I've never burned away an entire day just by sitting in a room and talking (although the beer helped), but it flew by when I hung out with you. You're thoughtful, very intelligent (though your IM slang can be unreadable at times :eek), and quite at ease in expressing your mind. I've never clicked with somebody that fast before, and I really wish I could get a chance to hang out more. You have a great understanding of comraderie, and you're definitely one of those guys I could call in the middle of the night if the fit hit the shan ;)


Ok, I've mostly got only bad jokes and puns for memories, but that's such a stress relief, and it seems to come at the most opportune of times. You're such a disarming, likeable guy that I just shake my head and wonder why you sell yourself short sometimes. Though you're the absolutely most frustratingly contrary person I've ever argued with, its good to know somebody who will always be able to provide a different viewpoint, even if its usually wrong ;)


I owe you 14 Sorority Heathers and at least 2 cases of imported beer. Easily enough to cover all the software goodies you've sent me. On top of that, I enjoy our endless current events discussions and rants. We often share the same viewpoints in most things, and its good to feel affirmed at times when I might not get that elsewhere. Though you use the word "desultory" far too much, you're a great conversationalist, and a break from the usual.

Live Wire & Tatiana:

I speak of you two in the same breath, because you're essentially the same person...in the back seat of the car, singing the Cute Song :x. You're buddies and confidants, and even unneeded chaperones. Whenever I needed a female perspective, you were ready to give me two or more. You're the kind of friends that everybody wants. I've rarely seen you sad, you're lavishing in affections, and a blast to be with. If I make it out to Cali again, no doubt we'll talk for hours about random nothing over some Chongs. You're the best little sisters (honorary) that I could ask for.

These are just a few for me...

Lilaena De'Ville
Jan 22nd, 2003, 03:49:08 AM
Charley: I couldn't address you as Sanis, or Eluna, or Anbira, or Loungie...because I've always known you as Charley. You are an awesome guy! I'm so glad I finally got to meet you, even though the first time you visited Cali you managed to avoid me completely. You are a person who lives life to the fullest, but you always seem to have time for your friends as well. You're tough when you need to be, but inside you're a big softie, which is a good thing for me. Because after the kidney punch, I'm pretty sure you could have broken me in half. You're always there for me with a listening ear, and I appreciate that soooo much. Plus, you give great hugs.

Lady Vader: You are my twin! I love you so much...I am so thankful that I met you! You're outgoing, hilarious fun, and up for anything - all things I wish I was like. Just being around you makes me smile, and talking to you online is to few and far between these days. :cry

Live Wire: Sista, you are the one who pushed me out into Swfans for the first time, and I just have to say: Thank you! You trained my first character, and made her evil just like you promised. Meeting you for the first time was so great - when we all went to Disneyland? You were not what I was expecting, and yet, exactly what I knew you were like. You've always got an opinion, and I love yakking to you about how boys suck. *hugz!*

Fett: Of all the people here, I know you'll always be here when I need to vent. And you make me laugh (no, its not AT you), which is such a great gift. Corny jokes are the staple of life. Really. You appreciate yourself the least, and I'll never stop trying to convince you that you're better than you think you are. Because, you are!

Taylor: I can't believe it was two or so years ago when we first started chatting, and here it is....er..now. :uhoh I was one of the first people you talked to about RPing, and you had SO many questions! I'm glad I answered them all....or at least, most of them. You are intelligent, and weird, but in a good way. ;) I enjoy our conversations, esp. the ones where we're both too tired to move. You at least have an excuse. I'm only six inches away from my bed now when I post. I go to you when I need advice, because I know that you'll always have an opinion, or at least a listening and sympathetic ear. You are the best!

s'Ilancy: You have to be one of the best comedic writers on the boards. Jhyx, and MMU are prime examples. I don't talk to you much, but I had a blast in Seattle with you, trying to get shitty drunk and not quite succeeding. Drunken Pool must still be played. Really. :)

Mark: You are one of my closest, and MOST FAR away friends. Although we're a bazillion miles apart, you're like the big brother I never really had. The witticisms keep on coming, and the laughs roll in, but you know how to be serious when you need to be. And sometimes you're too serious when you don't need to be...but you can work on that. ;) I miss our conversations!

Morgan: *tackleglomp* <---that pretty much sums up how I feel :) Thank you for all the favors you've done for me, and helping me out when I've been hopelessly lost with some image thing or another. Someday I'll repay you. ;) No, really. :)

Ogre: You have to be one of the best Admins ever. Really. You never talk down to me when I have something bizarre to ask you, and I really AM as dumb as a stump when it comes to techy stuff. And even non-techy stuff. You're intelligent, have beauuuutiful kids, and tons of fun to post with at Meras. You make wasting time at 2 am enjoyable! Thank you for being around and keeping things going.

Zeke: You give me the biggest boost when I talk to you. You take life as it comes, and don't let anything get you too down. Plus, you like the sigs I make. Hooray! ;) Here's to more YEARS of talking with you, and kicking your booty in RPs.

Hobgoblin/Pierce: So many things to say, so little time! RPing with you have been a skill stretching experience. Whatever I post, you somehow always managed to top me, which forced me to try to come back with something better than before. You know what you want in life, and I know you'll get it. You have a drive and a determination inside you, and woe to the one who stands in your way! You'll probably get a book published before me, because you...are...incredible. I'll be able to say, I knew you when. Send me an autographed copy of the first edition, mmkay? :) You are the friendliest, funniest, most easygoing...although IC I'd like to kick your butt.

Jan 22nd, 2003, 04:13:33 AM
For me, there havent been many people that ive become good friends with id say. Mainly, ive spoken to certain people at certain times about certain things. The whole group of people here are simply fantastic. There are such a variety of people here that you dont really have to look far to find someone you really get along with.

Loki - Ive spoken to you a little bit over MSN and its great to speak with another brit every now and then. Great RP skills and very inteligent guy. I have much respect for you. My only wish is that you had the time to come here more often. The place is never the same without you.

Dae - Been speaking to you as well over MSN for some time now. You always come across as a bubbly person and a happy person to me. I think you make it obvious that you dont have much but yet you still keep going. You still enjoy yourself and that is a great credit to you. I think you can be a little strange at times, like when I had to explain what "ok?" meant but these personality traits only grow on you and you cant help but like you even more.

Sejah - By some distance my best friend on the forum. I speak to you most days and we discuss anything from people on the board to how crap our jobs are. RP's were in to what your latest drawing is. Your a fantastic artist and I always enjoy looking at your work and wondering what you'll come up with next. You have a great sense of humour and you know more about the UK than I do, which is kinda embarasing but nevermind. We have similar opinions on most things and I just really enjoy talking to you as well as RPing with you.

Marcus - Have only recently started talking to you but your certainly worth a mention. Afterall, youve been my saviour with sig making. Ive respected you for as long as ive been at the forum and in the way you write, you command respect from most if not all here. Your funny, sensible (when your not the naked ranger of course) and your a great writter. I hope in the future I get the chance to get to know you a little better.

They are really the main people ive spoken to but I couldnt go without giving Helenias and Taylor Millard a quick mention. Talked with them over PM and they are both great people. Hope I get to know them both a little better in the future too. Well, Id like to get to know everyone here a little better. You gotta love this place :)

Dae Jinn
Jan 22nd, 2003, 10:12:58 AM
Originally posted by Oriadin
Dae - I think you can be a little strange at times, like when I had to explain what "ok?" meant but these personality traits only grow on you and you cant help but like you even more.

Sorry, I speak Canadian, not British, Ori. LOL.

Hmmm, I have tons of friends on here. I wouldn't really like to single people out, becos I know I'll forget someone and might hurt there feelings but here goes. (in no particular order)

Ogre -- First person I met when I came to SwFans RPing. One of the best, and always will be :D

Marcus -- haha, I thought you hated me :lol I guess you dont. You always make me laugh. Till I wanna puke. Our OOC threads tend to be disgusting, but some of the most fun I have had. IC threads have been few, but hopefully we can rp a little more in the future.

Sorsha -- I dunno if you'll even read this, but you'll always be my bud =^;^= I dont like that get down on yourself for not being around, and I know when you get back, you're going to give us all hell ;):lol

Fett -- You ARE cute, funny and smart. One day you will agree with me!!!

Zeke and Wei -- Usually Zeke is the first person to IM me, lol. Both of you are sweet-hearts, funny, nice and a little too sensitive about somethings. I love you! ;)

Yogs -- almost didn't talk to you, but I am so glad I did! If you haven't ever talked to him, you should. Nicest person I think anyone could meet. "Don't worry, be happy."lol

Ori -- my favorite Jedi. Nuff said. Wish we talked more :p

Sorr -- I AM NOT A HOBBIT! :lol You're the only girl rper I talk to on a regular basis, and it's nice to have a girl I can talk about the guys with

Sejah -- Incredible artist, strange boy. Hehehe.

Silus -- Where's my speeder??? *huggles*

Jeran -- Hmmm, You spoiled me when you were on break from school. I wish we talked more, but I know you have lots of responsiblities at school. You're one of my best buds online and you make me laugh and smile and feel better when I've had a bad day. :)

And Taylor, Charley, Vega, Sieken, Leeloo, all the other people I've met on Fans. Thank you for making the boards a great place to be.

Hoshi No Shikyo
Jan 22nd, 2003, 11:59:41 AM

Wei and Zeke- You two are nuts, and well, it makes me know that I'm not the only crazy happy person around.

Dyzm- You're the only person I'll let toss me off a frekking building, and even tho in RP you're serious, you're an okay dude.

And Kriger- I hafta put you seperate of your bros merely 'cause....B:):oBS!

I can't think of any more, except all the old timers, who I'm scared to talk to, make me laugh in your sick little OOC posts.

Zasz Grimm
Jan 22nd, 2003, 12:20:38 PM
Hera / Eve - Wow, I've known you guys for so long. What, since 98? Chat started so many things. Sometimes when I think of you, I remember Me, and you ladies, and Rage and Darkcow. The trippy stuff we did shall forever be embeded in my brain. I miss talking to you two sometimes. You have always been good friends.

Ogre - I still remember when I appeared at TSE and we had a drinking contest. I lost bad. But anyway, I realize that we don't talk at all, truthfully. But I like you, always have. Wish we talked more, but sometimes things like that can't be helped.

Dale - So much could go here. Our past some know about, some don't. I won't linger on that, but I still remember it to this day. :). You are an excellent friend, it seems that you aren't on as much, when you are, I try to talk to you. It's just good to talk to you in general.

Warren Azalin - Though he isn't here anymore, and probably won't see this at all, I still have to post this. For the past year, I have called him on almost every weekend. We talk, we rant, we complain, we joke, make fun of each other, and others. Without him I don't know what I would have done. Your an excellent friend, and I will always be there for you.

Brian/Hobgoblin/Pierce - One of my closest and newest friends. You always seem to not care about my ramblings / rants / getting angry at things. You deal with it, and talk about it. And I feel somewhat relieved. Our talks on the phone always seem to help. Your RP's are great, it's awesome to be in a post with you. But, as of late, you've been there for me when I got a little Crazy. Thanks, man.

Charley - I've never really had the chance to talk to you alot, but when I did / do, I always enjoy it, no matter how short. I've come to respect you. I've watched you since I got to SWfans and you were the harbinger of so many people's fears (IC, that is). You're a great poster, and I hope that we can talk more and become friends.

Lady Vader / Rie - You were one of the first who I ever Roleplayed with on the boards. TSC was a hoot at times, but then it was sucktastic. You were a great friend, and still are. Will always remember ya.

Hollie/LD - We used to talk to so much more, now it seems to be slacking off. I love our lengthy talks sometimes. They can get so crazy and out of whack, then to serious in an instant, and then boom, back to crazy. Hopefully we can RP together and/or talk more. :)

Eve Siren / Teresa - I've come to you with dilemma's, complaining, guidance, and to just talk in general when I was lonely. Thanks for being there throughout it all. :)

Jenny - Narf! Your too funny at times. Though we are just now starting to talk more, I can relate to you and talk about things with you. To more memories!

Liz - Your an excellent friend. I will always remember you throughout everything.

Dae - Cheer up! Me and you always wind up talking alot about our problems, and always on the downside. But after we talk I feel uplifted. Your a great person with an awesome personality. Never loose it.

And to all those who aren't here with us anymore, that have left and moved on from RPing who were my friends. I miss you, and will always remember you.

Jan 22nd, 2003, 12:26:35 PM

LD: You make my sigs, you're a cool headed thinker, always with some form of help when I have a tough question, tellin' it like it is and givin' me hell in those RP battles.

Maia/Alana: My Jedi Master! You taught me to RP...heck, I wouldn't be the Zeke I am today without your guiding hand. You made my first sig, my first training thread...through you I met others, namely Soth and Dalamar, and from there it went down the board...you got me started in this business and made me persevere when I became apathetic or lazy or wanted to quit...and for that I couldn't thank you enough!

Dios Kane and Tomak Ohara: You guys have been my friends in RL for years now. If not for you two, I'd never have seen the site in the first place, never registered...so thanks guys. This place really made my day.

Dae-Dae, Sorr, and Shabby: Sorry to lump the three of you into one category, but alot of the reasons I like you all are the same. You're all three nice to me, you're supportive when I'm up to my neck in RL stresses...there's one more thing you guys do well, but I can't mention it here!;)

Kindo: My IC roommate since my Padawan days...we've been through the wringer on more than one occasion, and each time we come out on top! Well...maybe not, but we stick through it, always come out of it with a lesson learned, a new plan for next time, and that feeling of exhilaration that comes with having a damn good time.

Sejah and s'Il: My artistic mentors before my college days! You have no idea how many times I've thrown my teachers' advice out the window for something one of you two told me. You are the maintainers of my sanity when still-life charcoal drawings have me on the edge of craziness.

My Padawans; Lime, Jamel, and Janus: Training the three of you and keeping up with your mischief is hard work! If keeping you three outta trouble doesn't kill me, it'll at least turn all my hair white! You're like m'kids, or something...:lol

Wei and Krieger: If I hafta tell you two why you appear on this list, I'ma cap you both!

There it is, my list of buddies... I'd hug you all, but some of you are guys. Only the ladies get hugs. Guys get a hearty handshake.

Alana Stormcloud
Jan 22nd, 2003, 12:41:23 PM
Boy there are so many people on here that have become near and dear to my heart. Though everyone I have met, even if it was just a few talks have made this the most wonderful experience I have had. So if I fail to mention you, do not think you are forgotten because each of you in turn has made me feel like a part of a huge family...

To my boys, who made rping a Jedi more fun then I could ever imagine. Zekey, Wei, Kindo , Dios, Tomak, and Krieger. What can I even say to you guys that can express how much you all mean to me? You listen to each and every problem I had gave you support and love. You never failed to make me laugh. I love talking to each and every one of you on the phone, though my sides hurt when it¡¦s done :p I love you guys and you will always hold a special place in my heart.

To Saurron, who brought me into this great adventure. An rl friend through and through. You have enriched my life more than you will ever know. I just want to say thank you for being such a great friend and for putting up with all the crap I put you though. You Master Saurron are very much loved and one of the best friends all of us could ever hope to have. Your writing Skills are unbelievable, and have pushed me to always do my best.

To Mockadane, who gave Alana life and made her what she is today. You have been an rl friend for as long as I can remember. You have always been there with your kind heart and your life giving words. There has never been a moment when I have tired of the stories you bring to life with your voice. You to me Mock are Mr. Star wars, and the most caring friend I have ever had the honor of knowing. Thank you for making Alana come to life for me, for making this experience the most wondrous thing, and an escape from the harsh realities of life. Though I can¡¦t count the times when we have talked about Rp's and things happening in our little corner of the universe, they are forever engraved on my heart. Though you may not get to rp a lot, every post you have made is awe inspiring and you make me see, just what it is your writing.

Charley, well what can I say :) you are the sweetest guy I had the pleasure of meeting online. Always there to help and to offer advice. When ever I had a problem with something or a question I needed answered you were the first I would go to and well tell others to go to lol You have also enriched my life by the Rp's You do, and I so love to read. Your style is one of the things I try to base my writing on. If that makes sense.

Silus, :p what can I say, you have been a true friend. Caring and considerate, and always able to make me laugh. If there is anyone on here that can make a thread more alive it is you. Your wonderful skills at writing and making everything a little livelier are priceless to me. You wonderful advice on things going on will always, and forever be appreciated.

Taylor, though we have not talked on aim, your pm's never fail to make me smile. You are so very sweet, and always helpful. I can't even begin to explain how much I have enjoyed rping with you. You are in my book up there as one of the best rpers I have had the pleasure of reading.

Tatiana, my gf my soon to be sister I hope :p what is there to say about such a sweet girl. Kind and loving, opinionated and strong. You have stood by us and helped us out of a few tight spots on here. Your voice of reason and love will always be something special. Most of all is the love you give my rl bro. For that I can never thank you enough. Huggles gf

Nathan Vergas, for being such an awesome friend, and always being there to listen and for offering such kind advice. For giving life to a lot of my other characters. You have made my time here something to always remember. Your friendship means the world to me. Huggles thank you!

Zena, I hope you see this gf. You are the sweetest girl in the world. Always caring and always helpful. Your rp's enrich every thread you are in. Your friendship is something I never want to loose.

To all the other wonderful people I have met though I was not able to write something for you :( Post to long. lol you are all engraved on my heart in some special way. Morg though we haven't talked much thank you for your kind help. Sorr, for being such a wonderful and caring person. Mara the best gf I have on here and my life saver. May life always bring you joy. Rog for being so sweet and caring. LV thank you for all you have done and being such a good friend. Ket , though you just got back thanks for the smiles you never fail to bring, and for making every post I have done with you so much more by your presence. To all of Mock's kids hehe :p what can I say you all mean the world to me.:) To lady Athena who is a wonderful person to know and she never fails to make my jaw drop with her writing. She is truly a wonder and someone to base your writing after.

Daiq and Hera, well as everyone knows those two are the best Rp'ers I have had the pleasure of reading. They are also very sweet and more than worth getting to know. For all the wonderful people on here that I have failed to mention, you are not forgotten, and you are all in my thoughts. To all I have not had the pleasure of talking to, You all make this a wonderful place to be.. Huggles to you to Ogre for smoothing the path, and being so much help to me, and mine :) Huggles the whole board a family I would not do without...

Last but not least. My rl bro Soth. He knows why he is loved.:P Thanks for dragging me into this lol As you know I would be lost without it. huggs

Kelt Simoson
Jan 22nd, 2003, 01:21:04 PM
Taylor: Man, you with Charley are the two guys who brought me up at SWfans over the two years i have been here, taught me how to write alot better than i did cause lets face it i was terrible. Theres no subject i cant talk to you about and you wont give me an honest and down to earth answer to and help me on anything that worried me in the past and undoubtedly will in the future. I don't like to single out friends but Taylor your one of my best buds, always have been and always will be.

Charley: Not a day goes by where i don't at least say hi to you or we have a chat. Like i said, along with Taylor you brought me up, gave me advice and helped me get to where i am today at SWfans and took time out to help me improve my writing and storytelling and like Taylor i wont never forget it. We have talked about nearly everything i would think, from women to beer to Star wars. We have had one on one debates on subjects that have no relevance at all and i dunno if you did but i enjoyed it alot. You have made me laugh and smile even when i was upset, you have cheered me up when no other could and you have stuck it right out when i spelt you name wrong over countless times "Charlie, Charly Charley but you took it light when other would have cracked my skull :p. Your a great guy dude and charley, thanks man :).

Jenny: I don't really think i need to say any of this because to be honest you have heard it about 10 times over from me and probably from others as well. But im going to say it again. You know how i feel towards you and always will, you have been my best friend ever since i joined SWfans, there is not a single subject that i can think about that we have not touched on in conversation face to face or over the net. You have been there when i was sad, through countless moans,groans and arguments and my annoying wit. You never strayed away when i needed someone to talk to or to hug, tell my fears to or help me through a bad stage. We have had our moments but we always made up and always better than the last time. You will probably kill me for saying this but i do love you Jenny and forever will and i really cant possibly describe how good of friend you are to me and how you touched me when so many could not, i hope that you will be my best friend for years to come because i cant think of a better person that could be. There is more to this that i could write but i would rather keeps it between you and i :p

Fett: LOL, i cant count the amount of times you have sent pics and captions over to me and made me laugh and smile even when i thought i could not be cheered up, you have got a humor that makes me laugh every time, whatever you come up with. Your a great guy Fett and a great friend, thanks for the countless laughs you have given me including out Mr.Gollum in a ballerina suit. :p.

But thats just a few of my friends because in reality you are all like a extended family to me and always will be, you guys are all great and hopfully be my friends for a long time to come :)

Vega Van-Derveld
Jan 22nd, 2003, 01:37:35 PM
I don't know you half as well as I should like; and I like you half as well as you deserve.

:p sorry :lol

I don’t think I can really talk about many people separately. I consider myself to be friends with quite a lot of people, even if I don’t talk to that many people that often. There’s lots of people who’ve helped me feel more welcome here – Ogre, Kitty and Marcus spring to mind – and lots of people who I really admire for their writing skills yet I don’t often speak to, simply because I would be a bit too nervous to do so. But I’ll have a go anyway.

Have so much fun RPing with you. You’re so spontaneous and it seems like we can keep a conversation going forever just laughing our asses off. You always give the best advice, even if I’m a little reluctant to use it, and we apparently agree on everything

Gitane/Eve Siren:
I figured I would put you both in the same category since you are both like sisters to me. We have been friends for over four years now, I think, and I still consider you both two of my closest friends. RPing just wouldn’t have been as fun (or weird) without you guys around.

I think you are the person I respect the most here. When I first joined you were one of the people I saw as being unapproachable, obviously I’ve realised now that’s totally the opposite of the truth. You manage to play so many characters so well. You’re writing is always fun to read, and can be incredibly inspiring at times – especially when you can really feel you have put your all into what you’ve written, and tell its come from real emotions that you’re feeling. I know I don’t really talk to you much, but I have lots of fun RPing with you when I get the chance. Hopefully we can do lots more stuff together in the future.

Though you will refuse to believe it when I say it, you are one of my closest friends on the boards – if you weren’t, I doubt you would have gotten into my house :mneh You know what I think of you

Always have a good time messing with your mind :mneh Shame things between Das and Xazor didn’t work out, but I know I can always count on you for a fun roleplay with whatever character you use. Here’s hoping we have many threads in the future together, especially one’s where I kick your <smallfont color=#0060FF>-Censored-</smallfont> :D :mneh

Right back at you, Snaszy. I admit I used to loathe you, but thankfully I'm over that now, and am having a cool time getting to know you. You have a nifty taste in music, weird taste in women (i.e. Miss Kornakowhatsherface) and great personality – and you even put up with me being silent for long periods of time. Go you.

Even though he isn’t around anymore, I want to mention him since he is probably the best friend I’ve ever had/ever will have on the boards. Shawn was such a supportive guy and was always there for anyone. I don’t think I’ve ever met a more caring, sweet and genuinely amazing person in my life. Hugs to Fence, if you’re out there

There’re a few others, like Blade Ice, Dae, Taja, Silus, who are great for having a laugh with. That’s pretty much all I can think of at the minute, though it’s by no means everyone, just the people who sprung to mind.

Jan 22nd, 2003, 01:53:14 PM
Wow...I have (I think) a couple people I'm feriends with. :)

Fett: Well, ok, so mainly it's a bashing contest, but, hey, it works. :)
Eve: Always been fun to talk to, both IC, and OOC.
Xazor: How could I forget you? :) My IC sister, and a good friend whenever I need one. :)
Mark: Well, not much to say. :) You've been cool, especially when it comes to putting up with me. :D lol

My god, there's mroe, but finals have fried my brains...Really wouldn't be able to write much more. lol

Jan 22nd, 2003, 02:01:05 PM
Reading this made me cry you guys. There is so much love in this place. It is so wonderful to come here and know I can trust each and everyone of you.

Krieger-You always make me laugh. I have always appreciated getting to know you. You let me meet the other guys and it has been a pleasure talking to you everyday. I dont really know what to say. You were always there when I needed to talk.

Wei-You have always listened to me when I had problems. I appreciate you so much. You and your brothers are like family to me. I would bend over backwards for you guys. You all are always there when I need you, and knowing you in RL is great. You have introduced me to so many great things. God has great plans for you. I can see it. I hope your days are filled with happiness and great joy.

Zeke-You have been a great friend. Shoot, you talked to me when I had the blonde mullet. That was a step. It has been great getting to know you. Your funny, and smart. You always have had an orginal sense of humor. I always have liked to smile, but when you and your bros make me smile the effect is incredibly better.

Maia-You are such a great person. I wont ever forget you. You have made me laugh, talked to me with my problems, and even talked to me on the phone. My sides always ended up hurting too. I have a special place for you as well.

Soth-What can I say. The first person whoever imed me. First person I ever talked to on my cell phone. You even heard me cry before. You always have helped me with all my problems just as much as the others. You are a great friend, and I loved getting to know you.

Kindo-A great man you are. Funny, smart, and willing to anything for anybody. I am not really good with words, but thank you for everything you have, had, and will do for me. You always have and always will be one of my best friends.

Dios-Nothin to say. You were my only true friend after Colby left. You talked to me and treated me like a person when nobody else would. My seventh grade year was great thanks to you. You always made me smile. I love talking to you and being your friend has been an honor. You never owe me anything though. Remember that. I owe you and the guys alot for everything yall do for me.

Sanis, Sejah, and Yoghurt- You guys talked to me long before I even had good chars. I thank you guys for everything yall have done. May your kind hearts be rewarded.

Xaz- You always laughed when I did. You were the only person that talked to me when I started with Tomak. I care about you, and hope your life is filled with smiles and no tears...unless they're tears of joy.

Well I better go. I am getting teary eyed. As for the rest of you. I have a special place for you all. Thank you for everything. You guys are like another family to me.

Live Wire
Jan 22nd, 2003, 02:41:18 PM
Well I couldn't resist saying a few words myself.....

Lady Vader/Rie/Sis

You're my best friend, my sister, and my guide all rolled into one amazing person. Ever since that fateful day in ballet class you have been by my side through the good the bad and the ugly *hee hee* and I can't thank you enough for your loving support and friendship. I couldn't have asked for a better sister...or an eviler one! Hey I wouldn't even be here on the boards if it wasn't for you! Its amazing how we trusted each other right off and it was like our friendship was meant to be! *hugs* Thanks for being there for me! I love you sis!!


"I'm cute! Yes it's true!..." Need I say anymore? There is no one better to be silly with then my "little" sister. Thanks for talking me into getting that d-land annual pass! I really love our second home! *hee hee* All the laughs balanced out the serious stuff and you're the first person I ever had a "pink spoon day" with. You knew me from the first time we met....I don't know how you did but you just had this connection with me. You could read my mind and heart so easilly. Im so blessed to have you as my sister!

Loungie/Charley/Sanis etc. etc. etc.

Oh my friend of many names!!! You'll always be loungie to me! The crazy guy with the dbz pics and the heart of gold. Of all the people on the boards who I first met I wasn't sure if we'd be friends or not. You were always so contrary to me and you loved poking fun at my character. But as I got to know you you've become one of my best friends not just online but IRL as well. You're the big brother I never wanted but Im so glad I have. You taught me never to judge people just on first impressions because you never really know someone till you start talking to them. When you came out to cali both times they were great treats for me. While I didn't get to spend as much time with you as I would have liked I treasure the time we did spend together. I'll never forget rocking out to MB20 with you and talking with you over aim even though we were sitting right next to each other. I couldn't ask for a better guy pal and big brother.


BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAA!!! Can I drop another boulder on you?!?! The sad thing is we really have Itala to thank for our friendship. *hee hee* scary thought! To this day you have been the best apprentice I've ever had on the boards! You were so much fun to beat up and I miss wiping the floor with you. We should do it again sometime. Aside from that you were the first person I ever met from online. You're an awesome friend who I can always talk to and just feel comfortable being girly with. Im so glad Itala stuck me with you those three years ago! *hugs*


Well where do I start? I remember the first time I met you in an msn TSC group chat. There was just something about you that told me that this guy is pretty cool. We seemed to click with each other as well as our characters did. Somewhere somehow in all of those late night chats and the insanity that was TSC you became one of my best friends. I could always trust and depend on you to be the voice of reason when I was pulling my hair out in the wee hours of the morning. I dont know how many hours of sleep we lost together but I know it was a lot. I dont think the boards would have been as fun if I didn't have you by my side both IC and OOC. Thanks for being the rational one and not to mention the calm one! I love you for that! You're my friend, my confidante, and I've come to rely on you more then anyone. Over these past three years I have been proud to call you my friend. We've both been at the boards so long and I've seen friendships come and go and grow and fade...but ours has always stayed the same and thats pretty damn special! Im glad we can always count on each other.

Fett aka "oh great and wonderful fettish one!"

*hugs* You are so much fun you know that? You need to give yourself more credit because you always manage to brighten my day. You're one of the few people that still randomly IM me just to say hi and be silly! You're the bestest!


You are one of the counterparts to the cali girls and that alone makes you special. It was always great to know that the east coast guys were just as much insomniacs as the west coast girls. You're fun to talk to and great late night company. You always managed to surprise me which is something few people manage. You're techy geekness never ceased to amaze me and your one of the most fun people to do a RP with. I've always appreciated your candor and your willingness to speak out and not really care if others liked what you had to say or not. I've always respected that in you and I think thats part of the reason we always got along. So when are you gonna finally come to the dark side and visit the cali girls?!?!?!?! :D


I just have one thing to say to you. "You're so wierd!!!" (10 points to anyone who can tell me what movie thats from *hee hee*) Anyway your weirdness is what makes you cool. And no one is more entertaining to watch over webcam then you. ;) Anyone who can sit next to me at the midnight showing of star wars after sitting ALL FREAKING DAY in line is just an awesome guy! I had a lot of fun hanging out with you and Im glad to have finally met you. btw I still have the bite mark. >D j/k

To everyone who has made TSO the best place to be....

Thank you! Especially those of you "old timers" who have been there since the beginning. Dyzm...DDC...and others who have always stuck by me and when I leave make it impossible to stay away for long. Its been hard work and ups and downs but I wouldn't trade any of it in for all the money in the world.....well maybe ALL the money...but certainly no less then that! :p I love you guys and Im proud to know each and every one of you!

And of course to all the rest of my board pals who I didnt mention by name.....thanks for the laughs! *hugs* And DT/Marcus/crazy aussie.....thanks for never panning me! BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAAA!!!!!

*runs and hides*

Sorreessa Tarrineezi
Jan 22nd, 2003, 03:14:04 PM
Zeke: thanks for always being around to listen to me and putting up with me all the time....*hugs* and giving me fun rping to do....and playing along with other things *ahem*

Dae: you are a hobbit! hehe, thanks for listening when I'm bored and all...and yeah tis nice to have a girl to chat with about the boys....I mean stuff....

Wei: even though I end up bopping ya a lot, I still think of ya as a good friend.....

Alana: another one who is good at listening to my woes and boredom....you've probably listened to more of my bored talking than anyone....

Jan 22nd, 2003, 04:00:12 PM
I won’t bother saying any specific names because you already know who you are and what you mean to me, but for those of you among this entire community who don’t, let me just say this:

The years I have spent here among the community of the SWFans.Net Role Playing Universe have been filled with many ups and downs. Many good times and many bad times, but you know what, we always pull together and get through the bad times with smiles on our faces and more respect for each other.

I do all I can to keep this place free and easily available for any and all who wish to come and be a part of our community. Each and every one of you are special to me in that you all add your own personality and diversity to our family here at the forums.

We laugh together, we cry together and we rejoice together. This community is a part of me and will be for a long time to come, and I hope that it’s special meaning to me becomes impressed upon those who become a part and allow it to touch their hearts, minds, and souls.

SWFans.Net Forums will be a tight knit community forever! But not so tight knit as to not allow room for growth. Thank you all for adding your uniqueness to my life. :D

imported_Grev Drasen
Jan 22nd, 2003, 04:14:39 PM
Although I don't usually talk with anybody at SWFans outside of the forums, there are a select few who I could consider a friend.

Morgan- Even though I don't talk to him on a regular basis, he's been one of the most helpful people on the forums I've met so far. Anytime I have a tech question he's never shy from giving me his advice and answering my problems.

Zasz/Phil- Probably one of the people I talk to the most on AIM, and the only person I get a chance to talk to regularly. Even though I suck with Photoshop, he still doesn't mind my making sigs for him.

Malice- He might not realise it, but I would consider him a friend just because he's so open to ideas and fun to talk to about roleplays. I've only got a chance to roleplay with him once, but hopefully I can talk him into getting into a few more in the future.

Other than that, I don't really get the time and chance to talk to everybody I'd like to. But even if I don't talk to most of you I still consider myself lucky to be part of a roleplaying community like this one. I've been roleplaying since I was twelve (4 years), and I can say this is one of the best outlets for roleplaying I've seen; and definately one of the most talented.

Loki Ahmrah
Jan 22nd, 2003, 06:14:41 PM
Like has been stated in a previous post, I refrain from making specific references because my friends will know who they are and that includes most people I have ever spoken with.

Now I could go on and on but sometimes fewer words favour that which I am trying to say. When it comes to friends, I can be so unnappreciative and selfish sometimes because it is so easy to just take them for granted and believe that they will always be around but once you consider who you were before meeting them and who you are now do you truly appreciate what you have.

In my friends and people I have met, I have truly been blessed and am honoured to call you my friends. You will probably never know how much you mean to me. Since I have been a part of this community, each and every single one of you has changed me and I am a better person because of it and it is times like this when "Thank you" is simply not enough.

Lady Vader
Jan 22nd, 2003, 07:36:00 PM
"You're so wierd!!!"
Lion King comes to mind... but that's just cause Scar and I (as Lv) think so much alike. ;) (Oh, and darling, it's wEird... yeah, the day I start giving out spelling corrections MUST be the day hell froze over. :p)


My sis! Hell, I live with ya. We have our ups and downs, and there are times when we wanna rip each other's throats out (and gawd only knows I've come close). But, hey, that's in the job description for being sisters. :D

Live Wire

How could I forget our first meeting? All it took was the brief mention of Star Wars from across the room, and I was instantly drawn to you like a magnet... and that's when the "indoctrination" into SWF took place. We've been through a lot in our lives, and I've always been able to confide in you, just like a sister. You've always been there for me (even when I was being ridiculous and weird). I think it's high time for another "us" day. I'm up for some ice cream, how bout you? :)

Lady De'Ville

My twin (is there an echo in here?)! I remember when you were just a wee lil apprentice, eager and shy all roled into one. In a way, LW, you and I are reflections of each other (from certain points of view)... I trained LW, and she trained you (wait, does that make us the Three Sith Stooges?) *LV double-slaps LW, LW nose-yanks LD, LD eye-pokes LV* :p Gaw! And we all start with L's!!! How mcuh fun we had confusing ppl with that one! Our first meeting was an interesting one to say the least with the company we had at the time, but even so, our friendship went on to the point where we were branded twins from behind (long story).

Charley aka Man-with-the-many-names

The first time I ever saw you post, I swear, I thought you should have been institutionalized (not to mention the DBZ piccys creeped me out a bit... I mean, who was this guy that used a pic of some dude with yellow hair that looked like it had too much starch in it?) But soon after that, that all changed. You have been one of my closest friends through my whole RPing life, even to the point of instilling this "disease" of creating more characters than one could possibly handle. When I met you, I was already a veteran at meeting internet ppl, but even so, I'm glad you didn't chicken out in our meeting (I don't bite... I only punch foreheads ;)) We've had our share of dramas, and even though some things don't turn out like in the fairytale books, I'm more than proud to call you one of my bestest friends.


The first time you were brought to my attention, you were defending my sister's opinion about something (too long ago to remember what the incident was). Ever since then, I have thought of you as a good friend. And I agree on what LW said... you are one entertaining fellow to watch on the webcam (sorry I missed the "show"). I'm so glad you were able to make it out here for E2, and I hope you can again for E3 (and this time, we'll bring sunscreen). BTW, you can bite me on the neck any time. ;)

Morgan Evanar

Took me awhile to actually get to know you, but I'm sure as hell glad I did. We have chatted about all sorts of things, and there have been times when you have made me bust my side in laughing. I love the way you post, as it can be so unpredictable (I'll never forget the time you slipped on the ice cube). Now all we gotta do is get ya out here so I can actually MEET you... lets see... I can either A) Get Nup to bring ya down, or B) Go over there, sling you over my shoulder, and bring you down myself. Hmmm... B sounds more fun. :p


The first time I saw you, I was kinda freaked out. I mean, I'd seen ya post and all, but actually meeting you was definitely a different expereince. You've always been a good friend, even when I've been a bitch. You're honest and truthful, and I do hope things work out (all I gotta say is you be good to my sis, or I'll tear you to pieces... and don't let my size fool you, cause I'll go through with my threat). :p

To those of TSO... my first home. You guys have been so wonderful (even you old timers *hands them all walking canes*) You guys have helped keep TSO alive, even after the fall of TSC. You've stuck with us through the thick of it all (even through those times when it looked like it would all fall apart again). But you didn't give up. You helped us survive, and that in itself speaks volumes of loyalty and freindship.

To those of GJO... my second home (but only after a month of joining TSC of old). Ok, so I hood-winked ya. But even TSO was hood-winked. But even so, you guys didn't give up on me or shun me. Hell, you guys panned me (still #1 in the pannings... and even #1 to be panned... thanks Marcus :p) and then hugged me! Where else can a gal get so much lovin??

To the rest of SWF... you are ALL my family. I can now rightfully say I have brothers and sisters out of state and out of country! I've been a part of this community now for 3 years, almost 4 (this June), and never once have you guys not ceased to amaze me in how fun you can be. You guys are the wackiest, wonderfulest, weirdest, (ran out of "W" words) bunch I have ever known and I love you all!!!

Xazor Elessar
Jan 22nd, 2003, 08:35:22 PM

You're such an awesome friend, Mark. It's been one incredible year and I have grown so much because of you, not only as a writer but also as a person. I have learned a great deal from you and I thank you for the many lessons you have taught me. From the moment you took me under your wing I felt like I really had a friend here -- a rock and a foundation that I could rely on whenever I needed. Indeed, you've been that very thing for me. At some of the roughest times in my life which seem to happen more often than not, you have been there just to simply listen to me. I thank you for that so much because you've saved me from making some stupid mistakes -- some very stupid mistakes. I can't even begin to really tell what impact you've had on me and how much your friendship means to me because there are no words for me to even begin to express that feeling. I could never dream up a price to put on your generosity and kind heartedness toward me. Thank you for standing up for me, for standing behind me, and for standing by my side. You've really become part of my family and my best friend on the boards. *Huggles* Thanks for being here for me when I've needed you the most.


Hey girlfriend! *Huggles* You have been a great friend to me too and you've also helped me in many ways OOC. From the moment you took me on as your Warrior Apprentice, we had something really cool. :) Thank you for standing with me on many issues and for defending me even when I was not completely in the right. Thank you for letting me confide in you and really being that sister I've never had. We've had a lot of great times and so many memories have been made through the RPs we have done together. I feel so honored and lucky to have been able to get to know you and Mark over this last year or so. It's been something I'll always remember even though oceans may separate us. Thank you for being here for me and for being an irreplacable friend. Thank you for giving me your trust and for never breaking the trust I place in you. You're a wonderful person with a sweet personality and I've been blessed to have met you.


Bro! *Huggles* We must have been separated at birth, I swear! :lol You are my Brother, dude, and I thank you for being here for me even though we're far apart IRL. You've been here to listen to me and to kick my <smallfont color=#000000>-Censored-</smallfont> on occasion, but most of all, you've given me a great deal of love that I cannot put a price tag on. If ever we meet, it'll be one of the greatest things that has happened to me because you're such a cool guy. Thank you for being my confidence when I had none -- thank you for all of the *huggles* when I needed them the most -- but mostly thank you for just being you, because that's the greatest thing of all; you're genuine and unique. Never loose that, Bro, okay? Thank you for lifting my broken spirits at times and for laughing with me (and at me) all the time. :) Thank you for letting me get to know you.


Hey babe! *Huggles* I really don't know what to say here because we've become close in a very short amount of time -- and already you've stood with me through some tough situations. Thank you for everything you have done for me, but most of all just being a friend that I can rely on at any time. Thank you for lending an ear and not allowing it to be deaf, even when I was simply complaining about something stupid. Thank you for holding me up when I felt like falling down. Thank you for your encouragment for that has been my fuel now for a while and it's so priceless to me. I am so fortunate to have met you on these boards. Thank you for everything buddy -- we'll meet someday and it'll be very cool. :)


Though you're probably not going to find this (:lol) I have to talk about you anyway. You've been awesome, dear friend, and that is not even coming close to how I feel about you. You've been so kind and encouraging to me and we've had a great time (even though it's been sporadic here and there). You've taught me a lot about myself and writing, as well as things IC (I'll still keep your saber safe!). It's neat to have learned things from you and then be able to return that through you being my Padawan with Syrius -- that's really cool dude and I appreciate that oppurtunity because not only are you a great writer, but a very cool person. *Huggles* Thank you for being here for me all the time and for your sweet PM's that bring a smile to my face always.


Chica! *Huggles* If I was to even try to say something about our friendship, it might be profane. :mischeif Just kidding everyone! ;) Seriously though, you've been so awesome to me! At the times I least deserved your kindness, you've given it to me anyway. Thank you for sticking with me, girl, even when I was wrong or did something to make you mad. It's sad that Das and Xaz can't make things work, but I know we're having fun with others and more threads in the future. >D I know I can always count on you to cheer up my day, no matter how bad it may be. Always know you have a friend to lean on when you need too, okay?


I wish you were here to read this because I miss you so much. Wherever you are off to now, I know not, but I hope that you're okay and making things work in your life. You've been nothing but a Brother and close friend to me since the day I got here. You've always been here for me to cry to -- to complain about silly and serious stuff -- but most of all, you've always listened. Always. Your RPs were so fun to be in, and I thank you for being my Master IC -- even when times were rough and I was still learning how to write in this very different world. Thank you for seeing me through to nearly the end, and though you're not here now -- I know you're somewhere and I'm on your mind as you are on mine. Keep it real, Bro -- and if you never come back, know I love ya. *Huggles*


I'm gonna kick your <smallfont color=#000000>-Censored-</smallfont> someday! ;) :lol Okay, maybe not yet, but someday! Thanks for being a buddy to me, Tay, even when I get annoying or don't reply to your PM's. :lol Thanks for putting up with my BS and for including me in your RPs and storylines. That means a lot to me that you'd actually seek me out and ask. Thanks for your concern, encouragement, and joy. It's been awesome so far and I know there is more greatness to come! *Huggles*


*Huggles* *Huggles* *Huggles* Hey Bro! You too are one of my closest buddies on here and I thank you for everything you've done for me. Your love and concern have kept me going and your encouragement has kept me alive at times. Thank you for sharing who you are and where you've come from with me, for that I feel very honored. Thank you for RPing with me, though it has been crazy at times. But most of all, thank you for just being a friend I can count on for anything -- thank you for being there and listening to me -- not just hearing my words and saying something false. That's not you nor would it ever be because you're so real. For that I am grateful -- thank you so much.


I wish you were here to read this but as I understand it -- you're not coming back. Though we just recently began to get to know each other better, we became friends fast and you were there for me. Thank you for all you did and have said -- thank you for just listening at times I felt I couldn't bear my troubles. Thank you for being emotional support and for allowing me to confidentally bear my soul to you. I appreciate that beyond words, Bro -- you'll always be with me. *Huggles*

To all the others who I know semi-well or I have forgotten somehow (forgive me, I am still on a bit of jet-lag/evil exam head-ache syndrome thing), I love you all and the whole universe here at SWFans has become my family, even if I do not know you at all. My Padawans, thank you for putting up with my slow posting at times and thank you for being willing to make a friendship with me. It's going awesome! Thank you to those Masters of my other characters -- I'm not going to say anything because I refuse to give anything away, but thank you as well for being here for me even if you don't know it's me. Hehehehe.... Thanks again to everyone -- you're all so wonderful. *HUGGLES*

Silus Xilarian
Jan 22nd, 2003, 09:12:34 PM
Ive clicked the "add reply" button about three times already since I came online. In all complete honesty, im afraid to attempt listing those of you here that I consider friends, simply for the fact that there are so many people here that Im closer too that friends I have who live within 5 minutes of me. First and foremost...

s'Ilancy...I dont really know how to describe you. You amaze me to the point where its almost overwhelming, though im more comfortable talking to you than I am with anyone else. There have been times when Ive felt like I had no one, but you changed that. there were times when I thought Id lose my mind, and you kept me sane. Coming to cali to visit you was the happiest Ive been in a long time, and words cant even start to describe how much I appreciate you simply being you....

Taylor...I joke alot with you, maybe more than I should at times :p, but all that aside, you've been a true friend. I remember back a few months ago, I was just getting started out here, and you took a chance with me, gave me a direction for my character. I can only hope now that I havent disappointed you. As far as OOC goes, you're there when I need advice, or when I just wanna cut loose and talk.....I cant thank you enough....

Terran...Even though I havent known you long, you're like a brother. Anything I have to say, I know I can tell you, and vice versa. You're extremely intelligent, and your viewpoint on any subject is always welcome, and enjoyed, even if it contridicts mine. I look forward to our future rps, discussions...anything, Im there :)...

Daiq...Smart, fun, serious, crazy. Any quality I can think of describes you. You're so many different things at just the right time. I enjoyed the first conversation we ever had, and everyone ever since. If im down, you pick me up. If Im up, you're dragging me that much higher. It amazes me how you're always right there, never behind, and never ahead with me playing catch up...And no one can make a better chatroom ;)

Hera...Seems like no matter how im feeling, you know exactly what to say. Whether we're rping or just hanging out, you're a blast, simply put. I feel bad that we dont get to talk as often as we used to, but I relish the little time we do get.

Charley...Whenever Ive got a problem, or a random question out of the blue, you take the time to provide a reply. I had a blast visiting with ya awhile back, and I hope I get the chance to ride by that way again in the near future.

Morg...Is there anything you dont know? Seems like you have an answer to anything, and ive yet to prove you wrong. It was awesome getting to meet you in person, even if you were a bit "tipsy" ;p. Thanks for everything man, I hope I can return the favor one day.

Holly..One of the best pals one could ask for. I remember the first time we chatted. I messaged you out of the blue and we chatted like we'd known each other for years. I never have to worry about what I say around you, which is a comfort that many people dont offer. I cant even begin to describe how cool you are, but i'll sure as hell try, as soon as you get DSL ;)

Fett...Yeah, ya thought Id forgotten ya, didnt ya! There has been many a time that ive nearly fell out of my chair at something you've said, whether it be a quick one liner, or a drawn out irony. I'll never forget how you took the time to listen to the problems of a person you barely knew. I cant thank you enough for that. Now...if you would just stop disagreeing with me...:)

Dae...Whether it be a silly chat, a serious discussion, or a heart to heart talk, You're always a welcome sight. You always give your honest opinion, no matter what, and I appreciate you pulling no punches, and im glad you dont throw that many...Oh and btw, your speeder's on the way ;)

Akrabbim...I honestly havent met few who are as friendly as you. You go out of your way to help me when I need it, and are always fun to talk with. No matter how serious the conversation, you keep things upbeat and interesting. I appreciate everything man. Next time Im headed that way, I'll be sureto give ya a shout :)

Alana...The epitome of sweet. A friendly face no matter how hectic things get. You're calm and understanding no matter the situation, and you seem to only get brighter...

Vega, Gav, Salemn, Xazor.....The list keeps on...all of you are more than one could ask for. I cant thank everyone enough for the wonderful treatment here. A lot of you, even though we've never met in person, I feel like I know you better than some people I've grown up with. To anyone I forgot, I cant apologize enough. I love you guys (and gals, of course) to death. I feel blessed to be in the company of so many friends, and one day I hope I'll get the chance to meet each and every one of you. And to those of you who dont know me that well, Im an instant message away...

Special thanks go to Swfans and Nup....you guys have created something remarkable here, and words cant describe how much I appreciate what you've given us. Both of you have my unending respect....

Ki-Adi Kindo
Jan 22nd, 2003, 09:29:15 PM
Here goes my list...

Maia/Alana - I'm not sure exactly where I'd be on these boards without you, and it goes without saying that you mean so much to me.
Zeke and Wei - What can I say, two terrific friends OOC and IC. I enjoy RPing with the both of you so much, and more than that I enjoy being your one of main buddy's.
Soth - My BRO-HAM!!! You're a great friend and you never quit making me laugh. It's great to have encouraging friends like you.
Xazor - You were the very first person on these boards I ever spoke with, and you're never cease to bring a smile to my face.
Tomak and Dios - Both of you are very wonderful friends, and two guys I know I can always have a good time hanging out with.
Darth Snack - I've only known you for so long, but already you're a great pal and someone I can just relax when I'm talking with you.

I'll probably be adding more...

Mistress Tatiana
Jan 22nd, 2003, 11:30:44 PM
Soth (Jimmie )

My love, I can't even begin to express what you mean to me. You have etched yourself into my heart and soul. Never in my wildest dreams could I have guessed that I would fall in love with you. Yet because of your gentleness of heart and your respect for me, I did. I know I can talk to you about anything and you'll be there to listen. We have an special connection to each other's hearts that's so rarely found. You know when I need you and I know when you need me. You're the best boyfriend a girl could have, and I feel blessed that I have you. I love you with every fiber of my being, and I look forward to the day I can call you my husband. MUUAHH!!!! :p

Lady Vader (Rie)

Sis! What can I say? You're mean one minute and nice the next. You do drive me crazy a lot of the times, but I can honestly say that you've always been there for me. Ya, I've had to pull a few teeth out to get your help sometimes, but you always come through for me in the end. :p

Live Wire (Audra)

You are my long lost sister. I swear we must have been seperated at birth. I've never been so close to anyone in my life until I met you. We have such an incredible connection to each other. I've always been able to talk to you about anything and everything. (And I mean anything! :mischief) And I always have such a blast with you. I know we were meant to meet each other since we almost did a number of times before we actually did. (Does that make sense? :crack) I will always treasure our first "pink spoon day". (Btw, I think we're up for another one. ;))

Sanis, Roddy Two, The Lounge Lizard......etc. (Charley)

You know, you scared me too when I first saw you on the boards. I thought for sure you were on crack or something. lol I remember seriously thinking that you would be one of the last people I'd want to meet on the boards, but you really proved me wrong. You're nothing like your Lounge Lizard character. I soon began to realize that there was so much more to you, especially when I started to see the connection you and my sister were forming. I was a little scared when I first met you, but I'm glad I did. If it weren't for you coming out here to Cali that first time, I wouldn't have met my love, Jimmie (Soth). You are one of the sweetest guys I have ever met. You're so much fun to spend time with and your cooking is awsome! Thank you for putting up with my "cuteness" ;), and for putting up with me when I've been rough. I know I can let my emotions go with you, and you never judge me for it. Thanks for being the "big" brother I never had.
YUP! ;)

Alana (Hollie)

You are such a joy to spend time with. I love your kids and I love your cooking. Whenever I need to talk about issues I'm going through, you're always there to listen and help. You may not realize this, but you've helped Jimmie (Soth) and I get through a lot of stuff together. And because of that, you can now be sure that there will be a bunch of little Sothies and Tatianas running around soon enough. :lol I'm honored to be able to call you a sister.

Lady Deville (Holly)

Holly wolly! I knew when I first met you that we would be good friends. You're always so bubbly and happy, even at 4am in the morning. ;) I'm glad I was able to watch Episode II with you. It was fun dressing up and running around like crazy Sith women. You're always welcome here anytime. And that roommate offer is still open if you ever want to move back down here.

Akkrabim (Patton)

Let me just say, you are the whitest boy I have ever met. ;) I still remember that cute smile you had when I first met you. (I remember that little crown on your head too. lol) You're a crazy-fun dude to hang out with. You're easy to talk to and fun to rp with. I'm glad Charley, Rie and I told you all about this board. I know I haven't been rping much lately, but I do want to do that rp with you soon.

Nupraptor (Shawn)

The first time I saw you on the boards was a post you made in my defense to a thread gone awry. You weren't afraid to state your opinion just because you were new, and that caught my eye right away. I remember seeing you on the cam as you were showing Audra, Rie and I all your animals. I also remember how we were flirting with you. lol That was fun indeed. What I didn't expect was your vampire tendencies when I met you this past year. I think all of us Cali girls were bit at least once. lol We should plan another get together for Episode III.

And for anyone else I missed, thank you for your friendship. It is something I treasure dearly.

Ket Van Derveld
Jan 23rd, 2003, 12:00:38 AM
Vega: you have always been around, chick, to help me out hoever ya can. From the time when we first started RPing to the sigs you make me now. I owe you kid, I owe you big :)

Alana: You rock. I can;t say anything else because the is pretty much it. Girl, you rock HARDCORE!

Hera: Ah, my old arechnemisis! i love RPing with you, you always manage to get a smile out of me!

Darius: You too, are fun to BS with....remember the starwars gangsta rap? LMFAO! you and me gotta talk more!!

Daiq: You know EXACTLY why i owe you! You, my friend, are a true understanding type of person. for that, I shall ever be grateful.

To everyone else, you all know why I like ya. Thanks fer makin me feel so damn welcome. To you, I owe my state of mind! :) :)

Lord Soth
Jan 23rd, 2003, 12:01:16 AM
Man...Were to began...I suppose, to some it all up and to spare you all one of my long a$$ post's I'm notorious for...lol I'll juz put it to you like this...(Hold's his breath)

I am thankful and greatly blessed and honored to have made the friend's I have here...Many have been here for me when time's have been bad as well as good. Many here have not only enriched my life tremendously, but have inspired me as well...You'll always be dear to me.

I want to thank the SWnet. staff...You guy's run a tight ship and I want to personally thank you for making this so enjoyable and fun...

I want to say thank you to my RL friend's who live in my home town...You know who you are and I hold our friendship very close to my heart...You are loved more then you know...Your life's and friendship will always be engraved upon my heart for the rest of my day's.

Charlie: Bro, I have to mention you here...If it wasn't for you I would have never meet the love of my life in LA...I can't thank you enough and I'll always be deeply indebted to you my friend. :) You always been there for me and have inspired me more then you know. Even though were miles apart, I consider you a very close friend. I wish you the best that life has to offer. (And yes, you can call me anytime for anything you might need me for.) )

Everyone: I've ever talked to over IM...You guy's and gal's are the best...You have been the true reason why I'm really here...Thank you...Thank you for all the laugh's, the crazy time's and most of all...Your friendship I will always cherish.

Alana: To my sis...What can I say...I love you and you've been one of my greatest inspirations here on the board's...You've kept me going when the chips where down...Your the best sister anyone could ever have. :) And my brother in law (Dalamar)...You kick a$$ in RP and are loved...Well, in a brother in law way...:P

And to the one person who's shaped my life profoundly and I've saved to mention the best for last here!...:)

Christine/Tatiana: My sweetest love...I can't say enough about you...You know what you are to me my heart,...What you truly mean to me. :) You are the (main reason) why I'm here and the reason why I continue to write. Not only do you inspire me in every thing I do...You are the one person that make's my life so complete. My best friend and fondest love. (Soth) would not be what he is today if it wasn't for you coming into my life...I am truly blessed and loved...We write so well together...I wonder why? :P Of all the peep on the board's, your thread's I love to read the most...Your the best girlfriend a "Bad Guy" could ever have...I love you baby! Muhaaa!!! @}---}----- :)

Evil Hobgoblin
Jan 23rd, 2003, 12:28:02 AM
Originally, I wasn't going to post to this thread. So much of the time I looked at the descriptions of people here I know, and so many times I saw things that I wasn't, but that other people were. The fact that only two people took notice of me at all tended to reinforce that. In a very odd and insecure way, it hurt to read this, and I know I'm not the only one who felt that way.

But, for whatever reason, I'm feeling very good right now. Maybe it was because my Urban Studies class tonight was interesting. Maybe it's because I got 4 hours of sleep and I'm on a caffiene high. Or maybe I just got over myself, who knows? :)

I know 90% of the people on these boards. I don't know you all as well as I'd like, but I know you. I know Charley's into the military and Patton's a ninja- Rie is engaged and Holly is in need of a good man. I may not have met or even connected with all of you as deeply as some of you have with each other. But I know just a little something about so many of you and have tried as best as I could to add something to your lives the way you have added to mine.

There are far too many of you to write something out for each one, but know that I did try to write something and was defeated in the end by my lack of brain functionality and the enormity of the task. So I will say it to you all- you are all great friends, and I wouldn't trade anything for the time I've spent here.

But there is one person who bears special mention above everyone else, and that is Sonja, the woman who holds a place in my heart. I want to tell you that you have been a very special addition to the past year. I can only hope that I have added to your happiness as much as you have added to mine. I love you.

Take care of yourselves, each one of you. And come back tomorrow, where we can share some more time together. :)

And now the day is done
And our time is through.
But I'll be back
With more ideas for you.
And you'll have things you'll want to talk about.
I will too.

Live Wire
Jan 23rd, 2003, 01:01:00 AM
*hugs hob* I dont think this thread was meant to hurt anyones feelings. Like you said theres no way to mention everyone who has touched us. Which is why many of us said things that really cover everyone that has touched our lives here. But I think the point of the thread was that sometimes we forget to tell people just how much they mean to us and that this thread was just to take the time out of our busy lives to tell even just one person...hey you're special. It wasnt meant to include or exlude....just to say hey I need to tell people what they mean to us.

I know speaking for me personally I love everyone here like crazy. I mean I have a whole list of people I didnt even mention. People who may have made me laugh when I need it or helped me out with a problem. And while I didnt mention them by name I did say I cared and thank you. That goes for everyone I've ever talked to on the phone and who has sent me jokes on aim...people like garret and liam who no longer rp's and vj whose my aim buddy, and saph who always asked how I was and meant it and god I'd be here all night if I listed everyone.

But even though we dont have time to sit down with each person and lay out why we love them....I think it was a reminder to say hey from time to time look up from your work and your school and whatever else you have going and say hey thanks...and I love you!

So Id just like to reiterate that not only for the tone of the thread but for me personally. cause I know I left a lot of people out. But it took me forever just to write what I did. It doesnt mean I care for them any less...but hey maybe next time I see them on aim this thread will help remind me to tell them just what they mean. So I hope this thread can be an encouragement rather then a discouragement. The boards shouldnt be a popularity contest and we just want to build up one another and take time out to show our feelings.

*hugs everyone*

Evil Hobgoblin
Jan 23rd, 2003, 01:12:39 AM
LW: Yeah, I know... but I also know there's this blip of insecurity inside me that shows its face sometimes. It's very, very silly and completely unnecessary- but then, aren't we all that way sometimes? I've seen small things drive people away from each other, and sometimes small things rip entire communities apart in two. But no matter what, we're all still people and people matter.

So yeah. Keep posting here, people. Remind others and yourselves that the tiny little insecure blip inside your brain is just a figment. :) Not everyone will mention your name, and you don't need to be on everyone's list, but someone's bound to say "You matter to me" during the course of this.

"Remember, no man is a failure who has friends!"
Clarence the Angel, "It's a Wonderful Life"

P.S. Thanks for the hugs. :)

Sanis Prent
Jan 23rd, 2003, 01:28:06 AM
The ones that I included are ones that I generally talk to every day and have spent a lot of time with. In my extreme fatigue, I did miss some (Gav, Dale, you, and others)...but I've got a conundrum in that there are so many here that I enjoy spending my time with. Some are friends, some are good acquaintances, and its hard to draw the line. Really...there are so many that aren't listed simply because I haven't had enough time to get proper exposure. Taylor, S'Il, and gobs more, that I'm just getting to know.

Live Wire
Jan 23rd, 2003, 01:31:48 AM
Everyone has some insecurity in them....its part of being human. Not everyone will mention our names...hey Im sure theres someone out there on this board going "god that live wire! I can't stand her!!" But if even one person can see my screen name and say live wire....I like her then thats okay. And yeah its hard to battle the insecurities....I've battled them all of my life and I will continue to struggle with it as its a part of me (as my friends know all too well) but hopefully someone will see one comment about themselves in this thread and feel better. At least thats my hope!!

Im reminded of something someone sent me in an email...I don't remember all of it. But part of it said "Somewhere there is one person who has thought about you before falling asleep." We may not always know who but when you're a part of this community never underestimate yourself...yeah its hard but you've touched someone at one point or another. And while some people have greater influence all that little stuff that no one knows about matters. Sometimes it matters more then the big stuff.

Let me use this for an example...it was something Iwas just telling Hob. Hob used to keep me company at my other oh so borring job. I had no aim access so I couldnt talk to 90% of the people that were online...I coudlnt' use the chat features of ms and I was always being logged off. My job was dull while it paid well and he would keep me company. He even called me a couple of times. Now that might seem small in comparisson to the "pink spoon day" I mentioned earlier. But as I told him it was actually better because he kept me company cause he wanted to. He called me because he wanted to! Now thats sweet and that means a lot...especially when one is stuck in an office 8 hours a day with nothing to do. The pink spoon day was something that happened because something bad had happened. And while pink spoon days are now something my and my friends do...when you really think about the two...which was better? I'd rather have that then ever having to have another true pink spoon day. (those of you who know what pink spoon days are really understand this)

So I hope that illustrates my point that sometimes we may not mention something or it may seem small in comparission to what we think others have done....but to the person that you made smile...or kept company it means a whole lot more then you give it credit for.

If Im getting too sappy just let me know.

Ryla Relvinian
Jan 23rd, 2003, 01:55:17 AM
Wow, hey, what a good idea for a thread. Reading these lists makes me wish I could get to know more of you IRL, but as it is now, I can't really. However, the two people I have met, Lilaena and Rognan, are really honest-to-gosh nice people. I remember being so glad that he decided to wear that yellow sweatshirt... :D You, Lil, are one cool chica.

Although I haven't met you, Sejah, I almost feel like you're an old friend that I'm just getting to know again. Strange, yes, and I've got to go visit you sometime (Mua ha ha!) and say HI. I really dig your artwork, and the pure honesty and intensity with which you play your characters. I truly respect your writing.

Nuppie, you will forever be the keeper of my pants. Always remember that. ;) I remember when I first came here, I was a bit startled by one of your sigs (I think it was the "Dementia: Ain't it wonderful?" one... mebbe) but that was soon replaced by you directing me to links for nipple jewelry. Rock on, man.

And, although I can't say that I'm buddy-buddy with all of y'all, Charley, Marcus + Helenias, Amazonbabe, JKLS and Figrin are all people whom I respect and admire.

I've also realized (in my moment of flashback) that this place is a very friendly place for newcomers. I remember the first time I came here... I lurked for a while, then created an account and posted. I didn't even know the GJO was a part of SWfans when I first started hanging around. In a few short weeks my horizons were opened and I haven't looked back since. Thanks to each and every one of you.

Lilaena De'Ville
Jan 23rd, 2003, 05:18:39 AM
I have scads of people to say thanks for being my friend! After I wrote my post, I looked back at it and saw all the empty lines, all the people I missed.

Ryla, you are awesome. We only met once, but we clicked right away, and it was a blast, even though yes, the parking lot was freezing. I hope we can hang out some other time!

I miss everyone's conversations! Silus, thank you for calling me when no one else would, and driving around in the dead of night so your phone would have a signal. That meant so much to me, you have no idea. I'm glad you didn't get pulled over. You don't treat me like a "weird internet girl" and I appreciate that. :p

Hera - I can't believe that I missed out on meeting you in May. I feel awful (but its all Charley's fault. Really.) You make me laugh, and I miss our conversations.

Daiq - you rank with Hera as one of the big sisters I wish I had. I already have three, but they don't talk to me nearly as often as you do. I hope we can meet someday (I'm sure we will) and we'll have a blast. We'll drag Eve along as well. You have experience that I do not, and along with Hera, I value your advice. Thanks for being willing to give it to me when I come crawling along begging for help.

Eve: Someday we'll hang out. Maybe Vegas! I'm going to be there in March, I think. We haven't talked much, but I respect you and your opinions, because you're usually spot on. You amaze me in a lot of different ways... Good ones, of course!

Nupraptor: I know your computer is out, but hopefully you'll catch this eventually. You and I have had some crazy times, and you'll always be my friend, no matter what. Yes, I have to agree with LW, the webcam is not to be missed. I have one too, you know... ;) Ahh...you know me. Its scary, because you DO know me, I have very little to hide behind with you because we've talked so much. And even when we don't talk, I still think about you. Miss you Shawn!

Zasz: You are fun :) Thanks for calling and being a pal, and not being a stalker! :eek Here's to more chatting!

Figrin: Thanks for the hours of discussion about football (1/4 of which I understand ;)) and Star Trek. You are one of the more fascinating people on the boards. Really. I can't wait to get to know you more. Booyah, foo'!!

Tatiana: You ARE cute, and you know it, and no I don't hate you because of it. You make me feel like a 400 lb elephant next to you, but thats ok. Because its you, I'll endure the feeling. You and I clicked as soon as we met, and even though I don't see you around the boards much, its nice to know that you ARE aroung here...somewhere... Soth - You are awesome too! I hope I can get to know you better, and that we never have a kick <smallfont color={hovercolor}>-Censored-</smallfont> fight in person like we had on the boards. You are one scary mo-fo, you know that, right? ;)

To everyone else I talk to, Sejah, CMJ, Sorus, Helenias (on AIM you are hilarious....I can't imagine a better partner for Mark. Good job!:)) Vega, Blade Ice (my board would die of loneliness if not for you and Fett...thanks!), Dae and Leeloo (PENIS!!... *cough*), Wei, Alana, Sorr, etc etc etc....without any one of you, my life would not be quite the same. You enrich my experiences, and make coming to this little corner of cyberspace a little more worthwhile.

Rognan, and Kyle: Dudes....if I'd known what would have happened when I introduced you two to this place, I might not have done it. ;) Seriously though, you two are my pride and joy. Rognan, you are a caring and thoughtful friend (I know I'm supposed to be your aunt, but I feel like your big sister). Thanks for being my movie buddy. The way you take care of your family, and help out with your brothers and sisters and brothers and brothers is amazing. When you need to get away for some YOU time, just give me a call and I'll come and rescue you. Kyle - even though sometimes I just want to strangle you, you make me laugh. Don't worry so much about growing up, once you do, you'll wish you were young again. Take it from an "old maid" like me. As to when I'll get married - don't mention it again unless you want me to black your eye. ;) If YOU ever need to get away for some YOU time, just give me a call and I will come rescue you as well. Rognan will probably come too though. I love you both, and I know there are exciting things ahead for both of you. MUAH!

Lilaena De'Ville
Jan 23rd, 2003, 05:22:26 AM
I told my sister once that I was lucky. Swfans isn't your typical "internet" place. I don't worry about meeing people and then finding out they are psycho stalkers. Ok, well, in Nup's case it was. ;) Just kidding.... *peers out the window :uhoh*

Everyone here is special, and the people who come here who are newcomers, don't be afraid of what you might percieve as "the old crowd." I am always up for a chat, and I love getting to know new people.

But now, I must stop rambling and sleep. Sleeeeeeep....

Denali Gue
Jan 23rd, 2003, 08:48:58 AM
I'll keep this very short and sweet.

I talked to a few people last night on AIM and told them that I wasnt sure if I would post in this thread for the reason that if I left someone out who felt they should or would be mentioned, it would cause hurt feelings and I wouldnt ever want to hurt anyone like that. (Other ways can be verra nice >D j/j)

Hob's post settled the issue for me. I wont list specific names. My friends are the ones I talk to and RP with, whether on a regular basis or not. If I havent talked with you it's probably because I dont have your AIM nic or we're on at different times. There are many others that I hope to get the chance to RP with in the future...I'll keep my fingers crossed.

As Mr. Net and others stated, everyone who is here is family. My AIM is always open to anyone who wants or needs to talk and Ive found through the years that my shoulders only tend to broaden with time.

To each and everyone at SWF, I thank you. You are what keeps me eager to come back every day and night, to read, listen and learn from other viewpoints and experience. You have my gratitude :)

(Grrr! LOL, I forgot I was under this nic! ......> Daiquiri)

Sanis Prent
Jan 23rd, 2003, 08:59:29 AM
>_< Hera, Daiq, forgive me!

Daiquiri Van-Derveld
Jan 23rd, 2003, 09:45:27 AM
Nevah!! *smites him with a cane >D

Seriously....forgive you for what? :huh

Hadrian Invicta
Jan 23rd, 2003, 09:45:47 AM
I know I've only been posting here at fans for a grand total of like 4 weeks. But I'm going to say somethings to the people I post with.

Ket: You're an awesome rper, I enjoy putting Hadrian up against you for little mind games at Yog's (since you'd kill him if he was any where else). Thanks for taking the time to rp with a newbie, not many people are willing to do that. Thank you.

Xeno: You, Telan, and Snack are part of the reason I rp at Fans. You've got so much creativity, not just with your writing but with your sigs as well. You are a funny, funny, man. And I'm glad that I've known you for these past 4 months. Thank you.

Dae: We've talked 3 times on AIM, once cause I was wondering just who the hell you were. LOL We haven't gotten a chance to rp yet, but soon lol. And that Sig you did for me, uber awesome. Thank you.

Xazor: Like Dae I've only talked to you a few times OOC* but I lurk I watch. You do a damn good job of rping and you are so friendly all the time. I hope that I get to know you better as a person ooc as well as IC.

Telan: You're cool, you're smart, you're friendly. What freaking combination. I would have never done a fleet rp if it hadn't been for you. You are a wonderful teacher and a great supporter. *salutes* Thank you.

Snack: The main reason I joined Fans. I was bored, you said come here, the members of fans won't eat my children. And you were right!!! You are prolly the nicest person I've met in a long time and your funny to boot. Thanks for being there, thanks for taking me in, thanks for sticking your neck out for a uber-noob. Thanks for showing me a place like this with so many interesting and creative people. Thank you.

imported_Taja Loraan
Jan 23rd, 2003, 11:11:43 AM
Eve Siren:
I saw you around the boards a good year and a half before I first contacted you, and admittedly, I didn't have a great opinion of you during all that while (partly due to what happened at TLP almost 2 years ago, and partly for my dislike of Jessica Alba). When I did finally muster the courage to IM you... we connected instantly. You are so easy to talk to, about anything and everything, and I'd barely known you a few months (if even that) before I told you things I wouldn't dream of disclosing to anyone else. We are alike in so many ways, and yet complete opposites... you really are my spiritual twin, boo.

Salemn Lysce:
Again, I haven't known you as long as other people on the boards, but you were someone whom I clicked with right from the onset. There are few people I know who are as.. I don't know, talented? as you. You're cute (in an ebil way!), funny, intelligent, artistic, poetic... plus you like Coal Chamber, w00t! I don't know how else to describe it.. you're such an overall kickass, likeable person. You're so much fun to talk with, and just doing so puts me in a really good mood... which is something I can say about only a handful of people.

Tempist the Uncaring:
To think, I wouldn't even know you had it not been for some dude hacking into a board I used to visit. I don't think I'll ever meet anyone who shares my viewpoints as exactly as you do.. which makes you my perfect Pillow, in more ways than just one. ;) You've always been there for me and patiently listened to my meaningless rants, and found sense in what I said when no one else could. It's kept me sane knowing that I'm not the only one who thinks and feels the way I do... so thank-you, for being just you.

I don't know, you're just.. Zeke. All-round cute, adorable, easygoing, wuvy... Zeke. You agree with a lot of what I say, which is cool.. unless you just do that to shut me up. Hrm.. anyway. :p It's fun bashing you, especially since everybody else seems to love you, although you take it a tad too seriously at times (and not enough at others! >D). My job is to make your life a living hell (I've been slacking, haven't I?), because.. you deserve it! It's one of the better rewards of niceness. You know I luv ya. :love

What's there to say? You're my big brother and I wub wu. I've known you for well over 3 years now, longer than anyone else on the boards, and I'm glad our relationship has come so far from my being a "DISGRACE!". ;) I'm hoping to one day sanctify our bond in blood.. and I'm still not sure whether to rejoice or weep piteously about the time when you said I'd grow up to be just like you. :uhoh

Garrett Blade:
My Liverpool-ean buddy! A great laugh, IC and OOC, and a talented musician, poet, filmmaker, writer, blahblahblah.. a funkeh guy in all aspects! You are very motivated when it comes to achieving your goals and I can honestly say that you've been a real inspiration to me. I have to mention Gav here too, although I haven't spoken with him nearly as much as I'd like. :\ You both are definitely a bitta nosh. Rock on, mateys!

The Mal Pannis Clan:
Dale and Sorsha, my Mother and Queen, have been my anchor to the roleplaying world despite all the times I've felt like disappearing, and have stuck by me since the beginning, both IC and OOC. Two of the best writers around, and both so sweet. Ogre... the nicest/evillest (IC!) and all-round coolest admin anyone could hope for. You guys are amazing.

Dyne Darkforce:
My big Asian bro. Nuff said, though he's not around anymore, which certainly deserves a good beating. Things between us have been rocky ever since the TLP incident but I'm glad they've more or less been amended because you are a great person and a great friend... even if it is by telling me how much I suck. :mneh


Whew.. blah, there are so many other people I should mention, like Jenny, who kicks so much a-double-s; Miryan no Trunks, who's around less and less; Sasha, who's a sweetheart; Hobgoblin, although he refuses to worship me; Morgan, for being such a nice guy; Lily, who is 'the ossum'; Daiq, cuz she's fun to pick on; Snacky-doo, cuz he's nummy... @_@ okay, there, I mentioned some, but certainly not everyone, because everyone is.. uh... everyone, and that's a lot. o_o;

Wei Wu Wei
Jan 23rd, 2003, 12:14:37 PM
Navaria: Big shout out to you. I learned most of how to RP with you. I owe you alot.

Dios: It's your fault I even log on to this site! Thanks for showing it to me, I really appreciate it.

Ansatsu: Pal, if you didn;t come to me with your problems, I wouldn't have been able to sort out most of mine.

Zeke: You are my brother, what can I say?

Maia: I go to you for a lot. Thankies. (Huggles)

Ange: Even though you are not on much, you're still my good friend. I don't think Wei's character would have developed much without your help.

Sanis: Thanks for all the RPing advice and words of wisdom, etc. Helped me out of a jam more than once.

Kindo: If not for your coffee get together thread, I would not have met so many cool people as I have.

Dae: The character builder. :p Well, not anymore. You're fun to talk to. And I do so love you.

There are plenty of others that I consider my friends, even though we don;t talk much or RP alot together. Sejah, Kelt, Dasquien, and Marcus being some of those many. You guys all command my respect somehow. It's fun to hang around this message board. I can't imagine life without lurking around this place. See you around.

Lilaena De'Ville
Jan 23rd, 2003, 06:36:01 PM

I keep seeing people I want to mention.


Dae Jinn
Jan 23rd, 2003, 07:44:37 PM
I know LD...Everyone I've met from Fans is awesome :\ Not enough room to list them all.

imported_Terran Starek
Jan 23rd, 2003, 07:53:55 PM
Hi guys!

Part of me doesn't want to post this, because I don't want to forget anybody, but I am gonna try and get everybody (and keep it short, I promise ;)).

What to say? I can't think of how to thank you for the welcome you've given me. I attribute all of my success not to my abilities in writing or creating intriguing threads, but in the fact that people as caring as you willingly accept new members to an already strong community. You're a great and awesome friend and person--much stronger than I am, I assure you. You're the best. :)

Yours and Xazor's roles in my settling into a position here have been synonymous, and you have become someone I can trust, complain to, and even--at times--poke fun at without getting a rubber chicken up my <smallfont color={hovercolor}>-Censored-</smallfont>. Thanks for all of the awesome sigs and art. But what will stay with me more than JPEG files is the friendship we have built.

Man, you know me sometimes more than I expect you to! It's scary! :lol You have become a great friend and a great counselor, both about the boards and about life. Your role in defining Terran (and you know what thread I'm talking about, you saber-stealer!) is just as strong as the bond we have formed as friends.

Another great friend, on and off the boards. Your kindness in accepting my crazy ideas (and often times even encouraging them) and accepting my own characters into your world has been so important. The fact that I honestly think--and I mean this--that we will meet up in life, through our careers, excites me. Someday I will call you up in D.C. to meet for coffee, so be ready for that.

The happiest Sith I have ever known! :p You are a great gal, and don't forget it. A good friend and a smart person, your characters show these characteristics. You've been a fun person to get to know and have had a lasting impression on me.

Man, I still argue (and will, till the end!) that we had one of THE BEST duet threads in history, bro! No doubt in this mind!!! :lol A great guy who's had some bad luck with padawans, but anyone who would forfeit your mentoring is truly a fool, anyway, and deserves to be kicked outta here. :)

A great artist and an awesome person to chat with, I have to hand mad props to you. You are just as cooky as me, and I love your humor.

To those who I have RPed with and talked to a bit on the boards but never gotten to know yet--Navaria, Dasquian, Evil Hobgoblin, Sanis, SWFans.Net, AmazonBabe, Alera--you guys are awesome, and I look forward to continually gain in our friendship and interaction.

That’s it for me. If I forgot anyone, I have included a buffer:

“Oh and ___________ (insert your name here), you are THE BEST!”


Nathanial K'cansce
Jan 23rd, 2003, 09:01:16 PM
My thoughts went almost exactly with Hob's, in that I didn't want to post in this thread. Mainly, because I hardly talk with anyone from SWFans on AIM or e-mail or what have you. Most of my closer friends who I would spend hours on end chatting on AIM have all left here, either to go elsewhere or stopped RPing all together. That's not too reasuring for myself to go and open myself up to newer people, and consider them close friends.

But then I thought about it. Even though I only have what I consdier very few true good friends here, I do have a lot of acquaintences... and a boat load of respect for so many who RP here. So, the first few will be notes to my good friends (new and old) who still post here, followed by a list of people who I've looked up to, or have helped me out through my time here, and who I know would be there for me if I needed anyone to talk to. Also included are those who I feel should be acknowledged, just maybe even for one thing they've done. I'll end it giving a list of those who have passed on, and are not around as much... if at all.. anymore.

Hadrian/Silex: You've become one of my better friends on the boards in just a short while. I've told you this before, and I'll say it again, you are a great person, funny drunk, and just all around rock. You have one of the most clearest pictures for each of your characters, and know exactly how to play them out. You're fun to RP, and I hope we get to do many more later on here.

Xeno: Good guy, you are. You're love for FF matches my own. You're also one of my newer buds. You're fun to RP, and hopefully, our friendship will grow.

Hera: You're always there "just to say 'hi'". For that, I thank you. Even though we don't talk a lot, I still consider you a friend. You're a hoot to RP with.

Taja, Kindo, Jared, Sten, Dae, Ket.... we've talked alot every now and then, and I just want to say thank you for beign who you are. You are a great group of people.

LL: You'll always be the lizard to me. That's how I knew you over at TF.N long before I came here. You are a great person with a rational mind. You're there to answer questions when I have any and usually have the answers. Thanks.

Morgan: I look up to you. I really do. I don't know why, but I do. You remind me of a few of my friends all combined into one cool guy

Nup: I still remember our first interaction.. and how much of a n00b it must have made me look. Least to say, I have dropped my whole 'wanting to be a serious roleplayer' because of what you did. It taught me to go with the flow, no matter how weird it may be.

Ogre: I couldn't have asked for a better master. Thanks for all you have taught me.

Hob: You're skills as a writer are almost unmatched. Any RP that I've been in with you (which is not many) have been fun.

Dale: I think I've only Rped with you once, but our thread at Meras has made up for it.

Fett: Fett.. fett fett fett..... you just rock. Your wit is your strong point, or your weakness, however you wish to look at it. Thanks for the laughs. :)

LD: So many chats we've been in... yet only once have I talked to you outside of the confines of a chat room. And that one time I did chat with you, it was like we have chatted a gajillioni times before. You're easy to talk to, and that I like. Get your net back soon!

And to those who have gone, or who I hardly see at all...

JKLS, my old Jedi Master. I miss talking with you.

Rebel and Liam: you guys rock. I had so much fun RPing with you and just chatting with you guys about nonsense.

FireHazzard: I'm sorry for everyhitng I put you through. I know you are probably not reading this... but I'm saying it anyway. I valued our friendship way back when... thanks.

Poreon: Probably the closest thing I've ever had as a best friend on the boards. That sums it up: you were a great bud. I'm just sorry I haven't gotten around to contact you just to see how you've been doing. For that, I regret. :(

I realize that I don't talk to most of you constantly, or even once every now and then.. and that it may come as a shcok that I listed you... but deal with it. You all have touched me in a great way, and have made staying here all the more worth while. I can say that throughout my 3 years of roleplaying, SWFans has been the only true constant. Thanks so much, everyone.

*flips off the spell check and just posts*

Jan 23rd, 2003, 10:04:25 PM
Like SWFans, Hob and Daiq, I wasnt sure whether or not to post anything at all. SWFans (and Snack) said pretty much what I feel too, but you know, it is always good to tell people something good, so bear with me, this may be long.

Eve and Daiq - you are the two I am closest to here, and I cant beleive my good fortune for ever strolling into the StarWars Chat room one night for want of knowing how to do anything else on the internet. That was over 3 years ago, and we have all been fast friends ever since.

EVE: I love you with all my heart. You have proven over and over again to be such a sincere and beautiful person. You are so generous with your friendship toward me that it blows my mind. You are incredibly smart, funny, sweet and have such sense of values and ethics, that you inspire me. There is an age difference between us, yet I feel we can (and do!) talk about anything and everything, and you understand me and always encourage me. I am forever your friend and biggest fan.

DAIQUIRI: If there was an award for "The person who is always quick to listen and slow to judge" it would be you. You are one of the kindest and most down to earth people I know. You are funny as hell and everytime I talk to you, I always feel 'lighter' in spirit somehow. I love you hon, and treasure the friendship we have. Plus you are so awesome to RP with, girl.

CHARLEY: After I stop beating you for forgetting me...I just will hug you like I always wanna do. I talk to you probably the most than anyone (except Taylor) over AIM and I always look forward to it. I read everything I can that you write as your gazillion characters, and find I try to mimick your ability. It was so great to meet you in LA...along with that other kid Akrabbim :) And the girls, too. (Except I missed Holly..how annoying was that. But thanks for that midnight call LD!) I feel so glad that I have gotten to know you, and would feel I missed out on something truely unique if I hadn't. You are one of my favorite people, ever.

TAYLOR: My RP soul-buddy. No matter what Character you are using, I can click with it for some reason - must be cause you are so darn good. I love Kazaar and Cyrus especially - you crack me up everytime. I enjoy all our "hockey" talks..and how many caps do you have now, mon? I know I can count on you always having time to chat...or if not, making up for it later. You are a great person Tay, and have the best radio voice evah!

MORGAN: Ive said this before, but there are so many times you surprise me. You say something so kind or so observant that I often sit and shake my head that you have done it again. I have hardly rp'd with you..but our latest thread makes me realise what a mistake THAT has been. You know so much about computers etc (I dont got a clue what you are saying most times) and I just think you are cool.

SILUS: You remind me so much of a Han-solo type scoundrel. Such fun to talk to always and the same goes for your rping. Gotta make more time to hang with you.

OGRE: Ive known you basically from the start of my board's rping and to say I love rping with you is such an understatement. I respect you and want to thank you for all the help you gave me - from sig help to board help to rping help. When you get back into rping - Im first in line.

DALE: We dont talk too often, and when we do its usually on the fly for one or both of us. I miss interacting with you, but just wanted to tell you that you are a great RPer and I always enjoy reading what you do. You also are an outstanding Moderator. You show wisdom and independant thought all the time - something not easily done. Keep it up.

SORSHA: From our first spar all that time ago at the New Order even till now, you continually amaze me at your ability to surprise and add such twists in your rping. I dont know you nearly as well as I would like to.

SAURRON: Though I'd seen you about all the time, its only been in the past year we have gotten to talk. You are deliciously evil in your writing and I just love it. You are one of the best people I know here and am so glad I finally got the courage to IM you. (Stormtrooper Handshake) :lol

MOCKADANE: As big and cuddly as his sig pic :) Mock - enjoying getting to know you so much. Love the rp's were doing.

DEVILLE: You are so energetic and fun, its impossible to keep up with you! You always have something witty to say and are a wonderful storyteller/rper. I was so disappointed to miss you in LA..but like you say..Viva Las Vegas mebbe!

GARRETT: Blade - you are INSANE. NO question. I just reel laughing at some of your posts. Another person I just want to hug to death constantly.

YOGHURT: Talking to you over AIM is always such a pleasure. I think you are one of the sweetest people Ive ever met. I honestly mean it.

AKRABBIM: A real live Ninja :) You always are so happy when you say hi and you have a fabulous smile. Whenever I picture you, you are always wearing that great grin.

ZASZ: (thought I'd forgot you didnt you) I cant believe Ive known you since you were 14. Rem that time when Jader kicked your <smallfont color=#0060FF>-Censored-</smallfont> at StarCraft? (lol) You are a great person and always say Hi to me when you are on. Just...stop growing already!!

MAXIMAS: Just really only know you IC, but you honestly are great fun to RP with. Im so glad I picked you as a padawan :)

PLO KOON: Same as Max, I only know you IC mainly, but I can tell you are a sweet person and are lots of fun at the boards.

SCORPION: Dude, you arent here, but wanted to say - Eve once IM'd me saying "scorp is the funniest man alive" and so many times that is the truth! I miss our chats (get AIM again) and reading your RP's. You are another person Ive known since the chat, and..well..oldies but goodies, right. I miss ya.

HAVOK: Such a gentleman, and a great person to have a indepth conversation with. Thought you were coming back...?? :(

KET: Archnemisis?? I thought I was your honey-bunny booggle-snoogle? No? j/k Cant beleive you bring your char back for Hera to crush over and over lol! You are a good sport, J.

LANCE CASEY: For a messed up Jedi dude, you arent so bad :) The rp's we've done in the past have always been alot of fun. I will always rem you were a good friend to me, Lance.

LOKI: You are a great writer - I rem Havok commented to me once that you were a great example of how to rp. And I agree.

SNACK: Gotta have the BEST "Darth" name Ive ever heard! Im glad to be RPing with you, bud. :)

HOB GOBLIN: My dearest little imp. I love that you created that Character, Brian - he is so entertaining and you do such a good job with him. Also - You have a great telephone voice.

FETTISH: Title holder of the Best Darn Legs at SWFans. And one of the funniest people ever! Your SIG making efforts are legendary. Im glad you are my friend.

S'ILANCY: I knew when I first read some of your posts that you were someone I liked. You are a great rper and are so funny. We should talk more than we do.

LADYVADER: Possibly the MOST organized person in the world. Great to meet you and Tatiana in LA. Wish I had more time there. You were so generous to drive me around etc. I will always remember sitting at Starbucks with you guys, talking and laughing etc. Sorry I missed LIVEWIRE too - that would have been great.

ALANA: We gotta rp girl! I wanted to say thanks for the really kind things you said about me and Daiq. It was a nice surprise to see it.

ORIADIN: You seem like a really classy guy. We are lucky to have you here at SWFans.
SEJAH: Same as Oriadin. I dont know you two very well, but the little that we have talked or PM'd - and especially the way you rp with people, says so much. Great examples to follow.

CALLISTA: Another of the old -crew...You are too busy! You must be around more!

ATHENA: The new Mommy! I miss you!

NUPRAPTOR: I havent talked to you in quite some time. I think its because we dont have a great deal in common, but just so you know..I think you are a terrific guy (but know too many gross links) :)

JESETH: Where are you? I never see you?

LEIA SOLO: You are such a sweetie. Genuinely kind and always up for stiring up the badguys.

REMY LEBEAU: I dont think Ive ever talked to you and you arent grinning or joking or something. Remdawg.

BOWDIN: Another Vamp that I finally talked to. You guys just rp too scary and when I get to know you, its like..what took me so long to say Hi!

ELDORACK: You and your little DOG are MINE mwahaha!

MARCUS: My co-compatriot - its weird, but an encouraging word from you means alot.

HELENIAS: I respect you a great deal. One good woman.

MU SATACH: X-file phreak, just like me. Yay!

There are so many people here that I enjoy so much.
Many times I think I should find something else to do, but its just too much fun some of the stuff that goes on here.

Some here I havent gotten to know, or am just now starting to roleplay with. Like PIETT or other IMP characters.

EZRA,KARISS, MAKOTO - Looking forward to doing more with you guys :)

DALAMAR/SOTH: gonna rock the Shrine boat sometime soon hehhe.

VEGA - somehow our paths dont cross much in RP land, but hopefully that will change soon. You have some great oneliners when you write.

Ive met alot of nice people roleplaying. Some have moved on to other things, or just arent here much (Liam,Rama,Jedah) but some good memories and character plotlines still remain and Im glad to have known them.

**I know I posted a long one, but really, I love this place. Thanks all you guys for making such an amazing place to come to**

Lilaena De'Ville
Jan 23rd, 2003, 10:51:29 PM
*huggles Hera* :)

And I miss Jyanis! Our AIM conversations always were kooky and crazy and somehow I feel like he went and grew up and left us behind. :cry

I'm staying in never never land!

Also, Snack, I have dial up, and I'm around now, so IM me anytime! :)

Azhure Darkstone
Jan 24th, 2003, 05:01:12 AM
Hmm...an interesting idea.
Unfortunately I havent made as many close friends here as I'd like to, perhaps also because trust is an important issue which creates a lot of block and time but...

(I WILL Have typo errors so dont worry about them. Im too tired and cant think properly enough tonight to fix them. Maybe I was supposed to sleep more last night......)

It's been a while and you've become a very special friend through a hard time (which you helped as much as you could - the internet is a very cold way to comfort someone), the chats, and generally getting to know you. Never think your not worth it because you shine as brightly as the sun and your writing is wonderful. You'll find your dream. Your one of my oldest friends here and I want to thank you for the memories if you get to read this. Remember the statue... That was also meant for you OOC somewhere in that message on the plaque.

Lord Gue-:
I know he isnt here and I know his name isnt exactly welcome but Micheal you are also a very good friend. You cant read this but you mean a lot.
Our chats have been enlightening on the heavier topics such as politics and etc. to the lighter topics, and we've had some pretty good arguements, hurt feelings and make-ups too (pretty amazing for an internet friendship really lol).
Your a free spirit who wont bend to any rules and is born to lead something because of your very strong personality. You can appear very rough, hard and egotistic on the outside first impressions but inside you have a warm heart and a great soul which I wish many people will see one day, because an intelligent and warm mind like that cant hide for very long.
Need a little work on authority and rules though :-P < hugz >
Joking. Your fine just the way you are. Somehow that carefree part of you is what makes you special. Maybe somehow you'll even get to see this.

Warren Azalin:
Lol, hmm....will you even check this post, let alone this site?
Anyway I'm starting from oldest (or trying to) to newest friends.
You have meant so much to me, your friendship and even though we hardly speak anymore, your friendship has still been in my memory and the friendship you have given has not gone unnoticed or unnapreciated. I hope you find the happiness you are looking for - because god knows, you deserve it and you ARE worth it.

There was a time when I used to talk to you for a while, now hardly ever. I'm really sorry and for the truth of it I find you very intimadating because of your strong personality and my respect for your opinion. You were a good teacher from what I did learn as a disciple of yours and from our other chats and you were never forgotten - dont ever think that.

Ok, I do find you hard to talk to and hard to connect to, but all in all your a good guy and I know a lot of the time when I say he you think I want something - which half the time I do (ok, I'm not a saint, wish I was but there it is lol). But thanks for your help and for those chats that havent lasted very long but last none the less. I wish I knew you better and maybe one day I will, lol.

You are such a GREAT person! Your warm and sweet and funny and always willing to help and have a chat and easy going.
Thanks for everything dude.

Your a great person too. we've had some interesting chats, and for a time I actually thought you were a male (that was a very dirty trick by the way lol). Your friendship you have given is valued.

Well, now here's a friend that means a lot. Internet friends are close but only so close because of the computer detatchment, but you still have meant a lot. I may not talk to you much anymore but your still a friend and and a friendship I don't wish to lose, even at times it wavers quite heavily. Partly my fault perhaps.

LIam Jinn:
What more can I say? Your a damn good flirt. and also a good person to talk to with helpful opinions and open ears.

I've only started to get to know you, but your such a gentleman! Stay that way becuase someday some girl is gonna be very happy and your attitude is very rare (sorry people, but around my joint it is).
Your one heck of a guy, and you should be proud of it.

Can I eat you? Please?
Your a funny guy and a joy to talk to. Do you taste good too?

Your a great teacher and I hope to get to talk to you on aim or such to get to know you better ooc. If your character reflects who you are you are a very wise person.

OK, I never really got to know you well, and I've never thought you were boring.
Your a great guy with a fantastic sense of humour and a lot to give to the world and I wish I could get to know you more. To be truthful, I guess I find it hard talking to you not because I dont like you (quite the opposite, you'd make a really good friend) but because the topics to talk about always become so limited.

Ive come to get to knwo you quite a bit and your a special person. Thanks for the chats and for the roleplaying dude. and hopefully we may even do more rps if time permits.

Same to you dude. You two guys friendship and chats have been great. see you online :)

Thanks for the images, the help and the chats. The person Ive come to know through the IM"s and roleplay is a person with a lot of talent and skill in understanding the human condition and someone with a lot of depth. I hope to get to know you more and perhaps I'll see you with Saharia in the shrine by next year when I apply (first gotta do the death thing) and if I am accepted.

I havent know you for very long but thanks for the help with TSR - ghood luck with continuing that, and thanks for not crashing Saharia's ship :-p That IS appreciated.
Most of all thanks for letting me become friends with you to see alittle of who you are and appreciate that.

You are a close friend and < BIG HUG > I want to thank you for all the chats. You are a deep person who can understand a lot of things a lot of people cant and I truely value your words and everything youve offered in this friendship.
You have a big heart and a sensible and intelligent manner. A talented master in understanding people and hard concepts and in writing, and alos a talented artist.
You are going to be great - not as in actor great or big fame great -but in beign someone who is going to make a lot of people's lives shine one day (even if this sounds like rubbish to you it's true). You can bring out the best in people because you have the ability to see the best in people - even over the computer lol. True talent that.

Now thats someone I havent spoken to in a long time but when we used to chat a lot more frequently thanks for everything and hope to talk to you soon. Thanks for thr FF advice too lol, got me out of a big rut at one time.

Looking at this list I can see I know a lot more people than I realized and perhaps I spend too much time on the net and chat lines......theres more I havent added but I havent forgotten your friendship either. Oh also I will most definantly have a typo error in here so if I do please excuse it.

Jan 24th, 2003, 09:13:08 PM
Straght off, this isnt a full list. These are all people I have something to say about. If youre not there, doesnt mean you're not someone I consider a friend :)

LD and Taylor - Of all the people I have spoken to, I feel I am closest to you two.

LD, you have a personality which is so easy to like. I can spend ages talking to you with little to talk about. The amount of in-jokes we seem to have testifies to this. You're both intellegent and funny, something that most fail to be. And you're always there for me when I need someone to talk to, someone to listen to me. I just hope I'm half as good at it for you as you are for me. Also, you helped me get back into RPing, something that I wouldn't have thought would have happenened.

Tay, you look like Quentin Tarantino, which I suppose is a good thing ;). But you have a real intellegence about everything, never one to not listen, ignore or disagree on principle. You've always been there listening to me when Im whinging on about the same thing I whinged on about the day before, but still replying as if this was the first time I mentioned it. Thanks for that.

S'il - After speaking to you for only a few minutes, I knew I liked you. You're without doubt one of the most entertaining people around. You could make talking about washing up seem fun. And I cant wait to RP with you :]

Akkrabim - You are the puddle that you find out to be an ocean only when stepped upon. I remember last summer, went I stayed up until 8AM, and spoke to you the entire time about nothing in particular. And not long after, we had a proper conversation too. And thats what I like about you. You can switch so easily :)

Sanis and the rest of you - You need to stop being so wrong, and start agreeing with me.

You're a great guy to talk to, and always a help when I need it.

Silus - After only speaking for you for a few weeks, I was telling you things I wouldn't tell people I had spoke to for a while. I feel that says it all really. And you're always there to listen, but can make one quip and make me smile. That's an ability worth saving :)

Gav - You're funny, you're bright, you're intresting, you're great to work with. You just need to start replying faster than if I had mailed you something ;)

Garrett - Seriously man, go to an Asylum. You really do need professional help. You're great to talk to, but I worry ;)

Hera - You're always willing to listen, and you're a great talker :)

LV - HIT ME, dammit! :)

Bruce Campbell - I remember when I heard you say hi to me. And later I got your book, SIGNED!

...Oh wait, not technically a friend then :)

Syrius Cline
Jan 26th, 2003, 03:46:06 AM
Xazor - You're probably the person I've talked with most OOC. I don't get around to PMs that much and I usually keep the OOC stuff to RP related junk, etc. But you're one of the few people I've made an effort to get to know better. When I first saw you on this board, I thought I was looking at a clone. You posted everywhere and read everything it seemed. You just jumped off the screen you were so active. Someone that full of life just made me smile, I had to get to know you better. You really are a great person. One of the things I love most about you is the fact that you always have a positive attitude. I don't like downers and you're an upper. You're like me, which is scary. but great.

Warren - Dude, I know you're not here to read this, but I'm posting it anyway. The talks we've had, though not as many as I would have liked, have really been something special. I remember telling you some of my secrets that I don't tell most anyone else. Things that are minor but I'm ashamed of, like my almost critical shyness around women. Things you didn't put me down about. You're such an awesome guy. I wish you were still here. :(

Leia - I think you're the first person to actually show an interest in my life OOC. You're probably the first person I ever told anything about my RL to, and your lovely personality, kindness and warmness are the reason for that. You're a real gem.

Darth Stone - Heck, I know everyone here probably hates him. Hey, he tried to get me demoted for christ sakes, so I don't have a great reason for liking the guy. But he was my Master and he really took me under his wing. He was inexperienced too. Actually, he was a Padawan. At the time the influx of Padawans was so high that they gave a Padawan to a Padawan. We learned this crazy world together. :)

Ice Fox - He's the reason I joined this board. I knew him from another place and I had my own board called "haven" he went to. He told me about this Star Wars place he had just joined up with. I didn't really care for Star Wars one way or the other but it looked like fun so I joined the sucker. I've never looked back since and I'm a better person for it.

Fire Hazzard - I remember you were applying for a moderator position at a place I was applying at. It's so long ago I might not be remembering it right. I think I offered you a place at Haven and got to know you better before giving you the position. I was just joining the Star Wars board and I had the crazy idea of having you be my sister. At the time, I believe, it wasn't like everyone was related. No offense, but everyone has a brother or sister here now adays. You and me really were great as brother and sister. If I had to look back and wish one person back from the good old golden age of my RPing days, it'd be you. :)

Like I said, I don't PM much and I don't really go after OOC relationships. So I don't have many people I can call really close friends. After reading this thread... I always knew everyone here was wonderful. Truely, though I don't know everything about everyone, I think of this like a second home and family. After reading about these people that are singled out as friends... and how close they are to the people naming them... I think I'll go after friendships more. :)

Oh and there are MANY people I revere. Heck, Marcus, Sanis, Yog, Figran, Fett, and the list goes on. Countless people here I look up to. I just can't find the courage to talk to these people who are so much better to me. It's like a grade school student befriending his teacher.

Miryan no Trunks
Jan 26th, 2003, 01:27:43 PM
Crap, I'm mooped on this one o.O

Perhaps later in the day or week I'll come back and flesh this out some more, but for now I'm just going to speak. (http://thatryanguy.diaryland.com/spentoffun.html) I post it there because it's easier than c/ping or editing the list for both here And SWrp. =^

To All though.. I know well the art of losing friends, and rarely in my life has it been due to growing to dislike one another.. I am cursed with the world's worse luck when it comes to being able to communicate with those I care about, be it through internet connection (or lack thereof) not seeing ppl, or simply not being ablt to get ahold of them over the phone (and we aren't going to go into my complete inability to write and Send a letter..) So to everyone here whom I've befriended and eventually and inevitably grown apart from, I'm truly sorry..

Dasquian Belargic
Jan 26th, 2003, 01:32:51 PM
Sunny D and Zombies Jen, need I say more?


Zasz Grimm
Jan 26th, 2003, 04:47:35 PM
Rem that time when Jader kicked your -Censored- at StarCraft? (lol)


I devistated her town with my carriers! You remember that!


Morgan Evanar
Jan 26th, 2003, 08:27:19 PM
Hey, you kids know who you are.

Those who have mentioned me: thanks for the love.

Jan 26th, 2003, 11:15:06 PM
I remember no such thing Zasz!



Morgan: love the love, man. :)

and yeah Zasz...you erm..might have just managed to beat her a little..

Leeloo Mina
Jan 27th, 2003, 10:05:57 AM
I'm leaving out ALOT of people but there are the ones I have something to say to. Here goes..


You were really one of the first people I talked to from the boards. I don't talk to you much anymore, but you always were alot of fun. You made me feel better with your jokes when I was down, even if you didn't know it. :) <--Fett smile


I haven't known you all that long really, you seem like a pretty nice person and I don't feel like I'll ever know you as well as I could but I guess only time will tell... and that dirty word you said! right back at you! :p :lol


Haven't known you too long either but we've become pretty good friends. Sorry I don't answer the phone sometimes when you call.. it doesn't mean I hate you :p


You were probaly one of the closest friends I've had on the boards.. You got to be the lucky first swfans person I met :rollin Even though you can be a real jerk somtimes, you've got a good side as well. I don't really know you anymore and I don't plan trying. But I hope we stay in touch, it's nice to talk to every now and then. Sometimes you don't seem to be too happy with the way your life's going but I hope everything works out for you in the end.


You used to scare me to death and I used to annoy you(Hope I don't anymore). But now that I've gotten to know you a little better, you aren't as bad as I first thought. SWFans wouldn't be the same without you. You're really easy to talk to in RL, but sorry I'm not usually very talky on AIM . I'm not always sure what to talk about with you about when it's not face to face. I miss ya when you're not around for weeks =P I know my chicken obsession annoys you a little bit but you'll get over it!

You're still a bit scary.. with all those pointy objects in your room and those teeth ;)


You're alot like me in so many ways and you've always been there for me.. you probaly know me better than I know myself at times. I'm really thankful for everything you've helped me through..:)

Eve Siren
Jan 30th, 2003, 11:19:55 AM
Wow, I should really start reading these OOC forums ... For those who've mentioned me, I love you too. ^__^ Falling down now ->

Girls -

Taja (Shabz) - My love ! Well, you were until I found out you have a million of other loves, behind my back. >=P That's okay, I still love you, boo. I never knew you had so much hatred for me until you pointed it out, lol, but it's fine. You know that you are my evil twin and I love you very much. We dislike everything and like everything else. As you've said, we are alike but complete opposites at the same time, and I agree. :) Luuuv U !

Salemn (Jackie) - My other boo ! :D Well, originally, you were my first boo but hey, you are still that special. =P We've been friends for such a long time, you know ? Because of your sucky connection, we don't get to talk much anymore, but I refuse to grow distant from our friendship ! We've been through hard times together, but also a lot of good unforgettable times. Never forget that I'll always have your back.

Gitane (Liz)/Vega (Jenny) - You two fit in the same spot. We've been friends for way too long, that it's impossible to forget you two. I love you very oh-so much ! =P

Athena (Kat) - You are the strongest person I know. Don't ever change ! Continue to kick <smallfont color={hovercolor}>-Censored-</smallfont> !

Destiny (Dipps) - Hah, we go to school together so you pretty much know how I feel about you. Yes, I hate you ! Argh, why do you keep beating me with your damn high grades ?! LoL ! Nuu, you're one special girl and this board is lucky to have you. :)

For all the other girls I haven't mentioned, just remember one thing - Girls Kicks <smallfont color={hovercolor}>-Censored-</smallfont> !

Guys -

MnT (Ryan) - Hello, Ryan-poo. :D You've listened to me when I was normal, weird, freaky and <smallfont color={hovercolor}>-Censored-</smallfont>ed up. Even when I was PMSing ! And thank you so much for that. :)

Zasz (Phil) - Hey there, crazy man. =P No, I am not beautiful, stop it. LoL, I enjoy your company a lot, and I also want you to know that I'll always be there for you, whenever needed. :)

Xenodoros (Erick) - I really regret not having met you for real, when we were going to school together. =( But I sincerely do not regret meeting you here. You are such a great guy, don't change or I'll kick your <smallfont color={hovercolor}>-Censored-</smallfont> to the next dimension, 'foo !

Lance (Brian) - Har har, you knew it was going to come down to you ! LoL. I go to school with this man, people, yes, be jealous ! Mwuhahaha. Basically, I just want to thank you for not running away when you listen to me rant about weird stuff ... Yeah, I know I'm not a normal girl, but you accept me as I am, so thank you. :)

Alpha (Tony) - We should RP more often ! You are a great person overall, so don't change. :) You are really fun to RP with and very original. Just ... Be yourself, and screw those who have a problem with it.

And finally, Dyne (Shawn), I tell you over and over what you mean to me, so if you still don't know ... -- Shakes fist angrily -- ... =P I love you, babe. Just as simple as that.