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Vampyre Dalamar
Jan 21st, 2003, 11:12:38 PM
Dalamar and Javier where running at a good click the Dark Lord set the pace. They came to a rise over the next hill. The house was exactly where his men had told him. It would make a fine initiation for Javier. With a sharp gesture Javier ducked low from the Warlord's hand signal. There where guards everywhere. "Here is your first task Javier inside is a man that sought to cheat the Shrine. I want everyone in the house dead except Mr Shieado he's the merchant. Him I want brought back to me alive. Kill the guards and use extreme prejudice this man is to be made an example of. Do you Understand....."

Javier Enfer
Jan 21st, 2003, 11:44:49 PM
Javier simply nodded to his master as the rain pelted down around them like pellets of blood. Of course Javier had killed before while he had been searching for Millard but never out of cold blood and certainly never when that person had not annoyed him. But Javier had voulenteraly arrived back on the Shrines ground and so he would do as he was told...he would need to get used to it. The countryside where they stood looking over the merchants farm was nearly pitch black to a human eye save for the few lamps brightening the ground around the farm and so Javier had the element of suprise and he would indeed use it.

' I shall bring the old man back alive master, you shall avenge the shrine yourself i take it?' Javier simply smiled, turned and vanished into the darkness with a flick of his grey trench coat being the last Dalamar saw him for a while. Enfer quickly made his way towards a tall barn where he guessed most of the larger equipment the merchant sold was stored. The first gaurd would be easy to kill as the barn was quite a bit away from the main farmhouse where the other 2 gaurds patrolled unknown to there close demise.

The gaurd that stood in front of the farmhouse was shrouded by much shadow that the lamps did not light and so Javiers first kill was swift and easy. Javier crept silently towards the man and in one swift and steady move from behind the gaurds neck had been cut by the knife dalamar had given him for his assension, and with another quick but painless for the gaud the mans head was completely severed as Javier throw the man down hard upon a sharp piece of rusting machinery, it was simply, bloody but swift and of course it was so quick that no noise came of it, but even so the rain hit the ground hard shrouding any noice that might have done.. Javier sank back into the darkness as if his home was within the shadow.

Jan 22nd, 2003, 12:14:45 AM
As quickly as he sank into the shadows, his body was thrust back out into the rain. Hitting the cold wet dirt. Looking up, Javier saw a slender figure staring over him. She was hidden under a dark purple cloak, but her yellow eyes shown brightly in the night. Looming over his body, the figure spoke. Her voice soft and seducing.

"Greetings young one. Dalamar has sent me...........I am but another obstical within your path you must pass"

As the rain beat down, Syndell threw off he cloak, letting it sink into the mud. Getting into a crouching figure, it was as if she blended in with the night. This man had no idea what he was getting into.

Javier Enfer
Jan 22nd, 2003, 12:10:07 PM
'And there was me thinking Dalamar would let me pass without a hitch, but no no, he loves suprises dont me?' Javier smiled sarcasticly but he was not done yet. The vampire was on his back against the ground. He quickly pushed down his both hands to lift his upper body from the ground, twisted his body to the side and launched both fett up at the crouching demon, Javier steel toe-cap boots smashed the demon in the mouth and sent her tumberling back against the wet floor and then up against the barn with a bang.

' Dalamar is not the only one with suprises....' He said flipped from the floor back onto his feet. Getting himself into a stance where he could defend a counter attack from.

Vampyre Dalamar
Jan 22nd, 2003, 08:57:35 PM
Dalamar let a small smile creep across his face. Piting his new apprentice's against each other was alway's good for training. Not to mention letting them get the feel for the unexpected. Gaining access to a high branch of a near tree Dalamar had a full view of the grounds. Training must be supervised after all.

Jan 22nd, 2003, 08:57:52 PM
Slamming into the barn wall, Syndell didn't waste any time in counter attacking. Lifting her hand, she sent a ball of mud right into his eyes. Standing, the vampyre demoness was slow with her first couple of steps, due to the throbbing pain in her back. But in no time she was charging towards Javier.

Jumping into the air, Syndell landed a kick to the side of his face, sending him flying backwards now. Landing, the fledgling demon lifted up a hand, feeling her jaw. Blood mixed with rain water drizzled down the side of her lower cheeck. Smiling at this, she eyed Javier.

" That may be true, but it is not Dalamar you must worry bout. I'm the oe your facing, not him"

With that she got into an attack stance. Opening her mouth, she shwd her canines, along with the rest of her teeth, all long and dagger sharp. A side affect from her being a demon and turned into a vamp.

Javier Enfer
Jan 26th, 2003, 03:55:48 AM
'Women....' He remarked flatly and in a sarcastic tone before moving his kneck side to side to snap his bones back into position. Bringing himself back onto his feet the vampire licked his own bloody lip to remove the blood there, she had hit him hard and to be frank that annoyed him. 'I think what you need to understand is that i am no newbie...what were you?..a demon?' He laughed quietly to himself. However while he laughed he quickly drew a small dagger from a holder attached to the front of his belt and in a matter of moments Javier at targeted her lower torso and throw the small knife in a perfect line towards he targeted area.

It was now, while she was evading the knife, that javier acted. He throw himself into a quick sprint. After a few moments of sprinting, moving faster than the thrown blade, javier placed his boot on the wall of the barn and pivoted off and kicked with his other foot smashing the demon in the face and in the oposite way which made her knock her head hard against the same item of rusting marchiney the gaurd did. Javier then caught his own dagger perfectly and put it back within its holster.

' Now if you will excuse me ' He said ' ' I have work to do...' With that the Vampire smiled,turned and left, leaving the scene for her to clear up.

Vampyre Dalamar
Jan 26th, 2003, 11:49:40 AM
Dalamar smiled from his perched location Javier and Syndell both where doing well. The shadow's moved and two others came forth. Aranthol and Damious two more of Dalamar's apprentice's. "How do you think they are doing Aranthol?" The vampyre Aranthol did not hesitate to answer. "Good my Lord, better than when Me and Damious did this excercise."

"Yes, I agree the Dark Lord said. Up to this point at least. But there are many suprise's yet. We shall see how they fare in the end. You may still prevail before the night is thru, Aranthol." The Warlord nodded to them with a smile. Damious and Aranthol both inclined there head to there Master. He was known to be harsh but fair and alway's expected a honest accessment of there abilitie's. But the fact that he knew that Damious had a small wager on the outcome unhinged him a bit.

The Dark Lord spoke to Damious next. "Javier countered that move well. But I fear that Syndell has a lot more up her sleeve than just one simple attack. Still yet, Javier is moving toward's the main house and is close to bringing me the merchant. Do you think he will be succesful or that Syndell will keep him from it. Damious only smiled and silence rested on the night. Dalamar nodded again, you are right we shall see the outcome soon enough.

Jan 30th, 2003, 02:41:45 PM
Again Syndell had hit something hard. This time it was not wooden, but metal. And her back did not strike the object, her head did. This did not bode well for the vampyre demoness. Especially at being called a demon. A life which she had left so long ago.

Finally managing to stand, Syndell lifted a hand up to her head where the pains eminating from. Blood mixed with rain water trickled down the side. Pulling her hand infront of her face, Syndell licked the crimsn liquid clean. Grinning, she began to run towards the house, where Javier was sure to have gone. With the dizzyiness gone, she was finaly ale to think straight. Which promted her to think of an attack he would not suspect.

Running with speeds unheard in the mortal realm, she was soon able to see Javier in her sights. Getting a bit closer, she stopped. And began to draw upon the darkside. For before she was ever a vampyre, she was also a sith apprentice. But, even before that she had natural abilities. Granted with te lack of training she had, they were not all that powerful, but it would suit her for now.

Closing her eyes, a low chanting could be heard. Syndell h een studying the ancientsith language in her human life and had managed to learn one spell before giving up the long and hard task of mastering the sith sorceress way. The darkside energy stared to swell in her belly. Building in energy. Adwith no place to go, it grew violent.

Focusing her thoughts on a raging fire, that's exactly what was created in the pit of her stomach. Opening her eyes, as well as her mouth, she unleashed a stream of fire, which quickly began heading straight for the fellow vamp. If he was destined to reach the merchant then so be it. But she would not make that road easy for him. Not one bit.

Feb 5th, 2003, 10:23:55 PM
Aranthol smiled at the scene before him. Looking down he thought it odd that he should see his heart. It was the last thought he would ever have. His head rolled from his body and contrary to what you have been told death is not instanteous. Legion lifted Aranthols head and let him see his own body crumble to vampyre dust. Dalamar sensed Aranthols death his former acolyte's soul scream filled his being instantly the Warlords swords where drawn as the tree he was in went up in flames.

Damious pulled his own weapons. Stabbing Legion in the shoulder in his startled attempt to defend himself. Two taloned claws smashed into the side of his face. Damious went down Legion bent over cracking his chest plate he feasted on his still beating heart. The Vampyres shrill cry of mercy lent an eerie sound to the night. Legion tossed the carcass to the side impaling it on a farming implement before it to blew to dust. His face and fists had dark red blood climbing up them. Dalamar could hear his iron sharp teeth clamping in the Darkness. Legion smiled and walked towards the farm. He could still smell Vampyre's so he knew his nights work was not done....

Javier Enfer
Feb 20th, 2003, 02:24:07 AM
The fire streamed towards him like a river of open fire. Not once did he think to stop the blazing train of heat, but he thought it best to avoid the situation completely. The vampire apprentice quickly took refuge behind another section of rusting farmers equipment, a few moments after the fire burst up and over the metal heating it quickly for it to be to hot to touch. Javier was about to stand and make a witty comment back to the woman when a god awful scream filled the farms dank atmosphere.

Javier stood up quickly only to be met with the furious face of Syndell, he looked at her in thought and when she did not attack they both knew something more sinister was at hand other than there plan to murder the farmer.

' That was no human scream...' Javier commented ' That was one of ours, Dalamar!' Javier without warning lept into a raging sprint towards where Dalamar had been sanding to watch, Javier however knew not what he was looking to find.

Vampyre Dalamar
Mar 4th, 2003, 08:28:39 PM
Dalamar threw his cloak off as it caught fire. Legion he had heard of this being. He had killed a few vampyre's and from what he had heard was quite deadly. Dalamar used the blood call asking Syndell and Javier to return. His apprentice rounded the corner as he sent the message. The Carnage had already got there attention.

Dalamar pulled his weapons, Aranthol and Damious would not die unavenged. Legions taloned hands where ablaze with fire as his yellow eyes fastened on the three survivors. Like some demon from hell he walked through the flames. The Warlord knew he must protect his fledglings this man was a killer....