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Dae Jinn
Jan 21st, 2003, 10:57:43 PM
<font size=1 color=red>I love your black dress, your red lips, your long legs, your high heels
I love your thigh-high boots, your snake skin one-piece suit
Yeah you really get me going when you put it all on
But I like it a little better when you take it all off

Now baby come one, put it all on
Baby come on, take it all off

I love your leopard spot bikini and your black pantyhose
I love it when you hop out of bed and dance to the radio
Yeah you really get me going when you put it all on
But I like it a little better when you take it all off

Now baby come one, put it all on
Baby come on, take it all off
Now watch me take it off

I love it when you keep me movin' every time you're standing still
I love the look in your eyes when you're licking your lips
Yeah you really get me going when you put it all on
But I like it a little better when you take it all off

Now baby come one, put it all on
Baby come on, take it all off</font>

Daetana Jinn danced slowly, sultry in front of the speaker in Yoghurts Bar & Grill, a glass in hand full of her usual drink, vodka straight. She was dressed in a silky, slinky tank, skin-tight black leather pants and boots, sunglasses with the red lenses. A smile was on her glossed lips as she sang along, dancing by herself. She was here to met a friend, for drinks, and maybe he'd join her on the dance-floor.

Jan 21st, 2003, 11:09:07 PM
Zeke dances into the B&G. He's here to meet a friend...Dae Jinn, to be precise. No doubt Torriana will be jealous, but it's a chance he's willing to take. He just wants to hang. No love to be had here...just friends.

"Hey there, Dae Dae...havin' fun by yourself?" He dances up, swiping his own drink. "Dancin's always better with someone to join in..."

Dae Jinn
Jan 21st, 2003, 11:14:09 PM
"Yes, it is." She sidles up to him, moving to the music with him. "Having fun with your new ship?"

She sure it must look odd, a Sith and Jedi grinding on the dance floor. Oh well, was all in fun for her.

Jan 21st, 2003, 11:18:03 PM
"Indeed we are...May and Pops got it off the ground with fair ease, and their fledgling trade company is doing well. A few of our old regulars caught our name, and they're spreading our reputation. The Happy Child has nothing to worry about."

He stops for a moment to consider, then asks a question.

"Dae, you've got a boyfriend, right? Mind if I ask his name?"

Dae Jinn
Jan 21st, 2003, 11:22:19 PM
She grins from ear to ear. "Jeran, Conrad...I do believe his brother is Jedi, Or at least that's the rumor...Why?"

Dae keeps dancing, setting her drink on an empty table near-by. She tilts her head at him. "Why? Is that a problem?"

Jan 21st, 2003, 11:26:43 PM
"Not at all, Dae Dae...reason is, I've got a girlfriend myself...one Torriana Marx. And...heh, this is embarrassing."

He blushes, and some of the onlookers whistle and cheer him on. They think he's about to mack her.

"Well, I've never been on a date. Was wondering...what I should do..."

Dae Jinn
Jan 21st, 2003, 11:28:58 PM
"Uh." Dae stops in her tracks. " I guess, go out? Spend time with each other and do fun things? I dunno, Jeran has never taken me on a "date" yet...He'd probably take me camping," She made a face. "Or something wierd...Go out for a nice dinner, a movie, dancing."

Jan 21st, 2003, 11:31:57 PM
Zeke slides around behind Dae and moves his arms in a slow wave, summoning his telekinetic skill to set her body in motion again.

"Dance Dae Dae...your fanboys want it..."

His tone is humorous, but his statement carries a hint of truth; almost every man there is hanging on Dae's every movement.

Dae Jinn
Jan 21st, 2003, 11:58:56 PM
"Pffffft, well, none of them can have it....."
She leaned closer to him, grinding against him as the music grew quieter. It changed to a slower song, and Dae moved towards the table where her drink sat undisturbed.
"And I thought I told you not to call me Dae Dae"

Jamel Croko'yn
Jan 22nd, 2003, 12:04:08 AM
Jamel just sat at one of the closest tables, he had been observing his master and some weird woman dancing around, talking. He motioned his wrist in a roll with his drink strolling along the table into his palm. Taking a slow sip he found he was finished after swinging the cup around. Placing it down, he headed toward his Master, his hands motioning toward the hood of his cloak, placing it over.

He was never a good dancer but somehow he'd have to act his way into their conversation, he was too noisy to let his MAster get loose this time. Falling down intentionally over a loose foot of a walking woman he came to the ground before who his master called "Dae Dae".

"Uh..." The red haired boy came toa stand, his face still concealed behind the mask of the shadows created by his neatly placed hood which had yet to be effected by the winds that churned from the quick movements.

"Who are you?" He asked calmy though robotically; without even a hense of emotion in his voice.

Dae Jinn
Jan 22nd, 2003, 12:08:06 AM
A smirk flashed across glossed lips, replaced by smile sweeter than honey. "Names Daetana Jinn, sweetie..." She ran a finger down his cheek, then flicked his hood back with a finger.

"You are?"

Jan 22nd, 2003, 12:10:42 AM
Zeke takes a chair and puts his feet up. Let Dae work. A bit of culture shock will be good for him.

Jamel Croko'yn
Jan 22nd, 2003, 12:21:41 AM
The boy pulled himself to a stand, holding back a smile that was building up on his emotionless face. Seriousness was the only mask that he could wear or he'd blush, revealing his moronic lush. Yet he couldn't resist it, but he diverse it into more of a kind smile, in which he did.

Throwing himself down into a nearby seat, he pulled himself to the table. Glancing at her with a slight blush expressed on his face, he gave her a undienably sly smirk that could be seen as an attractive gesture, but his sudden change of expression from attraction to seriousness seemed to brush that away.

"Um, my nameza 'eza Kuki batatwa.." He mummbled his words, mashing them unknowingly together only seconds after his mouth opened he noticed that her beauty wrapped him into a hold of vocal disease. Straightening his voice with a touch at his throat he began once more.

"Like I said my name is Jamel Croko'yn from the Planet of Lok." He corrected himself his smile rerooting itself on his face. His eyes and body seemed like a statue now, stuck in motionless state, waiting for her to give a trip back into reality.

Dae Jinn
Jan 22nd, 2003, 12:25:22 AM
"Ah I see..." She took a seat across from him, setting her feet up on the table and nudging Zeke with an elbow. "This one of them,...what do you call them, Padawans?"

She gave Jamel a warm smile and wink. "You want a drink?"

Jan 22nd, 2003, 12:27:29 AM
"A Padawan he is...one o' mine, matter o' fact."

He winks at Dae.

"Show him a good time...I'll let you two get to know one another."

Jamel Croko'yn
Jan 22nd, 2003, 12:33:12 AM
"Eep!" He squicked with alert in his voice but he toned it so that it seemed only directed toward himself.

Jamel turned his attention to his Master, confused by the winks other than that of the Dae's which nearly melt his young heart. After a second of confusion and puzzlement, he glanced back at the lady.

"I wouldn't mind having a drink but nothing too strong, I'm a Jedi, acoholic beverages aren't good for even the normal Knight further more a Padawan." He said, feeling a sudden subconscious call come to his mind.

You idiot, you dumb dumb idiot. You little nerd, you just blew it, the girl was winking at you and you had to get all informative and out the book on 'er. You lost it, you dumb idiot..

Slouching in his seat, his eyes lowered to a near line of embarrassment and self-disappointment.

"I'm an idiot." He murmurred silently under his breath.

Dae Jinn
Jan 22nd, 2003, 12:40:38 AM
"Hmmm?" Dae murmured softly, taking a large sip of her drink. She grinned. "Come on, you only live once, and Zeke here won't mind if you have one little drink."

Her voice goes softer, more seductive, as a server comes to their table. "I'll have two bottles of vodka, one for me and one for my friend here."

Again, she winked at Jamel, licking her lips and smiling. She gave Zeke a quick glance and then leaned across the table. "So, Jamel, how do you like being a ...Jedi?"

Jan 22nd, 2003, 12:43:05 AM
Zeke wanders to the bar to let them be...he won't guide Jamel through this one. Women are something no Jedi master can teach...one must learn for himself.

Jamel Croko'yn
Jan 22nd, 2003, 12:46:50 AM
Jamel for a second seemed to fall into a state of unconscious, his eyes covered with his eyes slits, and the only active thing being his motioning wrist as he clasped upon the cup infront of him filled with water that the servers put down at all times in the place for free.

Opening his eyes slowly he was prepared to clearly answer the question.

"I really dont know what to say, I live it now so I feel as though it has became one with me. I dont know really how to feel about it, maybe if I thought more about myself as a person I'd actually know how I felt.

My perspective before though was that is the great life, but like anything, even the life of a Sith is not all what one believes. I thought it would be easy, no trobule not at all, but I noticed that it wasn't near it.

But I like a challenge so...I guess it's going okay if I was to step back and really think about it." He paused for a second, the silence haunting him though only a moment. The dialogue between them was somewhat beneifical to him so he was no where near to forcing a cease to it.

"So, what do you do for a living, or are you a Sith?" He playfully said, gulping down a chunk of ice and crunching it with his teeth. It had became a habit and now it just became part of her characteristic like his love for those "Nabooian Fruits".

Dae Jinn
Jan 22nd, 2003, 12:57:27 AM
<font size=1>OOC. Jamel had no knowledge of Dae's affiliation, that is OOC knowledge and can't be used IC. Watch yourself...</font>

"Hmmmm, lets see....I do odd jobs. Since I'm from noble blood, I have enough money to do as I please, most of the time." She gave him an innocent look. "What's a "Sith"? Never heard of them before..."

Jamel Croko'yn
Jan 22nd, 2003, 01:00:43 AM
OOC:I know that, it was him joking as a Jedi Padawan, specially a new one it would be considered a joke that such a pretty girl such as her would be a Sith

Jamel smiled at her, his hands placed behind his back as he placed his feet on the table.

"Well a Sith is the most sadistic being in the galaxy, dont every run into one or it'd bite your head off.." He said with a horroific sense in his vioce and quickly falling into a laughter.

Dae Jinn
Jan 22nd, 2003, 01:08:25 AM
Dae laughed with him then swiped his feet off the table with a quick movement of her hand. She gave him a glare, then the warm smile.
"A table is for food, not feet."

Jamel Croko'yn
Jan 22nd, 2003, 01:16:02 AM
Jamel blinked, his eyebrows arched upward in confusion while his lip curled into something that could be comparable with that of a frown. His eyes were wide, caressing the feelings that had transpired with the action. The weird emotional gesture from the woman put him back to square one. He felt so jummbled and puzzled that an urge told him to just stand up and leave. He didn't know what to do..

Is this what all woman are like? Are this dang complicated...

"Dont ever trust a pretty face.." He murmured under his face, reminiscing the words of some of the slaves at work, most of the time verbally interacting and talking of times that had passed. They common subject was woman and from that he learned what he followed today.

Woman are crazy!

"So, when is the vodka coming?" He questioned, his face still frozen to a solid undefinable emotional. It was see-threw but it seemed like even under it was nothing, their was just layers of nothingness.

Dae Jinn
Jan 22nd, 2003, 01:22:33 AM
A smirk. "Soon, I would hope...."

With that, the server returned, setting two large bottles on the table. Dae handed her some creds, and took one bottle, sliding the other to Jamel. "Drink up."

She popped the top, and held up the bottle in a mock toast before downing most of it in one gulp. "Have you met one of those, sith things?"

Jamel Croko'yn
Jan 22nd, 2003, 01:31:14 AM
Jamel looked through the bottle at the face of the woman. He glanced down into his palm, scared by what he had hauled so long ago, and helped manually in blade cosntruction which he was no good at all. He shook his hand and placed his hands before her.

"I made a mistake, I dont know these Sith at all. I judged them before I even knew them, I'm sorry.." He reached for the bottle, hearing that the acoholic beverage would help in the injuries of the mind, the troublesome spectrum, though subconsciously he knew that was all a lie.

Downing the whole bottle he dropped it down angrily whipping his mouth as he slouched in the chair, staring ot the shadows. A tear trickled down his cheek and fell upon a scar on his hand and other ones fell as well. Crying, his face seemed as cold as a blizzard on Hoth though his tears fell like that of a water fall. He didn't care anymore, he would just let it out now. He felt that these tears were tools in drowning out the pain inside of him, and maybe they were.

"You know what, I hate this.." He suddenly pointed at himself, a stern frown coming to his face.

Dae Jinn
Jan 22nd, 2003, 01:41:28 AM
"Hate what?"

She lofted a single brow.

Jamel Croko'yn
Jan 22nd, 2003, 01:43:17 AM
Jamel said once more, his finger nearly hitting his own face.

"This, this which is me. You know what I said about the Jedi Order, well I think thats the only thing holding me back from killing myself.." He closed his eyes and fell unconscious suddenly, hitting the ground with a loud thump.

Dae Jinn
Jan 22nd, 2003, 10:42:56 AM
Dae raised her brow higher. "What the frell....?"

She glanced around the bar, but Zeke was nowhere to be found. She shrugged, reaching down and hefting Jamel up. She slipped one of his arms around her shoulders and dragged him out. The Guards gave her a wierd look.
"Too much to drink, me thinks. Just leave his saber here, he can pick it up tomorrow." She removed the saber from his belt and tossed it to the guard before he handed her her own.
Dae easily dragged the young Jedi outside, making like she was going to take him home to rest in the LQ. Instead, she made a quick turn down an alleyway, shoving Jamel hard into a stack of trash bins.
"Idiot Jedi.." She brushed herself off and sneered. "Oh, I'm a stupid Jedi, I have to come and check on my master because I'm a lil pain. Then you pass out before the real fun can begin. Ah well, at least this way you won't scream." >D

Jamel Croko'yn
Jan 22nd, 2003, 08:45:10 PM
"Huh" He murmured during his unconscious state, his left eye dazzling a small open to quickly fall over. Falling onto the cans, he awaited in his slouch position. Jamel was in a state of reality and his own unconscious state, able to hear every word but his actions weren't done at all even though his neurons moved thorugh his bodies.

What was she speaking about?

What is she going to do...?

I never said she was stupid!

What the HELL in the 7 rings is going on!

Dae Jinn
Jan 22nd, 2003, 10:36:21 PM
There was a silence. Then he felt himself being dragged along the ground. Dae had an idea...

She hummed softly to herself as she dragged the unconcious boy along the ground in the alley, out towards the edge of the "road" -- basically the edge of the platform. Speeders zipped by, no-one paying much attention to the two figures who were moving closer and closer to the edge.

Dae hefted him to his feet, and smirked. Suddenly she yelled loudly.

"Hey kid, no, dont' jump!!!"

With a small shove, Jamel went over the edge, landing on a passing speeder...Dae faked a shocked, yet relieved look for any by-standers before returning to the bar.

Jan 22nd, 2003, 10:38:43 PM
Zeke has found himself engaged in a conversation with some tourists, answering questions as best he can, and deflecting their teenage daughter's attempts to hit on him. As they leave, Dae comes back.

"Sup? Where's Jamel?"

Jamel Croko'yn
Jan 22nd, 2003, 10:41:04 PM

His body crumpled into a circle as he banged against the windsheild of a zipping speeder. His body fell lipm, though his eyes were wide staring at the face of Dae, fakeness written along it. Murmuring a curse under his word, he struggled to his feet, staring down at a the driver before him.

"No, your not getting away with this.." He mummbled under his breath, though said very firmly only to be followed with a artistic leap from the motioning speeder.

Landing upon yet another, he bounced off with ease and swift stealthful skills. Placing his feet on the building side he walked along it with his body angled into a balance. Heading toward the body of Dae, he lost his balanace, coming to a fall. Holding tightly onto the platform before the being known as Dae Jinn he frowned, staring into her head back toward the Bar and Grill entrance.

Wiggling himself to a near stand on the platform he fell down with a fearful screma and clashed with yet another speeder and fell unconscious.

Dae Jinn
Jan 22nd, 2003, 10:53:04 PM
"Hmmm?" Dae murmured, completely unaware that Jamel had miraculiously survived his fall since she was inside the bar and grill.

"Oh, him. He had to...fly. Something about seeing the different layers of the city. You know kids these days, can't keep still,"

Jan 22nd, 2003, 10:54:50 PM
"Seems he's always doing that. I was introducing him to one of his training partners when he just...left...I wonder why?"

But Zeke can make a guess. Lime and Dae are both girls, and it seems Jamel has trouble with them.

Jamel Croko'yn
Jan 22nd, 2003, 10:56:13 PM
Originally posted by Dae Jinn
"Hmmm?" Dae murmured, completely unaware that Jamel had miraculiously survived his fall since she was inside the bar and grill.

"Oh, him. He had to...fly. Something about seeing the different layers of the city. You know kids these days, can't keep still,"

((OOC: got the hint and I edited my post))

Dae Jinn
Jan 22nd, 2003, 11:07:57 PM
"No idea. Well, darling little Jedi, I have to run, but I will see you later" ;)

She blew him a kiss, being playful, and walked out fo the bar. She thought she heard a scream but she shrugged it off and headed off for home.

<font size=1>ooc. a post explaining that you edited is not necessary, as I can see that you edited.</font>

Jan 22nd, 2003, 11:11:25 PM
"Later Dae Dae," he says with a wave. He shouldn't worry about Jamel, but for some reason he can't help but wonder if he should go find the padawan.

"Should I...nah, he probably just ditched on her like with Lime..."