View Full Version : The Mending Craft - Terran
Navaria Tarkin
Jan 21st, 2003, 06:09:01 PM
It was morning, not too long after the breakfast hour within the Jedi Temple. Most Padawans and Jedi ate together communally for interaction before the lessons of the day. But with a full day's workload, Navaria had to take her meals in her quarters. Nothing had really changed much from being a Padawan, to a Jedi Knight and then a member of the Council. Her days as a Padawan were dark and lonesome. Too shy for her own good and fear held her heart captive, causing little to no friendships made.
That changed, otherwise should would not have ascended to Knighthood but some habits still were deeply rooted .. like eating alone, but at least today there was good reason. Terran had asked a favor from Navaria in her quarters. To train him in the healing arts. She thought familiarity of her quarters would be more preferable then being in a classroom. Such lessons didn't require much space and Navaria wouldn't have to carry her 'surprise'.
Terran would be arriving soon and he was not one to be late. which was why she was in her room, covering up the surprise with a black cloth ...
imported_Terran Starek
Jan 29th, 2003, 06:48:33 PM
OOC: Sorry I didn't see this sooner!! :D
Checking his watch, he scolded himself. He hit the doorbell furiously--he was two minutes late. He was never late. Never. This was a favor that Master Tarkin was doing for him, and it was pathetic that he was running behind schedule.
He wondered what would be in store for today--afterall, they were meeting at her room. They weren't out in the courtyard or any of the training facilities, so it probably wouldn't be anything massively physically demanding.
Nonetheless, he was very excited. He thought how kind it was that she would do this for him, and he would thank her tenfold. He had plans. But for now, he wanted to get the training underway, so he focused on the task at hand, waiting for her to let him in.
Navaria Tarkin
Feb 7th, 2003, 12:10:36 AM
OOC~ Of course. No worries.
IC~ The door chimed, alerting Navaria that Terran had arrived. With one last pet of the cloth, she turned off the lights to the bedroom and went to receive her visitor.
A smiling Navaria greeted the Padawan this time.
"Good day to you."
She stepped to the side, allowing ample room for him to enter.
"How has your day gone so far?"
imported_Terran Starek
Feb 8th, 2003, 12:30:53 PM
"My day has been excellent, Master Tarkin, thank you." He smiled brightly, thinking of his meeting with Jamel. "I hope yours has been the same?" He questioned, coming inside. Her apartment looked exactly as he had remembered it from his first and only visit. Except for one thing.
There was a different air to the room that was not there the last time. It was obvious to Terran that it was time to learn. He was prepared for this training--he had read up on a few datapads before he met Master Tarkin here. He was quite a bookworm, and it showed in his strange trivial knowledge of things.
Navaria Tarkin
Feb 15th, 2003, 08:35:12 PM
"Good. I hope that it continues to do so while your here. Please feel free to take a seat wherever you wish. You are no longer a stranger in my home."
Navaria made her way to the usual comfortor that was facing towards the large picture window that offered a wonderous skylined view of Coruscant. It was closed now, for privacy and less distraction, but when she was alone it offered a tranquility for meditation and reflection. Few knew that this planet was once Navaria's home but at that time it was called Imperial Center... It was why being back here was special to the Jedi Knight.
"All right, Terran. Why do we not start with what exactly you do know about accessing the Force to heal yourself and others."
imported_Terran Starek
Feb 17th, 2003, 02:52:12 PM
Terran thought for a moment, recalling what he did know.
"Master Verse taught me a little. He helped me to get in touch with the healing Force within me. However, I've been able to slightly heal others." He remembered the time that he helped relieve the pain from the Sith Knight Sasha Kovalev. He decided names weren't important.
"Once, while on a mission through Tattooine, I used the Force to somewhat heal. It wasn't really healing--it was just removing pain. That's all I am really familiar with. There is a certain energy assoiciated with pain, and I've been able to mask it, thus eliminating the hurt one feels." He explained how when he had separated his shoulder jumping from an exlpoding sail barge that he was able to deaden it through the Force. He also explained how he was able to deaden a friend's wound.
"The thing is, Master Tarkin, I don't feel that I was able to accomplish this because I knew what was going on so much. It was interevention from the Force--help from fate. I tried, I called into the Force, and I was able to take away the pain--not truly heal anything."
Navaria Tarkin
Feb 23rd, 2003, 02:42:45 PM
"The fact that you have some understanding of how you were able to deaden your's and another's pain, is a good start. No all Padawans are aware of what is going on around them when they access the Force to accomplish ... well, anything that they require."
She paused a moment, tapping the side of her cheek with her index finger.
"But it is not fate that guided your hand. The Force only accentuated the ability you already possessed, or were able of doing. The power was within you ... the Force only showed you the way."
imported_Terran Starek
Feb 23rd, 2003, 10:49:19 PM
He smiled. He was glad to hear that it wasn't by accident. He did have a natural nack for feeling the pain of others. Maybe he was so in tune with the Force in that respect that it had helped him with his task. Maybe he was just lucky.
"Do you think it is possible then for you to help me develop that natural technique into some real skill?" He hoped he could, and he thought that Master Tarkin was his only choice. If she couldn't help him, no one at the Order would be able to, he thought.
Navaria Tarkin
Mar 2nd, 2003, 12:22:07 PM
She could gather that this meant alot to Terran. It was the way he spoke so passionately about his willingness to learn and the way Navaria could feel how gentle his soul was.
"I do. But, I will be honest. It will not be easy ... but I sense you already know that.
You already know how to alleviate the pain of others, which is much harder then to do alleviate the pain that you feel. Are you able to do that and could you please go into more specifics that Verse had taught you? I do not want to go over anything that you already know."
imported_Terran Starek
Mar 3rd, 2003, 06:16:55 PM
"Verse once taught me that, using the Force, one could simply mask pain. I can't explain the specifics of it--I just know that it happened. I remember thinking that I wanted the pain to go away, and remembered that Verse had told me to allow the Force to cover the wound. I did, and the pain subsided." He thought for a moment.
"I am not sure exactly what process I utilized, Master Tarkin. I assure you--if we begin to review something I know, I will let you know." He smiled--he was eager to began and it probably showed a bit. Maybe too much.
Navaria Tarkin
Mar 6th, 2003, 10:22:23 PM
Terran could hide it in his mannerisms but not in his feelings. The Padawan was quite eager to begin this new adventure and Navaria had to agree. The time for talking was past and it was time to assess what Terran could do.
"Excuse me a moment. I will be right back."
She added a polite smile, making sure that he wouldn't think he did something wrong, and disappeared into her private quarters.
imported_Terran Starek
Mar 6th, 2003, 10:58:53 PM
Undoubtedly, Master Tarkin had a point. He didn't know where she was going, but he did know that she had much to teach him. Good, he thought.
He slowly paced the room, walking from corner to corner, idly checking the set up out. It was a fairly nice place, and he liked the feeling of the place.
He calmly waited for her return, his hands folded behind his back.
Navaria Tarkin
Mar 9th, 2003, 09:58:16 PM
It didn't take Navaria too terribly long to reappear. The first noticeable difference that the Padawan saw was the Knight carrying by the handle. It was covered by a black, silken like material and was roughly a meter wide and a meter tall.
She placed it on the coffee table and sat down. It was the same chair that Terran remembered her sitting when he was here last.
"Please have a seat and meet a friend of mine."
Navaria said cheerfully and pulled away the covering. Inside was a little ferret like creature sitting on some makeshift tree branches. The critter was quite furry and looked like it was coated in chocolate. It's claws were sharp, digging into the wood for support and looked oddly at Terran with big black eyes. The Padawan saw it sniffing him curiously.
"This is Kleeo. A tamaran from Bakura. I used to have one as a pet when I was child."
She continued to explain as Navaria opened the cage and gently picked Kleeo up. He squeaked and she finished pulling him extra carefully.
"My last trip there I got a bit sentimental as you can see."
Kleeo began licking Navaria's index finger, holding it with both of its little paws on either side. He was trying to keep balance in her lap but his left leg was wobbly and not finding very good footing.
"He is also not in the best of health."
The Knight cocked her head to the side at Terran inquisitively.
"Can you perhaps tell me what is wrong with him?"
imported_Terran Starek
Mar 10th, 2003, 12:16:55 AM
Terran studied the animal carefully as it clung to Master Tarkin. He followed its eyes as it searched the room and its body--which was at ease while it remained in Navaria's lap. He reached out to touch it carefully--it merely even flinched at his touch. He was good with the Living Force, and he was easily able to project an aura of care and love out to animals.
"Hmmm..." Terran had noticed that the animal had hobbled on one leg. He figured this was the most probable cause for pain He reached to touch the leg--ever so softly--and the animal whimpered and drew away at his touch.
"Well, Master Tarkin, it's obviously that leg," he said pointing to it. "But. . .it's not an outside injury. There's no sign of blood or harmed flesh. That means it's probably either a broken bone or a muscle/ligament tear." He wondered if he was following right.
Navaria Tarkin
Mar 11th, 2003, 12:43:40 AM
She nodded in agreement.
"Yes, could be either one. I could make it easier for you and take Kleeo to the infirmary but ... that would be cheating."
Scratching the top of his head for comfort, Navaria picked up the tamaran with her other hand and carefully place him in Terran's lap.
"Why do you not try and figure it out yourself. You told me you can stop another's pain ... it should be no trouble at all to understand why that pain is caused."
imported_Terran Starek
Mar 13th, 2003, 02:18:45 AM
Terran puzzled over this comment. This was something one didn't just learn in a book. He stared at the creature--handling it very gently and softly. He could sense the living Force well and was good at handling animals and other lower-intelligent lifeforms. However, he had no idea how to use the Force to make a diagnosis.
He tried to think. . .how did he do it on Tatooine? How did he know how to send the relief? Where did he send it? He wasn't sure, but he was going to do his best to find out. He just had to remeber exactly what he did to make it happen.
"Ok. . .on Tatooine, I placed my hands on his shoulder and felt the pain. Then I just called into the Force and let it assist me. I don't know exactly how it did, but it did." He spoke, walking himself and Master Tarkin through his thought process. "What's wrong with you, little guy," he said, placing his hands upon Kleeo's leg. The animal drew back at first, but it realized through sense (and the Force's influence) that Terran meant no harm. Finally, it rested as Terran gripped his leg ever so slightly.
He closed his eyes and allowed the Force to wash over him, letting his senses free of his human confines and reached into the Force for strength. Allowing his mind to roam free, the only thoughts in his head were to find the trouble and heal it.
He waited and meditated. . .
Waited and meditating. . .
Patience and meditation.
"I don't understand--I can't quite grasp this!" He spoke, a bit discouraged as he broke his concentration.
Navaria Tarkin
Mar 13th, 2003, 09:01:47 PM
She leaned back, cupping her check in hand and watching Terran. First he comforted Kleeo, something that seemed like second nature to him. It was quite cute too. When he was satisfied with physically inspecting the tamaran, Terran immersed himself within the Force for guidance and direction. It was then at this point, Navaria mentally rode along the coat tails of Terran's mind ... It was the best way to understanding what he was doing, and what he could be doing wrong.
Navaria hummed to herself and picked up two things he was doing wrong right away.
"Terran. You are trying to hard. Not only are you trying to find the source of his discomfort, you are wanting to heal it as well. You do not know how to do that yet. That is what is causing the mental block of ... nothing happening. In order to properly heal, one needs to know what is exactly wrong. That is why I asked you to find out what is wrong with Kleeo specifically. In a way, this helps a Jedi so they are not looking for a needle in a haystack.
Now .... the best way to begin is start with what you already know. Obviously, as you said, his leg is wounded. Focus your efforts there instead of a general sensation from the Force."
imported_Terran Starek
Mar 21st, 2003, 07:57:52 PM
(Sorry for the late reply--vacation :D)
Terran understood what Master Tarkin asked and did as he was told. He offered his mind to specifically one location--Kleeo's leg. He allowed himself to caress the little creature some more as it cooed and purred in his arms. He smiled--he enjoyed the interaction greatly and found himself touched by the creature's sense of peace in his arms. Then, he lightly gripped the leg again, this time letting his mind probe it and it alone.
He closed his eyes as the rush of a zillion midcholrians washed over him. He saw red. . .then blue. . .then other colors as his eyesight was taken over by almost being inside of the creature's body. It was strange--and directed. He felt like he was controlling what was happneing and he knew what he was doing.
Finally, he came upon what appeared to be some sort of blemish in the aura of Kleeo. His muscle was. . .torn? A ligament maybe? Terran didn't know his anatomy too well, but the feeling came upon him simply that:
He knew exactly where the problem was!
"I found it!" He said excitedly, his eyes popping open and his mouth smiling as he turned to face Navaria. He moved the little guy's leg slighlty. It whimpered and Terran cringed--he didn't wish pain upon him, but like a doctor, he needed to know for sure how the injury affected him. "You see--it's right there--right where he bends the joint." He felt proud to have located it.
Navaria Tarkin
Mar 23rd, 2003, 10:10:08 PM
There was an inaudible whimper from Navaria as Kleeo squeaked in pain. She knew that it had to be done in order for Terran to properly diagnose the trouble with the tamaran's leg. Though, it was actually his knee as the Padawan ascertained.
"Very good, Terran. Now that you know where the problem lies, the next step is to understand is to understand what the injury is and attempt to heal it.
This is where it becomes difficult. A rapport must be made with you and the person, or in this case ... creature, that you are healing. It is much harder to do then trying to heal an injury that was inflicted upon yourself. You already know your own body. It comes naturally. For others ... it is not so."
imported_Terran Starek
Mar 24th, 2003, 04:17:07 PM
"Should I connect with Kleeo's mind? His spirit? His limb?" Terran puzzled over the task. It was difficult to do so. How did he connect to help Sasha on Tattooine? He just did it. He reached out a hand to Sasha's shoulder, closed his eyes, concentrated, and just did it. He needed to know how, and Master Tarkin's guidance was the key to doing this.
"How does one go about making this connection, Master Tarkin? Is it like connecting with a mind to send a thought? Or is it something felt and something through the very living Force?" He hoped he didn't bombard her with too many questions.
Navaria Tarkin
Mar 27th, 2003, 02:23:08 PM
"You are right in thinking that you have to connect with the person's mind first. For the mind and body are connected intimately and one is affected by the other. Once you have that mental connection, the person's body becomes more familiar to you. Where exactly they are injured, you now know.
More or less, healing is just the ability to utilize the Living Force to amplify the body's immune system; speeding up the process. Granted, when one becomes more adept ... miracles can happen through the Force."
Navaria remembered the time when she healed Anbira's voice... a wound that she should have never been able to fix. But, because of her abilities and unique connected to the Living Force, she had done the impossible.
imported_Terran Starek
Mar 30th, 2003, 11:30:56 PM
Terran ackowledged that he understand, closing his eyes as he craddled the tiny tamaran in his hands. He smiled as he could feel the warm spirit of the little creature in his mind. Terran tried to connect with the thoughts of Kleeo, finding himself in a mental connection with the tamaran.
He was a happy guy--leading an easy life of being taken care of and loved. He loved his master greatly, despite the fact that she was a large, two-legged, scary thing. Somehow she always made him feel at ease. Not only that, but all of her species that came to visit were generally very pleasant, inculding the one that held him now.
You're close, you're close. Keep trying, keep trying.
It had been a nasty accident, and he had hurt his knee pretty bad. Right in the spot he used most to climb and pick berries with.
Closer. . .think. . . Terran encouraged himself mentally.
Right. . .in. . .the ligament. . .
Terran captured Kleeo's thought as though it was a picture and sent his hand immediately to the little one's knee. He pressed very gently on it and allowed his energy to touch Kleeo. With it, waves of life came through him, washing over the wound and following up into Kleeo's nervous system. The creature found itself at ease, the wound's pain subsiding. Terran had succeeded in relieving the creature's pain knowing exactly where the wound was and how it hurt.
"Master Tarkin," Terran whispered, not wanting to disturb either process. "I found it. . .I'm helping him. . .but I can't seem to heal it. . .I can't fully heal it. . .is something wrong?"
Navaria Tarkin
Apr 2nd, 2003, 09:23:24 PM
Navaria watched carefully, saying nothing, only observing through the Force as Terran worked tediously to find the specific wound. Now Terran had hit an expected road block. The actual healing.
She whispered back, not wanting to disturb his concentration.
"What you now must do is give of yourself in order to heal the wound. This is why healing is so hard for many Jedi. They do not know how to tap into their own life energies and channel it into the another. The act must be done willingly, this sacrifice. It is the only way.
The best way to do this is to either visualize the connection you have with Kleeo, or actually witness it through the Force."
She paused there, not wanting to get too far ahead of herself. It was important for Terran to understand the concepts spoken and to do as she instructed.
imported_Terran Starek
Apr 4th, 2003, 08:08:55 PM
Terran took everything in that Master Tarkin was teaching him. For the first time, he believed he had a good grasp on what she meant. He had to give of himself to heal another. That he could understand, as healing was mending someone's own life, their own body and aura.
Terran closed his eyes and took his mind back to where he had been before the pause. He let himself feel out for the wound, holding it in place with his mind. Then, he made a step that he hadn't understood before training with Master Tarkin. He felt it in his mind, in his senses. He could begin to feel the pain--the sting of an injury--course through Kleeo's body. He remembered what it felt like to help Sasha and the others he had given of himself to cure.
With that thought in mind, he reached into the Force until he felt it consume his thoughts. He let his aura become one with Kleeo's as the animal laid in his arms in peace. Then, just like any other process of the Force, he believed that he would complete his task, in this case, heal the wound. He called into himself as the he felt his body strain. With the Force as his guide, the healing began--mending the pain in Kleeo's leg. Warmth washed over the little tamaran as he felt the pain of his injury dissappear.
Terran kept the connection until he felt that he no longer doing any good--the wound healed up adequately. Then, as though he was hit by a hovercab, he broke the connection, moaning with exhaustion and pain. His body fell back against the couch as his head snapped back in pain and exhaustion mixed.
"Master Tarkin. . .I think. . . I think I did. . ." His words came hard and like a groan as he felt sleep consumehim. His eyes closed as the darkness surround him.
He fell sound asleep.
Navaria Tarkin
Apr 8th, 2003, 02:40:41 PM
Terran was exhausted the moment he had figured out how to mend Kleeo's leg. She felt it the split second before he spoke. His life force was drained, something his body was too.
"Yes. You did it Terran."
It was the last thing he heard before his body fell limp, the couch catching his fall comfortably. Kleeo squeaked in surprised and crawled up Terran's shirt quickly to poke his nose at his chin. Navaria watch happily as he was able to do that without any pain. Truly his injury was healed.
There was no response by Terran and the tamaran looked at Navaria, yipping in worry.
"It is all right."
She picked him up and stroked his fur reassuringly.
"He is just asleep. No need to worry."
That seemed to calm him somewhat as the Jedi returned him to his cage.
"He will awake when his strength returns."
Navaria laid Terran down more comfortably on the couch. She removed his boots and then brought his feet up as well, before unfolding the blanket that lined the back of couch, and covered Terran.
"It will be some time though. Come on ..."
She lifted the cage ...
"... time for work."
... and turned down the lights before retreating to her room.
imported_Terran Starek
Apr 9th, 2003, 12:18:49 AM
I love you, Chase. . .
A smile crossed his lips though his eyes remained shut.
We will always be together. . .forever. . .don't forget that
"Emmm Ihh wmmonn't," came his mumbling voice, as his eyes began to twitch open. He rolled over--he was on something very comfortable. Digging his head back into a pillow--where he wished to remain--the realization hit him: he wasn't sure where he was!
He snapped up into a sitting position, breathing in deeply and somewhat quickly as he scratched his head, scanning his surroundings. Then, like a reassuring hand on his shoulder, it all came back to him. He was in Navaria Tarkin's room. Moments ago, he had been training with her--learning to use the Force to heal. As he scanned the dark room, however, he realized that it hadn't been moments. No, it felt more like hours. Had he really been out that long? Master Tarkin must have let him sleep--indeed, she had even supplied him with a blanket.
Scratching his chest, he realized he was scratching bare flesh. Geez, not again, he thought, realizing that he had taken his top off in his sleep. It was something that had plagued him since he was a child--unrest in the late nights of his sleep. He tended to loose all of his clothing at times--he was happy (as he checked) to see that he still had his pants on.
Standing, he looked for his tunic--finding it laying in a heap across the room. Another thought crossed his mind--where was Master Tarkin?
"hmMasterrrh--" he cleared his throat "--Master Tarkin? Are you still here?" He made his way towards his tunic.
Navaria Tarkin
Apr 15th, 2003, 02:01:30 PM
Terran was fumbling with his tunic as Navaria entered from her bedroom. Kleeo was happily comfortable on her shoulder, his tail wrapped around the Jedi's neck for support.
"Yes. I am still here. Lights"
At her command, the dim setting that Navaria had let the lights on became fully lit, wondering how Terran had lost his tunic in the few hours that she had left him alone ... though did not ask.
She looked him over and read the Padawan through the Force, quite pleased that Terran had rested well. He was not quite up to full strength yet but the sleep had renewed most of his energy.
"How are you feeling?"
Navaria asked, knowing the answer but maybe his rest was fitful. It would explain the loss of clothing ...
imported_Terran Starek
Apr 16th, 2003, 01:05:41 AM
"I'm feeling ok," he said sheepishly, pulling on his tunic and making sure the rest of his clothes were on. "I have a slight headache and I would be lying if I didn't say I feel a little bit tired still, but I feel. . .really good." He smiled. He thought of Kleeo hanging around Master Tarkin's neck and wondered if the creature understood that Terran had helped him. Maybe. . .maybe not. But it didn't matter to the Padawan.
"I feel like I did something real and caring. It's caused me ease inside. I can feel that the Force. . ." he paused, hoping he didn't sound crazy. ". . .the Force is proud of my actions." He looked away, feeling strange and wondering if she thought he was weird.
"Healing, while very exhausting, was very rewarding." He chuckled.
Navaria Tarkin
Apr 16th, 2003, 10:56:39 PM
"Well, of course. The Force is simple in its complexity. Your motives were pure in thought and the act of healing was accomplished. You also held no doubts in giving of yourself to heal another. That gave you the strength and power to accomplish what could not be done by simple means. In time, and practice, your exhaustion will lessen."
Kleeo purred at the sight of Terran and Navaria laughed, scratching underneath his chin.
"Kleeo says thank you by the way. He missed being able to climb around the apartment."
imported_Terran Starek
Apr 20th, 2003, 03:07:01 AM
Terran smiled and reached out softly to pat the tamaran on the head. The little guy was thankful and he purred as Terran touched him. Terran yawned--he felt like he could sleep for 10 more hours. The healing took quite a bit out of him, but it gave so much back that it was worth it.
"Master Tarkin," his tone changed as he adressed his teacher, into one of gratefulness and fondness. "Thank you for your time. It means so much to me that you would give of yourself to aide my training. I appreciate all you do for me." He smiled brightly.
"You are an excellent teacher, and a wonderful person to give me some of your time."
Navaria Tarkin
Apr 22nd, 2003, 07:02:47 PM
Navaria was touched and Terran could hear it in her voice.
"I have dedicated my life to teaching and to helping others. Your words do me a great honor. If you ever need my help again, please, never hesitate to ask."
She noticed him stifling another yawn while Kleeo was nibbling a finger for attention.
"You need your rest ... in suitable quarters."
Something not often seen on the Knight's face appeared, something that Terran perhaps have never seen. A smirk.
"Just incase there are more cases of ... lost ... clothing?"
imported_Terran Starek
Apr 22nd, 2003, 07:56:14 PM
Terran laughed out loud as she spoke. He had never seen her smile in such a manner--he didn't know why. Perhaps they had never been in the joking situation before. When she did, however, he felt his mind wandering. Her smile enhanced her beauty; it enhanced her eyes, which seemingly sparkled as she smiled. He found his own paused on hers. . .
"Um, thank you again. I should be going," he said, breaking what he felt was an awkward moment. He turned away, laughing nervously. "I will definitely seek your assistance for the next level, Master Tarkin. For now, I think some sleep would do me good." I'm starting to think strange things, he thought to himself silently.
"I bid you a pleasant evening," he said, turning towards the door and finding his exit.
Navaria Tarkin
Apr 27th, 2003, 07:18:40 PM
There was that moment of awkwardness and Navaria sensed it immediately. Terran was somewhat embarrassed, something easily heard in his voice and nervous laughter. His eyes darted away too quickly as they looked for an escape.
"As I said, the honor was mine. But .... you are welcomed none the less."
She added, smiling normally this time and tried to be careful with her words. It wasn't her intention to cause any unwarranted uncomfortableness between them. Though, she did wonder how that happened. Was it the joke?
"I look forward to assisting you in the future with your training. Until then, good night to you, Terran."
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