View Full Version : [duel] Coldest Day in Hell

Makoto Neo
Jan 21st, 2003, 05:39:02 PM
The night was like a cold day in hell that wrapped around the heaven’s eye like an omnipresent cloth, the clouds blocking out the single golden tendrils of light from the distant start. The snow poured down on the streets, the buildings, and speeders relentlessly forcing the smart people into the warm shacks and apartments which they bred in.

Those who did trudge through the white cotton did so covered in furs, coats, blankets or whatever could keep enough warmth in to do good and traveled briskly if not flat out running. One guy, discerned by his broad shoulders and muscular look, trudged on with an air of dignity… or pain.

It was a cold day in hell, indeed. Makoto had his own agenda, the previous stop turned worse for the head of a genetics facility on the eastern side of town, as he moved through devilishly. Mist flirted out from the covers he wore mostly protection against the biting cold inducing frostbite on open wounds as he breathed.


When the elevator came back down, Mona was gone. There was a lot of blood, but no body to be seen. Something had clicked for the final time; his mind had never been so clear, as if somewhere high above the storm clouds were already gone, cold stars blazing from black skies. But, just when you thought you had reached the deepest depths of horror, it suddenly got worse. How to turn off that small voice inside your head that started to whisper that you should be glad that now, if not before, your revenge was justifiable on any conceivable moral scale?

That small voice proved, beyond any doubt, that he was damned.

The computer terminal gleamed brilliantly as Neo exited the lift. “…Project comprised, data leak, fix the damage by any means necessary. Security clearance red authorized by the project lead. Field-test, double the dosage for all the remaining test-subjects, observe and record the subject’s behavior in an urban setting.”

The drop-off point was Neo’s old address in Corellia; the file dated three years ago. Neo was pissed.


Neo had left all the used weaponry behind, giving the tools a rested burial to ascend to whatever heaven rested above the blank, rotten, sky. The guard’s also lay buried, shell casings littering the floor like a glimmering scorched carpet around them, they had backed a wolf into a corner and expected a calm victory. But when your back is to a corner, desperation kicks in and you go down firing.

But in his case, the security went down in fire. Finally, once he had reached the penthouse, he could hear Punchinello on the phone, begging for help. He should’ve been saying his good byes. Quick take out, snuffed the candle in one bullet, revenge was a bitch.

A stream of blood, small and feeble, dripped from Mako’s covered hand. A red trail with breaks and jumps dotted behind him like life, following your every action until the day your time came around. Neo didn’t know what to do now; his arm still ached from the battle days ago in a deathly silent prison. Pierced through metal armor to the bone, his opponent’s sword did, but Neo had paid the dog man back, a wound no blade could do.

But that was in the past, dead and buried with everything else second by second. Some stray followed Mako’s path of ruby, licking the life essence off the frozen water with vigor as it chased forth. Froth steamed at its jaws, obvious hints to a disease, and its dark eyes glimmered with a killer’s scheme. It hunted a prey that smelled like itself, but different – all it could focus on was the taste, the feel, the scent… of fresh blood…- and the target strolled ahead.

A low growl escaped the dog’s throat and it dashed forward, paws spread to catch the most it could before lifting away. Within a matter of heartbeats the dog had closed in enough distance to leap into the air…


… and fell to the earth, sliced cleanly in half. An etched, blue blade sung in the air for a moment, dripping blood, before disappearing into the folds of fur and cloth and traveling away as the canine’s internal organs slipped into the night and steamed with contact to the frozen ground. One eye focused on Neo for the last breath, a slow and choked gasp, before losing focus and sliding into the darkness beyond the holy grave.

Jamel Croko'yn
Jan 22nd, 2003, 12:15:00 AM
The Jedi Novice stared through his eletronic binoculars, adjusting the frequency so that it would absorb every motioning object in the darkness of the cold night. A chilling draft ran through his light vibrant colored cloak, it shifting like a flag in the wind to the path of the wind. He watched as a being was murdered viciously, his teeth grinding and churning against each other in disgust. The man was furred, or was he even a man in itself--that wasn't the sitauation at hand that was troubling to the Jedi, it was that of the death that came from the beings hand. He would confront him, but he knew not how to defend himself to someone with properly trained ability as of yet, but he'd just test himself this time.

And what a test it would be..

Leaping from the building top upon the cold concrete streets, he rushed forward toward the terrian of the man. Swinging through the branches of statues and objects that normally are in the way of the daily rushes in town. Leaping over one he fell down in a kneeling position before the furred creature. He pulled himself to a slow, lurking stand, his posterior formated in a slouch and his composure dark though his cloak light as the force he beckoned in his rush.

Thoughts of Light, Thoughts of Postivity

These were the elements that helped him draw himself from the absorbing darkness that this one organism if it was even that wielded. Reaching unhesitantly into his cloak toward his belt, he headed forward toward the tall creature.

"Why did you bring that man his untimely demise?"

Makoto Neo
Jan 22nd, 2003, 02:49:10 PM
Neo halted his steps, the crunching echoing off into oblivion. His ruby gem eyes crossed over the interloper with haste, examining. The boy before him had a lightsaber, it seemed, and had the inner aura of a Jedi. Just another intrusion.

Neo turned the hooded head toward the dead dog, then back to Jamel. He knew what the Jedi spoke of, but feigned idiocy.

“Last I check, dogs did not count as ‘men.’”

Jamel Croko'yn
Jan 22nd, 2003, 06:37:29 PM
Jamel moved his hand away from his lightsaber, gaining confidence in himself that his reflexes would allow him to grasp it if he needed to attack. Shaking his head, his emotions were express through a frown pasted along his face.

"Very well then, why did you kill that being? It was no reason.."

Makoto Neo
Jan 22nd, 2003, 07:41:38 PM
"No reason.. heh heh heh. Twas there a reason to stop me? Nay? It is a process of life, my boy, one kills to survive in the world. To perish the weak, the sick, and the dying in one stroke." Neo growled out, a sadistic laughter following as if to prove instability.

He took a step forward, the crunch echoing in the dead alleys. The folds of his cover concealed all his features, making the Sith Knight undishtiqishable.

"But... I am curious! What do you plan to do about it? How bout I tell you a little secret, oi? I'm responsible for nearly seven jedi kills, your comrades!"

Jamel Croko'yn
Jan 22nd, 2003, 08:38:28 PM
Jamel didn't grimace, he didn't even manage a flinch in his face. The boy just stood there, brave as ever, but as youthful as anyone who'd stand up to such a strong brutal being. He reached at his lightsaber and ignited, illumating the alleyways with it's blue radiance. The wind rushed through as the hiss sizzled, decepating of what sound was made in the alley way by the wind and overlapping it with it's own growling hiss.

The boy glared as he skillfully twirled the blade by it's hilt with single two fingers. Grinding his teeth under his closed mouth, he motioned it to the left side of his face, pushing his eyebrow down to narrow his vision through the darkness.

"Come with me to the Incarceration Sheltering, they wouldn't mind new inmates." The boy said seriously though the tone of even the setence seemed humorous and sacastic. How could he manage to have thims man, or being in a civilized state. He seemed to be a Sith and the possibility of them giving themselves up on such a streak of sadism would be highly unlikely, yet apart of his job he would have to do this.

He stared at him, awaiting the response with his lightsaber held tight, digging into the concrete foundation.

Makoto Neo
Jan 22nd, 2003, 08:46:11 PM
A howling laugh emitted from the shroud, dwindling down to a mere chuckle. "The boy drew his flash-light. How interesting!"

Neo lifted his arm out of the robes, showing his gauntlet armored hand. Spreading his fingers wide, the Knight felt the rarest moment when the darkside caressed his body like a silken cloak before Jamel found his legs swept from under him.

Before the Padawan could hit the ground, Neo waved his arm sharply torward a building entrace - the Silver Spoon Inn - and send him crashing through the doors. Neo followed in a brisk pace, stepping through the threshold.

"Didn't your instructor teach you ANYTHING?!" His voice boomed,

Jamel Croko'yn
Jan 22nd, 2003, 09:17:47 PM

The prodigy hit against the table, thrashing it to a few fragments before he was motionless on the foundation under the rubble. A silence ran through the room after the being bellowed out in taunt. The young boy uneasingly motioned through the rubble of wooden materail, holding a wobbling stand. Strengthening his legs with a flex of his muscle, he twirled his wrist with a hand gesture. The weightless lightsaber hilt levitated before the bow with a magnetic string pulling it over him. Jamel glared at the man, frowning in displeasurment as he kindled the flare of the light. It illuminated the spectrum once more with a barbaric scream boomed from his outrageously wide opened mouth, his feet beating against the ground like the sound of a stampede, heading ina bealine for his adversary.

Slicing toward the chest plate of the Sith warrior his scream came to a cease, his eyes closed tight from a meditative state. The child knew not of whom he hit or what he hit, but he felt the contact in the middle of the swinging. Pulling his arm back, he slowly opened his eyes to see...

Makoto Neo
Jan 23rd, 2003, 11:55:04 AM
...Nothing but the shattered door.

Neo moved to the left as the boy charged without sight, putting himself clear out of harms way. The patrons hooted and cawed with excitement, and Neo lifted his arms up to shoulder hight at his sides.

"Have another free shot."

Jamel Croko'yn
Jan 23rd, 2003, 09:19:41 PM
The child regrained his composure, the teenage Jedi Padawan twirling the hilt of the lightsaber at his side as he stood unslouched and stern. The item was deactivated and placed at his belt under his cloak. Gesturing his hand toward the door, he began to speak, firm like the militatary soilders voice.

"We must take this outside, their is no reason for the damages of this fight to be inflicted on a shelter." He said, the wind blowing from the cutten door.

Makoto Neo
Jan 26th, 2003, 08:16:58 PM
Neo let his arms drop to his sides. A choir of 'boo' and 'hiss' echoed from the surrounding occupants, who wanted a warm seat to watch. A draft swept through the Inn, sending Neo's wrappings into a involunatry frenzy before dying back to settle.

"So be it," Neo spoke, motioning to the broken doors with a sweep, "Lead out."

Jamel Croko'yn
Jan 26th, 2003, 10:55:20 PM
Jamel ventured out, his hand reaching up his communicator device being beckoned into his palm. Clasping it, he activated it with a touch of his finger and began speaking. In the darkness of the night he evaluated that the competerior knew not of his communication, but he could be wrong.

Speaking on he send the transmission of his words to the location of the Jedi Temple for help.

"Excuse me, Members of the Jedi Order I need help at the location of this transmission. Their is a situation here with a Sith..." He ended, leaving hte transmission to come with an end as he reattached the communicator to his side.

Turning his body in a 180 degree, he stared at his competetior, his eyes evoking an attack. He reached for his lightsaber, squeezing it for a signal of preparation. Their was to be a fight, but he knew that someone of his intellect in the force wouldn't manage much longer against such a greatly skilled adversary.

"Shall we continue.."

He simple said, nodding of scorn toward the man. Their was no need for fighting and he was unworthy of such combat in the arts of the Jedi...

"You should give up now...Sith. Evil is not the root of greatness, the light is..."

imported_Terran Starek
Jan 27th, 2003, 11:32:31 AM
Strange, that the Force should work in such mysterious ways.

Terran rarely had his transmitter on his person and ever more rare than that did he have it on scan. Tonight, though, as he had hit the market, searching for a proper gift for the love of his life, Xazor, he had been alerted by the strange sound of an incoming transmission. He quickly took up his transmitter and listened to the message.

"Excuse me, Members of the Jedi Order I need help at the location of this transmission. Their is a situation here with a Sith..." The voice of a younger boy sounded. It was someone in trouble, he thought, in the desparation of the plea. Terran examined the coordinates--he was only a few blocks away. Hopefully he could make it in time. His feet sprung into action despite the drag of his heavy Jedi robes.

No matter how foolish it was to take on a Sith alone--especially at the youth of this one's voice--it was no reason to find oneself abandonned by his own Order. Someone would have to respond to his distress. It was the duty of the Jedi to assist their own.

Hold on kid, I'm coming, Terran thought to himself as he made his way to the location, his legs churning powerfully to keep pace.

Makoto Neo
Jan 27th, 2003, 03:02:32 PM
Neo took a stand roughly fifty feet away from the Padawan in the night. Weather worn street lamps flickered now, the storm trying to put out the last bit of might before retreating into a damp hole.

"I do not plan to surrender to any Jedi until my day is done." Neo spoke, his voice amplified by the Force over the storm, "Draw your weapon, whelp, and lets get this finished."

Neo reached for his weapon; a silver hilt with dark red etchings up and down the handgrip. Igniting it with a thumbflick, Neo's form was instantly bathed in a crimson corona..

Jamel Croko'yn
Jan 28th, 2003, 09:59:41 PM
I stared on in distress, I still awaited the one who had recieved the plea, if anyone.. A frown could be seen coming slowly upon my face, reaching for my lightsaber. I was at times fond of combat as I specialized in that--my fighting style filled with aigile moves, aggressive slashes, many jumps or as that was what I was told--but against that of the Sith, and this one probably a Knight I found much anxiety like any human being. Yet, this feeling made me feel inferior, as if he was absorbing the tranquility within me that was burdened by the Force and inserting a desired use of anger, and fear.

I felt human, but I didn't want to, or did I..

My frown materlized into that of a line of seriousness, as strong as the blade I ignited. The blue hiss sizzling in my ear, popping like the fire that was commonly created at the Slave corp. sights when we went on travel labor. I had always enjoyed the feel of warmth and humanity touching my very body.

A 15 year old, thinking now as he was before a Sith about the warmth of a lightsaber. Man, I must be in a bad situation if I'm daydreaming, I better get ready to bout.

Jumping hastingly forward I sliced down at his blade and the battle came to a ultimate commence.

imported_Terran Starek
Jan 28th, 2003, 11:53:15 PM
Terran rounded the corner and saw before him a scene he had feared. Just as he had reached proximity, the blue blade of a lightsaber had ignited in the hand of a young boy--someone he recognized. Someone he had met at the temple, he thought.


Frell, what in the Force is this kid doing? Terran's desparation in his thoughts was almost as strong as his frustration with the young man. Why would he challenge a Sith to a fight. It was evident now that the Sith was strong--maybe not a Master, but his dark signature was looming over the light one that Jamel eminated. He's gonna get himself killed!

His feet slowed as he came within meters of the battle that was about to begin. He wouldn't need his saber for this--he didn't use it like he used to. He refused to. No more was the path of violence his own. Throwing back his heavy hood to allow him better vision, he came within 5 meters of the two men--just as Jamel's attack was unleashed. He leapt headfirst into a strike against the Sith, sabers clashing in a brilliant light. He wouldn't get there in time to stop the battle, but maybe he could diffuse it.

He came within view and stood, firmly.

Makoto Neo
Jan 29th, 2003, 01:22:03 PM
Neo easily blocked Jamel's offencive, holding the opposing saber back with one outstreached arm. Drawing in until the Jedi's saber nearly touched his muzzle, Neo drew in the force with his left hand and sent a heavy force blast into Jamel's stomach.

With the engagement unlocked, Neo noticed a slight vibration in the force from the surrounding crowd. His atttention divered off the Padawan in search of the second lightsider aura...

'Join your comrade, Jedi..' Neo telepathically sent out in a wide arch, hoping inwardly the second aura would show itself...

imported_Terran Starek
Jan 29th, 2003, 04:21:51 PM
"This fight is over." Terran spoke softly, but his words were strong. He walked very slowly to the position where Jamel was laying--gripping his stomach. The Sith's push had been very violent, and the young Jedi was in pain. He still had his weapon, which was good. That way he could make his escape without having to retrieve a lost weapon. He stood before the boy--in between the Sith and the fallen Jedi.

"Let the boy go. He cannot give you a fair fight, and he is not worth the effort." Terran catered to the Sith's ego, but he spoke mostly the truth. Jamel was young and was incapable of defending himself. If this Sith had any honor--any respect--he would not attack him any longer. The Jedi stood firm before the Sith. It was a decision that would be made between the Sith and Terran--Terran had plans for Jamel.

He let his mind reach out to the boy who lay beside him. He spoke through the Force--undected by the Sith. Are you going to be ok?

Makoto Neo
Jan 29th, 2003, 09:06:35 PM
Makoto growled audibly. His fist tightened around his custom fitted saber, wanting a will of it's own to bring destiny crashing down upon whom stood in it's weilders way.

"If the boy cannot finish what he started, then can the two of you finish the job of one?" Neo replied, pointing the glowing tip in Terran's direction..

Jamel Croko'yn
Jan 29th, 2003, 09:55:42 PM
I was shocked by the telephathical communication which threw me in a quick shake of discomfort & suprisment. Glancing up at the body of Terran I spoke out to deliver my response, orally as my knowledge in the telephatical sector of Force layers was very fuzzy and not as strong to do such communication.

"Uh, yah I'm okay." I said casually, my voice soft as if gradually turning to a whisper. Continuing my voice was in hush, hopping the ears of the beast in the Sith wouldn't hear.

"Do you think we should run now..?"

imported_Terran Starek
Jan 29th, 2003, 10:38:50 PM
Get out of here--I will end this here. Run two blocks east and one north--take the back allies. You will come to a small shop. It is owned by a friend--tell him Terran sent you and find yourself safe inside. I will be there very soon.

He spoke back in Jamel's mind--silently and undetected by the Sith. He could hear Jamel coming to his feet and was hoping that he was on his way out through the allies. His concentration now came back to the Sith who stood before you.

"Our task at had now is simple: end this conflict." He spoke, his words sharp. He was no fool, and he was well-trained in the Force. His skill was great--with saber and with the Force itself. But he did not seek a fight. He did not seek to spill blood, nor did he want anymore danger to come to Jamel.

"The boy is no longer the issue--I take his place before you. In his place, I will stress that this conflict can be averted easily. I have no grudge with you--only the protection of my friend, which is accomplished." The Jedi stood--strong and corageous, despite the saber which pointed towards him.

"I will not spill your blood or have any more spilled before the red moon that rises tonight. Let us walk away from this...as beings who respect each other."

Makoto Neo
Jan 30th, 2003, 02:48:35 PM
"Very well," The saber in Neo's hand faded from sight with another thumbflick, letting the darkness cascade back down into the street. Mako was severely angered with the downcast of arms, showing so with malice.

One glance over his shoulder at the Jedi before Neo started away, the snow crunching loudly beneath his boots..

'I will be back for another bout of blades, Jedis,' He sent telepathically, a low growl following..

Jamel Croko'yn
Jan 30th, 2003, 09:12:39 PM
The wind rushed through my dark red hair as I hid behind the corner, looking over to observate the situation. Their was some sort of confrontation demise, and the altercation seemed to become more timid by the second though the anger of the Sith seemed to arise. He probably found hatred toward the my comrade, Terran for his interuption as well as the ability of emotion to stand up to him for the care of others.

I watched on as the man stood down, walking form the scene of the crime as I let a long sigh of relief come from me. My intense outbreak of adernaline was falling coming to a gradual cease and I wouldn't have to worry about the assault of the Sith.

Sliding down the concrete wall to a seating position, I looked to the heavens wher ethe stars had laid watching down upon me. I frowned with displeasurment as I felt alone, yet at peace.

"What do I do now..?" I simply asked myself, reaching down tot he end of my cloaking and throwing it over to warm me as the blow of the cool winds continued.

Makoto Neo
Jan 31st, 2003, 10:41:44 PM
Yet as all sith where claimed to be untrustworthy, Makoto was no exception. As soon as he could not see Terran through the wind and snow, he doubled back through two alleys and climbed a fire escape latter.

The wind roared in his ears and blew through his coverings with a torrent, yet Neo cloaked his presence and jumped from rooftop to rooftop torwards the to-be battleground, the lust for a good duel was still fresh in his mind.

But first.

Recon would be required to find the best angle to attack the two, old military tactics seeping from the back of Neo's mind. Perched, cloaked from veiw with the dark atmosphere above, on the corner of a building he watched Terran with suspition, the other Jedi lost in the storm from Neo's sight..

imported_Terran Starek
Feb 1st, 2003, 12:52:25 AM
The Jedi stood, seemingly undaunted by the Sith's words. As Makoto left, Terran breathed an intense sigh of relief, his shoulders sagging as he moaned slightly. He had been courageous to stand up agains the Sith--without even raising his weapon--and it was all in his mind. He had been scared--he was nervous. But he had learned that violence would always be the final, most desparate resort. He avoided it at all costs.

"Ughhhh..." he moaned, his adrenaline waning, allowing him to breath more peaceful now. "Jamel?" He called, wondering if the boy had made it far. Then, finding his face, he saw him on the corner of a building.

"You can come down now--it's safe." Terran no longer felt the presence of the Sith, and he was glad for that fact. He was happy that this conflict was over, and content that he had averted the usage of his blade. He stood and waited for Jamel to make his way down. A small smile crossed his lips.

He was glad he could truly show the meaning of the Light side to the young padawan. Peace and honor. Above all--respect.

Jamel Croko'yn
Feb 1st, 2003, 01:46:12 AM
Scurring quickly form the corner, I came to the side of the man, my eyes wandering to find any evidence of evil around, which I didn't. Glancing over at the fellow Padawan, I reached down at my lightsaber, tightening the grip of my belt on it. Smiling in display of pleasurment, i placed my hands behind my back and simply bowed to him. He had shown a great deal of bravery and asserted the ways of the Jedi in the greatest of perfection.

"So, now what do we do-just go back to the Temple for resting, or something else is on your mind?" I concernly inquired, looking dead ino the eyes of the man, only inches shorter than him.

imported_Terran Starek
Feb 1st, 2003, 04:17:06 AM
"Let's head back to the temple." Terran's face took on a more grim look now. "You know, challenging that Sith was foolish. I don't hail myself as a hero for being her for you--the Force willed it to be so." He started to walk towards the Temple, motioning Jamel to follow him. He was a bit worn out, and he imagined Jamel must have been as well. Frankly--he was starving.

"Now is not the time for a lecture. Let us get something to eat and sit and discuss." He put a warm hand on the boy's shoulder as they headed in the general direction of the Temple. They could stop at Yog's or even someplace before. He could inquire of Jamel's tastes when the time came.

"How are you feeling? Are you hurt?" Terran asked with genuine concern for the young padawan.

Makoto Neo
Feb 2nd, 2003, 02:31:08 AM
The Jedi began to move away, and Neo followed them from the rooftops until he caught their destination. Just under a half of a mile away was one of the branches to the Jedi Temple, and to attack in the open with that being so close was insane.

A grin and sense of enjoyment flickered through Neo, causing him to let the barest of signature slip through the covers. He corrected himself quick, though, and prepared should the two spot his signature.

The gentle curving saber trembled in his hand once more, seeming to have a will of it's own exibited out in public yet Neo kept his thumb off the trigger until the required, precise, moment.

Jamel Croko'yn
Feb 2nd, 2003, 07:22:21 AM
OOC: After this thread I'm jumping back into third person, I really not into this first person thing.


I ran my hand behind my back with a soften smile coming to my face, glee written on every edge of my expression even to the extent of my eyes. Staring up with a sparkling twinkle in my orbs at Terran I assured him with a simple nod that I was okay.

"Their is nothing to worry about, I managed to controll the fight so that I wasn't harmed in the first place. Even if he is superior in the strenght of the Force I couldn't see any reason why I couldn't out do him." I said, my lips slanting in a thoughtful manner as I continued beside the slightly taller man. I a teenager felt tall in size, though I was around 5'7 or 5'8 but who cares, I'm free from that wield of darkness from that thing.

imported_Terran Starek
Feb 3rd, 2003, 02:06:26 AM
"You are mistaken, my friend." Terran spoke, his eyes pointed ahead on the path they followed. "You weren't in control of that situation. I wasn't in control of that situation. In fact, that Sith was not either. The truth is--the Force was the only element that had true power over the turn of events." He kept walking, keeping the two straight on the path.

"The Force is not just an energy, it is Fate. It is the will of life, the aura of everything. It--" He stopped. Something tingled in his senses. He thought, for one fleeting moment, that he had felt a blip of the Darkside in the surrounding Force. It had been a very peaceful aura tonight--especially as they approached the Jedi Temple. The whims and whisps of the Lightside had managed to float happily in the wind. But, for just one second, his stomach had turned in a not as it had when the Darksdie was near.


"We're very near now." He spoke to Jamel in a peaceful tone, but he wondered what had happened to their opponent. It could have been some kind of a Force memory--it had been somewhat of an intense moment, standing face to face with the other's saber. Indeed--it was probably only a blip in his own mind. He would not worry too much about it.

Jamel Croko'yn
Feb 3rd, 2003, 08:29:35 PM
OOC: I'm changing back to third person right now

The boy had studied the physical composure of his Order comrade, finding a weird aura of nervousness coming to him. Conserving the knowledge, he registrated the words 'We're very near now.', his voice clearing to prepare for his response.

"Terran, a Padawan of the Great Jedi Order, why do you find something akward about the aura in this part of the large planet city?" The boy said, displaying his knowledge in the energy of the Force and arranging it to absorb the emotional discomfort from telephatical touch. He hadn't been taught these traits of the Force, but it was certianlly an ability that came natural to him, but not very easy. He had strained to catch what he did.

The tyro also felt a small vibe, becoming immeditately cautious with his hands reaching for his hood. Throwing it over his head he frowned in displeasurment, his eyes digging down to the surface. He stared down, his mind swinging aimlessly for what he had gained so unstraintly. It was hard, and he had yet to find anything moments after this.

"Did you feel that?" He whispered to his accompanies, attempting to assure himself, as well as being cautious during the hushing moments. The boy's focus directed toward the man, his eyes spewing the tenderness though they resembled the colors of a Sith: a violent red, but with a hint of the sun that brought life to so much.

imported_Terran Starek
Feb 5th, 2003, 07:21:47 PM
"Yes," Terran replied as he kept pace. "Keep up. We need to get out of here." He spoke sharply, but a hint of concern was in his voice. It wasn't that he lacked confidence in his abilities, it was that he wished not to have a confrontation. He didn't want to see Jamel hurt, and he did not wish to harm.

He stayed close to the Padawan and continued briskly to the Temple.

Makoto Neo
Feb 6th, 2003, 08:20:57 PM
Fed up with chasing, Neo decided to act. Quickly gathering the force around his body, he leapted from the building and landed with a loud crunch in the snow. Positivly spotted, he wasted no time igniting the blood ruby saber in his hand and dashing at the two Jedi with a deafinging roar.

With saber held out to his right in the charge, he brought it horizonally at the two - intent on slicing them both into ribbons.

Jamel Croko'yn
Feb 6th, 2003, 09:42:52 PM
"I knew it!" The boy screamed as he whirled his body in a circlular rotation, his lightsaber being reached for in the split second. It was the force that caressed him in the very moment, the power of the Light reaching into his heart and asserting it in his mind. The neurons shifting thorugh his very body seemed to speed with his adernaline but his optical perspective began to slow so he could register the movements.

Motioning quickly in the seconds that had seperated the two from injury, death or life, his lightsaber was ignited. The slow pace moving blade glow bursted on the scene as a savior with only a flick of his wrist to be utilized as a defense. Reaching for his companion he lept to the heavens as the dashing figure came after him in the darkness of night which had carved him into a dark sillohute shadow of the evening. Holding tightly upon his fellow Jedi Order member, his lightsaber digged barbarically, as if it had a mind of it's own, into the building--pulling himself up to the ceiling.

Unactivating the lightsaber, the blue glow vanished, while the boy used his feet to spring himself to the next building with the force employed in this action to boost his physical performence.

The speed of his perspective began to pace with reality in a steady fashion in his mid-air flight. Coming down with a horrific smash without a single body part being injured in the action but the impact creating a buckling crater in the concrete foundation of the building. Placing Terran down, he swirled around, his cloak being blown like a flag in the slam of the wind.

"Terran, should we continue on our run?" The boy said, his head whipping to the side to showcase his attention to be fully upon him, showing his ultimate respect.

imported_Terran Starek
Feb 8th, 2003, 12:18:22 PM
"Impressive move, Jamel," Terran spoke, his face still animated with suprise. It was quite a manuver, and Terran quite literally didn't think the padawan was capable of such a feat. He didn't know that even HE was capable of such a feat. Quite a move indeed. "Yes--we need to keep running." Terran scanned the rooftops quickly, as he knew that the Sith would not break of chase. This warrior was hungry for blood, and he would not be satisfied until he got it. He spotted the familiar block of building tops.

"Ok, follow me," he spoke to Jamel. "After what I just witnessed, I don't think you'll have a problem keeping up." He smiled and then instantly turned toward the Temple. It was...500 meters away? Maybe. Nonetheless, there was little time to waste, as he could sense action in the Force behind him. Someone else was using it--most likely the Sith. "Let's go!"

With out a second of hesitation, Terran's feet jumped into action. He concentrated on the Force around him. His eyes closed as he ran across the top of the building. He reached into the life force, letting the pure energy of the mysterious field surround him. His feet accelerated a bit with the help of the Force. Faster. Faster. He came to the edge of the building.

Feet steady...



The Force propelled him high into the air as he leapt the distance between the two buildings and landed safely on the next building top. His feet landed smoothly as they began to kick immediately, regaining their running position. A smiled grew across his face--the Force was a truly powerful ally. Especially when you were using it to the bidding of peace and justice.

Thank you, he spoke into his thoughts, to an invisible but very present caretaker. He glanced back slightly, just to make sure that Jamel was hanging with him.

Jamel Croko'yn
Feb 8th, 2003, 08:50:12 PM

The boy of Jamel came wiggling from the sky upon the building, only steps behind Terran. He smiled with pleasurement, sending his condolences through his mental communication to the ally who had helped him. The Force, he had learned from the commence of his training was that the Force was not just a weapon, but someone you would rely on. A friend indeed, a friend indeed.

Glancing over to Terran, and taking one more gander back, he rushed forth toward the edge of the building, heading on the path to jump to the next, but keeping his body steady so that he wouldn't fall because of his mental tranquility, and caculation.