View Full Version : Some Kinda Wonderful [Xenodoros Stormrider]

Faith Stormrider
Jan 21st, 2003, 02:30:35 PM
I came upon my crossroads yesterday
I met her on a ship just west of Eyeball Bay
we ate fish and we listened to some old time rock'n roll
she said "you can call me baby if you let me hold your soul"
but it's because she's wonderful
the guys they look her way
she's some kinda big shot

she's some kinda wonderful
she makes a mean steak
and she's an' eyeful
my baby she's some kinda wonderful to me
she's some kinda wonderful to me
she's some kinda wonderful
forget it snowflake she is mine
so you just say she's wonderful
and then be on your way
she's some kinda wonderful you see

we bought a little house on highball way
great kids, nice home
and a brand new chevrolet
all my neighbors and friends say
the wife is a little bit strange
I know the eyes are freaky
and the horns are there to stay

but it's because she's wonderful
the guys they look her way
she's some kinda big shot

she's some kinda wonderful
she makes a mean steak
and she's an' eyeful
my baby she's some kinda wonderful to me
she's some kinda wonderful to me
she's some kinda wonderful
forget it snowflake she is mine
so you just say she's wonderful
and then be on your way
she's some kinda wonderful you see

she's some kinda wonderful
she makes a mean steak
and she's an' eyeful
my baby she's some kinda wonderful to me
she's some kinda wonderful to me
she's some kinda wonderful
forget it snowflake she is mine
so you just say she's wonderful
and then be on your way
she's some kinda wonderful you see


"I'm bo-red." Faith sighed.

She walked along a little bridge, over a tiny river, with a small sun in the horizon, setting. She lifted her hands up and laced her fingers together behind her head, before resting her head in her palms. She hadn't seen her good alter ego in months now, ever since the perky little girl went off to search for her brothers. Faith wondered if her brothers knew about herself, the evil side of Destiny Stormrider. Impossible ! Who would believe it ? Faith had the same face and eyes, but had a different clothe and hair styles. But you can't judge a book by its cover. Faith was far more aggressive and bitch-like, than Destiny could ever be. Not only having the worst temper, Faith was heartless when it came to battling. But like Destiny, she wasn't the cold and emotionless kind. Actually, she laughed a lot and was loud, generally. She leaned against the side of the bridge and exhaled, rolling her eyes.

"Come out, come out, wherever you are, my dear ..."

She had sent a anonymous message to Xenodoros Stormrider, hoping he'd come.

Xenodoros Stormrider
Jan 22nd, 2003, 07:33:58 PM
Xenodoros was surprised. Who would send him an anonymous message? Maybe it was Darth Snack and sent it anonymously just in case a Jedi had their hands on it? Xenodoros didn't know. The location was also another thing that threw him off. Why there?

Xenodoros was having something that you might call... a mental breakdown. Too many stress related events had caused this breakdown, especially something he had to admit to his mother that still tore his soul apart. The back of his head felt heavy. And his heart felt uncontrollably strangled. Too many thoughts in one’s mind wasn’t good for the one’s health. He’d suffered too long and to admit to his mother what he had done would be a complete relief to him.

The message he’d received was quite mysterious. As he arrived to the scene that he was summoned to attend, Xenodoros was anxious to see who it was. Xenodoros had set foot in a mysterious paradise. The form of his tall and broad body appeared across the path and as it got closer, one started to distinguish his detailed face. From the view of Xenodoros’ sky-blue eyes, he saw a familiar feminine figure. It was young, graceful and beautiful… but too familiar. She had close that seemed too revealing for a girl her age to wear.

What struck Xenodoros the most was the she was calling him by his name. Xenodoros was only a few feet away and distinguished the lovable face of his sister Destiny. But she was different… Xenodoros quirked a brow, trying to figure out why she was different. Physically she was exactly the same, but as he sensed her aura… it was darker.

Xenodoros was startled at her new appearance and what he sensed in her. He approached her slowly, not knowing what to expect. His eyebrows centered, and as he approached her he asked:

“Destiny? Is that you?” Xenodoros was surprised.

He had not known his sister that much, and he didn’t know what Destiny was capable of doing.

“What have you done? What in the Force’s name are you wearing?” Xenodoros asked, concerned of what the young one might have done.

Faith Stormrider
Jan 23rd, 2003, 09:46:59 AM
"Well, I'm happy to see you too !" Faith arched her eyebrow.

She crossed her arms and her lips formed into an slightly angry frown. She knew she wore revealing clothes for someone her age, but until now, nobody really complained, except old noisy ladies. She looked up to Xenodoros. He called her Destiny. So, little precious Destiny never told her brothers about Faith, ever. This was going to be even more fun. Her angry frown turned into a grin. Now, all he had to do was to follow her to find out the truth about his precious little sister.

"Did you come alone ?" She tilted her head to the side as she asked.

Before he answered, she turned around and began to walk forward, lacing her fingers in her back.

"Come now, I don't have all day, you know."

Xenodoros Stormrider
Jan 23rd, 2003, 04:23:43 PM
"What?" Xenodoros asked confused, not knowing what to say.

He kept looking at her clothes. What would drive her to wear such clothes? He'd met a more timid, dressed, Destiny Stormrider. Also, he'd sensed that Destiny's aura was filled with light. But this one was too dark... the change was too sudden.

He followed her, quietly, and didn't know what to expect.

Faith Stormrider
Jan 24th, 2003, 10:42:44 AM
"Hurry !" Faith exclamed.

She paced faster and faster, until she jogged all the way to a little friendly bar, at the end of the bridge. The sun was still taking its time setting in the horizon, causing a little dash of red in the sky. She stopped in front of the bar's pushing little doors and pushed the right one aside, waving her hand at Xenodoros.

"In here."

Xenodoros Stormrider
Jan 24th, 2003, 10:54:34 AM
Xenodoros kept following her, walking a bit faster this time. Observing her walk towards the bar, he was still quite confused as to what was happening.

"A bar?" Xenodoros asked himself.

What was so extraordinary about this bar? Why had she dragged him there?

Faith Stormrider
Jan 24th, 2003, 04:18:38 PM
She walked in before him and signaled the barman, who seemed to be the bar's owner. The place seemed pretty loud, but mainly old men came here. The roof was hidden with a white smoke of cigars, and the place actually kind of smelled odd. The barman nodded and she smiled, now signaling Xenodoros to follow her. She paced forward and stopped in front of a black metallic door. She knocked 3 times, waited a second and knocked another 4 times. It opened, and she murmured something to the men that were conversing in there. The man who opened the door gave her a kiss on the cheek.

She grinned and walked into the place. She let herself fall on the large couch and rested her feet on the small table in the center of the small room, crossing her legs.

"Come, make yourself at home, big fella."

Xenodoros Stormrider
Jan 25th, 2003, 10:28:58 PM
Xenodoros followed the girl he believed was Destiny. It was a bar and she seemed to know the place as if she'd been there often. He looked around at the people around, mostly men. Some drunk, some smoking, and others just enjoying themselves. Xenodoros observed as his "sister" knocked on a door and entered a room. He followed her. He didn't see the one who kissed her cheek, if he had, he would have been more suspicious.

Following her he saw her sit down and make herself comfortable. It was strange.

"Huh? What did you want to talk to me about?" Xeno asked, not really paying attention to what she had said.

Faith Stormrider
Jan 26th, 2003, 08:39:58 PM
"Just sit down."

Unlike Destiny, Faith had an bad habit to order people around. It wasn't always a good thing, but until now, she didn't get anything bad. Before he even sat down, she started explaining why he was here.

"I'm not your younger sister, Destiny." She pointed out first, to see his reaction.

Xenodoros Stormrider
Jan 27th, 2003, 05:12:42 PM
Xenodoros became immobile for a couple of seconds as he heard her say that she was not Destiny. He'd known all along that her aura was too dark. As thoughts travelled through Xenodoros' mind, he thought of who she could be. Maybe it was a clone? Maybe it was a transformer who was after Xenodoros? Xeno paused a couple of seconds trying to find something to say.

"Tell me something I don't know." Xeno told her.

He couldn't trust her entirely. He didn't know who she was. The young Sith sat down, and tried to figure out who she was.

"...Like who you really are..."

Faith Stormrider
Jan 28th, 2003, 10:54:08 AM
"Who I really am ?"

Faith cocked her head to the side, a grin drawing on her glossy lips. Why not ? She sighed for a long moment, exagerating and looked around the room, absently. After a minute, her gaze fell back on Xenodoros and she chuckled.

"I am ..." She paused. "Hatred, for your Father."

She left her answers vague. She liked that.

Xenodoros Stormrider
Jan 28th, 2003, 10:44:26 PM
The last four words struck Xenodoros hard. His heart felt as if it were just squeezed. His heart was beating and Xenodoros took a deep breath. He was getting hot. How did she know?

"You are... Hatred for my father... What are you talking about?"

He tried keeping calm, he asked her again.

"Who are you and what do you want? I'm not here to waste my time."

Faith Stormrider
Jan 29th, 2003, 10:51:46 AM
"I am not wasting any of your time."

Faith crossed her arms, the grin growing wider as she felt him getting nervous. She arched an eyebrow, a discreet chuckle escaping her mouth.

"I am Faith Stormrider. Destiny's evil alter ego, dark side, twin ... Whatever you want to call it."

Xenodoros Stormrider
Jan 29th, 2003, 03:54:51 PM
"Alter ego?" He asked.

"What is that suppose to mean? How is that possible?" Xenodoros had too many questions unanswered.

Xenodoros calmed down, he kept observing her. He didn't know Destiny had a certain 'alter ego'. He didn't even know it was possible for them to get 'separated' somehow. Xenodoros kept wondering what this was all about.

Faith Stormrider
Jan 30th, 2003, 10:43:24 AM
"Does it really matter ?"

By his hurrying way of asking questions, it wasn't hard to see that he was more than just curious about all of this. Faith smiled sheepishly exactly as Destiny would and giggle.

"You won't be alone anymore, Xenodoros."

Xenodoros Stormrider
Jan 31st, 2003, 11:37:58 AM
"I don't know you" Xenodoros told her directly.

It was true. He was talking to a stranger, a different person. It wasn't Destiny. Xenodoros was a lonely person but he doubted someone would be able to intrude his life. He sighed.

"I don't know you at all."

Faith Stormrider
Feb 2nd, 2003, 04:47:57 PM
"But I know you.

This was bound to happen. Xenodoros was stubborn like that. Faith leaned her head back against the couch and sighed also, but the smile on her lips didn't fade.

"You, all of your secrets and desires ... Even what's eating you up, at the moment."

Xenodoros Stormrider
Feb 4th, 2003, 05:24:53 PM
Xenodoros was interested in what she had to say. How could she know? Even if his stress was noticeable, Xenodoros did not know how she would know exactly what happened.

Xenodoros got up. He walked towards the doorway and looked back.

"I'm sorry." Xenodoros said in a sadened tone.

He didn't know what was happening. Who was this alter ego? But everytime she mentioned what was killing him inside, his soul felt crushed.