View Full Version : Knowledge and Strenght join forces-Surpassing My Limits (Closed)
imported_Lance Stormrider
Jan 21st, 2003, 10:09:02 AM
OOC: Nobody may join.
:: Usually Lance would come to the academy every morning for his daily warmup, but on this day it was more then just a simple was the time...Lance felt it in him he had reached his limit, he felt it in his heart he couldn't become any stronger then he already was physically, but he knew and sensed a great battle was about to it was time for him...for his sword skills to be at their edge, for that Lance had sensed and felt the need to learn a very special technique his father once talked to him about.::
:: Lance walked into the same sparring room he did everyday, Matrix clipped to his belt. He took a deep breath and walked at the center of the room throwing his red cape to the floor he sat on the floor indian style his eyes closed meditating intensively.....calling the force resting his aura.::
I'll'll learn this technique.....even if I have to push my-self to the limit.......even if it means to die I'll learn this before I do.
:: His eyes narrowed even deeper but these thoughts just prevented him from focusing.::
imported_Lance Stormrider
Jan 21st, 2003, 02:16:26 PM
:: After having difficulties focusing on the force Lance tried to clear his mind of all these thoughts that have been torturing him, he tried to think only of the force and tried to call it's aid, severals minutes passed as Lance sat on the floor his aura almost emerging out of him Lance started glowing and his jaded eyes finally opened all the energy around him generating towards his right hand, Lance closedit and gripped to it.::
"Hmph, alright....I needed that....." Lance finally felt at peace to start his final sword training, he called his backpack to his hand where he had brought several scrolls he had written while training with his father.
"Hmm......I hate to do this....but it's time to study......"
imported_Lance Stormrider
Jan 21st, 2003, 02:50:05 PM
:: Lance grabbed the first scroll and started reading it carefully, as he passed through the letters Lance scattered every word from the scroll trying to understand the concentration he most employ.::
This doesn't look as easy as I thought it would be....darn....this sure requires a great deal of concentration...would I actually be able to do this in a real life battle....
:: Lance finished reading all the scroll quickly just to have a quick idea of what the attack would look like if it would be actually be performed.::
This attack is basically a quick thrust aiming towards the 9 vital body one single shot.....
:: Lance grabbed his strider blade that right next to him and held it tightly.......breathing intensively..::
"This is a deadly I guess....that your not gonna be of any use..." Lance let it go and gripped to Matrix.
"But if I use you at your minimal state...then I guess I can use it to protect others..."
imported_Lance Stormrider
Jan 22nd, 2003, 05:42:34 AM
:: Lance turned drew back his attention towards the scrolls in front of him and continued to study them this time one by one taking full care of reading and unerstanding everything.:: if I understand it welll.......the basic stance of this technique is the following.
:: Lance rose to his feet his strider blade in his hands.....Lance grabbed it with both hands his eyes closed puting his feet at anb equal distance from each other, the technique required an odd thrust almost like floating towards the enemy the blade in a horizontal position.::
:: Lance did the exact same thing, he swung his strider blade in front of him and put it in a horizontal position his eyes closed he started focusing on the stance.::
" am I gonna rush towards someone in this's impossible....."
:: Lance swung the strider blade leftwards and came back pacing towrds the scrolls.::
"Hmph....let's see...."
imported_Lance Stormrider
Jan 22nd, 2003, 05:51:30 AM
:: Lance grabbed the scroll once again and started reading the whole attack, it seemed that there was a certain time where he'd have to lead with his right foot but then slide his two foots together and putting his body forward the blade in front of him, he would have to perfor one single slash to hit all 9 vital points at the same time making it impossible for his opponent to block..::
" Hmph....alright then let's see" Lance said rising to his feet again.
:: He put his feets at an equal distance from each other his strider blade in a horizontal position right in front of him.::
"First try!" Lance proppulsed himself with his right foot dashing towards the other side of the room he started sliding his feets at an equal distance from each other, Lance had moved his foot too quickly which collapsed against his other foot causing his to stumble.
"Owwwww" Lance slammed his face against the floor
"Damnit!...Too fast....this is not the right way.....I'm doing this all wrong I'm not calm enough"
imported_Lance Stormrider
Jan 23rd, 2003, 05:38:53 AM
:: Lance rose up to his feet and walked towards the center of the room sitting down he put him-self in indian style meditation, his eye closed....he continued to summon the force within him to calm him-self from all this excitement.::
Must calm my-self.......thst wasn't the right way...I have to find the error in all this....maybe when I wanted to put my two feets at an equal distance my move was too rushy....hmph...gotta correct that...
:: He continued to meditate to obtain perfect calm::
imported_Lance Stormrider
Jan 24th, 2003, 05:33:53 AM
:: Once Lance felt at peace again, he rose back to his feet and called his blade to his hand quickly summoning the force, the young man walked again towards the scrolls and continued to study them.::
"hmm....I can't even do the first stance.....this is really tough..." Lance got up once again.
" we go again...." He brought his sword back up and his right feet in the front
"Try number 2.." Lance propulsed him-self once again using is right foot and his constant dash leading towards the edge of the room Lance slid his foot once again at an equal distance to his other holding his sword in a horizontal position.
"Ahhhh!!!!" Lance had it when suddenly one of his feets once again crashed against the other casuing his to stumble once again.
"Daaamn...almost....what the heck...."
imported_Lance Stormrider
Jan 26th, 2003, 07:51:44 PM
:: Lance got up with the help of his strider blade he walked towards hte scrolls once again and sat down breathing trying to catch up his breath.::
"Damn crap....what the heck is wrong with my stance..."
:: Lance tried to visualize his moves....but he just couldn't find the error on his he searched throughout his mind.....he saw a certain brutality in his actions..::
" time I better go softer.....theres a certain peace I must obtain..."
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