View Full Version : Troubling Facts (Taja, Xazor, Loki, Rognan)

imported_Natia Telcontar
Jan 21st, 2003, 09:53:25 AM
*Natia was walking down the streets to a spot of her decision. Her thoughts had been troubling of late. She had neither seen nor spoken with any friends or family for quite some time. A couple weeks now. Not since it happened. Her head bowed so she's looking at the ground, she is cloaked in black, no skin or hair or clothing is showing. It's a wet night to be out, but there's a brief pause in the rain, and about the streets, but she didn't feel like going someplace where it would be more crowded. She wanted privacy with her friends and family right now. Upon reaching the designated spot, she waits for them to arrive.*

Rognan Dar
Jan 21st, 2003, 04:47:56 PM
Rognan got a message from Natia this rainy day, telling him to meet her somewhere in the streets. He felt uneasy about the message. He never got a note from her before, so he didn't know what was wrong, if there was something wrong. So he made off right after he got the note heading for the location that she hadd metioned. Along side of him was his pet and best friend, Yarden.

As they neared the meeting place they were both wet. Yarden's black fur looked all streaky as water dripped of of her. And Rognan wasn't much better off. His white outer cloak was all wet, along with most of his Jedi robe, too.

"Sorry for draging you along in this, Yarden." He said looking at the wevicat as it looked back with a blank stare. He stopped and pulled out a datapad, looked at it, then turned down a another street and saw a black figure standing alone. Rognan's tuned in his Lorrdian abilitys, studying this person. After a monent of staring, he knew that it was her. He walked up beside her, then spoke in a calm, consurned vocie.

"Natia. I got your message...is there something wrong?"

imported_Natia Telcontar
Jan 22nd, 2003, 09:07:31 AM
*Natia turns to face Rognan as he verballly announces his presence. Her face and hair are still hidden beneath the hood of her cloak as the rain starts to come down again after the slight break. Only a fool would be out on a night like this*

I will speak of the matter that I have called ppl here for when all have shown up. But in advance, I'm sorry for calling you out on a night like this.

*Natia does not answer Rognans question about anything being wrong right now, and she keeps her body language under control so there is nothing for Rognan to read except stillness*

Loki Ahmrah
Jan 22nd, 2003, 07:45:10 PM
Since their last encounter back on Arcan IV, Loki both feared and eagerly anticipated his next meeting with Natia. All those months ago, he knew she would've changed but he hadn't been prepared for how different she had actually become. He had cared for her since he was but eight years old and now seven years on, despite her Dark-Side leanings, he would not neglect that care nor their friendship.

"The rain halts." He commented quietly to himself. "Perhaps this is a good sign or maybe one storm is clearing before another begins."

Under the brown, hooded cloak he frowned in silent thought. He paused and looked back, further down the street where there hid a trio of outlanders; youths only a few years older than himself. They had been following him for five minutes now and with his clarity of senses their intentions were easily uncovered. Unfortunately for them, he carried no valuables save for the clothing on his back and the lightsaber at his side.

"Coruscant." He grunted irritably as he walked. The moment you go down a couple of levels, all the glamour of the surface is lost in a suffocating bog of filth and filth overun with crime and poverty. "Can the light only go so deep?"

Stopping to look at a roadsign indicating his whereabouts, he turned right and in that moment felt two distinctive presences not too far away. One was most definately that of a Jedi and the other, a troubled soul and a familiar one at that. Natia was near.

"Good evening." He announced in a voice much unlike that which his young friend had been used to; at fifteen Loki's voice was deeper and gruff on this cold night. He pulled back his hood feeling no need to remain disclosed in front of the pair. "It's an honour once again, Rognan--" He then turned, and his eyes fell upon his hooded friend. "--Natia."


imported_Natia Telcontar
Jan 23rd, 2003, 09:13:56 AM
*Natia lets a small smile creep to her face as she feels Loki's presence approaching. After he's started to talk, she turns to face him, her smile gets bigger but it is still hidden from sight by her hood knowing that her friends would not be expecting a major change in her, but one that is obviously there*

Loki, my friend. Thank-you for coming tonight.

*Natia fluidly walks the rest of the short distance between herself and Loki and gives him a hug in such a way that the hood stays up and hiding her face*

Xazor Elessar
Jan 24th, 2003, 11:08:34 AM
Coruscant -- what a dreadful city indeed. The rain fell in sheets and collected in dirty puddles upon the hard ground at the feet of those who dared go out this night. The wind blew coldly with a groaning sound upon its wings seeming to carry a chill that froze the marrow in one's very bones. Several messages from a young woman had been received the previous day -- one of those recipients was Xazor Dawnstrider -- or rather, Q'Dunn as she had just been officially taken into the family of Marcus and Helenias Q'Dunn but a week or so before hand. The letter was from her own Daughter, Natia, and she requested the Jedi Knight's presence this very eve of darkness.

A dark figure clad in long flowing black robes made its way through the streets of the slums where beggers and drunks fell at her feet and asked for money. She occasionally threw down to them a coin here and there, but that was not her mission tonight, no -- there was something else. The hood of her cloak was drawn upon over her head, shadowing her face and hiding her identity from all. She was not just a Jedi anylonger and did not dress like one either. To all who saw her could figure out naught if she was a Darksider or of the Light. Being that she was a Lost Jedi complicated the situation slightly, but this meeting had to do with family -- not sides.

Her journey led her down a side street where her bright cyan eyes fell upon a small group gathered near one figure that stood out in her mind's eye. She approached them and bowed before folding her hands at her waist.

"Greetings Daughter -- it has been long in time since I have laid eyes on you."

imported_Natia Telcontar
Jan 24th, 2003, 06:45:26 PM
*Natia turns rather quickly when she hears her Mother's voice. As she turns, the hood of her cloak falls, revealing black hair with a white lock where before her hair had been completely blonde. Some might even have called it white at times. A smile clearly visible on her face widens as she sees her Mother. Where before there had been ice blue eyes as characteristic to her biological family, there is now brown eyes*

Mother. It has indeed been along time since either of us saw each other.

*Natia glances up to the sky as she hears the sound of an owl hooting and sees a snowy white owl coming down towards them. She raises an arm, hand in a fist which the owl lands on. Looking into the owls eyes for a moment, she then nods towards the sky and the owl takes off again and is out of sight again quickly*

Thank-you all for coming. Especially tonight of all nights.

*Natia pauses here as she walks over to her Mother and gives her a hug and whispers a quiet greeting to her*

I will do my best not to keep you all out here in the rain since I'm guessing none of you like being wet. I for one am not thrilled with being wet, but tonight I will tolerate it for I need to talk with you. I am expecting one other to come, but she will probably be late in arriving.

*Natia pauses here in case anyone wants to make any comments about anything that she has said as of yet*

Rognan Dar
Jan 25th, 2003, 02:43:59 PM
When the owl swooped down there was a grawling sound coming from Rognan's side. Yarden didn't like other animals and was about to pounce on it when Rognan gave her a stern glare. She stopped right away and sat back down.

Rognan didn't mind the rain to much aspecialy if it was for someone else. He was used to cold weather anyway, he just didn't like the wind that much, and since there wasn't any he was fine. But he did wonder what this little meeting was about. So far there where two other Jedi her, and still one other person to come. Who could that be.

imported_Natia Telcontar
Jan 26th, 2003, 10:09:30 AM
*Natia waves a hand and pulls a wet empty garbage can over to where she is with the Force, making sure that it's upside down and the bottom is clean before she sits down on it. She looks around all those that had assembled so far and having waited as long as she has for ppl to show up, she goes to start talking again after taking a deep breath*

A few weeks ago I came across somebody who I had not seen in a long time. A person who I rightfully should not have seen, but I did. It is because of this person that I came across that I have asked you all here. I trust you all and value all of your opinions.

Tonight I ask you all to speak the truth to me, even if it will hurt. I have some decisions that I must make here if I am to have any sort of peace in my life.

*Natia glances around at the others gathered here this night. Two friends and her Mother. All three mean alot to her*

As I am sure you all know, several years ago I started training on the Darkside again. If this is new to you that it is my second time, my first time was when I was not even five after I killed my Father and before my legal guardian almost killed me.

But this has led me to do alot of thinking lately ever since my encounter with a person I should not have seen. My thinking took me to the one place where I dared not go before. Home. I went home for the first time since I ran away from my legal guardian.

While there I was welcomed home by the locals who seemed happy to see me, but one person in particular approached me. I shall give no names of who these ppl are because that is not important. What is important is the message they gave me.

To each person, change comes. To each person, decisions are made. But none of these matter as much as what is in your heart. That will decide on who you shall be.

That is what he told me. That is also when a physical change came over me. If you can not see the change, then I will suggest you get your eyes checked at the doctors. That same day, I left my home again and went into isolation for awhile so as not to be disturbed with my thoughts.

*Natia glances around the group as she pauses for a moment*

Loki Ahmrah
Jan 31st, 2003, 09:45:26 AM
All the while, Loki had remained in a solemn silence out of respect for his friend and what she had to say, he wouldn't interrupt and her tale was interesting. Over the last few years he had learned the lesson of deceit and how it drips and oozes from the black words of the Dark-Siders. This lesson had taken it's toll on him and he dared not to trust the girl who stood before him. Out of fear, he kept his senses to himself since the last time he saw Natia and felt the darkness within her fair self it had hurt him and left a lasting impression. He couldn't take that feeling again.

"Your story is interesting but I have to ask if this is just another compelling tale before you dissapear once more?" He stepped forward and against the pale skin, his striking blue eyes caught hers and there was a moment of silence. Water dripped from his thick, dark locks whilst he took in the changes to his old friend. "If what you say is true then indeed this man you speak of is wise. So what is in your heart?"

imported_Natia Telcontar
Jan 31st, 2003, 10:16:21 AM
*Natia looks at Loki and frown slightly*

My story is the truth. After I am done talking with you all, I will leave again, unless I can figure out what I have to do. The person who spoke those words to me was the Elder of my hometown. At least he used to be.

*Natia looks at her Mother, the person who adopted her and gave her a family. She then looks at Rognan, the person who has only met her since she turned to the Darkside. Then her gaze rests on Loki again. Her first male friend. Someone who has remained a friend in her eyes through all these years*

I can tell that not all of you trust me, nor do I blame you for not trusting me. I am thankful that you have showed up and I ask your help for what is in my heart is blind to me right now. Or it is so heavily shadowed that I can not see it for a change.

Please, tell me your thoughts and opinions on what I should do next. Please.

Loki Ahmrah
Jan 31st, 2003, 10:36:08 AM
"If that is what you want then it will take more than a fleeting moment together in the street on a cold, wet night. And if it is help you want, then I will be only to happy to give it--" He answered, allowing a smile to slip through, his hopes lifting.

"--But not here." Loki added in a less cheerful tone, seriousness taking hold of him once more. Stepping back, he looked up to the sky then pulled his hood back over his now drenched hair. He turned his head and nodded in the direction of a large, ominous sillhouette of a tower peering over a building in the distance. The rain was heavy so it wasn't easy to see but it was clear what he was gesturing towards.

"Come back to the Temple with us where we can all spend more time together. By our request you will be given your own quarters and have our facilities and friendship ready at hand whenever you need it."

Rognan Dar
Jan 31st, 2003, 03:14:50 PM
Rognan was silent after Natia's speech. He didn't know what his opinions and thought were on the matter, he could only think of helping in anyway that he could.

"I haven't known you that long, Natia, and I dont know what to tell you on the matter either. But I would agree with Loki on this one."

Xazor Elessar
Jan 31st, 2003, 03:43:00 PM
Xazor's eyes continued to rest upon Natia's face. She had brought shame to their family, there was no doubt about that. She had betrayed not only the Jedi Order, but also Xazor's trust. This time was no exception and her tale was far too much for the Jedi Knight to accept at that moment.

"Natia -- I cannot tell you what to do, as much as I would like to. These decisions are yours and yours alone -- they are from your heart. You have a good mind, so use it. We may give advice, but in the end, the conclusion is what you would have chosen all along."

Her eyes searched her daughter's for a moment, wondering how it ever came to be that the little girl she once knew and loved had gotten so lost in the universe. A depressed sigh rose and fell within the Garou woman as she thought of the years slipped away -- the years wasted because of one decision -- one very selfish decision.

"How the Darkside clouds everything -- blinding it is -- difficult to see past also. Once it grips your heart, it is difficult to pull away -- but it is possible, if one is strong enough. That is not for me to judge nor is it up to me to change your mind about your path. Natia, these things are for you to meditate on and make decisions about. As for me --"

She paused and took a few steps forward, kneeling down upon the wet ground to look up at the child she had raised -- the child who had grown so much, not just in height -- but in knowledge and wisdom. The young woman held out her hand to her, putting aside all selfish thoughts of the past and such matters.

"-- love keeps no records of wrongs -- I unconditionally love you -- you are mine, my own, the joy in my life. You're welcome in my home anytime because that too is your home."

The rain continued to fall upon Xazor and the glow around her seemed to increase as she poured out her heart to her child -- despite decisions made, nothing could keep friends and family apart, not even the Dark and Light. Sides mattered not when it came to love -- because love was just that, and it holds no boundaries.

imported_Natia Telcontar
Feb 1st, 2003, 11:09:48 AM
*Natia listens to what Loki, Rognan, and her Mother have to say and she is silent throughout all this. How had she become so far from those that matter most to her?? She could see the distance that seperates her from those that she cares about and she can see that she doesn't like the distance. After a moment, she stands up but immediately after, she goes down to her knees and gives her Mother a hug, tears starting to come and roll down her cheek.*

I've missed you Mother, I've really missed you.

*Natia after a moment stands up again and dusts off her legs*

I'm sorry for any and all pain I've caused you all over the last few years. I made a mistake and I played right into my legal guardian's hands.

I also left out a part of what happened when I went to my hometown. I came across my legal guardian and he was smiling. For you see, when I ran away from him when I was just a little kid, he came after me and beat me until I was almost dead. He gave me a reason to hate him with a passion and a desire to have my revenge on him. And I played right into his hands when I decided to start training on the Darkside again. That is where he wants me.

*Natia falls silent for a minute or two, but continues to speak again softly, but with such power in her voice that she doesn't even sound like the little girl that left the Jedi so many years ago*

The Darkside is the one place where I can Not be. If I am, then he will have won and I can not allow that.

*Natia looks at all those that are there tonight so far before looking down at the ground again for a moment before looking back up*

Please, help me correct a wrong that I made so many years ago.

*Natia looks at Loki, knowing that she hasn't yet touched on what he said*

I'm willing to go to the Temple. Though first, I must do something before I go there. I must talk to someone who is supposed to show up as well, but hasn't yet. If any or all of you wish to go, I will not blame you.

Loki Ahmrah
Feb 20th, 2003, 07:55:27 AM
"I will stay with you." Loki nodded but kept his hood up, his face still visible and long strand of thick, dark hair spiralled down the front of his face here and there, dripping with water. A smile carressed his lips and he stepped forward, embracing his friend in a comforting hug. He expelled a sigh of relief and closed his eyes thankful that she was safe once again. "I'm glad you've came back, Natia--" He began then took her icy hands in his own, hoping to generate some warmth between them. He stared into her eyes with concern.

"--But I wont lie to you. This is going to be difficult and I fear for you, I really do. You cannot turn away from the Dark Side because you don't want someone to 'win' over you. This must be a selfless course of attonement." His grip tightened securly on her hands and he spoke with a firm tone in his voice. "But we will beat this!"

imported_Natia Telcontar
Feb 20th, 2003, 09:18:28 AM
*Natia smiles slightly and nods her head briefly*

Thank-you Loki.

*Natia returns Loki's hug when he hugs her*

I know things will be difficult. I have left the Darkside once, and that has given me strength to do so again. Especially since I am better off with my family and friends that I have here.

There are also some other reason's for my coming back which I wish not to divulge at this point in time. Though this time I have to completely let go and that will be difficult. And for that, I will need all the support any of you are willing to give me.

*Natia raises a hand towards the sky and whistles. After a moment, the snowy owl that was there earlier comes and lands on her hand which she lowers to a more reasonable height for having the weight on it*

Some of you may be wondering about Poledra here. She came to me on night not to long ago actually. It was with her that I found something out.

*Natia gets a rather tender and caring smile on her face*

Poledra is just a young owl right now who wanted to stay with me. But I digress again.

*Natia takes her other hand and pets the owl gently as she looks around the room*

imported_Taja Loraan
Feb 24th, 2003, 06:14:46 AM
"Rain, rain, go away..."

The voice was indifferent, and its owner appeared equally apathetic - lethargic, even. All eyes immediately turned to the latecomer, a young woman with fierce red locks and glazed, hazel eyes. The damp hair framing her face and shrouding her features made it almost impossible to distinguish her expression. To add to the small assembly of animals, a snake was coiled around her waist, its head draped over her shoulder almost ornately. Its acute glare equaled that of its master.

She stood some distance away from Natia - after all, she was the only member of the gathering to have trained extensively in the Dark Arts. Although her appearance remained docile, her words adopted a less compliant tone. "On second thought, stay," she whispered coldly. She had perceived all that transpired, oh yes, even though her physical embodiment had been nowhere near this street; Taja's mental link with her Apprentice had allowed her to sense every turbulent emotion, every distorted thought that passed through the girl's mind. At last, it settled on one... one which spurred the Dark Jedi into speaking.

"So, what did I miss?" she sneered, somewhat haughtily. Bitterness, dissatisfaction and resentment went only so far to describe Taja's sentiments at this point, and it could do no further damage than had already been done to humor the Jedi; it was an attribute they lacked entirely.

imported_Natia Telcontar
Feb 24th, 2003, 09:12:13 AM
*Natia turns while holding Poledra close to her body and bows her head slightly upon seeing Taja*

I assume that you already know what has gone on here and by my guess, you are not pleased with it. But in short, I've had to discuss some things with friends and family, and the small group that showed up immediatly to talk has agreed to help me out.

But I am willing to listen and consider any and all that you have to say.

*Natia keeps herself still so as not to let Rognan read her body language, something that she knows for a fact that he can do unless she does this. The only movement she does is to bite her lower lip slightly*

Loki Ahmrah
Mar 15th, 2003, 12:45:34 PM
"Ah, good evening, Taja." Her again. This would be the second time Loki had met Natia's master, she reminded him of Dalethria; sweet but too sweet, it was trait shared amongst a number of attractive women of the Dark Side and with his experience in that field, Loki could smell that sugary deception a mile off.

"It has been a while since we last met. Even the rain cannot dampen that lovely visage of yours." He smiled, he too could play with words but despite the double-edged compliment he served, the padawan kept his composure and professionalism.

imported_Taja Loraan
Mar 27th, 2003, 01:33:34 PM
As she began to speak, the serpent unwound from around Taja's slim waist, slithering down her form and crossing the short space between its master and the young Padawan to once again curl up, this time at Loki's feet. The Dark Jedi too followed, unhurriedly covering the distance.

"Consider?" she finally repeated, slowly -- listlessly. "What's there to consider? You seem to have made your decision well enough on your own; why bother asking me?" Shrugging her shoulders for emphasis, the Dark Jedi then turned to face the second youngest member of the group, and as she did so, the corner of her lips twitched upwards to form a faint smile.

"Nice to see you too, sweetie," she said in reply to Loki's greeting, giving a small laugh as she placed a quick kiss on the Padawan's cheek.

imported_Natia Telcontar
Mar 27th, 2003, 01:58:04 PM
There is alot to consider. And I ask you because I value your opinion. I ask because despite things that have said, there is always information that is left out. And to have another view on things helps alot in the decision making process. Especially when it can affect alot of different ppl.

*Natia looks at Poledra for a moment before she raises her hand slightly and Poledra flys up to the edge of the building that they are near and settles there*

imported_Taja Loraan
Mar 28th, 2003, 05:42:26 AM
Taja paused before responding. The very words Natia had spoken only minutes ago now quietly in the girl's psyche, yet not without resonance. To each person, change comes. To each person, decisions are made. But none of these matter as much as what is in your heart. That will decide on who you shall be.

Her tone softened. "Who do you think you are right now, Natia? Forget what your friends here have told you, forget about me... who are you?"

imported_Natia Telcontar
Mar 28th, 2003, 08:20:51 AM
*Natia shakes her head slightly*

I don't know who I am. I know who I was, and I know how I've gotten here, but I don't know who I am. At times I'm ..... I just don't know who I am. I'm lost.

*Natia obviously is having a hard time saying this*

Just a short couple of weeks ago, I was not lost. I knew who I was. But now, I don't know.