View Full Version : Cold Eyes and a Cruel Master: A Trial of Teachings (Kelt)

Maester Wargrave
Jan 21st, 2003, 04:10:57 AM
It was a simple message. A test so to say.

Master Kelt,
Join me on Belsavis. We need to discuss your training.

The man waited at the edge of an icy glacier, perched upon one of the many rocks protruding from the white ice. His black cloak was pulled around the black and silver armor he wore, and his skin was as grey as the rock he sat upon.

The message had been sent about four days ago, from special courier to Coruscant.

He should have gotten it by now. If Marcus is as unreachable as he normally is...this shall be a very important test for the young one. A very important test.

He watched and waited, stretching his senses out...

Ah yes... Maester Wargrave smiled, pulling an illusion around him of Marcus Q'Dunn (now Marcus Elessar)

There he is.

Kelt Simoson
Jan 21st, 2003, 12:20:33 PM
Kelt of course received the message at his qaurters within the GJO. Kelt thought it to he highly strange that his master would travel to Belsavis for a surprise training after not training with him at all for over 4 months. However his first priorty was to serve his masters wishes perticuly in traning and the like so of course not knowing the Jedi Padawan did as he was told.

Kelt had wrapped himself within his own heavy cloak, fulled down his hood to cover his ears and put on two heavy fur boats that he had hired at the town below the mountians. It was bitterly cold but Kelt progressed through the biting wind to stad with what he could see as his master, truding up the mountain through thick snow he eventually got to the man standing on the edge of what looked like a thick glacia. Kelt stepped out to join his Master and bowed his head in respect.

' Good morning m-' He cut short noticing his masters eye almost immedietly, a twang of surprise hit him. ' I am pleased to see your blindness has got better Master for i was worried and sorry for the condition you were in only a few days ago at dinner. It is nice to see my Master back in working order, i trust you are back to normal now?... He asked with a smile, trying to keep himself upright on the slippery surface.

Maester Wargrave
Jan 21st, 2003, 07:41:42 PM
"The ability of the Force, Master Kelt," the image of Marcus said, "And a few well placed bacta treatments."

He smiled and stood on the rock.

"Tell me, Master Kelt. Tell me about yourself a bit more. Some more personal history."

Kelt Simoson
Jan 22nd, 2003, 12:23:51 PM
Kelt of course knew from fist hand as a healer there was no way bacta nor Jedi healing could help that eye so quickly from how bad it was only a few days ago. But he continued with he was asked to do hopeing it was only something to do with his training.

' Well Master i actually think you know almost everything about me and my personal life, considering you were the person who took me in with the Jedi and asked me the very same question when i arrived to the Jedi.' He remarked finding it very odd.

Maester Wargrave
Jan 22nd, 2003, 12:51:14 PM
"That might be true Master Kelt," the image said.

"But I still wish to know more. What have you done recently for the light side? And also...tell me about the Crusaders more."

Kelt Simoson
Jan 27th, 2003, 12:43:33 AM
'I have not recently been on any expeditions master, as you know. But i belive i have served the light side through learning about the jedi culture, ways and religion. I have studied healing and alchemy and the jedi fighting style. I have done alot through the light side that does not consist of fighting. Kelt said standing a tad closer to his master.

The Jedi looked out over the alpine town of Nubridge of which the glacia overlooked. It as nothing short of breath taking and he could not help but smile. Although there was a twanging at the back of his head to further question his "master" on his healed eye he really did not want to hinder him on the situation.

' As for the Crusaders Order, well i have not been back to Shazmack in 9 months so i do not know how they have progressed but when i was there the only way i can describe them is being Jedi but they would fight for justice and not just talk about it. I did not like that way of making peace as you know...there is no need to shed death to serve peace...' He said looking down towards his saber.

Maester Wargrave
Jan 27th, 2003, 04:04:34 PM
No need to shad death to serve peace...interesting, Wargrave mused as he listened to Kelt talk.

He decided to pursue this line of questioning, "I was in the Unknown Regions recently and I discovered a group called the 'Templis Cult'. Their uniforms are much like your 'Crusader' ones. Have you ever heard of them?"

Kelt Simoson
Jan 29th, 2003, 01:17:46 AM
' You have been to the Unknown Regions recently?...no you have not sir, you have within the Jedi halls foratleast 2 months....' He answered suspciusly. ' Whats going on?

Kelt felt his hand go towards his saber and rest there as he took a few steps backwards to provide room between the two, his saber however was not ignited, his hand simply rested here just in case.

Maester Wargrave
Jan 29th, 2003, 01:35:31 AM
Either Mister Simoson is blind or he trusts Marcus too much. I know for a fact he hasn't been in the Jedi halls.

"Kelt," the voice was a bit stern, "I wish to know more about the Crusaders. Is it against their code to talk about them? Or to inquire about others who look like them?"

Kelt Simoson
Feb 6th, 2003, 04:40:34 PM
Kelt looked at his 'Master' for a few moments before concluding in himself that this was ether a trick, a test or a trap and as far as he was concerned this was a ploy that he was not going to fall into. ' Us crusaders do not speak of our brethren it is forbidden, you should know that.' He said knowing full well it was not the truth. And if indeed this was Marcus then Marcus would pick up on it right away.

Maester Wargrave
Feb 7th, 2003, 12:54:12 AM
Wargrave snorted. The Templis Cult was always active in recruiting, it was its chief strength.

"Why do you lie to your Master, Kelt," the image of Marcus looked rather cross.

"If I ask you a question, I trust you to answer it with the truth and not some terminological inactitude."

Kelt Simoson
Feb 7th, 2003, 05:37:09 AM
' I do not mean to doubt you sir, but i ask a simple question that you would know so that i may conferm something that concerns my heart...what did you and i discuss the other day in your quarters?' He asked worried that his concern was correct.

Maester Wargrave
Feb 7th, 2003, 07:03:57 AM
Hmm...what did they talk about. Wargrave was a bit concerned, but not overly.

A simple touch of the mind...subtle...barely leaving a trace...now...where is it...where is...ah...yes, I see now.

Marcus leaned forward on one knee.

"You apologized for not coming and visitting me. I said there is no need to aplogize, as I should have been the one to keep track of you."

Wargrave rose from his perch on the rock (keeping the image of Marcus on his body so it looked like Marcus was the one rising).

Elessar prefers blades to sabers. I'm pleased to have Donovan's blade with me.

He pulled the blade from his side.

"Care to spare, Master Kelt?"

Kelt Simoson
Feb 13th, 2003, 03:50:24 AM
Kelt raised an eyebrow, this was the first time Kelt had seen Marcus or so he though raise his sword in a duel. Things were strange about this encounter, but Kelt would contunie the jouney of the meeting without arguements. Just to see where it lead. Drawing his sword Kelt placed himself into a defencive stance and looked hard towards "Marcus".

' After you sir.'

Maester Wargrave
Feb 13th, 2003, 04:09:36 AM
Wargrave smiled and swung his sword in attack. The two swords *clanked* together as they connected, then seperated and struck each other again.

Wargrave swung the sword at Kelt again, striking it, and sending a few sparks up.

"So...can you keep up, Master Simonson?"

Kelt Simoson
Feb 15th, 2003, 08:44:34 AM
The sword swords clanked together several times, Kelt stuck to his defult defencive stance blocking eatch strike his 'master' flung at him. It was on the 5th of 6th stroke towards Kelt that the Padawan kncoked his 'masters' sword to the left which opened the camoflaged Dark Jedis chesk exposed and with a quick jab Kelts sword stabbed towards Wagraves chest.

Ooc: sorry, very tired,.

Maester Wargrave
Feb 18th, 2003, 05:04:49 PM
It was then Kelt's charge was halted by an invisible wall of something.

The Jedi Padawan was thrown into the air and held, air just barely able to make its way down his throat.

The illusion disappeared.

And Maester Wargrave stood there.

"So far so good, little one. But...the time for illusions is over!"

Kelt Simoson
Feb 20th, 2003, 02:39:00 AM
The padawan was thrown into a frenzy of fear, this of course was a first time for him and he had only once ever fought of darksider, Nupraptor, and barely escaped that with his life. This time however was different. Kelt was caught and hung by the force, his throat sqeezed nearly to crushing point and his sword lay pitifully on the soft snow. It was only then that Kelt felt the true force flow through him, fear, feeling, love and even dislike for however this man was. He dare to take on the visage of one of the most powerful and respected Jedi?. Kelt went to grip what was taking air from him but he felt nothing, he scrambled for something to rip from his throat but yet again there was nothing.

' l....let meh go!' He tried to yell but little or no sound escaped from his mouth, but with instinct rather than though for his life the jedi raised his bottom half his body, the strain increased around his neck and his face turned a dark red, he concentrated, concentrated on the force, a passion shot through him, fear next and then a jolt of excitement. And then with a bolt of energy from the force Kelt kicked out from his raised position and smashed the Darksider in the side of the head hoping the Dark One would let him free.

Maester Wargrave
Feb 26th, 2003, 10:39:35 AM
Wargrave stumbled a bit, he had been expecting the attack, but not one as powerful as it was supposed to be.

He smiled, "Well...well...well...good for you, Kelt."

The grip tightened a small bit.

"You're showing some progress. A good deal of progress.

"What else do you have for today?"

Kelt Simoson
Apr 8th, 2003, 09:36:00 PM
It was the last resort. The grip tightned around Kelts neck and he was fast becoming breathless. The Jedi Padawan reached for his saber cylinder and force pulled it into his hands with ease. The Padawan scrambled for the button and within a few short moments the misty grey saber errected from its home in the cylinder and extended to a sabers full height.

Using both hands to grip the saber the Padawan swiftly swiped it across the Dark Jedi's chest which sliced into the mans cloths and hopefully cut the mans chest. A force push was finaly added to the attack and the Dark Jedi stumbled back droping Kelt in the process.

' Dark Jedi...i spit at you...' And he did, he spat at the ground next to Wargraves boots.

Maester Wargrave
Apr 9th, 2003, 01:01:37 AM
Wargrave looked amused.

"The padawan does have some strength left in him...Excellent.

"I would hate to think," he removed his saber, but kept it unlit, "You master would train a coward.

"That is, after all why I am here, to test your ability to fight."

He beckoned a black gauntleted hand.

"Come...test your saber skills."

Kelt Simoson
May 1st, 2003, 11:24:35 PM
Kelt quickly picked his lightsaber up from the snow ground and wiped away the fleakes that had clung to the hilt almost as if they were looking for warmth. The Jedi Padawan once switched on the sabre and a light blue almost grey blade sprouted quickly from the base and extended to its full lengh.

' No, i insist sir, you take the first move...' In his opinion a good defence was a good offence, he would wait for it. ' Come darksider.'

Maester Wargrave
May 1st, 2003, 11:47:19 PM
Wargrave shook his head mentally.

This Jedi was too trusting. Interesting...given who his master was.

"I wonder," he kept the black lightsaber unlit, "If your master would approve of you not attacking first.

"Tsk tsk tsk tsk tsk" his tongue clucked, "Marcus would not like that at all...."

Then with a *push* he sent Kelt tumbling to the ground and back down the hill.

"He definately wouldn't like that at all...COME...Mister Simonson...test your saber skills."

The saber was still unlit.

"I will not kill you. It doesn't suit my purposes to."

Kelt Simoson
May 5th, 2003, 02:49:37 PM
' I am a Jedi a warrior of peace. I do not start fights or premote violence Dark One. If you wish to attack me do so, but i will not attack you and break my creed with the Jedi!.'

He almost yelled as if forcing his feelings across to the Darksider. Kelts sabre buzzed back and forth as he flipped the blade innocently around in his hand, he would wait, no matter what. he was not going to attack unless he had to.

Maester Wargrave
May 6th, 2003, 03:58:04 PM
Wargrave was still unimpressed. The Jedi had shown his strength yes...but his mind was still weak.

A sudden image invaded Kelt's mind, an image of Wargrave before Kelt's arrival.

The village was gone...destroyed by the monsterous Dark Jedi as he waded through, mercilessly killing any who stood before him. Women pleaded with him...children ran. Husbands tried to stop him...but all died.

Kelt, in his mind, saw a child laying on the ground, dead, with a stuffed animal next to her. The mother cried, then died next.

It was as if, Kelt saw the entire thing happen in front of him and was powerless to stop it. The torture continued, until all were dead.

"As you can see, Mister Simoson," Wargrave's face was a sneer, "My thirst for death has all ready been sated for the day."

Kelt Simoson
May 9th, 2003, 06:11:58 PM
' You think you can tumble me with you mind tricks darksider?' Kelt moved back a few paces to give the two enough space to fight if it came to it. Kelt was starting to get upset with all the blood in his mind, his voice jittered

' You have a discusting mind Sir. Filled with the horrors of blood and organs. How can you even comprehend to destroy a childs life or kill a mother right infront of her offspring?. You are insane Sir Insane, mad as they come. You will NOT kill anyone as long as i stand my ground and you certanly will not have the slightest chance in hurting a childs life!.' His voice then became stronger and more foceful as if telling the man what was right.

' Do you not know right from wrong? How can you tell me you enjoy doing such a horrible deed?' His hand gripped more tightlky around the hilt of his saber yet he compressed his emotions, his personal feelings were not to get in the way. He would not back down from his claim of the jedi creed, it was ether the darksider attacked or he would not. The darksiders tricks would not heed.

Maester Wargrave
May 9th, 2003, 07:16:08 PM
"Because years ago, my dear Jedi," Wargrave's voice held a bit of coldness, "This village did a wrong to my people. They took many out and slaughtered them, destroying them all with a single hand of what they called justice."

He crossed his arms, still staring down at Kelt. Wargrave was still unimpressed. A body lifted behind Wargrave, slowly flying until it fell at Kelt's feet. It was that of a child...recently slain.

And it was no mind trick.

"I have now given them justice...the justice they so deserved."

Kelt Simoson
Sep 5th, 2003, 12:21:11 PM
Kelt moved back away from the body, The Jedi Padawan felt repulsed, sickened by the torn torso that the Darksiders saber clearly sliced through. In all honesty, Kelt had seen it all on his home worlds. Blood, entrails and countless dead. But this was war with no reason. Battle with no motive...terrible.

' You are weak darksider, you kill innocent people that cannot defend themselves and call yourself powerful? Intelligent? You are nothing more than a common murderer, a Phycopath who cannot see what he is doing is wrong!' Kelt stanced himself now. The towering Dark Jedi loomed over him.

The Jedi Padawans mind was racing with different feelings, hatred, pity and hundreds more poured through his heart. But he would not be taken down through emotion or anything else, he would not be tempted to lash out. He was a Jedi.

' I will not subject myself to your torment Darksider, walk away now and, let there be peace.'

Maester Wargrave
Sep 8th, 2003, 12:57:21 AM
Wargrave's stone face gave a smile.

"A psychopath...now that's a new term," he appeared amused.

"Tell me Jedi Padawan..." The body of the child fell to the ground, rolling down the hill until it came to a stop at Kelt's feet.

"What would your master say to your actions here? Would he be impressed?"