View Full Version : Wetting ones feet in the dark tide

Heero Luna
Jan 20th, 2003, 05:08:35 PM
Awaiting the ‘Sith Demon’.

Luna spent the morning of his third day in the palace much in the same manner he’d spent the past two. He woke early to the smell of freshly baked bread and once again found his breakfast, neatly presented to him upon a table to the foot of his bed. After which he fell back to sleep for a couple of hours. Then for the rest of the morning he sat, looking over the Eastern sea. His room was obviously situated on the eastern wing of the palace and its large, stained glass window was situated directly central, to a single arm chair. Normally he found such solitude, a real bore, but these past days had changed the young, ex padawan. He seemed to relish the peace and quiet the palace had to offer. Generally he felt good, better than he’d felt in months. His room had a good feeling about it. He’d, at last, seemed to shake off his head troubles, (As he called them) and actually start to regain his control of the force.

So there he sat, looking over the ocean of red. He’d spent some 21 hours in that seat over the time he’d been there and over that time he’d hardly managed to stray his thoughts from the strange meeting with the man in white gowns. After all, he was his host, even if he’d failed to appear again since the night they met. Infact Luna hadn’t seen a single being since his arrival on Corelia. Only that one man, on the night he’d arrived. The Sith Demon who’d handed him his most memorable lesson in power. Painful though it was, It remained an intreage in his mind.

He spoke to the ocean before him. “Malice Draclau!” He’d at last remembered the name given to him by the Sith master asif It’d been planted in his head suddenly. “I wait on you Malice Draclau.”

Though the door to his room wasn’t locked, he’d never felt the need to venture out.’Whoever dwelt in this wonderful place would surely come to him, when the need arose’ he’d often thought to himself. So there he sat, with full contentment, waiting.

Jan 20th, 2003, 06:23:10 PM
Sure enough his waiting paid off. small knock rapped the door, which was soon followed by a small droid rolling into his room. The droid had a holo message with him. Sitting infront of Luna, the droid activated the message. A miniature figure of Malice, the an Luna had met appeared. As usual, he was wearing his white robes.

*Greetings stranger. I trust you have recovered well. Your time of waiting is over. Follow the little droid to the library. There we shall meet once again. Ohh......and don't be late, i tend to get angry at those whom are late when asked to meet with me*

With that the image faded, and the little droid turned and began to roll out of his room. Headed towards the library. What Luna was doing, he would have to drop it for now if he didn't want to be late in meeting Malice. For unknown to him, Malice punished those whom were late in meeting with him, or those that failed a task he had given them.

Heero Luna
Jan 22nd, 2003, 05:25:07 PM
He of course followed the droid, at one point he urged it on, so that to reach the library faster. Then, after several minutes of walking, they arrived. The great hall in which they stood was monumental. Luna glanced about, checking the dark places around him for prying eyes. For a minute he was alone. The droid seemed to have disappeared and the great arches, north, east, south and west, seemed to loom over him. Suddenly his eyes were drawn to the centre of the hall, there, plain as day, stood the cloaked figure of Malice. His back was turned, but the power and presence of the Sith Master was unmistakable. For the first time since his arrival at the palace he called on his saber. But it wasn’t there, he was on his own.

Gingerly he made towards the figure; he didn’t know whether to speak out or approach silently. Then he halted, the other knew he was there and with a faint gesture of the hand, he paralysed Luna’s approach.

He stood, motionless for a brief moment, much to the doing of Malice. Then he gained control of himself. His eyes were fixed on the back of the Master Sith. He found the words he’d been searching for.

“I’ve seen this place before, in my dreams. The summoner stood in the same place you do.” He paused briefly, then continued. “But now I know it wasn’t you, in my dreams I mean. It wasn’t you who summoned me to this planet.” He sniggered to himself, “At least I know I’m in the right place and my nightmarish journey wasn’t in vein, surely now, I’ll get some answers.”

Jan 25th, 2003, 03:14:18 AM

Jan 27th, 2003, 02:34:15 AM
Malice had sensed Luna come once he left his room. Turning slowly, Malice put down the book he had been reading. His dark blue eyes falling on the new visitor to the order. The power to summon one from another place to where ever you want intrested the demon sith. He knew such power was reserved for only the most powerful of sith. Which he hoped to become oneday.

*Well now, it seems your well rested. It's just as best. When one first starts training, it is always wise to be at your best*

OOC: Sorry for the late reply. Things are oing on around the house that have limited my time on the comp. Sucks i know, but it should only last until the middle of next month. But i will still be able to get on once a day......at the least/most. So i wont be totally gone.

Heero Luna
Jan 27th, 2003, 03:36:22 PM
Luna was taken back a little by Malices complete ignorance at what he'd just said. It seemed that the Sith had no regard towards his talk of dreams and the 'summoning' as he put it.

But he showed his annoyance not. Instead he kept calm and controlled. His pride would cope with it. It would prove to be in his best interest to go along with the mans ways. Afterall, he was still unarmed and although he felt his confidence growing, He was no fool.

He nodded. "I feel ready....I will be trained it seems."

With that he bowed slightly, much in the way a dualist would bow before a bout. His eyes were keen, his hands, clasped out in front of him. He looked ready, even though the last thing on his mind at present, was training.

Feb 1st, 2003, 07:20:13 PM
Malice paused before answering his question.

*Perhaps. Only time will tell*

With that Malice walked a circle around Luna. Stopping where he had been standing mere seconds ago. Picking up the book he was prevously reading, Malice began flipping pages. His gaze now on the book, instead of on Luna.

*Tell me. What else do you remember of the one whom summoned you here. Do you know what his person looks like?*

Feb 1st, 2003, 08:03:52 PM
OOC: My bad, forgot to switch accounts.