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Dasquian Belargic
Jan 20th, 2003, 01:34:37 PM
“In a world so far away
At the end of a closing day
A little child was born and raised
Deep in the forest on a hidden place
Mother never saw his face

Ancient spirits of the forest
Made him king of men and trees
He was the only human being
Who lived in harmony
In perfect harmony

The woods protected, fulfilled his needs
Fruit by birds, honey by bees
He found shelter under trees
He grew up in their company
They became his family

A thousand seasons
They passed him by
So many times, have said goodbye
And when the spirits called out his name
To join forever, forever to stay
A forest spirit he became

Ancient spirits of the forest
Made him king of men and trees
He was the only human being
Who lived in harmony
In perfect harmony”

-- Within Temptation – Perfect Harmony


To know nothing of one’s past is to know nothing of oneself. Without experiences, arduous trails and bliss alike, we are nothing as people. We define ourselves each day by what we have achieved and what we are still trying to accomplish. Since regaining his memories of his time before arriving at the Greater Jedi Order, Dasquian had not delved deeply back into himself. He had been content with what he had, and rightly so, for his life had become an honourable one. What he had learnt of his past, and the people in it, had been saddening, and he feared if he pried and searched too far, darker things would be found.

Of late he had experienced visions, things he had never felt before. They were echoes of the future, premature warnings for what was to come. Within these there was of course the impending birth of his daughter, said to be plagued by the coming of some great omen. Other children featured, though these were intended to be evil, he felt, though he could not place where they came from.

These things passed from his mind quickly, however, as he became more at home with himself. Feelings of grief and guilt of what he had done escaped and allowed the Jedi to be revitalized as he embraced his former self, full of compassion and life, without regret or envy. Never, however, could he be complete fully, without one thing… history.

Dasquian Belargic
Feb 24th, 2003, 03:27:07 AM
Somewhere on a far away planet, deep into the forests of a world… The sovereign world of the Hallaera. The great city of Bel-Jihar, crowned by the rising sun stood, awoke to a fresh morning. One by one figures began emerging from the cliff side – for their homes were built into and around the surface.

The clans of Paneric, Tyric and Belargic dwelt upon the northern slope, in the beautifully crafted white chambers. Patterns of flora and fauna were engraved into each of the walls, whilst murals depicted great triumphs for Hallaer-kind. Each on this northern wall showed people with fair hair, tall and lithe in build and dressed in regal robes. They were exquisitely beautiful, and bore the most unusual point tipped ears.

The clans of Maenark, Iriark and Leinark dwelt upon the southern slope, in onyx chambers. Into their walls were drawn animals of the forests; great eagles, wolves and the like. Unlike the northern peoples, the pictures depicting these clans showed equally graceful figures, though instead of fair hair they each had manes of jet black.

The two banks of the valley were joint by a single bridge; Yanwë. It bridged the river that had originally weathered the valley into existence, and was made from interlaced grey and ivory metal, curled like vines with a great emblem of a spread oak tree carved into the center of the walkway.

On the bridge, fresh from sleep, there stood a tall figure. He had advanced from the northern bank and was clad in russet robes. At an impressive six foot 5 inches, he rose above the bridge yet when approached by another from the south seemed to be of normal height.

“…'Quel amrun,” said a female voice, bidding the male good morning in the native tongue of the Hallaera.

“Vedui', Melamin,” he replied, “Greetings, my love.”

Dasquian Belargic
Feb 24th, 2003, 04:59:34 AM
For the briefest of moments the two brushed there hands together, until the sound of a clock striking was heard. The male broke away, but left a slip of paper in the female’s grasp as both headed back to their respective sides of the bridge.

The tolling of the clock tower signified that the morning meal was ready, so each of the Hallaera had to go to the dining halls. It was a ritual of sorts, that each morning they would dine together. The head of each family would choose a table and each of his kin would sit at it – it was considered very rude if you did not take a seat with those you were related too.

Shia Leinark sat at the foot of the Leinark table, away from the rest of her small family. In front of her was a small plate with two warm bread rolls and a healthy portion of fruit. As she took a bite from one bread bun she unfolded the note she had been given and began to read it silently:

My dear Shia,

I had a wonderful time at the falls with you. Perhaps at the upcoming solstice celebration we can sneak there again – I know Alamande would enjoy the ride.

The dark haired Hallaer smiled to herself and continued. Lero's horse Alamande was a fine beast, whom the two had rode through almost all of the forest upon.

I wish we didn’t have to wait until such large gatherings to be together. I miss talking to you, as we used to when we were children. It is unjust that we should be segregated like this simply because of feuding between the nobles.

Nevermind that though. I have a gift for you, which I cannot wait to give you. If you will meet me at nightfall in the forest, perhaps we shall be able to steal a few minutes to ourselves.

- Yours, Lero Belargic.

A sad sigh passed through Shia’s lips as she reread the note a few times. For some time now she and Lero – a prince amongst the Belargic clan – had spoken as such, passing notes to one another and meeting in secret. It was incredibly exciting but it left little time for them to develop a relationship together (as if their hopes weren’t marred enough by the rule that north clans could not marry those from the south clans). Lero had told her that he appealed at each Council meeting for the rule to be abolished and that some headway was being made, which was promising, but it didn’t soothe the longing she felt for him.

After breakfast she retreated to her quarters and took up a pen, beginning a message:


I cannot meet you tonight. My father is holding a family meeting and is likely to want me to present. I can meet you in a week’s time, but that is far too long for me to wait. I cannot stand this much longer, my love. It pains me to great lengths to have to carry this secret. You must lobby the Council so that they permit us to be wed! Even my brother believes we should marry and he is a very strict follower of the rules.

I’ll be praying for your success.


Dasquian Belargic
Mar 21st, 2003, 04:05:07 PM
…And so the two continued to share their love in secret. Without the consent of their families or peers they would be shunned, but Shia and Lero could not deny what they felt. For months on end they met in secret at night, in the forest or in the shade of the hills, just for one gentle kiss before slipping back to their cages. For both it was not enough, and although their hearts ached there was nothing that could be done.

One day, it was announced the Hallaera was to involved in negotiations with the outer rim planets nearby to it, and that the families would need to send an elite cadre of Hallaer to tend to diplomatic matters. Lero was selected for such a duty, and the night before he was due to leave he and Shia broke what chastity they had together, vowing that they would be married once Lero returned, no matter what their families said.

As the ship set out to take the squads off planet to their destination, Shia retired to her chambers. Immeadiately she missed her love, and found comfort in the arms of her good friends … who, unbeknownst to Shia, were in fact traitors. As she imparted the details of her secret liaisons with Lero to them, so they passed them on to the clan heads. She knew nothing of this, and the issue in turn became a moot point when word arrived that the group of Hallaer had been massacred in a conflict spawned from the negotiations.

If I tell you
Will you listen?
Will you stay?
Will you be here forever?
Never go away?
Never thought things would change, hold me tight
Please don't say again that you have to go

A bitter thought
I had it all
But I just let it go
Hold your silence
It's so violent since you're gone

All my thoughts are with you forever
'Till the day we'll be back together
I will be waiting for you

If I had told you
You would've listened
You had stayed
You would be here forever
Never went away

It would never have been all the same
All our time what have been in vain
Cause you had to go

The sweetest thought
Had it all
Cause I did let you go
All our moments keep me warm
When you're gone

All my thoughts are with you forever
'Till the day we'll be back together
I will be waiting for you

Though wrought with distress Shia was pushed into labor and gave birth to two children whose faces she would never see – the baby boys was seized by the heads of the Belargic family from Shia, and proclaimed as two of their own. For her transgressions Shia was executed and the bastard children exiled. The grounds of her death were unfair, unjust and questioned by many, but in time the memories of the young women faded. Just like all things in time, she, Lero and their sons were cast out of all knowledge. Writing and pictures containing them were locked away in deep vaults, sealed from the weathering of time and the weapons of men.

Some years later invading Forces took the sovereign city by siege, slaying the men, women and children alike, leaving nothing untouched or unburnt. That is, nothing but things they could not see… things hidden.

Xazor Elessar
Apr 13th, 2003, 01:53:52 PM
Quietly lay a young woman asleep, her head resting in the lap of a man with hair as long and blonde as her own. The blonde lashes of her eyes were pointed downward and the length allowed them to nearly touch the top of her cheeks. Slowly she breathed in deeply and exhaled over and over again -- her heart beating in rhythm with his, though she knew it not.

Suddenly there was a jolt and the whole ship which they now traveled in lurched forward and then resumed its smooth ride. The Jedi Knight's cyan blue eyes shot open and she slowly sat up as Dasquian withdrew his arms from around her waist to allow free movement.

"Did you sleep well, melamin?"

He questioned with a gentle smile upon his face. Xazor grinned and yawned, baring her elongated canines. Her outstretched arms slowly found themselves around his neck as she embraced him tightly for a moment.

"I did, my love. I dreamed of you."

Xazor said softly as she pulled away to look deeply into his eyes. Smiling still, the woman kissed his lips and then moved to sit in the seat beside her lover. Her eyes slowly wandered out the windows of the large craft and thoughts of the sudden jolting entered her mind once again. She shook them out, knowing that all was well and perhaps it was just a secondary engine being engaged. "Nothing to worry about." She comforted herself and snuggled up next to Dasquian once again.

"So you really can't tell me where we're going?"

She questioned, knowing that he was taking her to a far away place -- on a vacation of sorts, so she thought -- but to where, she knew not and the reason was not given. In fact, he had been quite laconic when describing the trip to Xazor, and this made her wonder even further. It had been rather last minute -- though it seemed acceptable for it had been several months since her break-up with Terran. Now the Knight's daughter was in the care of her grandfather, Marcus Elessar, who enjoyed the little one.

"Please give me a clue!"

Xazor broke her own thoughts for a moment as she became giddy and impatient to know. Laughing to herself, the woman sat up again and attempted to appear quite serious as she looked into Dasquian's eyes -- but the fascade was soon removed by a grin and a giggle, and all she could do was allow her imagination to guess.

Dasquian Belargic
Apr 13th, 2003, 02:16:01 PM
"What manner of surprise would it be if I told you?"

The look Xazor had on her face was adorable, and priceless for that matter. She pouted at his words, though a grin was eagerly trying to spread its way across her lips as she gave Dasquian the proverbial ‘puppy dog’ eyes. Were he not so set upon keeping their destination a secret it would have been easy to be charmed by those eyes. The Knight held his love close, shaking his head lightly as his love stared curiously up at him.

"We’ll be there soon, and then you’ll see."

Outside of the ship the stars were still streaming by, but ahead there was a blanket of dark fog. From outside the thick shroud looked ominous, threatening and altogether like a bad place to take the ship, however that was where the crafts hull pointed. As they drew nearer, Dasquian slowly began to stand up, and Xazor followed suit as he lead her - hand in hand - towards one of the ships small windows. Through the tiny portcullis the haze around them could be seen, but it was becoming obvious that from within the particles looked a silvery color - somehow they refracted the light to give the appearance that there was nothing within, when reality a large flourishing planet approached.

With Xazor in front of him, his arms wrapped around her waist, Dasquian smiled.

"What is that?"

The sudden appearance of the planet ahead had somewhat startled Xazor, but her counterpart remained calm. What they could see before them was a planet of the appearance of somewhere like Yavin, or Dagobah before it had become overgrown. It looked as though it was marked by many ranges of mountains with forests running between them, and great seas separating large portions of the land. Off to the ships right, in the far distance, where the twin suns that illuminated the eastern hemisphere of the planet, yet still the west side was dimly lit, by another far off celestial body.

"That," Dasquian whispered, his head leant partially upon Xazor’s shoulder.

"Is Hallaera."

Xazor Elessar
Apr 13th, 2003, 02:24:17 PM
Xazor's eyes opened wide as Dasquian spoke. She shook her head and laughed slightly to herself, wondering if he spoke the truth or not.

"You mean -- your -- your homeplanet?"

She questioned in disbelief, knowing that they had hopes of traveling there together someday, but she had no idea that it was now. Her heart skipped a beat as the anticipation grew -- for many stories had been told to her by Dasquian of this place. Its beauty was supposed to surpass that of any other planet in the galaxy, or at least, that's what some people said.

"We're really going there?!"

It was not much of a question, but more of an exclaimation. She grinned and turned her head slightly, then kissed Dasquian upon the cheek.

"I love you."

She whispered to him and smiled as her eyes reflected the colors before them -- her imagination running wild with anticipation.

Dasquian Belargic
Apr 13th, 2003, 02:38:53 PM
"I love you too."

It had been some time since Dasquian had promised their trip to Hallaera, but he had certainly not forgotten about it in that time. This place, though not where he had grown up, held a great deal of importance for the Jedi and he believed that in sharing it with Xazor he was sharing one of the last pieces of himself that he did not feel she already know - therefore completely opening himself up to her. After all, if there was anything he wanted, it was for them to be trusting of one another.

Not only would this be Xazor’s first trip here, but it would be Dasquians too. Although he, Aaron and Kelt had surveyed the planet from above, to ensure it was not hostile and posed no dangers, Dasquian had wanted to preserve his first moments on it, as an adult, for when he was with Xazor.

The cloud surface of Hallaera was penetrated by the small shuttle, as it made a cushioned descent through the atmosphere. What became first visible, as the two watched with giddy excitement and anticipation, where the faces of cliffs. Misty mountains flanked on all sides by lush greenery, encircling the ruins of some once monumental building; a shimmering jewel in the city of Bel-Jihar. Next came further outlines of structure, some still present by decaying under times eroding forces.

The ship, on auto-pilot, was taking itself towards what appeared to be a courtyard. No doubt once glorious, it was now becoming over-grown with vines. A soft shudder and the vessel had touched down, causing Xazor to almost burst from within Dasquian’s hold as the side door of the ship slid open - letting in plentiful warmth, light and the fragrant scent of wild flowers to drift inside.

Xazor Elessar
Apr 13th, 2003, 02:55:07 PM
The Jedi Knight removed Dasquian's arms from around her waist by her own force -- and she took off out the door of the shuttle. Rushing down the loading ramp, the woman nearly fell but she kept her balance, thanks to the Force. Soon she was standing upon the soft ground, looking out before her at the vast expanse of rugged mountains, jagged cliffs, and lush greenery. A perfume of flowers filled the air and Xazor inhaled deeply, in her mind separating the scents into what flowers they belonged to.

"It's -- it's so beautiful."

She whispered, nearly afraid to say anything for fear of insulting the immense beauty the place beheld. Her heart seemed to stop inside of her chest as she walked several paces forward and stopped to merely stare at everything all around them. She felt so small in a place so giant and lovely as this.

"It reminds me of my home."

The Knight whispered once again, noting the similarities and differences that Eden held to the planet she now stood upon. Smiling as joyful tears stung at her eyelids, the woman turned to face Dasquian.

"I can't believe that I have been given the gift of setting my eyes upon something so -- incredible. Dasquian, this place is just -- it's filled with a sort of magic!"

She exclaimed in hushed tones, noting the sheer shock upon his face. The woman slowly walked over to her love and took his hand before turning back to face the wonders before her eyes.

Dasquian Belargic
Apr 13th, 2003, 03:05:30 PM
Words failed him.

Beholding Hallaera from the ground for the first time was a moving experience for Dasquian too. Slowly, he took in a breath and inhaled the deep scent all around him. Within a second of stepping onto the craggy stones underfoot he already felt as though he knew the place like the back of his hand. Turning, he looked to the east - there, the highest mountains stood, and west still there were hills, and between them all a great river ran. Where the two Jedi stood, looking down onto the great valley, there was a waterfall ahead, meandering peacefully down through crag and rock, through fern and bush, to find its eventually end in a plunge pool beneath a bridge.

As the light-siders walked forward together, the ship behind them left unlocked without fear of anyone intruding upon it, some great mammalian avian soared over head - its great wings momentarily eclipsing the two as they stared up wide eyed into its feathered underside. Looking back down at Xazor, Dasquian held a childish excitement in his eyes that was quite rare for the Jedi Knight. The thought of exploring all of this land was awe-inspiring, and with Xazor at his side it would be all the more intoxicating.

Walking - almost teetering on jogging - towards the edge of where the falls began, Dasquian looked down into a familiar sight; two ruined settlements, one at either side of the bridge. Everything was completely still, until suddenly interrupted by a rock dislodged by Dasquian dashed down the hill. As the Jedi Knight watched it bob into the depths below his eyes were drawn to dark shapes moving, only when he looked to see what where there nothing could be found. A frown creased into his brow.

Xazor Elessar
Jun 29th, 2003, 09:34:21 AM
Xazor stepped forward with Dasquian and as he began walking, or rather -- jogging slightly, she kept the pace with him as well. A grin crossed the woman's lips and as the pair stopped together, her bright cyan blue eyes moved to catch her lover's glance. He watched, as did she, as a small stone fell to the depths below.

It was then that she too noticed dark figures moving -- but then they disappeared. Her heart skipped a beat as she ignored this and looked out over the beautiful exanse before her. It was all so incredible to behold, and she could not believe that she would be sharing such an adventure with the man at her side.

Her eyes took in his face once again and she noticed a slight frown upon his lips -- his brows furrowing slightly. "What is it?" The Jedi Knight questioned softly, wondering to herself if, perhaps, something was wrong. Her eyes shifted to where Dasquian's were, and then back to his face. Still, she could see nothing that would warrant the look he cast the land below.

Dasquian Belargic
Jun 29th, 2003, 09:43:57 AM
“I… thought I saw something,”

He rose up from the crouch to stand, looking back to Xazor as the concerned expression smoothed away into a slight smile. Satisfied in the thought that he’d just imagined whatever it was he’d seen, he took Xazor’s hand into his own and began pacing off down a track cut into the verge, where it looked like others had walked before. It wound down the side of the river sloping into the valley, and trailed away, it seemed, onto the western side of the bridge.

One or two times the path was a bit uneven, but they reached the edge of where the land flattened out quickly. The grass, still thick, smoothed out over the bridge as moss, and covered the enter hillside, save for spots where boulders dashed the surface. Dasquian let go of Xazor’s hand as curiousity took over him, and he quickened his pace to approach the bridge. Hand tracing across the still strong metal, he traced the intricate swirls, kneeling down as he squinted down at his reflection in the river.

As he stared, he whispered to himself, “This is just how I’d imagined it would be.”

Xazor Elessar
Jun 29th, 2003, 09:54:57 AM
The woman sighed slightly as Dasquian spoke of seeing things. "The trip was long -- perhaps you need some re --" Her words were interrupted though, as Dasquian grabbed hold of her hand and began jogging off down the path that was cut out of the ground. Smiling, she put her worries aside and followed, until he let go and ran off toward the bridge.

Slowly the Jedi Knight approached him from behind, eyeing the marvelous architecture of the bridge. It was beautiful, as was the water below. Xazor smiled as she placed a hand upon Dasquian's shoulder and knelt beside him. "I have never seen beauty such as this before -- not even on Eden." She whispered in his ear as she too gazed at her reflection in the water.

Inhaling deeply, Xazor sighed and closed her eyes as she rose to her feet. Her hands slowly ran along the metal of the bridge and she opened her bright cyan blue orbs upon it. Everything was so wonderous -- it all seemed surreal. "How lucky you are to call this your home -- and how lucky I am to have been able to see it with you, for the first time." The woman whispered as she took in everything around them.

Dasquian Belargic
Jun 29th, 2003, 10:05:42 AM
Dasquian crossed over the bridge and took a good look around at the valley, now from within it. It seemed to huge, yet not threatening at all – inviting, in fact. As he walked he pictured what it must have been like when everyone still lived here.

“On either side of this bridge, the families would live…”

He squinted slightly, tracing the line of where houses had once been with his eyes. Stepping off of the bridge onto the opposite band, he looked down at the earth. It was worn, trodden on my so many. Both shores seemed so alike, as though they had been built to be perfectly symmetrical, to represent the true elegance of the Hallaera.

“I bet they spent most of their time outside… they would eat on the river banks.”

His eyes closed and he felt the Force of the place keenly in his mind. All the echoes and ghosts of the past filled his mind and for a brief moment he thought he could feel the Hallaera all around him. Maybe it was the stress from the journey, but he could almost hear them, whispering in their native tongue, and smell – he was sure he could smell some meal being cooked! Rich and strong, filling his senses.

“And they lived on the hills… and … and under them.”

Pushing a hand against a rock surface, and running his hand down over the surface, he narrowed his eyes, “Deep underneath… somewhere.”

Dasquian glanced back over his shoulders, “I can feel something underneath here… but I can’t see a way of getting in.”

A little disappointed, he sighed, “There has to be an entrance somewhere.”

Xazor Elessar
Jun 29th, 2003, 10:18:23 AM
Xazor closed her eyes as Dasquian spoke. Though he knew far more about his people than she did, the woman could imagine and so, she allowed her mind to wander. The place felt much like Eden -- and she could picture families sitting upon the river banks, eating together, laughing together. The Knight could picture a loving couple standing beneath the tree just off in the distance. She could hear them whisper endearing words to one another -- she could sense the excitement and joy in their hearts.

As her lover stepped forward, the woman could sense he was searching for something. Upon opening her eyes, she saw what he was looking at -- homes beneath the ground. She too, could sense it, and knew that there was something there. He was frustrated at not being able to find the entrance, but she could find it -- she would just have to use her senses. Stepping forward a few paces, the woman closed her eyes and smelled the air. She could sense the Life Force remaining of those who had once been here. They were like spirits that could not leave their home. This, she understood well -- it was the same way on Eden.

Suddenly she realized something -- she could see what was hidden through the Force. Smiling, the Knight opened her eyes once again and moved forward, just to the left of Dasquian. Slowly she peeled away some of the moss and vines that had been growing on the side of the small hill at their feet. "Here -- melamin -- I found it." She whispered, revealing beneath the greenery a door that opened outward from the side of the hill. Grinning, the Knight turned to look at her love for a moment before placing her hand upon the handle. "Shall we -- or would it be disrespectful?" She questioned, realizing that no one lived there and in her mind, it would be okay -- but perhaps, to Dasquian and his people, it would not be the right thing to do.

Dasquian Belargic
Jun 29th, 2003, 10:28:04 AM
The old door, now free of the entangling vines, found Dasquian testing at its grain with one hand. He looked up and down it – it was not carved or engraved, just a simply wooden door. It must have rotted over time, with the damp, as it looked as though it was too large to fit within the threshold. His hand lingered over the handle for a long while before he built up the courage to take it – they had no idea of what would be inside, and Dasquian knew that though it could be something he would be happy to see, it could also be the complete opposite.

But they would never know if they stood out here.

Tugging hard at the handle revealed that it had indeed rotted and it took some effort from both Jedi to pull the door open. Once it did however they were greeted not with the stench of decay, but a slight musk to the air. Dasquian ducked beneath the doorway into the darkness inside. It was pitch black – the only spot of light being that spilling in from outside. Dasquian fumbled about in the darkness for a few moments, before remembering there would be no form of electrical lighting here.

His heart leapt up into his throat, however, as when he took a few more paces forward the room became partially illuminated. Another few and the light grew brighter up into all around them for quite a few feet could be seen.

The floor was incredibly dusty, as was everything else. It was hard to tell what things were, but the shapes of furniture could be seen. The walls were all bare, save for one that Dasquian could not clearly see which appeared to have some great mural on it, depicting people much like himself, it seemed, only with dark hair instead of the fair hair that he bore.


He climbed over metal trinkets on the floor, careful not to step on anything, and stared up through the gloom at the image.

Xazor Elessar
Jun 29th, 2003, 10:44:20 AM
Everything about the place was beautiful, and as the Knight stepped inside after Dasquian, she found it rather breathtaking. "Your people lived in places like these?" She whispered as her eyes went to the mural. It too, like everything else, was incredible.

Quietly, and carefully, Xazor moved through the room to stand beside her fellow Jedi as her eyes went to the ceiling. She could tell it was constructed for those a lot taller than she, for her height was nothing compared to the tall ceilings.

Placing a hand upon the mural, the woman dusted it off a bit, revealing an incredible image of beings much like Dasquian, but with darker hair. "And you've never met another of your race before?" She questioned absently as her eyes traced along the painted figures.

Dasquian Belargic
Jun 29th, 2003, 10:52:33 AM
“No, never…”

Looking down away from the picture, albeit reluctantly, he tried to see what else was in the room. They’d have to take some of the stuff inside back to be examined at catalouged for the archives. Dasquian wandered about some more, looking for doors that lead off into other rooms or place. There didn’t appear to be any, but then this room alone seemed to stretch off infinitely. They would need a light source if they were going to see anything in here.

“I wonder if the opposite side is the same…”

Just as he was speaking there was a creak. Dasquian didn’t appear to notice it – too wrapped up in what he was seeing – but the door was edging closed. Before they knew it had slammed closed, and the sound of a key turning in a lock was heard.

“What the…”

Something, or someone, outside could be felt. Just then above, though the ceiling, rattling could be heard as footsteps – presumably – moved across the hill. Dasquians eyes were wide in the darkness, a mix of fear and excitement washing over him.

Xazor Elessar
Jun 29th, 2003, 10:59:57 AM
"A light source? I think I can help us there." At that moment, Xazor looked down at a golden ring upon a silver chain around her neck. It was a gift from a friend some time ago. As she thought of this, a soft light began to appear, emminating from the ring. The glow stretched out into the room and lit the place up as if there were modern lights hanging from the ceiling or resting upone desks.

Just in that moment, Xazor heard what Dasquian did -- but what he did not hear was everything else: the beating heart of the one who had just stuck the key in the door, the insects scurrying out of the way as a stranger stepped down upon their territory, the gentle breathing of the one whom they had yet to identify. Xazor inched closer to Dasquian and held his hand tightly.

"Wh -- what is that?" She questioned as her heart lept in her chest. The Knight looked up at the ceiling as she heard the footsteps grow heavy. Her eyes moved to Dasquian's face and she could read the fear and excitement in his expression. She was not afraid -- alarmed, but not frightened. "Do not fear -- we are together and, the Force is with us." She whispered, leaning over and kissing his cheek gently.

Dasquian Belargic
Jun 29th, 2003, 11:07:55 AM
Dasquian went for the door, his reaction delayed by the initial surprise. With the light provided by Xazor he could see the door handle clearly and pushed at it with all his strength. Soon the wood was buckling under the pressure and though the lock did not give way the damp would that made up the door splintered and broke outwards. The door was so weak that with a few more pushes it had been pushed away.

“Come on!”

Scrambling back out into the open he saw something tearing across the bridge. Black against the green of the hill. It was not alone either. Another just like it was going off down the valley, away from them. The Jedi Knight immediately took off after the one going across the bridge, fumbling for his lightsaber.


The thing, loping over the banks, vaulted itself into the air and turned in mid-flight. It landed on the verge facing the two Jedi – a blank visage grasping a blade of its own, made from some thick metal. It took one look at the two Jedi – obviously now its plan to trap them inside was flushed out, it had no choice but to kill them itself. Hurling itself through the air, it knocked Dasquian off of his feet and roll over the bridge, spinning as it got to its feet and slicing its sword out at him.

Xazor Elessar
Jun 29th, 2003, 11:57:49 AM
Xazor was shocked at the sight before her as she witnessed the dark creature knock Dasquian's off his feet. Her heart nearly stopped as it came charging at her. No weapon had she drawn, nor had she intended to. Instead, the Knight dodged the Dark One and now found that it stood between she and her love.

"We come in peace!" She called out, still not moving to draw her saber. The ring around her neck continued glowing and as the Dark One looked upon it, it became brighter until it consumed the entire area. That was one of her hidden weapons -- and soon it would blind the stranger. The light flashed and the Garou had to wince slightly as it found a home within the eyes of the Dark One.

In that very moment, the woman found herself fighting the urge to change. The calling of Gaia coursed through her veins and signalled her to begin the change into her wolven form. The wolf inside her heart reared its head, but she would not surrender to its call -- not this time. There were peaceful ways to solve problems, and the Knight would not draw her weapon unless her life was in danger.

"Please -- we mean no harm to you or this land!" The Knight called out to the Dark One who was now crumbling beneath the power of the light that emminated from her necklace. "Leave us in peace, that is all we ask." Xazor's voice was calm and it carried a peace in it, but she knew not if it was enough to make the beings leave she and Dasquian alone.

Dasquian Belargic
Jun 29th, 2003, 12:04:53 PM
It didn’t heed at all – instead aiming to slash out at Xazor blindly. Just at that moment the thing was floored as Dasquian tackled it from behind, pinning it flush against the ground. His saber was no longer drawn and he held the things arms tightly in place behind its back. The Jedi’s knee was planted against the small of its back, holding it in place.

“Calm! Calm yourself!!” Dasquian frowned as the thing struggled, keening to be free.

“I don’t know what you were trying to do by locking us in there, but listen to carefully – we are Jedi, we are not here to disturb whatever culture we have.”

In its flailing the hood of the thing was beginning to slip away and Dasquian was sure he’d caught an odd glimpse at what was beneath. With the Force he pulled it away to reveal a head of lank dark hair.

“Get off me!” the thing hissed, speaking for the first time in basic.

Confused at what he was seeing Dasquians grip had loosened, and the thing whirled to its feet once more – it’s sword had slipped down into the river. The Knight wasn’t concerned with this however, too engrossed in what he was seeing. Someone, a Hallaera, it appeared to be … but disfigured. Far too pale, eyes too sunken. He couldn’t stop him from staring.

“What… are…”

Before he could get anymore words out the thing was diving off of the bridge, vanishing below. Gaping still, Dasquian looked at Xazor.

“What just happened?”

Xazor Elessar
Jun 29th, 2003, 12:12:59 PM
Xazor's eyes traced over the figure's face and she too caught a glimpse of the odd being. It appeared to be one such as those pictured in the mural -- but it was different, deformed in some way. The Jedi Knight took a step back as the glowing from her ring diminished slightly and she watched the creature fling itself off the bridge after its weapon.

For several moments both she and Dasquian stood in silence, until he spoke a question. The woman could not think and so absently, she shook her head until her eyes found his once again. "I know not what that was -- or what it wanted. I -- I cannot describe to you what happened -- you lived it just as I did." She said softly, looking about for any more of these creatures.

Moving in closer to Dasquian, Xazor breathed a sigh of relief. She saw nothing, nor heard anything beyond the rhythmic breathing and heart beats of she and her lover. "I -- I think we're safe now. Whatever it was, did not want us messing around with anything. We must gather evidence, though, to take back and be recorded in the archives."

Dasquian Belargic
Jun 29th, 2003, 12:19:27 PM
“That… certainly has got my heart going,” Dasquian embraced Xazor lightly, kissing her temple. His eyes were still looking for some sign of the thing off in the distance, but both of them seemed to have disappeared.

“Whatever… they were they didn’t seem to want us going into there, or getting out for that matter.”

His attention was drawn to the other side of the river. He wondered silently if it too was so fiercely guarded by what he could only term as misshapen Hallaera. He knew so little about this place that for all he could say it could have been. The mural showed the people as fair and graceful, but from what he’d seen so far they were monstrous. Swallowing down a little fear, as he was still trembling, he took a step away.

“I have to know if the same things are in the other chamber… I need to know why they’re like that.”

Xazor Elessar
Jul 22nd, 2003, 11:48:31 AM
Xazor shook her head in protest and held Dasquian tightly against her. "No -- please. I cannot loose you now! Not after we fought to be together." She was obviously worried and the concern was evident upon her face. Kissing Dasquian's cheek lightly, the woman gazed deeply into his eyes.

"I know how much this means to you, melamin -- but please, do not go. If you must, take me, please?" She questioned as she began running a hand through his soft blonde hair. "I love you and I want to spend the rest of my life with you -- I don't want my dreams crushed by some monstrous beings that do not wish us to be her in the first place."

Sighing inwardly, the woman looked across the shore opposite of them. Though she saw nothing that would warrant her worry, the woman was still defensive about him going. "If it is your calling, I cannot stop you."

Dasquian Belargic
Jul 26th, 2003, 09:50:18 AM
Dasquian shook his head, a warm comforting smile spreading over his lips. He had no intention of gallivanting off on some quest of enlightenment and if he had of done, he would have welcomed Xazors company.

“We are Jedi… we have nothing to fear here,” he replied with a firm nod, his determination and resolve evident.

Taking Xazor’s hand in his own, he turned and looked to the Cliffside which they had not yet inspected. Just as before something could be sensed beneath it, but this time Dasquian was more wary of what it could be. After seeing the odd species moments ago he was a little on edge, and flinched as a pebble dislodged itself from the stone surface. It was only because of the wind, however.

Once again Xazor was able to find an entrance which Dasquian pulled open and ducked beneath, perhaps now more eager than before. This chamber did not have such a musky smell about it, and actually appeared to have been visited not too long ago – perhaps this was the domain of the dark haired Hallaera? This room did not stretch nearly as far as the other, but had a number of doors branching off of it. The walls didn’t seem quite as sturdy as the others, too, Dasquian noted and stone had crumbled in some places, dappling shafts of light across the floor in various places.

“There must be so much beyond these chambers… I don’t believe for a second that these two are the only catacombs. The Hallaera must have had more subterra dwellings; there don’t appear to be enough ruins above to account for all of their buildings being outside.”