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Jason Utylln
Jan 20th, 2003, 01:12:48 PM
I hate him! I hate him! They’re gonna kill me… They’re gonna friggin’ kill me! I hate him. Third class. Bastard!

Jason Utylln kicked the back of the seat in front of him. The young man was skinny and of an unhealthy pallor. There were dark circles under his eyes that were usually lifeless from a haze of various drugs. Today though, they were dark and ablaze with an unspoken anger. Not that anyone could tell; A black baseball cap was pulled low over the boy’s face and the hood of his coal sweatshirt drawn over that. Both his frontal and peripheral vision were impaired because of it, leaving only the floor to see clearly.

The lad looked much older than his sixteen years, a fact that both pleased and dismayed him, depending on the situation. He was the only child of Todd and Allison Utylln and the reason why they only had a single offspring. As far as Jason was concerned, they could kiss his <smallfont color={hovercolor}>-Censored-</smallfont>, he wasn’t theirs.

In reality Jason knew why his father was sending him away. Nothing else seemed to help. Jason, simply put, was doing horribly. He hadn’t passed any subjects in school for nearly two years, he stole everything from clothes to pet food (for an animal they didn’t own), fought and did drugs religiously. The final straw had been hitting his mother. Not just a smack on the shoulder, mind you. It had been a full force blow to the face, breaking her nose and blacking her eyes… Before he pushed her into the wall. The thing was, Jason didn’t regret it. He had meant to do it.

”Attention passengers: We are nearing our destination. Would all passengers please return to their seats until further notice. Thank you.”

Great. Almost there. Jason could hardly contain himself. A new planet with new kids and some old friend of his Dad’s that he’d never met. Just dandy. Apparently Todd Utylln had written this friend of his, trusted him enough to ship his kid—his only kid—over. Jason could only imagine what Daddy had written about him to this… This…

He looked down at the writing on his hand, smudged from the morning’s toils.

Sage Hazzard

That was it. Well irregardless of what this “Sage” fellow thought, Jason was going to make sure he regretted agreeing to baby-sit.

”We have docked safely, please feel free to move about the transport, and coll—

Not in any great hurry the boy ignored the rest of the announcement and waited until the ship was nearly empty before grabbing his frayed backpack and slouching out.

As he exited, Jason tapped the visor of his cap up and walked to the metal detectors. He put his bag on the conveyer belt and walked through; No troubles there. He wasn’t stupid enough to bring anything that would hold him up. The backpack was cleared too and that was where the first snag occurred. As he went to grab his possessions, another took them instead. Jason looked up, surprised.


The unsuspecting youth, a little taller than he, turned around. Jason strode over and took hold of the bag.

“That’s my bag!”

“What? Oh, no, I’m sure you’re mistaken.”

Jason snorted and raised his voice in mockery.

“Oh, you’re sure I’m mistaken?”

He shoved the boy backwards, into a durasteel pillar.

“What now smart guy? Am I mistaken now?”

It didn’t take much of Jason’s continuous taunting before the other got agitated and threw a punch. It was the invitation Jason had been waiting for.


His hit had not missed. The two were on the floor in an instant, beating at any flash of open skin. Like sharks to blood, a crowd of spectators soon surrounded the two youths, conveniently blocking security.

Jason had been on the planet exactly seventeen minutes.

“Yeah! How do you like that?! Huh?”



Three hours later than expected, the boy entered the Jedi building. He’d had enough sense to wash the blood off his face but soap and water didn’t cut it with bruises. The baseball cap was pulled low again and did a fair job of hiding his swelling cheekbone. His backpack looked as though it had been caught in between two rabid vornskyrs—which wasn’t a far-fetched description. Thankfully, spaceport security (after composing a strongly worded letter to his guardian which Jason had ripped up) had provided some duct tape which did a satisfactory job of holding the fibrous material together.

“Hey, is…”

Jason looked down at his hand, trying to make out what it said. It as futile of course, the ink had been obliterated in the scuffle.

“Screw it.”

Jason bent down to snatch his bag from the floor. He hadn’t the inclination nor the time to ask for assistance in finding… Whoever it was again.

Sage Hazzard
Jan 21st, 2003, 12:20:32 AM
A hand caught Jason by the collar, yanking him up.

"You have some explaining to do young man."

Sage grabbed the bag and shoved it into Jason's stomach.

"Why are you late? Your transport arrived three hours ago."

His old friend Todd asked him to turn the boy around, make his life worth something. The Jedi could do that. Though they weren't the Marine Corps, they were a group dedicated to helping others. He'd have to find some glimmer of that in the boy, along with willingness to try, before he could accept him into the order.

Jason Utylln
Jan 21st, 2003, 10:43:42 AM
"Whoa, nice to meet you too! I'm assuming you're... The guy right?"

Jason rolled his eyes under the shadow of his hat. Better to try and pass this off as nothing than to make it something. He put his hands up in a surrender position, the backpack hanging from one. Jason pointed to it. The tape was starting to lose it's adhesiveness.

"I had a little baggage problem that needed to be taken care of, okay? They lost it. Don't kill me Man..."

He knew that the "efficiancy" of the baggage claim officials would support his excuse and the boy didn't bat an eyelash. As if to add a little more credibility to his story, the botom of the bage gave out, spilling all the contents onto the floor. Jason raised and eyebrow.


Sage Hazzard
Jan 21st, 2003, 11:09:36 AM
Sage stopped the falling of the contents. More to show his power to the boy than anything else. He had to let him know who was in charge. He brought them to his own hand and held them there as talked.

"I am Sage Hazzard and I'm not an imbecile. I called the port shortly after your flight had arrived. I know of your... incident," Sage's tone had changed drastically. "Why did you lie to me?"

Jason Utylln
Jan 21st, 2003, 11:43:21 AM
Trying not to stare at his belongings in Sage's hands, Jason shrugged nonchalantly.

"Because I'm Jason Utylln and I'm not an imbecile. Why would I tell you what happened? And why are you calling around anyway? I would have gotten here sooner or later, you shouldn't go messin' in stuff that you have no right to be involved in in the first place."

He rolled the useless bag up as best he could and reached out for his things.

"I want my stuff if you don't mind."

Sage Hazzard
Jan 27th, 2003, 02:13:13 PM
"You have many manners to learn boy."

He floated the contents slowly over to Jason, allowing him to pluck them out of the air if he so wished.

"You need structure and order in your life. Your father is a good man and you've wrecked him entirely. Are you proud that you're known as a problem child? A menace to society?"

OOC - Oh shoot, sorry for the slow reply! eeps.

Jason Utylln
Jan 27th, 2003, 02:43:07 PM
"Should I care?"

Jason snatched his things from their place in front of him. He scrunched them up into a bundle that could be carried with little difficulty and snorted at the mention of his father.

"Yeah, real great guy Todd is. Best in the galaxy. I'm sure that any day now he's going to get a call from the Mayor and recieve the 'good man' award because that's just exactly what he deserves, isn't it?"

He laughed to himself.

"I didn't do anything that the guy didn't deserve. And you know what?"

Jason shrugged.

"I am proud. I had a lot going for me back home and my father... The creep screwed everything up. Don't you see that he's just using you? He meddles in everything that he shouldn't and can't take a hint. But of course, if you want to buy into the perfect husband and father bit you go right ahead."

A smirk crossed the boy's face.

"Of course, he couldn't handle a sixteen year old, that speaks loads about what he's capable of."

OOC: np:)

Sage Hazzard
Jan 29th, 2003, 02:01:19 AM
"Sixteen year olds are more than a handfull and you know it. I don't care what you think of your parents, or if they somehow did you wrong. You're old enough to make your own decisions and you make them poorly. I'm going to teach you how to make the right ones, regardless if you're a Jedi or not. However I think the Force would elighten you. Helping people does wonders for the soul. "

Jason Utylln
Jan 29th, 2003, 01:33:41 PM
Jason wrinkled his face in disbelief.

"Oh, give me a break...."

He shook his head, annoyed.

"I don't know what the hell Todd told you but I'm not some future convict bent on getting an early start. They had no right to nose around in my business and it would have been a lot smoother if they had just kept out of it."

He pointed a finger at the jedi Master.

"And another thing, I do help people, when I want to. You don't have to make it sound like I'm going to be learning how to aide society for the first time. Jesus, every other sentence out of your mouth is like a friggin' Hallmark card..."

Jason withdrew a pack of cigarettes from his pocket and placed one in his mouth. Had he been an animal his hackles would have been raised but nonetheless his anger was evident. Lighting up the smoke, he took a long drag, somewhat calmer because of it.

"I'm not a holy terror but my business is my bussiness, got it?"

Sage Hazzard
Jan 29th, 2003, 01:58:29 PM
"Ah, so your a sophisticated 16 year old who has business, hmm? Sandbox manager is not a business."

He smirked.

"You say you've aided society? Have you ever thought of joining the Jedi, or is your business too busy?"

Jason Utylln
Jan 29th, 2003, 02:15:02 PM
"Yeah, I am 'sophisticated'. And further more I make damn good money... And it's got nothing to do with kids."

Jason was starting to get fed up with this Sage guy. Shrugging off the question he flicked some ash onto the floor.

"When I was a kid. Before I became 'a problem child' as you so eloquently put it. Doesn't mean a thing."

Sage Hazzard
Jan 29th, 2003, 02:27:21 PM
"I think you're a very sad person. I think you're miserable in your life, and how it's going. I think you lash out because of it. The Jedi would be perfect for you, too bad it was just a foolish pipedream as a child, right? You weren't tough enough."

Jason Utylln
Jan 29th, 2003, 02:37:20 PM
That did it.

"Shut the hell up!"

The boy tossed his cigarette down and licked his lips.

"You don't know anything about me so don't stand there in your faggedy Jedi clothes and tell me what you think! I don't care what you or anybody else presumes about me!"

Jason's face was going red from frustration.

"I'm tougher than you're giving me credit for and if you ever say something like that again, I swear on my life I'll..."

He didn't finish, just turned away in rage, clenching his jaw together.

Sage Hazzard
Jan 29th, 2003, 02:43:54 PM
His prodding had worked.

"Hmm, so you're tough, have aided people before, and once wanted to be a Jedi. Okay, I'm going to start over."

Sage closed his eyes and then opened them again.

"Jason, I'm offering you a chance to become a Jedi. We'll have to work on that anger though," Sage smiled.

Jason Utylln
Jan 29th, 2003, 02:52:05 PM
Jason didn't believe this guy. Nothing he said got to him. The usual defense of venomous language didn't work and Jason didn't like it.

"I don't believe you..."

He turned and looked at Sage in disbelief.

"I don't friggin' believe you..."

He shook his head, trying not to show his confusion. Thankfully the cap still hid his eyes, though if he had thought about it, it didn't really matter.

"What's the catch? Not that I'm interested but if, and that's a small, minuscule, bantam if... If I was, what's the catch?"

Sage Hazzard
Jan 31st, 2003, 12:37:38 AM
"The catch is you, live in an ajoining living quater. Both seperate but with a door leading directly into one another for easy access. You'll sweat and bleed more than you ever have under my training. And you might cut your own foot off with a lightsabre. Those are the only 'catches'."

Jason Utylln
Feb 3rd, 2003, 01:12:05 PM
OOC:Gah, sorry for the slow reply, couldn't rope any time :(


Right away Jason dismissed the comments about 'sweat' and 'blood'. He'd seen enough people to assume that it was all talk. The adjoining quarters part bugged him though. Immensly.

"There better be a lock on the door, I mean it."

He licked his lips, thinking over his jumbled thoughts. The most prominent was that he had wasted a perfectly good smoke because he'd been agry. Priorities were certainly a little off track.

"So what if I said 'yes'? What then?"

Sage Hazzard
Feb 4th, 2003, 01:08:58 AM
Sage smiled. He could pick locks...

"Then you are a Jedi. You train, live in the living quarters, and enjoy drink and food in the Bar and Grill. Things we Jedi do. After a while we'll go on missions together. Saving the galaxy, et cetera, et cetera. So are you saying yes yet?" Sage cracked a smile out of the corner of his mouth.

Jason Utylln
Feb 4th, 2003, 09:42:21 AM
Jason shrugged.

"Yeah, I guess. For now."

Sage Hazzard
Feb 4th, 2003, 11:45:13 AM
Sage smiled.

"Good. You can visit the bar and grill for refreshment. Training will begin soon. Come to my room later and I'll unlock your door for you."

The Jedi Master turned on his heel and walked away.