View Full Version : New Recruit

Shanaria Fabool
Jan 20th, 2003, 11:54:22 AM
I the Recruitment Center sits a young Omwati woman, 13 years of age at most. Her skin tight, sky blue bodysuit hugs her shapely form, like a mother who has been reunited with her child after years of sepreration, and it's color is only a few shades lighter than that of her skin color, to the point of at a distance somebody may mistake her for being nude. Her pale gray eyes resonate with The Force. It is obvious that she know some of the basics with The Force, but is far from being fully trained.

She looks towards the entrances as she flips a few strands of her long black hair from in front of her face, waiting for somebody to greet her, and hopefully except her into the order.

Jan 20th, 2003, 12:00:52 PM
"Whew...I thought you were naked..."

Zeke's eyes take an expression of half-worry, half-nervousness as she shoots him a look. Eep...he hadn't meant to say it aloud!

"Well, that is...your clothes are the same as your skin and..."

Zeke's line of jabber ends with nervous laughter and an embarrassed look.

I just made such a fool of myself...

"Well...m'name's Zeke! I'm a Knight here at the Order...were you here to join us?"

Shanaria Fabool
Jan 20th, 2003, 12:40:57 PM
Shanaria stands, turns toward Zeke, tilts her head slightly, and looks him over. She smiles and laughs at Zeke's embarrassed look. She then says....

"Don't worry, for some reason, some boys have a tendincy to speak, when they only wanted to think around me."

Her voice is soft and full of youthful energy

"Yes, I am here to join The Order."

Jan 20th, 2003, 12:49:05 PM
"Aha! Yeah..."

He scratches his head, still embarrassed, but manages to school his features back into their normal happy appearance.

"So...now that we know you want to join, I would like to ask why. What are your reasons for joining our Order?"

Jamel Croko'yn
Jan 20th, 2003, 12:54:29 PM
In the silent room Jamel sat, his head held down as he listened unsoundly. He wasn't to interupt his Master's work, but as he had learned in the Old Age of the Jedi Order a Padawan would follow his Master during nearly every action and learn from what they do to achieve pass or equal to them in their days as that rank.

Jamel's hood covered his head, hiding it from the faces of anyone else so he wouldn't be a disturbance, and his cloak hid his clothing so his garb wouldn't give away his ranking in the Jedi Order. He just sat, he had yet to understand the recruiting situation at all. Jamel wasn't recruited like normal Jedi's he was imported from Lok as a canidate into the Jedi Educational Academy where younger age Jedi's go before they begin their recruiting period. They are to learn the books of the galaxy which was where Jamel began his interest in politics & the love competetion.

Staring up through the darkness of his hood he watched the female's movement. He had mistakened for a naked being as well as his Master but after closer inspection he found she was deceing his eyes, and he saw only a layer of tight-worn clothing.

"Hmm...I wonder where she came from, but I'll wait to get to know her. After my Master leaves..." He spoke his thoughts outloud, his eyes shifting around the room for one last time before he held his head down, staring into his palm as he listened intently.

Shanaria Fabool
Jan 20th, 2003, 12:55:53 PM
Shanaria Smiles gently

"Wish to follow in the foot steps of may parents and grandparents, but I do not want to be put under the umbrella of
their reputation. So I wish to become a Jedi by being taught by some other person aside from my family."

Shanaria glances over at the other person in the room, smiles at him, then turns her attention back to Zeke

Jan 20th, 2003, 01:00:51 PM
"Hmm...so I take it your parents were Jedi then. Did they tell you what it meant to be a Jedi?"

Shanaria Fabool
Jan 20th, 2003, 01:09:35 PM
"Yes. It means that as a Jedi I would be obliged to defend those who can not defend themself, treat all living things as equals, and to uphold justice throughout the galaxy. I know that training will be long and hard..."

She gives Zeke a subjustive look

"... But I like it when things get hard."

Jan 20th, 2003, 01:12:42 PM
Zeke sits bolt upright in his chair, the nervousness returning to his eyes.


What to say to that one?

"That's good then...Jedi training is meant to be difficult, and the enemies of the Jedi sure won't make things easy for you. Even the people you're trying to help may fight you."

Of course that's not what she meant, but Zeke's trying his absolute best not to think too much into this.

Shanaria Fabool
Jan 20th, 2003, 01:19:15 PM
" I understand. I have seen many of my family members in their quests that a Jedi's life sends them on. I understand that It will not be easy."

Shanaria smiles a little more, changing it more to an impish grin. knowing that she was meaning excatly what Zeke said, but knowing that that was not how he inturpritated it.

Jamel Croko'yn
Jan 20th, 2003, 01:22:13 PM
Jamel had to say something now, he felt it burning inside of him screaming angrily to jump out. Pulling himself from his seating he grasped at the edges of his hood, pushing it down to reveal himself. His eyes daggered at the lady, though his face was tender and attractive.

"You!" His voice was loud, angered and serious. He paused for a second, beckoning some sort of tranquility so that he wouldn't sound outraged or sadistic to the new comer. Beckoning his words back mentally so he could speak them in a more intellectual way than he was to if in the previous emotional state.

"I mean, Shanaria..", Jamel said, remembering the female beings name from the observation in silence at his seating. He drew a smile to his face, tender and sweet like the juice in a peach. He began again, his voice calmer then even the more previous tranquil state.

"Do you know that this isn't just a hobby right, this is something that you live. The Jedi Order members lifestyle are much harder than any others in the galaxy. You must help those who at times dont want help, or may hate you . You should know this, the galaxy isn't all peaches and creams, and hatred swarms. The darkness is a easy place to be asborbed to by even the highest of the Council Members. Even our great Anakin Skywalker of the Old Republic fell to darkness for a long period of time, and he was lucky to escape the grasp of it for his last few breathes. Are you sure you want to take this as a life?" He said, his voice stern thorought the speach but undertoned with happiness so she wouldn't feel as though he was talking down to her.

Jan 20th, 2003, 01:22:58 PM
"Well...I guess...so long as you know that..."

Jeez, what's with the flirtatious act?

"Welcome to the Order. You can go find your room, or visit Yog's, or go wander the Academy. There's a list of masters posted, I recommend you look it over. It's usually best to ask for training; they like the show of initiative."

Shanaria Fabool
Jan 20th, 2003, 01:53:40 PM
Shanaria jumps slightly with suprise as Jamel does his suden out burst. She smiles as he calms himself and listens to what he has to say. She then approches him, her exprestion getting very serious and says...

"I understand a lot more about Jedi then you my think, and I take on the life of a jedi VERY seriously. And if you think that the life at the order here is hard, Try living in a family where both of your parents are Jedi Masters, youe Grandparents on your mother's side are both Jedi Masters, you have 7 aunts that are Jedi masters, 2 uncles and 4 more aunts that are Jedi Knights, and Numorous cousins that are ether Jedi Knights or in training. All of them are quite willing to criticise EVERY action you make, and all of them have enemeies that are quite willing to kill you every chance they get. I know of the dangers. I know of the dark side. And I know that YOU know nothing about me. And just because I have not been fully trained, doesn't mean you have the right to lecture me about the Force and it's dangers."

She then truns to Zeke, and bows.

"Thank you for excepting me to the order....I will take your recomendation to heart."

Shanaria stands upright completely and nods to both of the boys in the room.

"Now if both of you will excuse me.... I will go and clame a room for myself."

She then gracefuly turns and struts out of the room heading towards the living quarters.