View Full Version : Golden Globes Aftermath

Jan 20th, 2003, 10:07:25 AM
What an interesting evening. 'Chicago' is the frontrunner obviously, but 'About Schmidt', 'The Hours', 'Adaptation', and 'Gangs of New York' picked up big wins.

I'm really not sure what the 5 films to be nominated for Best Picture will be. This might be the most wide open year I can remember, which wouldn't have seemed possible after some recent Oscar seasons.

We seem to be entering(or in the middle of) a cycle of Academy chaos. ;)

Jan 20th, 2003, 10:45:36 AM
I dont get all this about The Shield. It was good, but no way as good as it is being recognised. Is it better than 24? Heck no! Keither was robbed.

And I cant believe Zellwegger won something, considering she gets more bad reviews than Jones.

Nice to see U2 win something. Afterwards, Bono was asked if he thought this gave him a chance in the Oscars, and he replied "Well, it's the only reason we're here pressing the flesh. Vote for Bono!". Good to see he reguards the awards as nothing more than advertising ;)

Jan 20th, 2003, 10:56:02 AM
I wonder if anyone views an award as nothing more than an opportunity to up their dollars?

Jan 20th, 2003, 11:03:04 AM
Oscars would be seen as the pinnacle of their career IMO

Aegis Du' Caat
Jan 20th, 2003, 11:51:36 AM
I don't know if the Awards are necessarily necessary (wow that was needlessly redundant) to up the paycheck.

Besides some viewer's choice award, Jim Carrey has never recieved an award from the Oscars and if I'm not mistaken, Golden Globe, and he still commands one of the highest movie payoffs in Hollywood. As for Bono and U2, they should worry less about trying to spoon feed us their morals and concepts and focus more on making origional music again.

Jan 20th, 2003, 11:54:40 AM
Why? They make #1 most of the time in their home charts, their last album won awards and it looks like they could win an Oscar for their work.

And people listen to celebrities. Bono isnt some idiot who forces their opinions on others. He just makes sure people know his views.

Jan 20th, 2003, 12:19:21 PM
I am going to see The Hours tonight, but I very much feel that it will not be my type of film at all and probably the only movie tainting what is otherwise a great selection of critically acclaimed films. Really a shame.

I think this year the Oscars will do better than the Globes. I hope something really good wins because The Hours ain't it. Not for anyone but 40 or 50 year old women anyway. It's obvious the story is about nothing, just as the back of the book says literally, and it's even more obvious it's just a vehicle for some older female stars. Blah.

I remember back when Far From Heaven was the front-runner for every award, haha, wow did that fall through quickly. It's always funny to watch how quickly the tides change. Then Chicago had all of the momentum, now who knows, but it's not Far From Heaven, which has about 0 chance at the major awards now. Besides nominations.

Best Picture at the Oscars:
The Pianist
Gangs of New York
The Hours

That's my prediction. Of course, Gangs of New York isn't as good as Antwone Fisher even, but it's more epic.

Jedi Master Carr
Jan 20th, 2003, 12:26:27 PM
I agree I think Chicago is the favorite right now. I also feel that TTT might not get nominated for the big awards now, it just seems to be going that way. I was also surprised that Richard Gere wone, does he have a chance at the Oscar? I personally don't think Nicholson will win again he has won three times I have my doubts if they want to make history by giving it to him 4.

Jan 20th, 2003, 12:38:04 PM
All of his charity work is admirable, but IMO he does carry a "holier than thou" attitude about his work and his music. The only reason they are winning awards is because everyone else sucks. I have all the respect in the world for what U2 has accomplished during their careers, but now I'm as sick of looking at them and hearing them as I am Britney and Justin (no I'm not comparing their musical talents).

Jan 20th, 2003, 02:19:43 PM
Jim Carrey has won at least 2 Golden Globes, to answer an earlier statement.

My *current* predictions for the 5 nominated films...

Chicago(the frontrunner)
Gangs of New York(Scorcese's epic is sure to be included, especially with his Directing win)
The Hours(winner of Globe AND National Board of Review)
The Two Towers(enough support from techie guilds to get film into top category)
Road to Perdition(film has made a late charge at the guilds, plus Dreamworks is almost sure to get at least one film nominated with their machine)

Jan 20th, 2003, 05:27:10 PM
I know you're pulling for Road to Perdition, but I doubt it. We'll see :) I would not mind, it was a great film.

Jan 20th, 2003, 06:50:38 PM
Jim Carey has won at least 2 Golden Globes, to answer an earlier statement.You mean the flash-in-the-pan goalie for the Bruins & Capitals in the mid 90's who won the Calder trophy as rookie of the year and then disappeared forever?

oooohhhhh, you mean Jim CaRRey! ;)


Jan 20th, 2003, 07:55:35 PM
Jonathan, I don't think my hope for 'Perdition' is unfounded. It got a PGA nom, and has appeared in the costume and art director guilds so far. If it racks up more guild noms I'd say it's still a viable option for the 5th slot.

Jan 20th, 2003, 08:22:27 PM
Maybe in some alternate reality, but back here in the good ol' Milky Way that frickin' thing is as dead as disco!

Haha, j/k. I hope you are right, CMJ, Perdition is a great film that is more worthy than most this year, IMO.

I still think the Academy will like The Pianist.

Jan 20th, 2003, 08:34:21 PM
Here we go Jonathan...:)

The locks
1. Chicago
2.The Hours

Extremely Likely
3. Gangs of New York
4. Two Towers

Fighting for #5
Road to Perdition
About Schmidt
The Pianist

On Life support, but still possible
Catch Me if You Can

Deader than a doornail
Far From Heaven
My Big Fat Greek Wedding
Antwone Fisher
Minority Report
Y Tu Mama Tambien
About a Boy
Talk to Her

Jan 21st, 2003, 01:56:48 AM
Ok so I want to know, how did Far From Heaven go from Oscar front-runner to deader than a doornail? Seriously everyone thought before that with its "50 four star reviews" and amazing acclaim that it was a sure bet for being the odds-on favorite, then all of these other movies open. Did those other movies just squash it, or did people forget about it, or what the hell happened to that thing?! lol. I would agree, though, it's dead. No chance at winning anything, I'd say, but should get some nominations for sure like for actress, of course, and perhaps some others.

Catch Me If You Can has no chance at best picture, lol. I wish. It was a great film, but perhaps Hanks might get a supporting actor nomination anyway. I personally thought Leo was great in it and I don't even much like Leo.

My choice for the dark horse Best Picture nominee is Jason X. It has that camp appeal of badness that really will appeal to Academy voters and the classic scene where Jason beats a few sleeping bags, with girls in them, against a tree is one of cinema's finest moments, right up there with anything in Ben-Hur, Citizen Kane, Sunset Boulevard, Star Wars, The Maltese Falcon, or any of the great classics. The dialogue is great too, like that part where Jason is about to kill people and a girl says, "Oh I think he is gone for good now," but it's only 25 minutes into the film. Yeah, the suspense is great there, I mean you really think he might be dead for a second, then WAM, he comes bursting through and kills more people. God that movie was good. Definite best picture shot there. :D

Jan 21st, 2003, 09:39:02 AM
I'm just going by what films got the most "For Your Consideration" ads in the trades Jonathan. Dreamworks has tried to sell Spielberg's film otherwise I wouldn't have mentioned it.

Jan 21st, 2003, 06:03:44 PM
True, but I think even Fox took out those ads in the trades for TPM because most/many people thought TPM would sweep the technical awards.

An Entertainment Weekly article in January thought that TPM would walk away with about 6-8 nominations. I honestly thought, even with the critical backlash, that TPM would be nominated for and probably win 5-8 awards. I thought a nomination for Best Score was a lock, but I also thought it would lose in that category (just because the awards voters are biased against sequel scores, IMO), and I thought it would win effects, two for sound categories (effects and effects editing), one for costume design, one for makeup, a nomination for cinematography but not a win (this was an outside chance, I thought, but then I realized that they believed that the cinematography was all digital, not real, thus the reason they probably never really considered it), and film editing, I thought, would be either both a nomination and a win or at least a nomination. So the point is, these For Your Consideration ads often are for technical categories, too, and there's nothing wrong with a film that sweeps mostly the technical awards. I've seen some great classics from the past that received big awards nominations (even like Star Wars: ANH) and won most/all of the major technical awards, but lost all of the "big five" awards (actor, actress, film, director, and screenplay).