View Full Version : Coming Home (open)

Sage Hazzard
Jan 20th, 2003, 02:15:48 AM
Continued from <a href=http://www.swforums.net/forum/showthread.php?s=&postid=464767>Going Home</a>

Sage pushed open the double doors. His presence was shocking to most in the bar. He'd been gone for far too long, soul searching and mending wounds.

He wore an orange Jedi attire. A new lightsabre hung at his belt.

"What a dump! I love it," he yelled loud, making his presence known.

He opened his arms, ready to hug and greet all his old friends and fellow Jedi.

Jan 21st, 2003, 03:21:56 AM
Oriadin was sat at one of the tables drinking his ice water and reading when a familiar pressence entered the room. He looked up and to his shock, there stood Sage Hazzard. Sage Hazzard! He hadnt been seen among the Jedi for a very long time now. At one point, Oriadin had thought Sage was among the best of the Jedi at the order. Wise, powerfull and although he hadnt experienced any training from him first hand, he had over heard lessons and spoken to other people taught by him and Oriadin thought he was a great mentor.

Was he back to stay? The now Jedi knight hoped so. Oriadin didnt really know the Jedi to speak to but he had read up a lot on him and certainly knew of him when he was around before. As some of his closer friends greated him, Oriadin just sat with a smile on his face and gave him a nod, as if to say hello.

Destiny Stormrider
Jan 21st, 2003, 11:09:10 AM
Destiny was sitting all alone, tapping her fingers against the table when Sage had entered. He had caught her attention when he pushed the doors open and amused her when he had called the place a dump. Thus, the Stormrider decided to meet this new person and walked up to him, a wide grin across her face.

"Hello there!" she said, tilting her head to the side.

Navaria Tarkin
Jan 21st, 2003, 04:38:30 PM
"By the Force..."

Came the stunned voice of Navaria from the middle of the room. The sight she saw was beyond sore, for the lack of presence by this Jedi Master was felt deeply by many of the Order.

She rose to her feet, smiling broadly in happiness and walking towards him

"Sage! It is good to see you home again!"

Navaria clasped his hand tightly and laughed somewhat.

"Considering we moved and all."

Sage Hazzard
Jan 23rd, 2003, 03:53:54 PM
"Hello," Sage returned the smile to Destiny. "How are you?"

Then Navaria had came over.

"Good to be home," Sage paused, looking at Navaria's hand clasping his. "What are we, strangers?"

He broke from her hand and gave her a gentle hug. Afterwards he backed up and took the bar in.

"Oriadian? Come over here. How's your training gone? Have the Council waken up yet and promoted you?"

Azhure Darkstone
Jan 24th, 2003, 05:24:53 AM
::Azhure looked into the bar, sensing some signature in the force that remineded her of someone, then saw Sage sitting. He was back.
Saying nothing she nodded and left the door, walking silently away from the bar. Some questions were best left unsaid and sometimes poeple may not wish to see those that reminded them of the work they had ahead - which was to say she did not have much of a friendship with him yet besides the one of training. He was there to relax.
Perhaps she would see him around again but she would not interrupt his peace.
Azhure was never one to relax in unknown company or come too close uninvited or without some kind of insentive and thus did not think that she could offer any sort of conversation.
Moving towards her ship she opened it, went inside and the ship dissapeared into the sky.::

Lion El' Jonson
Jan 24th, 2003, 07:56:31 AM
Lion had just finished off his second or third Ridgeback Ale, but that didn't stop him from recogniing the presence that came bursting into the room.

"Sage!" Lion said, stumbling slightly as he got up to walk over to the new arrival. Indeed, Sage Hazzard had been gone for a long time. Far too long a time. His absense had been felt by anybody that knew him...and now he was back.

"How are ya'?" Lion asked, flashing a smile and trying to hold in a burp that he felt welling inside of him.

Navaria Tarkin
Jan 25th, 2003, 05:52:24 PM
She was actually surprised by the hug ... Navaria really didn't know Sage that well but it was a pleasant surprise none the less. She stepped back to let Oriadin in and caught the tail end of Azhure leaving the Bar and Grill. Sage was originally her Master before the Jedi Master disappeared. Azhure must have a lot on her mind knowing that he was back ...

Xazor Elessar
Jan 25th, 2003, 06:14:27 PM
A commotion in the front of the Bar and Grill caused Xazor to turn her head away from her company and look. Her cyan eyes searched until they came to rest upon the source: someone she had not seen in a very very long time. Her heart nearly stopped as a hand slipped down to the Lightsaber upon her belt: Love. She ran her fingers over its cool metal and then rose to her feet.

"I'm sorry -- I'll be right back."

The Knight stated emotionless as she pushed a few of her loose Garou Warrior Braids back behind her head. The silver coins woven into the locks clanged together softly as she paced forward a few steps and stopped. She brushed a few creases out of her flowing black robes before continuing forth to the throng gathered around a man she admired greatly -- the man who had so much confidence in her, he tested her and took her promotion request to the Council. It was on that very day so long ago that he gave her the weapon she loved and looked after -- the very saber that hung from her belt and caught the light from the sun coming through the windows. She was now standing but a few feet from this man -- someone she loved and trusted -- someone she thought was dead. 'I'm looking at a ghost', she thought as her cyan eyes locked with his.

"S -- Sage?"

She could barely speak his name as if in complete and utter disbelief. A permanent grin broke over the young woman's face as she gaped the distance between them and wrapped her arms tightly around the Jedi Master's neck, holding him closely to her.

"It's you! It's really you!"

Tears stung at the back of her eyelids but she shut them tightly and embraced him even tighter. It was an incredible moment filled with emotion and immense joy. It was a moment Xazor did not think would ever happen after he disappeared. Nonetheless, it was happening and it felt so incredible to her.

Sage Hazzard
Jan 26th, 2003, 02:33:39 AM
Sage held her waist tightly and lifted her off the ground.

"Funny, I don't remember you."

An odd silence until finally Sage burst out in a fit of laughter.

"Xazor, you are as beautiful as when I left."

He put her down on the floor.

"You've done well I see. I can see it under your eyes. No bags. You sleep better when you feel proud of your accomplishments."

He smiled.

Jan 27th, 2003, 03:53:01 AM
Oriadin walked on over and thanked Navaria for letting him through. He shook Sage's hand. Oriadin felt pleased that the Jedi Master he had respected so much even remembered who he was after all this time.

--Indeed, the council promoted me a few months ago and I now have a padawan of my own.--

He smiled, although feeling a little nervous as he still held Sage is very high reguard.

Destiny Stormrider
Jan 27th, 2003, 05:45:24 PM
"I'm fine..." the girl replied as she saw Navaria approach.

Destiny was surprised a few moments later as she saw the rest of the people approach. She hadn't seen this man around ever since she came to the Order, yet everyone seemed to know him. She stared at the reunion as everyone hugged.

"They seem to have missed you a lot! Where have you been?" the Stormrider asked casually.

Navaria Tarkin
Jan 28th, 2003, 08:17:14 PM

Navaria smirked.

"Destiny is right. Where have you been all this time? Hmm?"

Sage Hazzard
Jan 29th, 2003, 01:39:04 PM
"I am not surprised Oridian," Sage smiled warmly.

He paused as he heard the questions by the two female Jedi. It wasn't a sensitive subject, in fact Sage was becoming more open recently, it was hard to explain to people who didn't know his history. Or the heartbreak he's felt through his life, the turmoil.

"I was beaten badly in that foolish act. The one where I pranced off to merrily fight a swarm of Sith by my self? Aggravating the altercation simply so I could have an excuse to kill one, it was not a proud moment. I escaped narrowly and through an unintentional meditation, I saw my past. Through researching what I saw I found this wardrobe and lightsabre, which belonged to my father... More importantly, I found my mother had been murdered, not by my birth as I had thought. It's an understatement to say it's been a rollercoaster."