View Full Version : Important Information Regading Ket Van Derveld

Ket Van Derveld
Jan 20th, 2003, 01:14:02 AM
Ok, it has come to my attention many people have a few concerns, so I will post info you all might want to know about Ket.

Ket's Armour:

Ket's armour is coded CMI138E92. It is CMI's new prototype medium combat/tactical/recon armour. It has multiple functions, such as bio,thermal,sythetics,radiowave, and microwave detection. It can scan an area upwards of 1000 meters. The sapphire blue visor contains infrared,microwave and UV vision modes as well as computer enhanced visuals, HUD, and normal sight modes. The armour is made of an unknown alloy that can withstand 300 lbs of pressure, with a max pressure of 1200 lbs for a duration of 15 minutes. Its enhanced strength capabilities can aide normal strength upwards of 600 extra pounds. As a result, it also aides in jumping, running, and other various physical activity. Stealth is also not a problem. It can sheild against most radar types as well as bio-signitures (Bio-Electric Feedback Module).

Fatal Flaw: The power unti for the extraneous functions ( altered vision, bio-electric feedback module, etc...) is located near the lower back. This was the one thing they could not get around, and hence, when hit hard enough, it shorts out and all functions it powers are "cut off" until repairs are made.

Ket's Physical/Mental Weaknesses:

Physical: None at this moment. (im workin on it, lol)

FYI: The nano-tech and medical nanites are explained as such: The Medical Nanites are a concept taken from Star Trek. They are microscopic robots that exist in the bloodtream. They use the bloodstream as a sort of pathway to get to various body parts that have been damaged and administer firt aid and reapirs. Hence, a speedy healing. The Nano-Tech is synthetic muscle fiber that has replaced Ket's Biseps, triceps, hamstrings and quadreceps. basicly, they are 10 times as densly packed as normal muscle, increasing strength by 7x a normal human in those areas. This was due to extensive malicous injuries suffered from pit fighting.

Mental: Ket cannot concentrate fully upon the force. Ket was over exposed to a Ysalimir at one point, and it severely damaged his link to the Force. Ket has undergone many meditations and traing to combat this, but the effects are only countered by 75%. hence, Ket has many mental weaknesses that can be exploited in battle.

As far as his knowledge goes, He is currently undergoing master trials. He has knowledge of about half of the known spells of Sith Magic and Still cannot perform many master level feats. (ie: force lightning, levitation, etc...)

Any other questions, please PM me. :)

And remember, this knowledge has been passed on Out of Char and should not be taken as IC knowledge. You gotta RP to find out about it like anything else, lol. I will make sure to alter my posting style to show more weakness and less "superman" qualities. :) :)

Sanis Prent
Jan 20th, 2003, 01:20:04 AM
As a result, the force signiture of the wearer goes "dead".

Um, no.

And as far as stealth goes...that crap should be plenty cumbersome. I really don't think stealth is an option at all.

In addition, please follow the SW trend for cloaking technology, ie., which wouldn't allow for such a thing.

Ket Van Derveld
Jan 20th, 2003, 01:24:21 AM
No problemo bro. Editeing the info now to correct the problem. thanks for the heads-up. :)

Silus Xilarian
Jan 20th, 2003, 02:16:17 AM
The Nano-Tech is synthetic muscle fiber that has replaced Ket's Biseps, triceps, hamstrings and quadreceps. basicly, they are 10 times as densly packed as normal muscle, increasing strength by 7x a normal human in those areas. This was due to extensive malicous injuries suffered from pit fighting.

Im really not too sure, but if the muscle was 10x as dense as normal muscle fiber, would that allow less room for bloodflow?

If that were the case, Ket would probably be extremely strong in short bursts of strength, but having less blood flow would provide less oxygen to the muscle, causing an adverse effect as far as muscle fatigue goes......

Like I said before, Im really not too sure on this, as the last time I took anything having to do with anatomy was in high school......just suggesting :)

Sanis Prent
Jan 20th, 2003, 02:39:06 AM
Well, it would make for REALLY heavy arms and legs, then.

Sean Piett
Jan 20th, 2003, 03:02:53 AM
Yeah, he'd need plenty of oxygen. Lactic acid only lasts for about 20-30 seconds.

Laurana Grimm
Jan 20th, 2003, 10:33:15 AM

One thing that irks me about the nano-thingies is the speed at which they work. Sith in general aren't meant to have any healing powers, which is meant to be one of flaws of working with the Darkside. If the nano-tech works too fast, then that basically gives Sith healing powers.

Ket Van Derveld
Jan 20th, 2003, 11:45:34 AM
Hmmm....as far as the muscle fiber goes, how about this. 5x as densely packed, yet somewhat lightweight, giving him only 3x time the strength of a normal human. as far as the medical nanites, it would work the same on anyone. True, the darkside allows for no healing power, but it's like, ANYONE can have this. Even a Jedi, giving him even more healing power.

Sanis Prent
Jan 20th, 2003, 12:11:23 PM
density = increased mass per constant volume = increased weight

imported_Jackson Mcgraves
Jan 20th, 2003, 02:26:15 PM
As far as i knew in star wars sith could Heal themself but not others at least thats how it was explained to me a long time ago.

I hate the suit period.

Jan 20th, 2003, 02:35:59 PM
Sith cannot heal through the Force alone.

imported_Jackson Mcgraves
Jan 20th, 2003, 02:41:09 PM
Okay that just confuses me more.

Jan 20th, 2003, 02:43:26 PM
There are Sith talismans that can allow a Darkside user the ability to heal, but it drains them severely.

Healing is a Jedi ability by its nature, whether it be others or self, not a Sith one.

imported_Jackson Mcgraves
Jan 20th, 2003, 02:48:53 PM

Jan 20th, 2003, 02:55:18 PM
Depending on the situation it would be possible for a Sith to use destrictive ability to "heal" in a fashion, but it wouldn't really be healing, it would need to be more of a preventative thing. Like wound cauterization kind of.

Sean Piett
Jan 20th, 2003, 04:00:55 PM
Just so long as people are allowed to destroy this in duels and the like, I'm fine with it, I guess. It's a bit outlandish, but that's okay. One EMP and you're done for.

Silus Xilarian
Jan 20th, 2003, 05:22:53 PM
Originally posted by Sean Piett
Lactic acid only lasts for about 20-30 seconds.

And if you're running off lactic acid alone, you're gonna be hurting....

And be awfully sore later on...

Also, how does the armor hold up against a saber?

imported_Jackson Mcgraves
Jan 21st, 2003, 09:20:54 AM
well since he can short out sabers it doesn't matter. :\

Sean Piett
Jan 21st, 2003, 05:05:31 PM
Eh? How does he short them out?

Live Wire
Jan 21st, 2003, 05:27:31 PM
the only way I know of to short out a saber is through cortorsis ore which is extremely rare and extrememly weak. It would not be good armor because while it will shut off a saber it can not withstand physical combat.

Lady Vader
Jan 21st, 2003, 05:54:40 PM
But... you can have armor and then a woven sort of something made of cortosis over the armor. THEN it might work.

Live Wire
Jan 21st, 2003, 06:07:32 PM
it might work but it would be really easy in combat to destroy the woven cortorsis. to me its not really worth the effort of having to find it and or pay someone for it. its so rare that its not practical.

Jan 21st, 2003, 06:17:30 PM
You can make a sort of Cortosis Alloy, like Oddball uses. It wont phase out Lightsabres, but is durable.

Sean Piett
Jan 21st, 2003, 06:23:27 PM
I know about cortosis, but I didn't read anything about Ket' being able to short out lightsabers.

Jan 21st, 2003, 06:33:43 PM

Sejah Haversh
Jan 21st, 2003, 07:02:20 PM
The armor thing is a bit outlandish, and would be very large to accomodate all said functions, not to mention it would requitre one heck of an Energizer battery in your back.

But, it is the muscle desnity thing that bothers me. If your muscles were more dense, they would weigh more. That weight would pull on your shoulders and hips, and with that kind of a density, your amrs would almost rip off from the sheer weight of your own muscle. The on;y way tou could suppoer an increased density like that would be to have ALL your muscles more dense, in which case you might weigh several tons, and couldn't ride in a car because you alone would exceed the gross weight capacity. Not to mention you'd possibly crack sidewal, and there's no way you could climb stairs without them breakign underneath you.

If you wanted more muscle power, an increased density of, say, 25% would be about as far as you could go, and it too would make you weigh more. The best route is with logical bionics. Hydraulic parts can replace muscles but, are not as fast. Unless they are well engineered, but they also requitre maintainence, and a heck of a good doctor to put them in for you. My character J'ktal has limited bionics, including a replaced left arm. IT's not much stronger than it was before, but it did fix his problem when his real arm was severed.

Things that increase what your character can do are great, but, remember that they also have drawbacks. Sure a Sherman tank can take out a footsoldier, but it sure couldn't follow one on a bicycle up a mountain trail.

I don't know, I hate to be picky, but, I jsut have problems with these sort of things not being fully thought out.

Hadrian Invicta
Jan 21st, 2003, 07:29:04 PM
Actually if his muscles are made from this material and not from tissue, who is to say that they need oxygen at the same rate as living tissue, ie who says his artificial muscles even need blood?

They could also be designed as to be not nearly as heavy as normal tissue, I took it to mean by dense in the fashion that there were much more of these artificial fibers than biological muscle tissue. It would of course make it impossible for him to further train and ever get stronger physically, but the strength he gave himself of course is more than enough. I understand though that in the literal sense of the word, his saying they are more dense, means they is more mass per volume, but if he really wants it that bad, he could say more amount per volume, hence Ket saying densly packed, rather than 10x's density, but now I'm nit-picking.

As for the suit, even I can't play devil's advocate for that, though the power source could be similar to that of a light-saber, which would provide ample power for some of the traits, though the force cloaking device would be out of the question unless he wanted to rp it as it simply dampens his force ability, making it impossible for his force sig to be detected, simply because he has no force sig, that he can not at the time it is active use the force in any method, not even on himself. I could live with that, nanites, eh.. again your taking something used extensively in Star Trek, since they don't have the Force they go a bit higher tech than Star Wars, ie phasers as opposed to lightsabers. They do present a problem in that they give you near instantaenous healing.

My advice, limit your nanites, to slowly blood loss, but not dramatically enough to say that if a person punched a hole in your chest with something large that you wouldn't bleed out, but you could make it so that slashes on the arm that were merely fleshwounds wouldn't cause you to bleed down to the extent that you would pass out from the wound. The armor, make it slow you down when wearing it, you can keep the stealth in the technical areas, but watch the force stuff would have to go, unless no one had a problem with my idea of just dampening his force signature so that he would have to deactivate the dampening field, which would immediately alert who ever he's snuck up on, to use the force (even then it's still major league iffy. The Cortis alloy seems best for it's substance. Any how that's my opinion.

Summing up: Muscles could remain the same at the loss of the ability to become stronger with training

Force Dampening perhaps?

Slower speed when in the armor

Cortis alloy

Cutting back on the powers from the suit

imported_Jackson Mcgraves
Jan 21st, 2003, 08:09:31 PM
Originally posted by Sean Piett
Eh? How does he short them out?

He claims his suit can send out a emp wave to short out the sabers and to prove where he said that


I'm Blade Ice in that thread for those of you who don't know.

Sean Piett
Jan 21st, 2003, 08:56:00 PM
Eww. The suit has too many perks.

Sejah Haversh
Jan 21st, 2003, 09:02:49 PM
The only things that suit is missing are pinstriped and a carnation pinned to the lapel.

Silus Xilarian
Jan 21st, 2003, 09:07:30 PM
Im just curious as to what type of metal the suit is made of. Im sure whatever is, something can cut through it :)

Sanis Prent
Jan 21st, 2003, 10:54:46 PM
Weaving cortosis is a big no. That crap is as brittle as asbestos. You couldn't make tissue paper out of it, much less weave it.

And I believe lightsabers are shielded against EM radiation.

Silus Xilarian
Jan 21st, 2003, 11:02:10 PM
Im not sure. I was under the impression that they would need to be especially shielded...but Ive never heard anything official from it...

Jan 21st, 2003, 11:09:59 PM
Lightsabers are EMP Shielded...

Otherwise A Siths hands would blow up if he threw lightening at the same time as his lightsaber was on.

Uh..Knocking out a Lightsaber by EMP is really stupid. It's just that, you want a lightsaber to be out, knock it out of the users hand. Simple, fun, and full of entainment!

Ket Van Derveld
Jan 23rd, 2003, 12:13:25 AM
hmmmm, like i say, im always open to refinement and suggestion.

first off, i honestly had no idea lightsabers were EMPSheilded. so, i appologize.

two, the muscle fiber....I did infact mean densely packed and made of a lightweight synth material that emulates real muscle. gives him about 2200 psi of pressure in a punch. But, thinking on it, I would think it better that it should be real muscle, trained and conditioned to have about 1000 psi of pressure in a punch. so, nix the muscles.

third, the medical nanites are for repairing minor scratches to deep wounds. punctures, no, severing, no, other things of that nature, no.

fourth, i was thinking of a titanium alloy for the suit, but could never decide on a good alloy, any suggestions are appreciated. As far as saber strikes, it is durable to the heat, but can still be cut through. again, people, the armour is a prototype.

fifth, the suit is going to be phased out of RP VERY soon, due to a storyline i will be doing. so, don;t worry, the armour wont be used much if at all after that point.

to recap:

no idea lightsabers were EMP sheilded

muscles are original birth muscles now, not synthetic

medical nanites used for minor scratches to semi-deep wounds

suite not going to be used very soon.

Sound good?

Sanis Prent
Jan 23rd, 2003, 01:14:50 AM
Titanium is pretty heavy. Not sure what would give your best heat stress or density characteristics for the mass. There are some metallurgical engineers down the hall from me, but I'm too tired to ask.