View Full Version : Pulse: Beat Of A Dead Heart

Javier Enfer
Jan 19th, 2003, 10:43:07 PM
Javier Enfer, that name sounded rotten and dead, it was his name some 20 years ago when he was of the age of only 40 years old and he was alive. Blood in those days pulsed through his veins, through his heart and through his soul. That faithful evening when it happened Javier did not know he would never see the light of day again. He also did not know he would never be alive again, be HUMAN again. But for imortality, that was the price you had to pay....with your own spilled blood and of course with your life.

Javier, one of the Shrines members had been invited by Alana to speak with her on a matter of the Shrine. Perhaps she wanted a word with him or perhaps just his blood would surfice, that he would have to wait for, Alana (Javiers Empress) had taisted Javiers blood before and so Javier without words had sworn his loyalty to her and the Shrine, he would be her servant for the rest of eternity and so he served her invite to her quarters.

Into the darkness javier called with a soft yet manly voice ' You called for me My Queen...how may i serve you?'

Alana Stormcloud
Jan 20th, 2003, 11:44:19 PM
Alana sat with her legs wrapped under her. Her face unreadable as she watched Javier enter her room. It had been quiet some time since she had laid eyes on the one who called himself rouge. Though he had shared blood with her, linking them in many ways. She had extended him an open invitation to come back and be a family member of the Shrine, and she was glad to see him within the walls of the damned.

"So the lost do return. It is good to see you once again Javier. Did you find what you were seeking?" Her ever changing eyes locked on his, her cool smile brought no warmth to her face. Alana had changed quiet a bit from when they had last met. Many things had come to pass for her. The humanity she had clung to at one time had all but fled.

The lordess gestured to the empty spot beside her, "Please sit."

Javier Enfer
Jan 20th, 2003, 11:56:49 PM
' I did not for one moment think i would be invited back behind these walls...' Javier began taking the offered seat that Alana had showed him to. ' No my queen, my mission was not a success, Millard seem to slip past me everytime, but i shall bide my time and wait, for he shall have a weak point somewhere. The vampire said with a slight purr to his voice.

Javier sat rather stiff and tense, when one sits infront of a Vampire Queen you dont tend to loose the respect in your body launguge. The Vampire was at a loss for words for she had changed quite a bit, and with the breaking of her and Dalamars relationship he thought she looked rather well for it.

' May i ask why you invited my prsence back within these halls?...'

Alana Stormcloud
Jan 21st, 2003, 12:21:35 AM
Alana raised an eye brow at his words. A small smile tilted the corners of her lips. "This is a home to vampyres, and you are welcome here Javier." Leaning forward as she spoke, Alana uncurled her long legs out from under her, and picked up a bottle of blood wine.

"Would you care for some?" She questioned, and poured to glasses. Not waiting for his answer. "I think you will find many things have changed around here. We have had a lot more people come in search for immortality." Alana's lips drew down slightly. "....they have all been worthy of the blood, and our ranks grow daily it seems."

The lordess turned her eyes back to his. The candle light flickered against her luminous eyes that never seemed to settle on a color. "I called you here because I wanted a chance to get to know you. I also wanted to know what brought you back to our fold." Alana tilted her head, her long black hair spilled to the ground. An inquisitive look filled her pale face...The blood wine had not pinked her cheeks the way the blood of another did....

Javier Enfer
Jan 26th, 2003, 03:58:52 AM
' I had nowere else to go...' He said flatly ' And of course i regard this as my home and you my family...' He continued before taking the goblet and sipping the blood wine.

Alana Stormcloud
Jan 28th, 2003, 11:40:30 AM
"As you should Javier, for it is your home now. Even Vampyres grow lonely at times. Where better to find friends then among your own kind." Alana sat back her eyes growing distant. Her master, and a few of the Coven members were now a part of the Shrine family, and they now resided on Roon. But.... Alana missed the security she had found at the Coven Citadel. The cavernous halls, and the sweet smell of memories. She longed for the sounds of her master’s home.

The Lordess turned back to her guest. Her eyes still appraising and cold. "Time can be cruel Javier, even to us. We do not count the minutes that flow, nor the years that pass but in time even we can feel the hands of age clutching at us." Her voice ha softened with her words. She tucked her legs back under her as if to ward off the cold she did not feel. "Do you not, at times, hunger for more than just the taste of blood on your lips?"

Kelt Simoson
Mar 4th, 2003, 08:07:01 PM
' I strive to rise to the top of my guild my queen...' The Vampire said with a slight romantic purr ' The shrine however seems un willing to give me a chance to rise, my training is said to be to lax....'.