View Full Version : Summoned Angel

Jana Silthron
Jan 19th, 2003, 06:03:19 PM
Two days ago, Malice had told her to come here. Two days ago, she had battled him and encountered a form of his that she did not really wish to see again. And two days ago, he had told her to be here in three days. Oh well, to be early is to be ontime.

Jana walked towards the large building ahead of her. Her wing had been healed along with any other injuries she had when she left the battle with Malice. She was a mile from the building when she extended her wings and lifted off into the air.

Within moments she stood at the door of the palace. She could only guess what was beyond the door that stood large infront of her.

Nayala Palain
Jan 22nd, 2003, 02:22:01 PM
Something Dark was beyond those doors. Something the child would have never been ready for on her own. But two days ago Malice had sent for her. And Two days ago he had returned from a battle.

The Sith Master watched and waited to see how Malice would take to the child now. She watched and waited to see if the child was truely ready for such a Dark and deadly life.

Jana Silthron
Jan 24th, 2003, 08:37:01 PM
Jana felt herself being watched. She sensed another nearby and blinked once. Her eyes shifted around in the direction she sensed the person. Her eyes found nothing but her mind knew it was there. She desides to call out to the person.

"I am here seeking master Malice. If you could tell me where I can find him please do. If not then I shall wait for him here."

She turns in the direction she sensed the person and looked around. Her eyes still found nothing.

Nayala Palain
Jan 24th, 2003, 11:23:08 PM
" A Sith Master is before you. And Malice was the one to call you here. He will deal with you seeing how he sought you out. I just watch the ones until he has the time to greet you. And dont you have one more day left? "

She waited and watched. She hated dealing with the new ones. A time she didnt have much of.

Jan 29th, 2003, 02:55:55 AM
*Indeed she does. Then again, i always reward the early birds*

A voice spoke out as the two large doors opened. From behind them, a figured clad in flowing white robes appeared. Walking down the steps, Malice stopped just infront of Jana. Turning to face Athena he bowed his head in respect.

*As or your reward..........you wont feel pain. For i punish those who are late when i call for them. It's good to remember that*

Malice then turned slightly, pointing at the opened doors.

*Now, are you ready to face what lies beyond those doors. A life null of light and goodness. Where only darkness dwells for all time to consume you*

He wasnt purposfuly trying to frigthen her. But if she was scared to enter now, then there would be no point in continuing with her now.

Jana Silthron
Jan 29th, 2003, 05:36:00 PM
Jana looked at the human form of Malice with no fear in her eyes at this time. She glanced at the doors not afraid of what lied behind the door step. Nothing frightened her like the form of Malices she had encountered when they battled. She was ready.

"I am ready."

She looked back at Malice and he could tell that she told what she felt.

Feb 1st, 2003, 07:25:05 PM
Malice said nothing, made no reaction to what she had said. All the sith master did was step aside and point to the open doors. Seconds later, he spoke.

*Well then. All that is needed of you is to enter these sacred walls. Forget what you knew, for your new life starts the minute you enter The Sith Order........the moment you become a member of this group. This, family*

Malice knew some sith thought it not natural for a group of sith considering one another a family. But such was the way of TSO. An in following these beliefs, the order has managed to thrive and live. Regardless of whatever obsticles were put in it's path. To be a part of such a group was an honor. An honor that would no doubt come easy. And would take much tim to earn.

Feb 1st, 2003, 08:05:16 PM
OOC: It's me. Didn't notice i had not switched accounts.

Jana Silthron
Feb 2nd, 2003, 03:31:00 AM
Jana looked up at Malice for a moment then back to where she had sensed the other sith master. She figured they thought she was not strong enough or would be to scared to enter the doors. She looked at the doors and narrowed her eyes. She would prove them wrong.

Jana walked towards the door with her head held high. She showed no fear as she spread her wings out behind her. She could feel her skin growing colder as she walked the few feet into the palace of the sith.

A sigh of amazement escaped her as she looked around inside the wall of the sith order. She slowly turned back to Malice and bowed slightly to him, awaiting further instruction.

Feb 2nd, 2003, 04:46:20 AM
Malice followed in after her, bowing his head to Athena, bidding her a farewell. Standing next to Jana, he too looked around the great big chamber walls. Unlike normal palaces, this one was enchanted by many sith spells. One could tell by the ancient writings and glyphs that littered the walls.

Accompaning those writings were priceless works of arts. Vases, paintings, clothes, and much more. For all it's evil, TSO was like an archive for very valuable things. Turning towards Jana, Malice motioned for her to follow him.

*Stay close. These walls tend to play tricks on those that have not been properly ordained into the order*

And indeed they did. Malice could remember when he first came to these hallowed walkways. He wold turn a corner, only to find out he was either walking in circles, or constantly walked to dead ends. Many a time his master had to get him and show him around. But now, the walls ar very familiar with Malice. so familiar, that with a small spell, Malice is able to travel through the very walls by use of shadows. It made his traveling through the halls much easier.

Jana Silthron
Feb 2nd, 2003, 02:33:15 PM
Jana easily kept pace with him as they walked through the halls of the sith order. Every turn came apon more and more glyphs and art work. Every peice beutiful in a dark way or another. She saw no one else as they walked the halls.

"Is it always so empty around here?"

Feb 6th, 2003, 09:19:17 PM
Malice shook his head.

*The palace is always full of people. It's just that this is not a small place, so it will not be often you find someone just wandering the halls. If your looking to find one of the other sith you'll find them either at the training grounds, or in the living quarters. Where all of our rooms are. Deciples and other new member's are allowed to pick a room on the first or second floors. Third floor and up are reserved for knights and masters of the order*

It was about a few more minutes before Malice and Jana had arrived at the training grounds. Being there mid in the afternoon, it was empty. The other's either trained at night, or early in the morning. Malice on the otherhand was not picky about when he trained his deciples.

Walking into the room, he turned and faced Jana.

*Now, tell me about yourself. Your past, how you became a sith. And why, you chose the darkside*

Jana Silthron
Feb 6th, 2003, 09:26:56 PM
Jana listened and put the information to memory as they walked. Her dark eyes watched the shadows as well as the light. It almost seemed that people stood in the shadows watching her. She shook her head, shaking away the feeling. They reached the training grounds and she stopped and faced Malice.

"My parents were killed a few months ago by a sith. I, as well, had been attacked but had gotten away barely. Someone brought me to the jedi, who I do not know. I talked with the jedi for almost a day but they did not seem to care that my family had been killed by this sith. I left them and swore to myself that I would kill any jedi that I came across. I wish for the revenge of my family's death. The jedi can not give me that."

She relised she had left out a few detales but ignored them. The only detail that mattered that would probobly keep her from joining the sith was Straffe. She did not mention him.

Feb 8th, 2003, 06:10:30 PM
Malice thought for a moment before asking his next question.

*So..........you want the sith to train you, so that you may go out and kill the sith that had killed your family. A cause unusual. To kill a sith, you want to become one*

Using the force he did a little probing of her mind. To find the reason behind this decision of hers. That's when he sensed something. It was a feeling. A feeling of withdrawl........like she was saying all she could say. This made him irritated, though he did not show it.

*Is there anything else you care to share......ANYTHING at all?*

He emphasized on anything.

Jana Silthron
Feb 8th, 2003, 06:28:50 PM
Jana looked him in the eye. Over the years she had become very good at avoiding the truth and making people belive that she was telling it. She hoped that it would work on this sith. She guarded her mind from him with the force.


Feb 17th, 2003, 03:36:03 AM
OOC:Sorry for taking so long. Comp acted up and it wouldn't let me log on. But i got it fixed for now. Again my apologies.

IC: Malice stared at her for a moment. Then shrugged his shoulder's and began walking away.

*Alright then let us begin*

OOC: Continued at the training grounds.

Jana Silthron
Feb 20th, 2003, 05:57:29 PM
OOC: Ok I'll wait till you post it. (I dont see it in there if it is already there.)