View Full Version : a quick stop...

GraNi NaColu
Jan 19th, 2003, 10:53:04 AM
NaColu, new to the place, decided to make his way around GJO, making his first destination at the Bar & Grill. He noticed many unique people going into the bar, and decided to follow. He could feel a sense of peace and friendliness in the air as he approached the door.

"Place your weapons, or any other harmful objects here." said the Shmabler.

NaColu became very much terrified from the enormous creature and replied with a smile as to calm the beast, "I have no weapons."

The Shmabler looked at the man, and with a smile said, "Well have alot of fun here, and welcome."

NaColu was amazed at the diverse cultures were in one place. As he was approaching the bar, he noticed a couple of people out of the corner of his eye gazing at him. He dare not make eye contact as not to cause a scene, so he grabbed himself a seat at the bar, and ordered a drink and something to eat. A droid made its way over to NaColu and began to take his order.

"Let me get a glass of wine, and a small bowl of soup."

Jamel Croko'yn
Jan 19th, 2003, 01:31:07 PM
Jamel glanced toward the new comer as he wandered to a seat. Turning himself around he headed toward him, his hands placed behind his back as he entered the vacinity of the new GJO member. Taking the attention of the Order member with his foot creaking along the ground, he bowed in a show of respect.

"Well my names Jamel, whats yours?" The 15 year old red haired Jedi Padawan stared with at him with a smile as he awaited the conversation to trail on. Blinking only once during the await, his smile turned into a line of seriousness, taking a seat beside the Jedi Order member to keep the conversation in discrete and on a one-on-one form.

GraNi NaColu
Jan 19th, 2003, 01:47:17 PM
After taking a bite of his food, a drink of his wine, NaColu turned to the young man, and nodded his head in show of respect.

"My name is GraNi NaColu. Im new to GJO, and I've met some of the nicest people here. Strange...but nice. I am not from around here, but I wish that I did."

NaColu shook Jamel's hand, and they began their conversation.

Jamel Croko'yn
Jan 19th, 2003, 02:12:54 PM
Jamel continued on with the conversation as the eyes of the man beckoned. Leaning back in his seat, he glanced at the ceiling as he began, his voice stern, yet somewhat casual.

"So, where are you from then?"

GraNi NaColu
Jan 19th, 2003, 03:22:03 PM
NaColu looked at Jamel, he always hated talking about his past, being it was very hard on him.

"I am from Kashyyyk. There was a small human village on the outskirts of Kashyyyk, which was where I stayed. The Wookies were our sole protection from any Imperial wrong doing, but one day, the Galactic Empire was just too strong for them and...I'd rather not talk about the rest until I feel ready. I hope you understand."

NaColu turned back to his food, and began drinking is wine, but ready for a reply at anytime from Jamel.

Jamel Croko'yn
Jan 19th, 2003, 04:52:19 PM
Jamel smiled at him, his eyes bringing comfort as he dropped back down, staring at the Jedi Newcomer for a matter of two seconds before he began talking.

"I know exactly how you feel, I felt the same way when I first came here too, until I got my Master, Master Zeke." He said, his voice uphilling in happiness and sadness thorought the words.

GraNi NaColu
Jan 19th, 2003, 05:30:15 PM
NaColu finished up his soup and took a drink of wine before replying, as to not sound too anxious. He cleaned his mouth with a napkin that was probably left from the last person who sat in chair. NaColu took a deep breathe, as to relieve the pain in his stomach from eating quite alot. He put his right hand on Jamel's shoulder and said with a smile,

"Yes, I know of whom you speak. Zeke is a very kind person, and when I spoke to him, he was very friendly and helpful. He was also the first to greet me to GJO."

Jamel Croko'yn
Jan 20th, 2003, 12:50:56 AM
Jamel looked at him, his eyes arching as his mind began rattling questions. Gesturing a hand to a motioning droid he quickly asked for some "Naboo-fruit", that he had found to be his favorite food since his arrival on Coruscant.

As he awaited for the order to be delivered he glanced down at the table, rubbing his hand along it. He began to speak, his voice militant-style but undertoned with concern.

"So, how did you find you were blessed with the ability to use the Force? Do you even know if you wield the Force?" He said, his eyes shifting to the side, staring into the darkness of a corner as he patiently waited for a response. He was hoping it was a widely informative one, but that was all hope, not a mental demand.

GraNi NaColu
Jan 20th, 2003, 11:35:36 PM
NaColu lowered his head to try and remember the day that it might have happened. He seemed more and more puzzled when he was thinking of how it happened. Then slowly his head began to rise and he turned his head slowly toward Jamel. His left eye had a twinkle that was very luminous when the light hit it just right.

"I remember the day. I was 7 years old, and I was climbling the trees that were on the outer rim of our village. I could see the Empire coming toward our village. I got home as quick as possible, but not before my father was killed. He was collecting wood for dinner. My mother who was at home cooking, gave me a few things and told me to run. I survived the night on my own, staying in the trees to keep out of sight. That was when I saw a Wookie traveling to parts unknown. I dropped down from the tree, crying and full of tears. The wookie could sense something special about me, but I knew nothing. He took me in and cared for me. He became my second father. He taught me fighting skills to protect myself from the Empire. But one day when we were practicing, I went too far...I killed him, but it was an accident. We were sparring one another Mt. , and I was hit, not bad, but something happened. I became free, yet taken over at the same time. My mind was trying to do many tasks, all at once. I picked him up and threw him into a tree...killed him instantly. I didn't know what to do."

NaColu's head starts to turn back toward the top of the bar, and a tears started dripping from his face into his glass of wine.

"I ran...and I've been running ever since. I knew of the Jedi, and the power that they hold. So that is why I am here. I want to learn how to control the Force, and stop the killing. I wish that it just didn't have to happen like this. Everyone that I have ever cared about are no longer living."

NaColu uses his right sleeve to wipe the tears from his face. His eyes, still glossy from the tears, looks up at Jamel and says,

"I'm sorry..."

Marion Cember
Jan 21st, 2003, 01:02:18 AM
EDIT: Wrong Thread. Sorry.

Jamel Croko'yn
Jan 21st, 2003, 08:14:13 PM
Jamel wasn't taken by this at all, actually he was the exact opposite, falling down into a tranquil state from his linger on the chair. Glancing over at the man, he smiled at him, his hands moving to the back of his head.

"What happened to your mother?" Jamel said, his smile returning to a serious line after he noticed it had done it's act of comforting him in his pain.

GraNi NaColu
Jan 21st, 2003, 08:15:16 PM
NaColu recovered by making a deep breathe. He started to relax, and kept the conversation going.

"So how did you discover that the Force was with you Jamel?"

Jamel Croko'yn
Jan 21st, 2003, 08:47:45 PM
Jamel noticed a response of a question coming toward him, he ignored his own inquiring, managing to reach back into his memories so long ago. It was nearly 10 years back when it came apparant to him that he was blessed with something superior to that of anyone normal. Yet, normal in his community was accepted, yet the uniquiness of his power was a burden worst then the cause of death.

Jamel began, his voice low pitch, with a tone that would make a whisper sound loud.

"I was 6 1/2 years old, it was part of the hot time of year on Lok. The slaves and I were hauling out some items from a smuggling vehicle when I was soon to be slapped painfully on the back with a whip during my reach for one of the large boxes. Turning around without even a blink in my eye I clasped the whip..", He paused, the reality of his words haunting him as though the Force binded the void of realness, but it also was a burden on him. It worstened his life, and now he was reaching for something like the Order he was in to bring back those years, to bring back blessing to those of hatred and evil that did so much to him.

Beginning once again, his voice more firm and slighty more louder, only a vew pithces over a normal whisper.

"I pulled the whip with anger and I yanked it away from his grasp. I ran for my life after the void of anger which had taken me at the time, I knew I was going to punished for my actions. When I was captured later that day when I was hiding behind one of the transporter ships I was taken to a solitary residence a bit out of the slave camping sight. I was held there and tormented for hours on end. They hated me for my retaliation and they also knew I wielded something superior, something that would hurt them. They were angered by my interior superiotiy , so they didn't want anyone to know nor me to know I could bring them down some day. Those men, those evil men we're so ignorant that they couldn't see pass their foolish hatred. Like I said, I was 6 1/2 than and soon after I was introduced to the Jedi Order where I became apart of the Jedi Canidancy Academy here on Coruscant, later transported to the Temple when it was created."

Jamel said, his eyes drifint down as he felt a sicken taste of saliva in his mouth. Opening his mouth he took hold of a napkin and whipped it off, his eyes drifting to the side into the shadows.

"Well, what is your name again...?" He questioned, reaching into his cloaking and taking out a techonoligically advanced datapad that would insert the name from recording the voice and present it to him for further notice. Activating the recording with his voice sensory, he glanced up, awaiting the response.

GraNi NaColu
Jan 21st, 2003, 09:40:32 PM
NaColu, stunned from the response, exposed a small grin.

"My name is GraNi NaColu, NaColu for short. It was nice meeting you Jamel. I'm sure that we'll meet again sometime very soon."

NaColu reached inside his cloak, grab some money, and tossed it on the counter.

"That should cover it."

He turned to look at Jamel.

"It was nice meeting you again."

NaColu got himself together and turned to walk out of the bar. He could feel the many eyes piercing him from behind. He knew this wasn't the last he would see of any of them. The ever presence of something unique, but undefined, lingered in the air as he left bar.

Jamel Croko'yn
Jan 21st, 2003, 09:46:55 PM
Jamel smirked, and took himself to a stand as well heading through the crowds before him. Bumping into many faces and creeds, he exited into the scene outside of the bar and headed thorought the outer community.

A new friend..