View Full Version : Assessing an Ace

Lion El' Jonson
Jan 19th, 2003, 07:11:57 AM
Lion strode down the corridors of Home One, having ditched his formal military uniform for something more comfortable...shorts, a T-shirt, and his dark green cloak.

However, he still had his ID, and he cleared himself at the simulator checkpoint. The man behind the counter, a lieutenant, gave him a strange look as he approached in his non-formal outfit.

"Halt. Identification, please." the man said, eyeing Lion with a mix of suspicion and disgust on his face.

Lion sighed and pulled out his identification coder. The Lieutenant took it, slotted it into the reader, and then froze with an expression of shock on his face.

"My apologies, Captain El' Jonson..." the man muttered, handing Lion his coder back. "Please proceed through the checkpoint, sir."

Lion shook his head, then accepted his coder back and passed through a door guarded by two immense Wookie Guards. He turned left, walked down a long corridor, then turned right. He passed several offices, fighter ready rooms, everything...

Finally, he arrived at one of the simulator rooms. It was immense, as long as 6 Y-wings nose-to-nose and at least twice as wide. Inside were over 120 simulator pods, each one with immense cables snaking out the sides into the floor. Above him, Lion saw a glass surrounded room jutting out from the wall, where squadron leaders stood to assess fighter-pilot-hopefuls.

Instead, Lion headed to large open sphere in the corner of the room, used to simulate the bridge of a starship. He took a seat in the large chair, turned it towards the door, and waited for Tie to show up. Lion had a few tricks he wanted to try out...

(ooc: Just come in, dude, and we'll get working...)

Jan 20th, 2003, 04:07:04 PM
the pilot found his way to the simulator rooms and after passing through the checkpoints he began to look around. he finally spotted his friend in the corner that resembled a starship bridge and he walked up.

"All right im ready when you are lets go."

Lion El' Jonson
Jan 21st, 2003, 05:49:30 AM
Lion smiled.

"Alright, friend. Take a seat in any of those combat simulators over there." Lion gestured towards the banks of fighter-simulation pods.

"I'll be commanding you from this VR Bridge." Lion gestured at the structure that surrounded him. "Inside the simulation, I'll be your commanding officer aboard an MC-90 cruiser, the Defiant II. You'll be Green 5, piloting a B-Wing as part of a 6 ship squadron."

Lion paused to adjust his data-tablet, then continued.

"You will be assessed in a number of things. First, in fighter-combat against superior numbers of Imperial craft. Then, you and your squadron will be hitting an Imperial Mining Facility. Finally, you'll join a small fleet, including several other squadrons of fighters and multiple capital ships, in a large scale strike against an Imperial Shipyard."

Lion paused again.

"We may have to cut the Shipyard strike short until another time, but otherwise things should go well. Any questions?"

Jan 21st, 2003, 11:32:45 AM
alright. The pilot walked over to the bank of simulator pods and got into one of them. He looked over the controls which were identical to the ones found in the B-Wing. He felt a little unnvered not flying his own private ship but that was something that had to be accepted. Soon on the screen appeared th interior of a MC-90 starcruiser hangar fillled with fighters. Thepilot began the standard startup sequence and waited for the launch command

Lion El' Jonson
Jan 22nd, 2003, 02:40:34 AM
Lion returned to his Capital Ship Bridge simulator. He sat down in the large chair in the middle and said:

"Computer, key startup sequence. Simulation S43-9B, assessment flight. Identify Defiant II. Authentification Captain Lion El' Jonson "

"Acknowledged, Captain El' Jonson. Authentication confirmed: Captain Lion El' Jonson, service number 400725-98-04. Beginning startup sequence. Would you like this combat score added to your personal score?" spoke the computer, softly.

Lion nodded.

"Yes, computer, include today's score on my combat tally."

With a whirr, the simulator's holoprojectors finally warmed up, and Lion was surrounded by the human-friendly bridge of a MC-90 battleship. He sat in a chair staring out a viewport, surrounded by status reports.

"All systems green, weapons systems at 100%, Captain." said the Lieutenant on Lion's right. "Engines fully online, flank speed."

Lion sat back into the chair. The simulation was stunningly accurate, and photo-realistic...Outside, to his left and right, twin Corellian gunships flanked the immense cruiser, protecting it from starfighter attack.

"Thank you, Lieutenant. Status of starfighter bays?"

An officer at the starfighter command section looked down, then reported:

"3 squadrons of fighters prepped for launch. 6 B-Wings, 6 X-Wings, 12 X-Wings." he answered.

Lion thought for a second, then answered.

"Launch Green squadron, then raise shields."

The man nodded, then quickly jabbed at the keyboard.

"Green Squadron, you are clear for takeoff. Good hunting, boys." said the man.

A minute passed, and Lion finally spotted the 6 B-wings in formation outside the cruiser.

"Raise deflector shields, remain at green alert." Lion turned to his command console. He typed in some rapid commands, pulling up the fighter's status for himself. All of the craft were in good condition. He accessed the comm channel for Green 5, the only "real" human in this simulation.

"All right, friend, it's your show now. Proceed to this hyperjump point. It'll bring you to the Binaari Freight Point, an area that's been under Imperial harrassment for several days now. We expect the Imps to show up with several Tie fighters and Interceptors, possibly a patrol craft or two. Good luck, and may the Force Be With You."

Satisfied, Lion turned back to his status board and waited for the acknowledgement.

Jan 22nd, 2003, 09:16:38 AM
soon the pilot received the command to launch. He pushed the throttle to full and roared out of the bay ahead of all the other B-Wings and waited for the others to form up. he powered up weapons and put the sensors on active mode. Soon a multitude of blips appeared on the screen

Lion El' Jonson
Jan 22nd, 2003, 04:40:02 PM
"Alright, Green 5, proceed to the hyperpoint. We'll monitor you from there."

Lion turned to his keyboard and began tapping into Green 's computer systems, so he could monitor his performance in the coming battle.

Jan 22nd, 2003, 06:54:50 PM
"Alright, Green 5, proceed to the hyperpoint. We'll monitor you from there."

the pilot reached for th hyperspace lever and yanked on it and the stars elongated into lines denoting hyperspace travel

Lion El' Jonson
Jan 23rd, 2003, 04:00:18 AM
Lion sat back in his command chair and waited for Green 5 to emerge from hyperspace. What should have been a 6 hour journey had been cut to 10 minutes by the simulator for practicality's sake, but it was still enough to time to get things arranged.

As Lion keyed up the countdown timer for Green 5's reversion to realspace, there was a flicker of pseudomotion and 4 Corellian gunship's dropped out of hyperspace, flanking a Nebulon B frigate and an MC-80 cruiser.

If they had time, that'd be part of the force that would be striking that shipyard...

Jan 23rd, 2003, 03:23:38 PM
a countdown timer appeared on the console and he prepared to revet to realspace. As the countdown reached zero he released the hyperspace lever and the stars dropped backk to normal. Outside he saw other fighters four corellian guinships a nebulon b frigate a MC-90 and the MC-90 Defiant II. He waited for the command to action

Lion El' Jonson
Jan 23rd, 2003, 05:09:21 PM
Lion rubbed his hands together and got up out of his chair.

"Alright, Green group. I'd like you to fly over towards that dockyard. Try to hide among the cargo or in that little Asteroid field 6 clicks from the station. If we're correct, those Imps will be showing up soon, looking for an easy prize. Don't let them have anything."

Lion turned to his console, and sent a mission objectives list to Green group.

Objectives are as follows:

Primary Objective: Prevent capture or destruction of any civilians craft.

Seconday objective: 80% casualties inflicted on Imperial Force.

Tertiary objective: Destruction of (possible) Patrol craft.

Lion sat back down. "We'll stay out of your way. Tell us if you need help, and we'll scramble the A-Wings and X-Wings. Good luck."

Jan 23rd, 2003, 07:16:11 PM
"Alright, Green group. I'd like you to fly over towards that dockyard. Try to hide among the cargo or in that little Asteroid field 6 clicks from the station. If we're correct, those Imps will be showing up soon, looking for an easy prize. Don't let them have anything."

The pilot eased his B-Wing over to the asteroid field which his sensors showed has a large amount of ionic materials which would hamper imperial sensor attempts to find the fighters. The rest of the fighters followed and soon the pilot put his B-Wing on 1/3 power repulsorlifts over the surface of the asteroid barely spotted on sensors and awaited the call to action.

Jan 24th, 2003, 02:48:50 AM
With startling suddenness, two Imperial patrol craft emerged from hyperspace, quickly igniting their Ion engines and heading towards the Binaari Freight point. They'd been praying on this area for a few weeks now, hunting down the relatively undefended prey. The Imperial remnants needed money, and this was a particularly good place to get the cash.

Four Preybird fighters came at the two Imperial patrol craft. The Lieutenant in command of the group scowled.

"Mercenary scum." he muttered. "Launch our Tie Fighters and Tie Interceptors, order all turbolasers to target those pathetic ships out there." He gestured towards the 4 hired preybirds that were making their way towards the Imperials.

With a dull "clunk", 4 Tie Interceptors disengaged from the patrol craft. Across the gap of space, the other patrol craft was launching its complement of Tie Fighters. Soon the eight craft were heading towards the enemy.

A flash of light was visible for a second as one of the turbolasers aboard the patrol ship fired. The sluggish Preybird took he shot in its wing and its fuel tanks detonated, incinerating the craft. The superior Tie craft were right behind the shot, their concentrated volley of power destroying another two Preybirds. The last ship stood its ground and destryoed a Tie Fighter with its lasers before being destroyed.

Unchallenged, the small Imperial group continued on towards the freight transfer station.

"I might even get promoted for this..." he thought.

Lion El' Jonson
Jan 24th, 2003, 03:03:25 AM
Lion was enjoying a cup of Spiced Parricha in his seat when suddenly the sensor alarms went off.

"Status?" he called out.

The Lieutenant in charge of the sensor station called back:

"Imperial group, sir. Two Law class Patrol cruisers. Modified to carry four Tie series craft, sir."

Lion grimaced as he brought up the ship's data:

Model: Law Class Light Patrol Craft
Manufacturer: Kuat Drive Yards
Designation: Light Scout/Patrol Craft

Length: 51 meters
Crew: 15
Troops: 20
Cargo Capacity: 250 metric tons
Consumables: 3 months
Hyperdrive Multiplier: x1
Hyperdrive Backup: x12
Speed: 70 MGLT
Hull: 106 RU
Shields: 145 SBD
Weapons: 2 Laser Cannons, 2 Turbolaser Turrets
Craft: 4 Fighters

"Well...they had to take the torpedo launcher out to make room for the turbolasers...that's a good thing, I guess." he thought to himself. He knew that the battlefleet was well out of Imperial sensor range and the immense asteroid they were floating behind effectively made them invisible top sensors.

"Alright, Green group! Enemy group inbound. 7 Ties, two Law-class patrol craft. Take 'em!"

Jan 24th, 2003, 05:57:28 PM
Alright, Green group! Enemy group inbound. 7 Ties, two Law-class patrol craft. Take 'em!"

The pilot revved up his engines and blasted out towards the incoming Imperial craft firing ion cannons and lasers. he knew that the numerical odds were against him but being the typical hotshot Corellian he didnt care hat the odds were. The eight TIEs came in 2 waves of vertical diamond formations. The pilot blasted through the first four taking down one and plowing ahead knowing that if the TIEs turned around the following B-Wings would vape the TIEs. Hr threw the ship into a barrel roll and snap rolled to his bottom S-foil to get a better angle at a TIE passing below him. Three ion boilts hit the craft rendering it dead in space. Putting himself into a tight loop to orient himself on one of the patrol ships he flipped over to torpedoes. The pilot knew he had the advatages in any batttle against TIEs because of his skills and his knoweledge of the craft. Turbolaser fire sprayed out from the patrol ship but the pilto evaded it easily but the same could not be said about two following B-Wings. His HUD toned red and he loosed two torpedoes as did two other B-Wings which disabled the aft shields. Suddenly his sensor monitors sreeched a Vicotry II class destroyer arrvied in system launching another 3 squadrons of fightsers and another of bombers.

Lion El' Jonson
Jan 24th, 2003, 07:03:58 PM
(ooc: Not that it matters, but there are only seven Ties, since the preybirds took out one of 'em. Second, try to break your combat into fewer parts...say, post only breaking through the Ties in one post, since the patrol ship and the other Ties might have some trick up their sleeve. Also, I didn't quite plan on a Victory II...but what the hell, it sounds cool!)


Lion jumped up as the warning Klaxons sounded. The bridge became a flurry of activity as men yelled and scrambled around the bridge to their superiors.

"Lieutenant Commander Hellard, what the hell is going on?" Lion yelled, trying to make himself heard above the din in the bridge.

The reply came quickly.

"An enemy Victory II Star Destroyer, the Thresher, just jumped in with a Lancer frigate escort. It already launched its Tie complement." shouted the bridge officer.

Lion quickly sat back down and surveyed his status boards, wondering what the hell to do now. He had almost forgotten about Tie out there.

"Tie, break off your attack and head to...here." Lion pointed at a spot well within the range of his fleet's weaponry. "We'll join up. You and your squadron are linking with 4 other squadrons of fighters. You'lll be escort duty, my battlegroup is going after the Thresher."

Jan 24th, 2003, 08:51:14 PM
"Tie, break off your attack and head to...here." Lion pointed at a spot well within the range of his fleet's weaponry. "We'll join up. You and your squadron are linking with 4 other squadrons of fighters. You'lll be escort duty, my battlegroup is going after the Thresher

The pilot acknolwedged and began to move back towards the fleet. A lucky hit from a TIE grazed his sheilds which regenreated but TIE hit the retrorockets and the TIE overshot and into the range of the pilots lazers which vaped the TIE. The pilot formed up with the 3 remaining B-Wings and headed toward the battlegroup checking to make sure all of his systems were at maximum combat readiness

Lion El' Jonson
Jan 24th, 2003, 09:11:00 PM
With a rumble, the immense engines aboard the Defiant II came online, spewing plasma. The immense cruiser slowly came to speed, its large turbolaser batteries already warmed up and ready to fire.

Inside, the bridge was a scene or marginally-controlled chaos as senior officers hurried around. In the center of it all, on the upper balcony of the bridge, was Lion.

Around him, Lion could spot 3 of the four escorting gunships hustling alongside the Defiant. Next to them, there was the MC-80 cruiser Flame of Rebellion, and its escorting frigates and gunships. The B-wings that had survived had formed up next to the cruiser, awaiting an order.

"Starfighter command, launch Yellow Squadron, reinforce Green squadron."

There was an acknowledgement, and soon Yellow group appeared, a squadron of 6 X-wings and 6 ancient but reliable Y-wings. A second later, 9 B-wings emerged from the hangar to reinforce the damaged Green squadron.

The cruiserDefiant II had rounded the asteroid it had been hiding beind and was coming into the vision of the Victory II.

"That bastard is toast." Lion murmured, the he turned towards his command console. "Target Weapon banks 1-5 on that Victory II. Weapon bank six is targeting that Lancer. Corellian gunships are ordered to superiority duty. Form up aorund the cruisers. Nebulon-B's are ordered to attack that Lancer. I want the Flame of Rebellion matching our attack orders...5 banks on the Victory, one on the Lancer. Move, people!"

Lion sat up in his chair, smiling...it was easy to forget that this was a simulation.

Jan 24th, 2003, 09:17:45 PM
The capital ships moved in to engage the Vic and the lancer. Turblolaser shots begaan to fly as the republic exercised its greater firepower. 9 B-wings flew out and formed up with Tie. The reinforced suqadron made a run on the lancer launching 24 torpedoes but as the B-Wings pulled up the quad laser cannons on the lancer vaped e of the fighters. Tie rolled and jinked to avoid the file. Sithspit! he cried after nearly getting hit. He snap rolled out of range as the other B-wings folllowed. The Y-wings coming after the B-Wings were vaped due to their slow speed not even getting off a single torpedo. The B-wings torpedoes hit the frigate and the sheild was engulfed in explosions and plasma energy and a few hit the actual hull wiped out 4 weapons emplacements as his sensors read. THe frigate however began a roll in order to present new sheilds and Tie sighed for he new a long fight was ahead.

Lion El' Jonson
Jan 25th, 2003, 08:53:55 AM
Lion grimaced as the Y-wings vanished under a barrage of fire from the Lancer.

"Damnit, fall back! All fighter squadrons, break off attack. Go aorund the long way!" Lion yelled frantically, glancing down at his command board. Across the ship, powerful banks of turbolasers were orienting themselves towards their targets. "Flame of Rebellion, cancel previous orders. Target all weapons batteries on that Lancer." There was acknowledgement, and Lion noted the other cruiser's speed increase as it surged ahead of the main battlegroup, its escorting gunships right behind it.

Space sparkled with a burst of red fire as the Flame of Rebellion's forward bank of turbolasers got within range of the Lancer frigate. On Lion's left, one of their Nebulon-B frigates, the Calderra opened fire with its primary turbolaser batteries.

A series of green bursts flashed by the viewscreen and Lion grimaced as 2 X-Wings and a B-Wing that had been covering the other fighters' retreat were tagged by the multiple Quad-Laser cannons. The Flame of Rebellion surged ahead, the space between it and the Lancer sparkling as the Immense MC-80 cruiser closed the gap. The massive vessel easily shrugged off the small laser batteries aboard the Lancer and opened up with its full complement of turbolasers. The space that seperated the two ships sparkled with far more serious turbolaser fire. The powerful blasts splashed against the Lancer's shields.

Then, another color showed up on the viewport...blue. The Flame had finally closed to Ion Cannon range. The multiple weapons batteries easily eroded the Lancer's shields. With a flash of red on Lion's display, he knew they had it done for. He quickly triggered the comms.

"All squadrons, begin making your way towards that Victory. The Lancer is about to be removed as a problem. Avoid it if you can."

The Defiant II lumbered towards the Victory, passing over the sparking Lancer frigate without so much as a twitch of acknowledgement. The Flame of Rebellion continued firing with its extensive arrays of cannon, scrambling the weapons systems aboard the Lancer.

Jan 25th, 2003, 09:00:26 AM
"All squadrons, begin making your way towards that Victory. The Lancer is about to be removed as a problem. Avoid it if you can."

Finally Tie was relieved. He shoved his throttle back to full and streaked towards the star destroyer with other fighters behind. He targeted his torpedoes on the kilometer long ship and fired and dived in order to engage the TIE fighters so they wouldnt harm the other figthers. Four fighters engaged him. Tie snap rolled and dived. Then making a tight loop switching back to fron he went head on with the suprised TIE pilot and vaped him. Unfotunately more TIE began to chase Tie. He rolled and applied a little etheric rudder to turn right and into range of another TIE which he vaped. Then realizing it would take forever he headed for the Vic II knowing that the TIEs would have to brave their own fire to get him

Lion El' Jonson
Jan 25th, 2003, 09:16:14 AM
Lion smiled. It was working. A large section of the Lancer's shields failed and suddenly its lateral thrusters went out. Without guidance, it began floating away from the battle. Lion was glad to see it go, but it looked like the commander of the Flame had other ideas.

The cruiser unleashed a barrage of 10 torpedoes from its wingtip launchers, and the blue weapons streaked towards their crippled target. There was a distant explosion and Lion was surprised that the Lancer was still there when the blast cleared. It appeared that the captain of the Flame of Rebellion had hit a still-shielded part of the frigate. Considering how few shielded parts of the ship there were left, that must've took either really bad aim or really good aim.

Lion leaned into his chair, trying to figure out what the hell his fellow cruiser Captain was thinking, and then it hit him...brilliant...

The momentum created by the torpedoes detonation against the shield had sent the crippled frigate out of control, spinning away...straight into the asteroid field...Even as Lion watched, the now-useless ship was pummeled by small asteroids...and then was completely crushed as the immense asteroid Lion and his entire battlegroup had been hiding behind came along and crashed into the frigate.

"Way to go, Commander!" Lion said, directing his comment towards the Flame of Rebellion. He was going to add that he'd buy the commander a round of drinks when he realized that the guy wasn't real.

Lion turned back to the battle. He saw Tie alone, the rest of his squadron at least three clicks behind him. Chasing him, Lion realized, were at least 7 TIEs. It appeared that his friends was heading TOWARDS the Victory II Star Destroyer. What in the hell was he thinking? Lion got another answer to his unspoken question as Tie dodged three turbolaser volleys from the Thresher.

The pursuing TIEs, however, were NOT quite so quick. Two of them were outright incinerated by the powerful volleys of turbolaser fire. Another TIE had managed to avoid being hit head on, and was instead clipped on the wing. The fighter spun out of control, its hull smashing into the Victory II.

"Alright, groups. Prepare for your attack run. Try to take out the shield generators. We're moving in three gunships to cover you from fighters."

Three of the gunships that had been covering the Defiant II surged ahead, cutting 5 TIE Interceptors to pieces in a matter of seconds.

Jan 25th, 2003, 09:25:21 AM
Tie roared under the Vic II guns blazinf in typical corellian stye. There were only 4 TIEs left. Tie inverted his fighter and dived with the TIEs clumsily following. As the four came in from starboads another 2 came in from port trying to sandwich Tie but Tie pulled up at the last moment and the TIEs vaped each other. One of the 3 remaiing TIEs looped around and onto Ties tail. Tie jinked and rolled with laser shots barely passsing him by. He pulled up on the stick. he then broke hard. Then hitting the brakes and going into a tight loop he found himself on the tail of a TIE that had overshot and put a clean shot through the engines. Tie had a good advantage in knowing what TIE fighter could do or couldnt. "Alright looks like my playmates have all gone home."

"Alright, groups. Prepare for your attack run. Try to take out the shield generators. We're moving in three gunships to cover you from fighters."
Tie formed up with the remaiing B-Wings and targeted 2 torpedoes on the port sheild generator and fired. About 40 torpedo tracks headed for the bride of the destroyer.

Lion El' Jonson
Jan 25th, 2003, 09:47:41 AM
Lion couldn't help but smile when he noticed the tremendous number of tracks that showed up on the tactical display. Forty torpedoes...

Lion winced as three more B-Wings crumbled under intense fire from the enemy Star Destroyer. Forced to maintain a more of less straight course to keep their target locks acquired, the fighters were easy prey for the large ships cumbersome weapons. A few torpedoes veered out of control as they lost their lock. Still more were lost when their guidance packages were overwhelmed by the enemies EMP and detonated, sometimes taking another torpedo with them.

Still a majority of the weapons impacted on the bridge or the shield generators. When the explosion flash cleared, Lion was surprised that the bridge was still intact. One of the shield generators was completely slagged, but it appeared that the Thresher had concentrated on shooting down torppedoes targeted at their left generator. Thus, the right one had been completely incinerated, but the one one the left still maintained its integrity.

"It makes littel difference..." Lion thought, as he gave the order.

"All ships, advance! Defiant II, target the starboard side of the hull! Let's finish this sucker off."

The fleet converged on the Victory II. The last few of the TIEs were ignored, left to the B-Wings and X-Wings. With a harsh blaze of light, the immense batteries aboard Lion's MC-90 finally opened up with a blaze of light. The full fire from 75 turbolaser batteries, 30 Ion cannons, and a smattering of torpedoes impacted against the hull of the Victory II.

Return fire lanced up from the Thresher, and Lion noticed the he had lost 3 turbolasers and a tractor beam projector.

"Is hull integrity compromised in any areas?" he questioned.

A Lieutenant in the crew pit to the left of Lion replied quickly.

"No, sir. Shields are down to 58% in one area, shields are reporting 100% in almost all other areas, Captain."

Lion grinned. That ship had no chance against them.

"Thank you. Continue firing, tell me when the Flame of Rebellion reaches firing range if the Victory II."

There was acknowledgement, and then Lion sat back down, surveying Green 5.

Jan 26th, 2003, 11:33:13 AM
The capital ships moved in to engage the Vic II. Tie chased after a remaining TIE. The TIE jinked everywhere. Tie inverted dived rolled and came up under the TIE and put 2 laser bolts through the pod. There werent many TIEs left so Tie went after the Vic II, He switched to torps and began his run. For most of the time his HUD toned red but he waited. Then he saw the bridge and he could even see the simulated figure of an imerial officer inside panicking. Tie launched the torpedoes at the bridge and seconds later it exploded.

(ooc. I kinda took the torp shot idea out of The bacta War its one of my fav parts)

Lion El' Jonson
Jan 26th, 2003, 04:57:21 PM
(ooc: I know...I read it last week...:lol)


Lion grinned as a torpedo shot exploded against the bridge. Lion could see a stream of objects, including people and droids, begin fying through the shattered bridge viewport.

Abruptly, the flow stopped...someone must have slammed a door somewhere. Without a bridge, the Victory II began veering out of control. It came dangerously close to the asteroid field before its crew regained control on a secondary bridge. Lion knew Victory II's. Their secondary bridge left them with a huge blind spot on the topside of their ship.

Lion ordered his fleet to begin a upwards arc towards the bottom of the Victory. His own ship began coasting over the Star Destroyer, wearing out its shields.

Jan 28th, 2003, 05:35:08 PM
Tie watched as the bridge went up in a geyser of flame adn the NR warships moved in to take shots at the topside of the Vic II. Green heeled hisfighter over dived and began a strafing run. His guns knocked out gunnerytowers and sensory domes indescriumtinately. Gradually the destroyers striking power was being destroyed.

Lion El' Jonson
Jan 29th, 2003, 02:17:23 AM
Lion couldn't hold in his grin. The Victroy II Star Destroyer was being pounded from all directions. Green group, in particular, had managed to destroy four turbolaser batteries on the immense warship, opening up a safe zone for Lion's cruiser.

It coasted directory overhead the Star Destroyer, and over 100 weapons systems simultaneously opened fire. In that first barrage, the top shields were knocked below 30% in certain areas. The Defiant II shuddered from a lucky shot that the Victory II made, and a section of the shields collapsed. There was a yell, then an acknowledgement. Lion exhaled a breath he hadn't realized he had been holding when he noticed the shields slowly being resstored in that sector. The offending turbolaser battery had been blown clean off by a return salvo.

Even as Lion watched, an immense plume of superheated gas erupted from the the Thresher. It begna rotating ponderously away, out of control.

Lion keyed a trasmission line.

"All fighter squadrons, disengage. Retreat to your cruisers. Pick off any TIEs that harass you, but get away before the Thresher goes up."

Jan 31st, 2003, 07:33:32 PM
"All fighter squadrons, disengage. Retreat to your cruisers. Pick off any TIEs that harass you, but get away before the Thresher goes up." Tie decided that he could rack up a few more kills before returning home. He locked onto a tail of a TIE and proceeded with vertical rolling scissors followed by a dive. He turned on his torps and tried for a lock but everytime he got a lock the TIE would jink out of it. He formed and idea. He eyeballed the TIE and launched a torpedo slightl to its left solar wing. The TIE broke right which led him into the path of Tie's guns. The Vic II began to go up and Tie hit the afteburners and headed back to the Defiant. In a couple of minutes he was rocketing back through the mag-con field to a landing. All in all a pretty good mission.

Lion El' Jonson
Jan 31st, 2003, 09:28:47 PM
Lion whirled to navigation as soon as he heard tell that the fighters had docked.

"Helmsmen, take us out of here...course 190-78-43."

Lion turned back to his command station.

"Aye, Captain." came the snappy reply, and Lion felt the slight tug of gravity as the massive ship disengaged from combat. Below them, the Thresher was in its death throes. Secondary explosions burst all over the immense Imperial cruiser's hull.

"Reactor is going critical, sir. Destruction in 12 seconds." reported a sensors officer.

A chrono popped onscreen, counting down the time until the Thresher blew.


A fierce white light emanated from behind the Defiant II as the reactor exploded, showering near space with Ions and tremendous amounts of energy.

"Enemy ship destroyed, sir." reported the sensors officer. Everyone on the bridge went wild cheering, and Lion joined in. He grabbed his transmitter.

"Way to go, fleet. Excellent work."

Lion sat down in the chair as a status report flashed up upon the screen, tallying Lion's score for the scenario...and the effectiveness of Green 5.

Jan 31st, 2003, 10:17:10 PM
Tie powered down the system and heard a hiss as the canopy of the sim pod opened. He got out and stode towards Lion who was still at the Bridge sim area. "So howd i do?" Tie inquired nonchalantly.

Lion El' Jonson
Jan 31st, 2003, 10:41:10 PM
With a blaze of warning klaxons, the holoprojectors shut down and the immense sphere that held the Bridge Simulator opened up. Lion stepped out to meet an eager looking Tie.

He looked up, put on a fake sigh, and said:

"I've got bad news for you, buddy...according to the computer..." he drew a sigh, "...according to the computer, we achived the 4th HIGHEST SCORE EVER on that simulation!"

Lion grinned, slapping his friend on the back.

"Damn, you accounted for almost 7 Tie fighters...that'd make you an ace already. We suffered no Capital Ship losses, and destroyed a Victory II and a highly valuable Lancer[/I] class frigate. I see no problem with making you a ranking member. How about Lieutenant...or maybe..."

Lion thought back to his infant fleet, that was beginning to grow into a formidable battle fleet.

"Ensign Tie, I am hereby promoting you to Lieutenant. We'll go through another simulation, and then I'll make my final decision about your rank...I've got an idea..." Lion saluted.

With that, he trailed off and began walking out.

(ooc: Great RP. I'm going to set up the shipyard assault in a different thread.)