View Full Version : To end in a tie?......i don't think so(Dalamar)

Jan 19th, 2003, 03:45:51 AM
The dark figure walked into the crimson pit. Being led by foul creatures, whomquickly scurried away as the sith master growled at them. Malice was here for a reason. He had issued a challenge to Dalamar, vampyre he had faced a longtime ago, when he was but a knight. The two's fight was long and hard, ending in a draw.

Being one that hates Vampyres, Malice would not let it end like that. Dresed in his usual white robes, Malice stood in the middle of the blood covered arena. The smell of almost putting him into a frenzy. Being a demon himself, the sith was prone to eat his victims at times. This victim however doesn't deserve such an honorable death. Malice would win,when he made Dalamar feel pain. And this time, he had no null force bubble, or magic shield to hold back the demons power. Dalamar would now know what it feel's like to face the fury....the raw power of a demon.

Vampyre Dalamar
Jan 19th, 2003, 08:55:42 PM
"Master?" I hunt master's for sport. Your title does not impress me. I also have gained massive new gains in the darkside not to mention Sith magic. But just to pit myself against you to prove my superiorty or lack of no longer interest's me. Who has put you up to this. If no one then my opinion of you has lowered. You claim the title of Master yet go around picking fights like a bully on a school ground. Does it gall you so much that you could not beat me. Does it heat your demon blood to know that I had your heart in my cold hand. Or is there a hint of doubt in your abilities? Does it alway's play in your mind the battle you could not win. Do you now come here nervous and anxious wondering if you have what it take's now that you have been named master?"

The crimson eye's of Dalamar flashed red as he controlled his temperment. His black gloved hand rested on the hilt of his sword. He seemed lost in thought as he paced back and forth. As if considering the offer for combat.

Jan 20th, 2003, 06:45:35 PM
After the vampyre was done speaking, all Malice could do in reply was laugh.

*Ohhh Dalamar, your still the fool that i had first met. You think the title Master matter's any to me? it doesn't. It simply states the power i have gained over the years. And i only figured with you being the only vampyre i seem to get along with, that i should share with you the powers i could not before*

Malice through off his robes, the white garments quickly stained by the bloody sand on which he walked across.

*Sith magic hmmm........well then. Would you do me the honor's of showing me just what you have learned my......friend*

Of course he was being sarcastic with that last remark. That was obvious. The Demon sith now thought about toying with the unead warlord, before outright beating him.

*An not forget Dalamar, i too held your life, or lack there of in my hands as well. That battle was a tie, no winner, no loser. This time however, this fight shall show just who is the superior between us. I'm sure you would like to know that just as much as I*

Malice waited for his answer.

Vampyre Dalamar
Jan 21st, 2003, 10:04:03 PM
The black ebony armor of Dalamar rustled in the pit as he paced back and forth. Slowly he slid his twin Katana's out of there sheath with a silent hiss. Like two deadly vipers his swords where extended. "So be it Demon. Let your lessons begin." A audible click could be heard as Dalamars silver tipped boot blade extended. His Gauntlet let off a small hum that even the Malice could hear. "Show me what you to 'Master' "Dalamar said with a sinister smirk.