View Full Version : Faith (open)

imported_Jackson Mcgraves
Jan 18th, 2003, 10:19:28 PM
It had been two months and still Jackson had no Master but this was a test Jackson knew. This was a test of his faith in being a Jedi. Still Jackson was afraid he was going to fail on his mission to atone for his past choices and fail at becoming a Jedi Knight.

So there he sat drinking at a table alone depressing himself. Looked around the bar at the other Jedi. Jackson Never was Very good at making friends. He was always the kid in class who never spoke just sat in the back and stared out the window Day dreaming of a better place. Girls where never the type to speak to jackson even though jackson exceled at Martial arts never cared for sports and loved books instead.

So there Jackson sat at his table alone day dreaming about how if things where perfect.

Jamel Croko'yn
Jan 18th, 2003, 10:42:41 PM
Jamel headed into through the crowd, heading toward the closest of the table. He couldn't manage to find any seating in this bar, their was too many wandering souls, aimlessly moving through, as well as drunken warriors with sadistic perspections by the acohol that touched their lips. Sitting down, he glanced over at another who had sat here.

Placing his hand down on the foundation fo the table with a slaming sound the attention of the man was diverted toward him. Staring toward the face of the man, he smiled, showing that he had no anger or hatred in the source of his seating.

"So, who are you?"

imported_Jackson Mcgraves
Jan 22nd, 2003, 10:35:47 AM
Jackson looked up at the intruding man who had just broken him from his day dream but Jackson gave a smile to show he wasn't angered by the man.

"I'm Jedi Padawan Jackson Mcgraves. Who are You?"

Jamel Croko'yn
Feb 5th, 2003, 08:26:14 PM
Jamel smiled at the man, rustling in his seat to find some sense of comfort. The youth began to reveal himself, his voice light and loving when he spoke.

"My name is Jamel Croko'yn, I'm a Novice at the Academy. I'm searching for a Jedi Master as of now.."

The youth smile dimmed into a line of seriousnes, his eyes wandering about the room in thought. Contemplating on an issue that had accured to him previously with a weird man in this very settlement and the weird talk they had about the man's fate.

It had bothered him that his own fate was probably in someone elses hands, and the whole situation could ultimately blow up in his face and lead to his very demise. Grinding his teeth under his concealed teeth, he looked toward the countr, staring aimlessly at one of the glasses that a man sipped slowly. The acholoic beverage being sunken into his horrid figure, burdened with bad looks and troublesome past that had scarred him physically & probably mentally.

They're was many of those kinds on Coruscant and their was no wonder they attempted to surrond themselves around Jedi's to perserve their happiness and put it out there. They wanted to return to the neglected greatness of life, the happiness that so many are blinded by with the bliss. It was a great feeling no doubt, but all the boy wondered was if past could stand as a blockade to that happiness. Is a loss a blockade to happiness or only a hidden pinball pushing tool, that if you found it could excerete you to the majesty of life.