View Full Version : Darkness in the darkness. [open challenge]

Darius Van-Derveld
Jan 18th, 2003, 06:38:03 PM
Darius tripped along the Coruscant street, bored out of his skull. every few seconds he would jab aimlessly at a stationary object with his fists, like a boxer, before dropping back into his aimless wander.

He checked the street was empty, and drew and ignited his sabre, swinging it in a figure of eight in front of him, watching the red light trails hang in the damp air and burn into his retinas, reflecting off the rain-slick pavement.

He realised that a subtle scent had been infiltrating his senses, the scent of a human, and he grinned sadistically, wondering who it was. Maybe it was a petty thief, or a drunk, someone he could leave in pieces all over town...

he dropped his sabre blade, clipping it back to his belt, and sauntered around the corner of the old shopping parade onto what seemed to be a street of housing, with a lone figure walking toward him on it.

Kelt Simoson
Jan 18th, 2003, 07:20:49 PM
The Jedi was eger to return to the Jedi headquarters so that he may have a bath, get dressed and perhaps treat himself to lunch at Yogs Bar and Grill. Kelt was in high spirits after visiting a few high street shops and buying a few items such as paper, a few pencils and quite a large sketching pad for his drawings and poetry writings.

He was in such high spirits that he sung to himself as he walked down the lonely streets to make a short cut through an ally and across towards to Jedi Temple, but Kelt as he drew nearer to the ally he saw a man, red hair, dark look in his eyes glaring at the Padawan and had a bad feeling about it as anyone would.

Kelt, being a Jedi would simply say hello and walk on by without causing trouble which he intended to do, but the Jedi Crusader had no doubt the boy was intent on starting trouble.

'Hello...' Kelt pleasantly said with a smile as he attempted to walk on by.

Darius Van-Derveld
Jan 19th, 2003, 04:47:23 AM
Darius nodded to him courteously,

"'Evening," he said automatically, letting the padawan walk past him. As soon as the jedi's back was to him, he spun low, scything his legs from under him.

"Why not...." he chuckled to himself.

He drew the sabre once more, and ignited it, waiting for the Jedi to either accept his challenge or die quietly.

Kelt Simoson
Jan 19th, 2003, 09:26:10 AM
Kelt of course fell but the Padawan quickly and almost automaticly fell into a rolling position to land both safetly and to land with an advantage. It payed off, the jedi hit the ground in a perfect arch and with the momentum rolled right back up onto his feet. Kelt turned sharply towards his foe, he didn't want to fight but it just very well looked as if he had to.

Seeing the darksiders saber had already been drawn, Kelt lowerd his carrying satual and drew his shortsword "Yuran" from the sheath across his back and positioned it infront of himself in a defencive position.

'I dont want to, but i will darksider....cause no harm and no harm will come of you..' He staited.

OOC: sorry its quick...

Darius Van-Derveld
Jan 20th, 2003, 03:31:03 PM
"Inflict enough harm, and theres nothing left to hurt you." replied Darius, grinning.

He started with a textbook cross to the chest, which he knew would be parried easily, but followed it up with vicious elbow drop, cracking down onto the Padawan's collarbone.
The merits of some unarmed training hadn't been lost on him, by far.

[ooc - no worries]

Kelt Simoson
Jan 22nd, 2003, 05:55:24 PM
The Padawan stumbled back slightly hoping to regain his balance, it worked and worked well. The Padawan flipped his sword up invirtedly so that he was maing an uppercut arch towards the Siths torso, at that very moment the Jedi kicked out at a sideways angle which rammed hard into the knee of the darksider sending the the sith into a bent position closer to the incomming blade.

Darius Van-Derveld
Feb 1st, 2003, 02:46:07 PM
Darius fell forward, the blade arcing toward him at a lethal angle.
He drove his feet up, so that he rested on his heels, and slid under it, landing on his backalmost directly under the padawan.
his hands twisted in a complex movement, the sabre blade blurring as he arced it up at the padawan, rolling away at the same time, back to his feet.