View Full Version : A new face with desire in his eyes...

GraNi NaColu
Jan 18th, 2003, 05:20:00 PM
The doors to the Recruitment center opened slowly. A bright light shot from behind a mysterious figure. Eyes turned slowly toward the wanderer, and many began making ridicule of the new man. He had a mysterious sense to him. Not from around these parts.
His dark cloak put a sense of fear in the air, but also a sense of peace along with it. He paced himself to the front desk of the Recruitment Center.

"Hello, I am GraNi NaColu. I have come to be trained in the ways of the Jedi. I know that I am new, but I have the passion, courage, and above all, heart, to become one with The Force."

Many began mocking the newcomer; making jokes about how he wants to be a Jedi. But there were few that thought that he just could...

The young man took some registration papers handed to him by the clerk. He found a seat next to some unusual creatures.

"How are you doing this fine evening?"

The creatures payed him no attention, and began to talk amongst eachother.

"Well, I hope that others here will be a bit more friendly."

Jan 18th, 2003, 05:22:48 PM
"Paperwork? So they do have that stuff lyin' around here after all..."

Zeke grins from where he stands leaning over GraNi's shoulder.

"Name's Zeke. Knight of the Order. I take it you wish to be a Jedi?"

GraNi NaColu
Jan 18th, 2003, 05:46:25 PM
NaColu, startled, turned around quickly to find a quite unique human being. NaColu was stunned when the young man introduced himself.

"Zeke! Knight of the Order!" NaColu said.

With a sense of nervousness coming from his voice he said, "My name is GraNi NaColu. I have heard of the Knight of the Order, but never really met anyone who was a part of it."

Zeke managed to crack a smile, and patted the young man on his shoulder. NaColu looked in Zeke's eyes, and with a confident voice said to him,

"Yes Sir, I do wish to become a Jedi."

Jan 18th, 2003, 05:58:15 PM
"Good to hear! Tell me, why do you want to be a Jedi?"

GraNi NaColu
Jan 18th, 2003, 06:25:03 PM
NaColu turned away from Zeke, and looked through an open window in the Center. A smile came to NaColu's face, and at the same time, a shiny tear ran down the left side of his cheek. He turned around to look at Zeke.

"You want to know why I want to be a Jedi?"

Another tear ran down the other side of NaColu's cheek.

"I was 5, and my father went out to get some wood, while my mother was making dinner. I was outside playing in the trees, when I heard a loud screeching noise in the distance. I could see group of troopers coming toward our village. I jumped down from the tree just in time to see my father being shot and killed. I ran inside to tell my mother, and she began to panic. She gave me what little we had, and told me to run as fast as I could away from there."

NaColu looked up at Zeke.

"That was the last time I saw my family. I do not seek revenge, but a new life, a good life. I wish to heal my heart with pureness, and tranquilty. I only seek to be the best at what I do, and will die trying."

Jan 19th, 2003, 10:38:17 AM
"Aha...I see..."

What's this story sound like? Oh yeah...himself...and his reasons behind becoming a Jedi.

"You seek to prevent the repetition of that event."

GraNi NaColu
Jan 19th, 2003, 11:05:17 AM
After wiping the few tears from his face NaColu replied,

"Since I can never go back and fix what has happened, yes, I do wish to prevent this from ever happening again...to anyone."

Jan 19th, 2003, 11:10:49 AM
"Well...maybe I'm biased, but the prevention of hardships always sounded like a worthy cause to me...but you're aware that it won't be an easy task, right? There are obstacles and dangers in many aspects of the Jedi's life...Darksiders that make your attackers look like schoolboys with sticks, among other things. Even the people you're trying to help may stand against you."

GraNi NaColu
Jan 19th, 2003, 11:16:46 AM
A smile seemed to come from NaColu's face when he heard what Zeke said.

NaColu replied, "As I said earlier Zeke, I only seek to be the best at what I do, and will die trying. I know the tasks ahead will not be easy, and the road ahead is a foggy one. That is why I want to become a Jedi. The future is uncertain, but for me, that's an exception. I have the heart and the will to achieve."

Jan 19th, 2003, 12:02:33 PM
"Then...welcome to the Order. Feel free to wander the grounds, see the academy, get a room...also, I would recommend you study the list of potential masters and approach one of them for training...taking the initiative is held in high regard here."

GraNi NaColu
Jan 19th, 2003, 12:10:54 PM
NaColu's heart filled with happiness, for this is the first time, in a long time, that he felt acceptance.

"Thank you Jedi Knight Zeke for the warm welcome. I hope others here are as kind as you."

NaColu shook Zeke's hand, and set off to create his new life. With a Jedi Master, and a whole new beginning, NaColu's destiny will be an interesting one.