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Laurana Grimm
Jan 18th, 2003, 02:58:59 PM
A small craft drifted through the thick cloud surface on Vjun, making a so precarious journey to the surface. It landed on the brick-red stone with a clattered, and seemed to visibly shake for a moment – clearly the ship was built for much better conditions than those around Bast.

Within a minute or so the landing ramp slid open and out strode a small patrol of guards, who inspected the area before nodding in approval. Prompted by this gesture, a girl began to emerge. One of the guards offered her a hand to guide her down onto the planets surface – she declined, with a frown. The guards were always so assuming of what she wanted and needed, presuming that simply because she held the title of ‘Princess’ that she was a fragile thing, unable to function without constant attention.


The wind carried her voice for miles, thinning it and stripping it of its volume as it got farther and farther away. Looking up into the Castle where, she assumed, her father lived, she could see why he preferred it here. It was a great deal more macabre than anything on Gallidorn, and surpassed any of the monarchical palaces in size. It also had a mysterious air to it, like an omen looming on the horizon.

“Father?” she added, hoping this would bring a better response.

Zasz Grimm
Jan 18th, 2003, 03:45:09 PM
Zasz had been in his chambers, meditating, performing what Hobgoblin had helped him do, when he felt a pull on the back of his mind. He pushed it to the side, thinking it one of the many phantoms that dwelled in Bast Castle. And he felt a presence he had not felt in a long time. And the words that were carried with it...


A voice that he had not heard in at least 3 months, longer even. He opened his eyes and sat up. He was somewhat startled. What was she doing here? He stood up and threw his coat on quickly, not caring to button it right now. His things were now securely on his hip, his lightsaber hilt swayed lightly as he pushed open his chamber doors...

Not only was he confused as to why she was here, he was anxious to see her. He loved his dear daughter, Laurana, and would do anything for her. He had been keeping her on his home planet for quite a while, well, actually ever since she was born. She was a secret, that not even his master knew. In fact, no one off of Gallidorn knew of Princess Laurana Grimm.

He passed by other members chambers and quarters as quickly and as silently as possible, not wanting to wake them. As he did so, he was buttoning up his coat. No matter even though he was trying, his footfalls were still rather loud.

He neared the end of the staircase, slowing as he did so, so that he did not slip or fall. He smiled to himself as he neared Bast's Gate and he walked out. His bright red eyes followed the surface, his blood red hair blew in Vjun's wind. He approached the girl, his face showing no emotion for the moment. Laurana couldn't tell who it was who had left the castle and was now walking towards her. At least, until he spoke..

"Yes, my daughter, I am here."

Laurana Grimm
Jan 19th, 2003, 04:41:22 AM
It was so refreshing not to have a royal procession in tow as she ran towards her father, tripping the last moment and falling into his arms.

“Why haven’t you written to me this month?”

Her forehead nuzzled his chest, even if he hadn’t begun to return the embrace. For all of her life she’d barely seen Zasz, and even when she got a precious moment with him it fleeted past in no time. All the communication they had had throughout her childhood was letters and small holomessages.

“The guards said I should come here and see if you’re okay,” she lied, knowing that in the end the guards weren’t going to risk correcting her in front of her father.

Zasz Grimm
Jan 19th, 2003, 10:52:36 AM
He had hugged her with all his might the moment she fell into his arms. He smiled and craned his head downwards to place a small, gentle kiss on the top of her head. He looked down to her as he brought his hand upwards to her forehead, pushing back locks of bright blonde hair. He knew she lied about the guards, a trait she got from him...

"I meant to write you earlier this month, but I got caught up in things..."

He looked down to her needing face. Every time he was with her, he cracked under this face. She was his flaw. His weakness. He smiled and then looked to the guards. They were nervous and didn't know what to do. They were accustomed to Laurana's occasional lying, but now they were nervous. Their Princess had lied to their Emperor. He moved his hand towards there direction to let them know to ease up, and not worry.

"Now, why are you really here, Princess?"

It was a pet name that he always called his her. Not only did it refer to her title amongst her people and her home planet, but a title of love, and knowledge to her that all of his attention was focused on her..


Laurana Grimm
Jan 19th, 2003, 11:00:45 AM
She knew her father could read her like a book; he didn’t even need his special abilities to tell when she was lying.

“I miss you…”

Then she added, her voice rising in a defiant tone that was directed towards the guards and the world at large.

“And I’m sick of being stuck alone on Gallidorn, with no one but false friends and courtiers to talk to.”

Her eyes feel, as a little bit of guilt edged into her mind, “Not that I don’t appreciate you giving me such a … comfortable life, father, but it’s mind-numbingly boring.”

Zasz Grimm
Jan 19th, 2003, 11:33:02 AM
"I miss you too, Princess. I do trust you left Gallidorn in capable hands, though?"

He hugged her again after she was done speaking, soaking up this moment with his daughter. It's true, he knew that she didn't do much at the confines of Palace life. The only true passion she took after, was war. She had learned from the greatest tacticians of Gallidorn, and from the History of the Universe...

He looked at her. She had grown up so quickly, too quickly. He sighed inwardly. It was time for her to learn his way now. She was endowed with the gift of The Force. She had to learn, and now, was the time.

"Then that comfortable life has ended for you, Laurana. You are to join me now. You must learn the ways of The Dark Side."

He said it without emotion, almost as if to see her squirm and be scared for a moment. She had to choose her road now. One of a Princess who was pampered, or of a Warrior.

Laurana Grimm
Jan 19th, 2003, 02:42:46 PM
“Senator Keating is dealing with Gallidorn, you know how good he is with things like that,”

Laurana gave a small smile, which grew much broader at her fathers’ second statement. This change from Princess to Fighter had been waiting in the wings for a long time now, and finally at the age of sixteen she would be allowed to follow the path her father walked so well. She had been taught how to survey a battle, how to control it from behind the armies lines, but she had never been given the privilege of engaging in battle personally. Being such a bull-headed youth, she couldn’t wait to change this.

“How? Are you going to teach me, father?” she said, rising up onto her tip-toes with a grin growing on her lips.

Zasz Grimm
Jan 19th, 2003, 03:10:56 PM
"Yes, Keating knows what he is doing, and if he fouls up, he knows the price..."

He looked to her as he stepped back from her and nodded, giving her the answer. He brought his face down to her and kissed her cheek as he gave her another hug. He then slowly let her go as he closed his eyes, calling out with the Dark Side...

His message touched the minds of his cloned counter parts..."Kineas...Cyriam, meet me in the main corridor at the gates of Bast. There is something you must see."

He stepped aside from Laurana and walked to the guards who watched over her, her entire life. He had entrusted them with her life for so long, now it was time for him to relieve them of their task...

"Your long, dedicated service has been appreciated. I now protect her, she does not need your protection any longer. Return to Gallidorn, carry on your duties to Senator Keating. If the need arise, I shall call for you again."

The guards hesitated, then bowed. Most of them turned after bowing and went to the ship immediately. But there were some who lingered to watch Laurana. For several of the men, she had been their protection and their friend. One of the guards who had already left, came back, bring a piece of luggage out to him. Zasz nodded and then all the guards piled into the ship. The ship lifted off into the air, on a course back to Gallidorn.

Zasz leaned down and grasped the piece of luggage in his hands. He then looked to Laurana as he took to her side and then walked with her towards Bast Castle...

"I must speak with my fellow siblings about your being here. To see if it meets with their approval. But no worries, I think they will approve."

He smiled as he looked to the sky. Soon the acid rain of Bast would be pouring down onto the surface. He and Laurana made haste, the gates began to open. They disappeared into Bast Castle.

Kineas Grimm
Jan 19th, 2003, 03:24:26 PM
Kineas had already been awake and about the castle of Bast. He had been in the library, reading over some of the books, and been taking in some of the spirits. He loved to just watch them sometimes. Other times, they were just...eh. He set down his book on a metallic table and made his way from the library, and into the long corridors of Bast.

What did Zasz want now? He had called several meetings between the clones before, but what was this one about? He traveled down some stairs silently until he came infront of the gates door. He had felt a familiar presence before, but shrugged it off.

Leaning against a wall, he waited for Cyriam and Zasz, wondering what he had to see that took him away from his study, and his thoughts of his Master..

Cyriam Grimm
Jan 19th, 2003, 03:30:15 PM
Cyriam was actually silent this day. He had not been doing that much, truthfully. Just thinking on some things. Things like why Zasz cloned him and Kineas in the first place. Even more so, why was Zasz a clone? He grimaced as he recieved a message from Zasz. He somewhat liked these meetings, though. He got to see what was new with the others. And he got to tell them what was new with him.

Though they knew about Milivikal, he sometimes said something about her that would get a rise out of Kineas, sometimes even Zasz. But he doubted today that that would be speaking of things like that. He quickly made his way through corridors to the main entrance of Bast. He nodded to Kineas upon seeing him, only to get there when the Castle Gates were opening...

Laurana Grimm
Jan 20th, 2003, 11:32:14 AM
Ahead, figures came into view. As Laurana walked with her father, she began to feel a small sensation in her mind of familiarity whilst staring at the silhouettes. Each looked as though they were the same height, and even the same build. It was only when they drew nearer that the horror finally dawned on her.

Her immediate reaction was one of repulsion at the apparently decaying man, jade in the face. He looked diseased, ill from some plague, though had the exact same physical appearance as her father! The second man was less shocking and bore one single difference, his hair colour, which was a silky sapphire.

“Oh lord,” she drew back against Zasz, body close to his to hide herself from the mirror images before her.

Zasz Grimm
Jan 20th, 2003, 12:49:06 PM
Cyriam and Kineas were on their feet and already stepping forward to Zasz and Laurana. He saw her reaction to Kineas. True, he was freakish, but he was her father...in a way. It strained his heart when he realized that he too was a clone..only she didn't know it, yet. A fact that he would hope would remain silent for a while..

"Clones, Princess. Clones of me. They were a plan of mine years ago. And now, they have come to The Hand to further themselves. They are me, and yet they are not. So in essence, Princess...They are your fathers. As much as I."

He looked to her, and then to his counter parts. He nodded to them and looked to Laurana as he awaited her reaction and decision. He had not yet given their names. He would let them do that.

Laurana Grimm
Jan 22nd, 2003, 02:39:07 PM
“No they aren’t.”

Laurana currently wore a look spun by so many daughters to their parents that stated they were not at all happy with the situation and that nothing was going to change that opinion – an expression worn so often by spoilt brats. It was comprised of a frown and a juvenile pout.

“What do you need them for?” she said after some thought, still staring at Kineas.

Kineas Grimm
Jan 28th, 2003, 06:33:36 PM
Kineas looked to Laurana and his heart ached. How long had it been since he had seen his daughter!? He had started to approach earlier, but then saw her reaction to him. She thought him a freak...And it hurt Kineas, but of course, to most people's first glance, he was. He brought up a hand to his hair and ran it through the lime locks. He grinned a cockey grin that only Zasz had..

"Oh come now...He doesn't need us for anything, Princess.."

He approached her slowly, waiting for her reaction, hoping for the best...

Laurana Grimm
Jan 31st, 2003, 12:50:09 PM
Her nose scrunched up, like she had caught a sniff of a bad smell.

“He’s odd looking, daddy. I don’t like him.”

By this, she referred obviously to Kineas. Cyriam, she honestly didn’t mind. He looked like her father, and though she couldn’t see any reason for this, there might be advantages to having him around – such as having an extra person to fuss over her. But she couldn’t abide a green-skinned abomination, even if he would wait on her hand and foot.

“… Is this where I’m going to be staying?” she said looking up purposefully away from Kineas at Zasz, eyes flicking to the side slightly to make sure the man wasn’t coming any closer.

Zasz Grimm
Feb 5th, 2003, 06:40:07 PM
It seemed that the universe was against the green clone. Zasz looked to him, and then watched as he turned his back to he and Laurana and walked off. Why was everything so hard for him?

His attention was brought back to Laurana and he looked to her...

"Must you be so mean? He loves you. And the answer to your question, is yes. You will be staying with me, in my chambers..."

He looked to her, waiting to hear what she would say, then back to Cyriam, eyeing him cautiously. How would he take Laurana? How would he take what she did to Kineas? Although Cyriam was more quick to anger, was stubborn, and sometimes intolerable, he had feelings. What were they about this?

Laurana Grimm
Feb 8th, 2003, 02:20:38 AM
“Show me them,” she replied cheerily, as her eyes wandered back to Cyriam.

She held out her hand to the blue-haired one and her father, grinning mischieviously to herself.

Cyriam Grimm
Feb 8th, 2003, 01:57:49 PM
He looked to Kineas, who was skulking in the shadows now. He shook his head. Poor little freak...

He then looked to Laurana, and his attention was caught by her arm and what she had said. He looked to Zasz, who was already standing next to her, and then back to his daughter. He slowly approached as he took her hand in his and then he pulled her away from Zasz to give her a big hug...

"Love ya, sweetie."

Laurana Grimm
Feb 9th, 2003, 02:15:23 AM
Laurana returned the embrace and welcomed this new game she had just created – three fathers, each with contending affection (even if one was a freak). What fun this would be!

“You too, daddy.”

Evil Hobgoblin
Feb 10th, 2003, 11:34:48 AM
"A playact," came a voice.

Hob had arrived.

The dwarf gazed quietly out from the shadows he'd entered the room from. His eyes caught and held Laurana's and she got the distinct impression he was staring through her.

One of Hob's eyebrows lifted, and he gave Zasz a sidelong glance. "Well?"

Laurana Grimm
Feb 15th, 2003, 03:50:14 AM
Laurana blinked at looked at the little man had arrived in silence, awaiting some form of explanation from her father … s.

Zasz Grimm
Feb 16th, 2003, 09:05:17 PM

He didn't pay attention to Laurana, but he was sure he could imagine her face. Very confused. After all, her father calling a dwarf Master? He looked to Hobgoblin...

"My Daughter, Laurana Grimm. Princess of Gallidorn.."

He wondered how Hob would take this. After all, no one knew he ruled a Planet, much less had a daughter.

Evil Hobgoblin
Feb 17th, 2003, 01:52:59 PM
"Gallidorn," Hob said quietly, as though tasting the name. He mused on it.

"We will speak of this Gallidorn more later," Hob said. His voice was neutral, but his eyes told Zasz that he was in for it later.

"Greetings, young one. I am Hobgoblin, Dark Jedi of the Hand. Bast welcomes you."

Laurana Grimm
Feb 22nd, 2003, 02:32:31 AM
“Hobgoblin,” she restated. It was a name like those in the fairytales she had been told as a child, and the little fellow even had an appearance to match his moniker.

“I am honoured that Bast would welcome me,” she then added, switching into full-on Princess Mode.

Evil Hobgoblin
Feb 28th, 2003, 11:08:44 AM
Hob nodded- the girl was trained in courtesy, at least, and decorum always added to one's persuavie ability. Which would be useful if this girl was going to serve the Hand and that did seem to be Zasz's intention.

"A place to stay, you need," Hob said. He gestured towards a grand staircase that led to the upper rooms of the castle. "You prefer, perhaps, a room with a view?"

Zasz Grimm
Mar 17th, 2003, 02:20:05 PM
Zasz, along with Cyriam stepped back and away from Laurana so that she may go up. Unless she wished him to go with her, he would stay behind, letting her take her on tour with Hobgoblin..

..."Go, Princess..."