View Full Version : a little buisness...

Jan 18th, 2003, 02:58:28 PM
Making his way through the asteroid field with precise coordinace given to him by Lord Soth, he finally came to the place he was searching for. To do a little buisness for the Illusive seech. As the spacecraft known as the Hawke, landed in the docking bay of the Shrine of the Damned, the gangplank lowerd with a hiss. Air rushed outward, creating a fog that was hard to see through. Two figures could be seen coming down the plank. One was the shape of a man, but the other was at about knee height.

As Eldorack stepped out of the fog, DOG followed closely behind, but not that far. DOG and Eldorack were best friends. DOG was the only person he trusted more than Mockadane. Walking to the entrance to the Roonstone Inn, he opened the illustrious door.

DOG and Eldorack waked into the place and it seemed to be in good shape. A lot of people were here, so that must mean good buisness. As he pulled out a chair, DOG laid down next to him, but was on full alert. Patting his K-9 counterpart, the Assasin motioned for a drink. The waitress walked over to the table now occupied by Eldorack and Dog.

Is there anything I can get for you sir.

Yes, I would like a beer and a bowl of water please. And would you tell, either Lord Soth or Alana Stormcloud, that I am here and wished to speak with them

Lord Soth
Jan 19th, 2003, 12:11:53 AM
A familiar bone chilling coldness that was mingled with the staunch perfumed scent of decaying roses lofted over the lavish tavern inn just as the mercenary finished his sentence. Without turning, Eldorack knew immediately whom it was that stood behind him...It was none other then the dreaded Death Knight,...Soth Nuevole.

"That will be unnecessary wench." Came a hollow, unfeeling voice that caused the bar-maid to shudder.

"Come my friend,...Sit with me and tell me what brings you to the Roon Stone so late in the evening." Soth gestured coolly at a corner table not far from them.

Jan 19th, 2003, 01:17:29 PM
Knowing his friend all too well, he rose from the chair that he was occupying and did what was asked of him. As he walked, he pushed chairs and patrons out of his way, making for the table that Soth Nuevole had motioned to. Arriving at the deserted table, Eldorack pulled out a chair for himself and sat down. Wating for the shadowed figure known as Soth, to do the same.

You know Soth, this is a really nice place. I should come here more often.

Wathcing the Death Knight closely, he remembered the last time they had met. It was an unpleasant meeting of course. Eldorack unclipped the button on his holster to his Heavy Blaster Pistol. The assasin knew that Soth was very gifted in what they called the Dark Gift. There was one other that had the Dark Gift and was very talented at it. The Vampire Master Saurron.

I have come this evening to drop off a shipment of sorts to an employer. An employer who pays good. But the main reason I have come was to ask for your service.

Lord Soth
Jan 19th, 2003, 08:33:05 PM
The Death Knight took his chair slowly, however the oaken chair in front of him moved out on it's own accord as if unseen servant's tended to the Vampyre's every whim.

"I see...And what does this shipment consist of my friend?..." Soth paused in mid sentence as he took his place across from Eldorack. His smooth word's came slow and carried a methodical tinge to them.

"And if I may be so bold to ask...What special purpose would this so called important shipment compel you to call upon my services...Assassin?" Replied the Death Knight as he arched an eye brow at the mercenary.

Jan 20th, 2003, 09:44:31 PM
Watching the Death Knight be a little sarcastic was pretty amusing. Not many Vampires were sarcastic. Not many at all. But Soth called the mercinary something that many want to talk about. Assasin. It was a filthy buisness, but someone has to do it. Patting the K-9 who was sitting up straight, watcing the Vampire Lord for any sudden moves.

Well, here it is. There is a planet in hutt space called Ylesia. It is one of the biggest suppliers of Gliterstem, and I would much like to have some of that Glitterstem myself. And I am familiar with how popular it is around the galaxy.

Pulling a data pad out of his back pocket, he looked at it and it read:5000000 Credits:. Glitterstem cost that much for just one crate. But the Mercinary needed more than that . Yes, he needed much more. If the Slicer was going to make a proffit of any sort. He replaced the Data pad back into his back right pocket where it had been previously. Eldorack turned his attention back at Soth Nuevole.

You see, well, as you know...Glitterstem is a little pricy right now. And I do not wish to pay for any of it right now. And neither do you, if you had your way about it. So I am proposing this. I would like you and whoever else, to accompany me to Ylesia and we smuggle some of their Glitterstem out of the spice factories that are stationed there. How bout it...

Lord Soth
Jan 21st, 2003, 12:47:55 AM
The Death Knight let out a slight chuckle that sent the hair's on Eldorack arm's on end. Leaning back in his chair, Soth studied the man for long moment's. The Death Knight had sent the mercenary as a personal retainer on a number of occasions to retrieve secretive shipments and return the valuable surplus back to the Shrine. Eldorack had no idea what was in the mysterious metal cargo container's every time he transported the good's. It was always a 'No question's ask policy" with Soth, one that Eldorack gladly obliged. However, theses highly illegal shipment's went through a number of hands even before reaching the mercenary, hiding the trail and source of the true contact's and supplier's. Theses covert mission's also paid handsomely as well and for good a reason...For within the crate's themselves was the precious cargo that Eldorack was now inquiring upon...Pure uncut Glitter Stem!

"My dear boy...If it is Glitter Stem your looking for,...Then look no further...The ones you wish to beguile Eldorack are the very contact's that supply my coffer's. I would advise against this brain storm of yours...It can be...Well, how shall I put it...Very hazardous to your well being...My friend.

Jan 28th, 2003, 11:17:01 PM
Eldorack thought about the answer he had recieved from the Death Knight, and found it much too difficlut to make the shadowed figure come abord his ship. The Hawke. The Hawke was an IG2000, which was not a very high in demand type of ship. Almost no one had one. It would hold up to eight passengers and two pilots. It was a well put together ship, just what the Assasin needed for his type of work. Like Mockadane, another Bounty Hunter that has known the Sith Master for a long while now.

I can see that you are harder to persuade than I had originally thought. Glitterstem is not the reason I have come here. It was just a plan to get you to come abord my ship, so we can talk in private. But, I guess that I can show you the merchandise here and now.

Pulling out a Holo cam from one of the inner pockets of his trench coat, he placed the mechanical devise atop the darken wood table. One of many that were scattered throughout the Inn. The Mercinary clicked a button on the side of the Holo cam, and the devise flickered to life. A blue hue started to rise from the center screen of the mechanical devise and soon it formed a shape. A shape that was known all too well to the Master Vampire. The object that was shaded in blue from the Holo cam was in fact a Sith Amulet. The Slicer has never seen one of these before, so he had no clue of what the object could be. But Soth Nuevole knew what it was.

Well, what do you think. Are you interested in the merchandise now...

Lord Soth
Feb 8th, 2003, 10:07:44 PM
Soth leaned back in his chair to a reclined position once again, crossing one leg over the other as his pale hand's pressed together in a steepled slant above his midsection. His cold blue eye's seemed to bore right through mercenary as long moment's past between them. If Eldorack had not been the acquittance he was and a close personal friend to Mockadane, the Death Knight would have had his very life right then and there. Soth was not in the mood for being trifled with and certainly not by the like's of a mortal at that.

The Death Knight let his piercing gaze fall from Eldorack for the time being then to the translucent holo-image slightly above his hand. No discernible reaction crossed Soth's face as he studied the rotating artifact. Slowly, Soth lifted his eye's back to Eldorack. An uneasy feeling crept over the free lance smuggler, one that caused the very hair's on his arm's to prickle and rise once their eye's locked again.

"And what would you care to know about it,...My friend." Replied Soth in a methodical voice.

Feb 9th, 2003, 02:31:42 AM
He senced a hint of sarcasm in the Death Knights voice as he spoke to the Assasin. It was something that he did not let many people get away with. But this was a friend. An acception was made. He pressed a buttion on the Holo-cam and the revolving image of an amulet faded away. Eldorack slid the Holo-pad back into his pocket.

Well, the most important thing I know about the amulet right now is that it is very valuable to some one like you. And for the right price, it will be yours.

Lord Soth
Feb 9th, 2003, 02:10:55 PM
The Death Knight's mind reached out to the tavern wench that was currently preoccupied with serving other patron's...Like snaking tendril's of unseen smoke, Soth sent his message. The woman paused in her duties, glancing over to the Sith Master in acknowledgment to his bidding. A frightened look crossed her face as she immediately acted upon Soth's request.

"I will have my blood meed now woman,...And something for my friend as well." Came the firm word's of the Death Knight to her mind, something she had never really grown accustom to since her recent employment with the strange being's that owned and operated the lucrative tavern. Nevertheless, Soth's gaze never left that of Eldorack as he listened to the man's comment.

"I will offer you ten thousand imperial credits for the piece...No more no less..." Soth replied coolly as the tavern wench hurriedly made her way to their table, drink's in hand.

"I assure you Eldorack, I will not haggle over its price...Take it or leave it,...Your choice." Soth finished firmly as the woman came to the side of their table, giving Eldorack and Soth a reluctant smile and intentionally diverting her eye's away from the two men as she placed the drink's before them.

Feb 9th, 2003, 04:59:34 PM
Taking a sip of the drink that had just been delivered to him by the barmaid of the tavern in the Shrine of the Damned. Thinking about the offer the whole time. He placed the glass of liquor back atop the table. The Sith master was always true to his word, even now. He looked up again and locked gazes with Soth Nuevole. His cold hard eyes piercing his gaze, as if he was looking right through him. Reading his every thought.

It is a deal then. I will take the credits you offer when you arrive back at my ship. Just so you wont get suspicious about me taking off with the money.

Eldorack handed Soth a data pad that had a docking bay section on it. Putting his hand back into his pocket, he said one final thing.

Meet me there in half an hour. We will then finish the deal as planned.

Lord Soth
Feb 9th, 2003, 07:22:34 PM
Soth took the data-pad offered him via the dark-side. The thin black case slipped from Eldorack's extended hand, then floated slowly through the air until it gently rested in the pale hand of the Vampyre's a short distance across the table. Soth slowly tucked the holo-cron pad away in the linings of his soft black robes, then he placed the same long slender hand around his goblet. The Death Knight's iron gaze was still upon the mercenary the whole time, reading him it seemed.

Eldorack's manifested and self proclaimed deception with the "Glitter-Stim" story put him at a great disadvantage with Soth now. The Death Knight needed not the force to see such thing's, it was quite evident to him and so was Eldorack open mind. The smuggler would find out in time that Soth was not so easily taken in such misleading and ineffective ruses. Nevertheless, this difficult task in summonsing the Death Knight to his ship had failed long before the wagger was finished. This too would prove to be most fortunate on Eldorack's behalf on the account of his counterpart and friend,...Mockadane. Ensuring him a longer life span and granting him another day to tell the tale. Eldorack's relationship with the Sith Master was now on thin ice. The trust between them waning as Soth seen it.

"You will deliver the pad to me personally Eldorack." Soth's abrupt statement caught the mercenary off guard somewhat due to the sudden change of plans.

"This transaction will only then be complete once it is delivered to the Shrine. There you may refuel your ship and stock up on the necessary supplies before you are on your way." The Vampyre's eye's narrowed a bit at Eldorack before he took a long sip of his blood wine. Sitting the chalice slowly back to the oaken table, the Death Knight continued.

"Consider this a gesture of my gratitude..." Soth paused as he lit a Glitter-Stim cigar, exhaling the sweet blue smoke towards the mercenary.

"I do value your resources and business Eldorack...I would hate to loose them both,...How shall I say it,...Permanently." A wicked smile then etched its way across Soth's marble like face as he reclined both of his forearm's to the sides of his chair.

Feb 22nd, 2003, 11:33:47 PM
Eldorack did not like to renogotiate. He has been like that for as long as he can remember. Soth knew that he could get away with a certain amount of things, befoer the Mercinary would take extreme measures and do something that he would regret later on. But the Death Knight had slight advantages over the mortal man and woman. First and formost is that he can not die. He is immortal. And second is that he has strength that men dream about. That is a trait shared by all the race, known as vampire. And a deadly race at that.

The Assasins eyes narrowed with anger and his mand moved towards his Heavy Blaster pistol. Gaining his sences back, he clasped his hands behind his back and stood straight . This is an employer. An employer who pays highly to any person or persons who do as he askes.

If that is what you want Lord Soth, then that is what you will recieve.

The Slicer clasped his hands over the goblet filled with the alcohol drink served to him by the barmaid of the Shrine. Downing the expensive drink in one gulp, he set the illustrious cup back in its resting place. He walked away, heading for his ship with DOG not far behind...

A little later on...

Arriving back at his personal craft known as the Hawke, he punched the key code on the belly of the ship and the walkway started to decend. Walking up into the ship, he immidiatly went to the place where he kept the highly expensive amulet. He placed the ancient artifact into one of his many inner pockets of his cloak. Activating the repulsor lifts, the ship hovered in mid air. The Hawke, a highly modified YG2000, shot up into the night sky, but it did not leave the atmosphere. He made his way to the place where he was instructed to...

Lord Soth
Feb 23rd, 2003, 01:39:39 AM
The Death Knight patently awaited the mercenary's arrival on one of the many rotunda's that overlooked the Dead Forest below. Night had fallen and the landscape surrounding the massive keep was covered with a thick blanket of fog. Strange creature's howled and screeched their nightly calls to one another, giving the dreary woodland's an ominous feeling for any who foolishly approached the Shrine by foot.

Soth raven black hair whipped about his solum face as he stood there in deep thought. However, his mind was not on the wager he had struck with the slicer earlier, it was upon his understudy Ambrose. He had not seen nor heard from the promising pupal in quite some time...Soth had reached out to the Dark-Side on a number of occasion's, yet his whereabouts' remained unclear with the Sith Master.

"Perhaps his mission was a failure..." Soth thought to himself, his cold blue eye's narrowed slightly with the foresight that Master Saurron had passed to him upon receiving the "Dark Gift."

Not long after, the glimmering navigation light's from the Hawke broke through the low thick cloud bank near the Shrine fortress. Soth studied the YG2000 as it approached then descended slowly to an under ground opening that led to a hanger bay on the northern most end of the Shrine. Moment's later the craft seemingly disappeared into the cliff face its self. From the air the opening looked nothing more then the foundation rock bed that the Shrine rested on...There were many strange and mysterious features surrounding the Keep of the Damned. Nevertheless, well guarded secret's insured that those mysteries remained ambiguous at all times.

The Death Knight took in the night before turning to leave it's calming serenity. He would meet Eldorack as planed, paying the man handsomely for the relic they discussed prior at the Roon Stone Inn...Ten thousand Imperial credit's...No more, no less!