View Full Version : Trial and Error: Telekenesis (Open)
Hadrian Invicta
Jan 18th, 2003, 12:08:18 PM
Hadrian had had a few hostile encounters with force-users since he had been accepted into the fold of the Greater Jedi Order, but he had not been trained and because of this he had limited choices in how to deal.
Most of the time he simply walked away from the fight, so long as it was just a mindless challenge and no innocents were involved, but he couldn't shake the concern that if he were to face a trained dark-sider or a large group of well armed thugs and there was an innocent involved, he would be without any training to defend and he and the people he would be defending would be doomed.
So it was that he came to the Jedi Academy and entered a training room, he placed a note on the door that read;
Training, but feel free to enter. Hadrian
He had brought a few small weighted orbs, that the droid at the main desk said were used to train Padawans in using the force.
Standing in the center of the room he knelt and breathed deep, focusing himself, creating a clarity in his mind. Slowly he rose to his feet as he felt himself in the Force, outstretching his right hand he focused on the smallest of the orbs and tried to lift it.
The small orb sat there on the ground, it didn't roll, rock, let alone levitate. Hadrian's brow furrowed, he had done his best to imitate the movements and expressions of the other Jedi he'd seen use the force to move objects.
Maybe I need to be closer...
Hadrian took a few steps and got closer to the object. He raised his right hand, looked hard at the orb and concentrated.
Perhaps I have to say in my mind, rise...
So Hadrian moved a few steps closer and raised his right arm, closing his eyes he breathed deep , he opened his eyes and looked directly at the orb; Rise...
Hadrian was frustrated, so he knelt down and began to meditate. Why couldn't he lift the small orb? It weighed no more than a kilo, it was small and insignificat amont. He put his right hand under his chin and sat thinking on what he could possibly be doing wrong, though it could have been anything, he'd never moved anything with the Force before, nor did he have any idea where to even start.
Hadrian Invicta
Jan 19th, 2003, 01:45:08 AM
Though he was frustrated he wasn't going to quit, no one succeeded all the time. He jumped back to his feet and stood right next to the small orb he'd picked as he target.
Taking a deep breath, Hadrian outstretched his right hand and focused on the orb.
"Up you go!"
"Alla Kazaam!"
Nothing Hadrian did seemed to work. He couldn't udnerstand why either. Wasn't this what a Jedi was supposed to be able to do, wasn't he supposed to be a Padawan, a Jedi? He ran his hand through his jet black hair and shook his head.
What am I doing wrong here...
He wondered, he focused on the orb, he focused on lifting the orb, the orb did not want to be lifted. Not even a micron.
Perhaps there is no orb and I'm just lowering myself.
So Hadrian went through the little routine once again. This time he imagined however that he and the floor was sinking and the orb was staying put.
The floor didn't move and neither did the orb.
Hadrian Invicta
Jan 21st, 2003, 04:57:29 PM
Hadrian was more than a little frustrated with himself now, the orb would not so much as budge under the bidding of the young Padawan.
The Force flows through all things and around all things...
Hadrian remembered being told this once before when someone had explained to him the concept of the Force.
He stood, no longer would he concentrate on the orb as his focal point, but rather he would open himself to the Force, like he had been taught to do with his body, to increase his physical prowess.
Hadrian raised his right hand, palm facing the orb. He began to feel the Force, the clarity it provided, the natural ripples in its living form. He then slowly felt the object, there it was, the ripples forming round it and surging from it. He could feel the orb it felt like he was gripping it with some unseen appendage.
He closed his eyes, all he saw was the orb, it glowed with an aura of the Force. Hadrian fixiated himself on the aura surrounding the orb. He felt his own Force signature stretch itself to engulf the small metal sphere. He then opened his eyes. The orb began to rise slowly, it shuddered in mid-flight, but it stayed stable. It had been lifted, now he needed to move it.
If one lifts the force from the orb and surrounding the orb, would not one pull and push that same focal point. He thought. So he focused on pulling that force to him, and the sphere began to move, slowly at first as the Padawan was unsure of himself, but gradually it moved with more speed and control. He pulled it to his hand and then he pushed it away, it flew forwards, he controled it's movements, making it dart up and down and spin as it hoved mid-flight.
He had learned the basics of Telekinesis, but he would have to be able to do more than move an orb. Eventually he would move larger targets.
For now he would continue to practice with the orb, he wanted to be able to move more than one and he wanted to be able to do it while moving himself, this however would dake time.
Lion El' Jonson
Jan 23rd, 2003, 04:23:49 AM
A tall figure clad in dark green robes stood at the door, a duffel bag slung over one shoulder. He was watching, bemused by the young man's attempts to levitate the small ball. With a sigh, he walked into the room.
"You're much better than I was, considering your time here!" the figure said, his voice cool and melodious. "First time I tried, I blew up a rock and embedded one of those little weights into the wall."
He laughed to himself, then lowered the hood of his cloak so his face could be seen. His green eyes twinkled as he held out a hand.
"Lion El' Jonson. One of the senior padawans, learning under Master Dasquian Belargic." Lion paused for a moment, probing the young man's mind for a name. A line of strain crossed his face, but finally he got it.
"Pleased to meet you...Hadrian."
Hadrian Invicta
Jan 23rd, 2003, 12:11:48 PM
At the sudden entrance of the other man, Hadrian's conversation failed and the orb fell straight to the ground. He had been focusing so intently on the orb that his natural ability to detect another force user nearby failed him.
"Yes it's Hadrian and thank you." The tall raven-haired youth replied.
"I would have waited for my master but he has been away on personal business and during that time I've had a few scuffles that I figured honing my force abilities would have helped in," Hadrian smiled his disarmingly friendly smile, there was just an air of innocence and purity about him.
"Master Belargic, I've heard of him, very powerful, very wise. You must show great potential Lion."
Sene Unty
Jan 23rd, 2003, 01:40:03 PM
Sene closed his eyes and whispered to himself.
"Here goes nothing."
With a small push the door flung open and Sene strode in to find his padawan discussing something with Lion El' Jonson. For a second pangs of guilt rippled through Sene's heart. He had been away too long and missed too much. Had Lion become Hadrian's master now?
No. The force told him it wasn't so, Lion was still a padawan.
Sene forced a smile to form on his face as he looked at his first and only padawan.
"It has been too long Hadrian."
Hadrian Invicta
Jan 23rd, 2003, 01:56:11 PM
As he finished speaking to Lion, he felt a familiar presence. It was out of place though.
Master Unty...
He smiled as he saw his prodigal master return from his trip.
"Yes it has Master, how have you been?" His tone was simple and direct. He had missed his Master's guidance but he understood, sometimes a Master could not always be there.
"I've learned to lift a ball," He said with a goofy smile on his face. The small orb was nothing in comparison to what he would become capable of doing under his Master's guidance, but until then the small achievements were the only kind.
Lion El' Jonson
Jan 24th, 2003, 02:12:12 AM
Lion smiled at Hadrian's comment about his potential.
"Thank you, Hadrian. You, too, show great potential."
Then Lion was greeted by a sight that made him smile again. His friend, Sene had stumbled into this room.
"Sene! Erm...Master Unty. How ya' been, old man?"
Lion smiled softly, reaching out with the force and securing one of the heavy little balls. With a grunt, he raised his hand and the ball jumped into the air. Then, pooling his energy into the invisible link between him and the iron ball, he threw his arm out. The small orb accelerated and smashed into a wall, embedding itself and leaving quite a large dent...
He laughed nervously, scratched the back of his head, and muttered:
"I've got to stop doing that..."
Sene Unty
Jan 24th, 2003, 10:51:29 AM
Sene chuckled at Lion's comment and orb handling skills.
"I hope that old man comment was a joke Lion....but it is good to see you again."
Sene let a hesitant smile form on his face.
"Haven't seen much of anyone lately...."
Sene now turned toward his padawan keeping the smile on his face the entire time.
"I have been good Hadrain, though I do sense a bit of a cold coming on."
Motioning with one hand toward the ball, Sene allowed his smile to dissipate.
"I am quite impressed with this display Hadrian. It appears as if you have an understanding of the force. It saddens me to think of all I have missed."
He closed his eyes for a moment and breathed deep through his nose.
"But I must not allow myself to dwell on it any longer. This seems as good a time as any for a force lesson."
He turned towards Lion.
"Would you care to join us my friend? I am positive that you will have something to contribute, and seeing as this is my first lesson to my padawan, maybe you can offer some advice."
Hadrian Invicta
Jan 24th, 2003, 11:28:48 AM
Hadrian bowed his head in respect, his smile now replaced with cold determination. The time for hello's was over and business was about to be commenced.
"I await your instruction Master," He replied obediatly.
His large frame created a physical presence larger than that of his master's but all who saw the two interact knew who was the true master and who was the apprentice.
Sene Unty
Feb 13th, 2003, 01:04:11 PM
"No thanks Sene I got things I gotta do. I'll see ya later."
With that Lion turned around and exited the training room. Sene didn't bother to respond as he turned towards Hadrian.
"Before we leap into the lesson, why not tell me some of the experiences you have had while I have been gone. Maybe then I can judge exactly where we should begin."
Hadrian Invicta
Feb 13th, 2003, 01:43:37 PM
"I haven't really done much of anything master," Hadrian replied nonchanlantly. "I've spent most of my time studying in the archives, eaten a few times at Yoghurt's."
He grimaced when he recalled his two encounters at the Bar and Grill. "I encountered a Dark-sider, Ket Van-Derveld. He was corrupting a young man. I tried to help, but he wanted to go with the Dark-sider." He bit his lip and continued; "I wish I could have stopped him, Ket that is, he was the one responsible for taking Master Capshen's arm."
Lowering his head he continued. "I encounted one other Dark-sider, his name was Xenodoros, he seemed confused, almost guilt-ridden. I was no match for him physically, but I outsmarted him and hopefully kept him from doing any further harm."
Hadrian looked at Sene in the eyes, there was remorse in his own.
"I-I-I wish I'd be strong enough, I could have stopped them from ever hurting another innocent again, but I just wasn't master, I wasn't strong enough..."
Sene Unty
Feb 13th, 2003, 02:05:25 PM
Sene looked into his padawan's eyes and saw pain etched in them. It reminded Sene of himself so long ago....
"First and foremost Hadrian, you must understand that the minds of others are not for us to control. If a man has the will to leave with one who is a child of the dark, then it is your job to respect that. Hopefully in time he will learn from his mistake."
"As for your experiences with Xenodoros, I will tell you a story about an experience of mine."
"Early in my education in the force my master, Xazor, took me on a trip to a Sith bar."
Sene smiled at this. How ludicrous it seemed now....
"Needless to say, we drew the ire of all those there. I drank too much and was tempted too often. My master, seeing how things were beginning to spiral out of control, led me away from the bar. I however was too drunk and pushed her away."
Sene sighed.
"Needless to say I was almost killed until another Jedi came to my rescue. Once the situation had broken down to this point, I attempted to lead one Sith away from the others by running away. I was successful right up until the point when he stopped in the middle of the street and massacred a car full of innocents."
"I confronted him in hand to hand combat."
"He took me apart in seconds."
Sene looked into the eyes of his padawan.
"So you see Hadrian it is not yet your time, as it was not mine, to be strong enough. Unfortunatly I can not tell you that the memories will go away. For me they have not. However I can tell you that I learned from those mistakes. I learned and became stronger. You must do the same."
Hadrian Invicta
Feb 13th, 2003, 02:59:47 PM
"I understand master..." Hadrian swallowed his anger and emotion and looked at his master with crystal clear eyes.
"I do not wish to delay the time when I am able to rid the galaxy of such creatures master. Shall we continue?"
Hadrian focused on the orb that was imbedded in the wall, using the Force he focused on it and wrenched it free. It whizzed into his ready hand.
Sene Unty
Feb 21st, 2003, 02:39:19 PM
Sene watched with a curious expression as Hadrian brought the orb into his outstretched hand. How interesting it was that his padawan had been able to learn this without his direction. It brought a calm smile to his face.
"Impressive Hadrian..." As Sene spoke the words he used the force to snatch the orb from Hadrian's hand. It stopped a few inches away from the Knight and remained suspended there.
"Tell me if you would, how you were able to do this..."
Hadrian Invicta
Feb 23rd, 2003, 09:00:47 PM
"It was basically trial and error Master," Hadrian replied quietly.
"I tried to focus on moving the ball, I tried to move myself, I tried to imagine there was no ball, but then I remembered reading somewhere that the Force is ever-present, always ebbing and flowing within the Universe. That it is not the objects themselves that you grip with the Force, but rather you control the flow of the Force around them and within them."
Hadrian then smiled and looked at one of the orbs that was a bit further away and outstretched his hand.
"You see Master when I try to reach out and grab something with the Force, I am trying to control it, rather than manipulate it. But when I try to move the Force, the ball moves as well."
As he finished speaking the small orb levitated and began floating towards him. He turned to his master and smiled.
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