View Full Version : I think this is the right place to request this

Taylor Millard
Jan 18th, 2003, 04:37:31 AM
I was wondering something and I wanted to run this by the council as a whole so no one would have any problems with this...or if they did how we could work out an idea

I was going to be helping out Javier Enfer (a rogue vampire) with a character building RP...to help flesh the character out a bit.

Now I don't RP Javier Enfer which is why I'm asking this. The character idea I came up with was a Lacroix-type character (from the TV Show 'Forever Knight' and probably named that). He would only be a plot device really, I doubt he'd show up again in any more RPs. But he would be a vampire and someone who'd been around for a bit.

I don't really know what sort of powers he would have (since I'm not going to use him I doubt I'd choose a specific power)...but I was curious if that could be done.

If not...then let's work something out..


EDIT- Props go out to Pandora for saying I should post here.

Darren Caerdeth
Jan 19th, 2003, 01:42:48 AM
This goes a bit above my head as far as granting permission and such. But I myself would see little problem with this, as long as the character is nothing more than a plot device, as you stated.....

My views are like this....

A) I wouldnt think this character has any real association with the Shrine aside from being a vampyre. Their may be some history involved with the older vamps, but I cant speak for anyone there.

B) Since his powers arent specified, they wont be used, so I dont see a conflict there, although, It may be proper to have a generization of what his strengths are, as that would reflect in Javier (if he is the one who turned him. I dont really see this becoming a problem though.

All in all, im sure we can figure in a basis for a storyline here that would be non disruptive to the shrine or the rping community in general.....

What does everyone else think?

Taylor Millard
Jan 19th, 2003, 01:48:59 AM
The only 'powers' he would display would be classic vampire: speed, strength...and that's about it.

As for if he was the one who turned Javier...I never considered that option, but Javier doesn't seem the kind who would listen tot he kind of character I was going to RP.

We've tossed ideas back and forth and I doubt Javier would listen to this guy.

Alana Stormcloud
Jan 19th, 2003, 05:54:18 PM
Well I see no real prob as long as like Darren said it was just for the plot... :) Also it has been brought up, do you plan on turning anyone with this char.? That would be the only other prob as I know you nor anyone you would deal with would abuse the vamp powers or gm :) We do prefer to have a blood call on the vamps to link them to the shrine but for such a short term use I see no reason it can't be done. (unless you plan to turn anyone):p How bout everyone else ??? Lets get him an anwser please... :)

Lord Soth
Jan 19th, 2003, 08:49:57 PM
I have no prob. with it bro...As long as your not going to "Turn" anyone and it's only for a "Storyline" purpose, I'd say go for it...Perhaps you can say the character came from the linage of one of the ancient's here at the Shrine...Say as in...5th or 7th generation that followed...Just an idea. And better yet, run him as a Shrine NPC of sort's and that way you can Vamp out with us from time to time...I mean if that's cool with everyone on the council. :)

Taylor Millard
Jan 19th, 2003, 09:08:31 PM
Yeah no turning in this thread. I wouldn't be surprised if the char had turned many a peoples but he won't in this thread.

I was hoping ot make him an older char but you'll have to explain the generations and all.

As for the Shrine membership it's omething to think about.

Javier Enfer
Jan 19th, 2003, 10:13:12 PM
Simply a plot item for me gang :) i doubt unless Taylor here wants to RP him long term he will affect our goings on to much. :)