View Full Version : This is a test...(challenge to 2 darkside Apprentices)

Jan 17th, 2003, 06:07:57 PM
..of Zeke's latest brilliant idea. The setting is a club, "The Godhole", which is just a big building with a pit in the middle that has been converted into a dance floor. There's two apprentices here in this pit, which was, until a matter of seconds ago, filled with dancers. Now they're up top, running for the exits or trying their best to make themselves invisible and unnoticed against the wall. Zeke holds his pike before him in a defensive stance, waiting on the pair before him to draw weapons.

imported_Arriana Rezner
Jan 18th, 2003, 09:01:20 AM
Arriana giggled quietly another of the panicked patrons stumbled past her, running head first into a brick wall. She had been watching for some time now as they scattered, terrified at the sight of the impaled body lying on the dance floor. Only some five minutes ago, she and another had collaborated to bring the horny idiot to his demise, and know were enjoying the fruits of their fun.

However, luck being what it is, it seemed like someone wanted to put a cork on their joy. The red-head had spied a man with a pike standing on the dance floor, looking fairly unimpressed by what had just occurred. Now if this had been a Sith or Dark Jedi they would have undoubtedly been grinning as Arri was, but from his dreary lifeless appearance it was obvious he was a Jedi.

Anticipating a little tussle, the Sith Warrior palmed her twin-saber into her hands.

“Enjoying the party?” she called out across the fading screams and shouts.

Twisted-Shell Neydan
Jan 18th, 2003, 09:33:24 AM
"Of course he is..." Came a voice from behind Zeke "I have no doubt the Jedi is having a barrel of laughes, correct boy?" continued Neydan patting Zeke acoss his back rather hard. Neydan only offerd a Twisted smile.

Neydan looked towards Rezner for a moment and then back to Zeke crossing his arms over to wait for the Jedis answer...

Jan 18th, 2003, 10:50:31 AM
"Oh yeah, this is just a ton o' fun."

He uses a Force push to toss Neydan over next to his buddy.

"So. Shall we dance?"

imported_Arriana Rezner
Jan 18th, 2003, 10:58:11 AM
Cringe worthy.

Arriana smirked and watched as the unknown man who she’d collaborated with to clear the dance floor was thrown down to her feet. With a small shrug of her shoulders, her cyan eyes came back to the Jedi. Running a gloved fingertip over the extended cylinder she held, Arri depressed the ignition switch on the weapon releasing two crimson beams.

“If you’re really that eager to get your <smallfont color={hovercolor}>-Censored-</smallfont> kicked, sure. Let’s go.”

Twisted-Shell Neydan
Jan 18th, 2003, 11:30:24 AM
Twisted didn't like that one bit, the Scout quickly flipped from his back right into a defence stance in one fluid motion. His face was coverd with his own wet hair which clung to his face like glue. A few moments of stareing down his Jedi advasary passed before Twisted crossed his arms over his chest and drew twin daggers from the oposite sides of his body.

Neydan quickly flipped the daggers to a inverted potitions (holding them, blade down) and corrected himself into a martial arts stance, one hand up towards his face and the other by his right hip.

'THIS IS NOT GOING TO BE YOUR DAY WEAKLING!' The man huffed in a loud voice which ecoed across the room.

Jan 18th, 2003, 11:33:09 AM
"Well, let's get this shindig started. Ladies first..."

imported_Arriana Rezner
Jan 18th, 2003, 11:40:48 AM
The Sith had been so intent on staring up at her opponent that when her co-conspirator suddenly screamed out in defiance at the Jedi, she visibly jumped. Biting down to hold back letting off a stream of cusses at him, she nodded up at Zeke and began to step forward.

“What a gentleman.”

A small jump took Arriana from the upper level of the room down onto the dance floor. It was stale with the smell of sweat and alcohol, and strobe lights still flickered back and forth across the floor, creating a staccato image of anyone who moved through them. The music playing, thumping through huge speakers, caused the floor beneath them to vibrate gently.

Here we go, she thought, before sliding forward one foot to close the distance between her and the Jedi. Using the tip of her saber like a spear as she thrust it forwards at Zeke, and again narrowed the distance by bringing forward the opposite foot to add a little extra power to the lunge.

Twisted-Shell Neydan
Jan 18th, 2003, 12:14:38 PM
Neydan waisted little time at all to jump into the battle along with his temporary partner. As Rezner landed onto the dance floor Neydan ran towards the balcony area placed a foot on the rail in mid run and launched himself up and over the barrier. Neydan landed in a crouching position once again behind Zeke but this time he was intent to attack the Jedi.

Neydan waited till his co-partner had lashed out and then Neydan raised and bolted his foot in a direct kick towards the lower vertibreys of Zekes back, if it landed in the right place Zekes back would be broken on inpact.

Jan 18th, 2003, 12:27:49 PM
As Arriana thrusts he sidesteps and uses the Force to push, allowing him enough space to perform a backflip over Neydan's kick. Now they're both in front of him. Rather than counter, he lets them regroup to try again.

imported_Arriana Rezner
Jan 18th, 2003, 12:47:25 PM
Had Zeke not flipped the opposite end of Arriana’s saber would have sliced right through him. Unfortunately instead it was left scything through the air at nothing as the man made his escape from harms way, landing in front of both her and Neydan. She smiled sweetly and raised one hand from the hilt of her weapon to beckon the lightsider forward, whilst adding a little pull to the gesture via the Force – her saber angled out ready to catch Zeke should he come far enough forward.

Twisted-Shell Neydan
Jan 18th, 2003, 07:07:47 PM
By the time Zeke had landed from his backflip Twisted had slipped both daggers within there side holsters and had drawn the short sword that had been in a sheather across his back throughout the fight so far. The short sword was very well kept and made from solid silver showing many engravings and ritual markins across its blade, it was a very beutiful exsamply of his guilds Smith design, it also showed Neydans guild was also religiously minded. The Ninja type figure however waisted little time in giving the boy Jedi a chance.

Neydans short sword was quickly thrust in the direction of Zekes genitals but was retracted fast enough to destract the Jedi and make him concentrate on avoiding the blade. Neydans hand was already following the sword through and as a result Neydans palm connected visiously with the Jedis nose sending the boy stumbberling back across the dance floor, blood gushing from his nostrals.

'First blood Jedi...' Croaked Twisted pulling back into a martial arts defence stance.

Jan 19th, 2003, 10:26:42 AM
"Cheap shot!"

Zeke returns fire with the butt end of his pike, dealing the same damage to Neydan and Arriana pulled him forward. However, Zeke wouldn't be tricked into falling into her outstretched weapon. He ducks under it and extends his pike between her legs and sweeps her ankles from beneath her.

imported_Arriana Rezner
Jan 21st, 2003, 01:45:50 PM
The Sith Warrior found herself toppling backwards as her feet were swept forwards, but would not be floored so easily. As she was knocked head over heels, she threw her saber out forward – manipulating it with the force – as she feel comfortably into a backwards roll, her saber returning in a hissing arc.

Now, crouched on one knee, she span the double blade up into the air at the stationary Jedi.

Jan 25th, 2003, 01:59:25 PM
Her attack comes from his right. It's at just the right height that he can neither jump nor duck. Using telekinesis he draws his blue saber and ignites it, stopping her blade cold. Neydan seems to be up to something; let him plan. Arriana's on the attack, he'll worry with her.