View Full Version : Evil Fun: Separating two - Part 1(Fiend.)

Kaytor Surna
Jan 17th, 2003, 05:13:39 PM
Kaytor sat in a dark apartment building waiting for her guest to arive. She had found some information on a being named Fiend who seemed to have the same ideals as herself. She had sent him a message to meet her at this apartment. So she sat in a black velvet chair, waiting for Fiend to arive.

"It is time to ruin the fantasy of a vampire hunter."

She waited and watched the door. It was still day time so she dared not open the windows. Not a single light was on in the room except for a single blood red candle that sat on a table near her. Two other chairs of the same make but one blood red and the other a dark blue sat near here. These were the only things in this room.

Jan 24th, 2003, 10:21:07 AM
:: Kaytor blinked and when she opened her eyes, I sat in the red chair before her.::

You called little girl?

:: My red eyes flashed in the shadows, illuminating the room for a moment as I shifted my bare shoulders an stretched. I loved my mindgames and tricks and it just seemed to be the day, but I had more important business. The topic of the meeting was dire and oh so business like, my bare skin shifted, the muscles tightend as I thought of... him. How I hate him so, that little goody too shoo! My armor and jacket hung from my waist and my belt, to feel the shadows was so much better than wearing all that mortal apparel.::

What is this about Dios Kane?

Kaytor Surna
Jan 24th, 2003, 08:29:40 PM
"Yes I did call you. And first off, I am not a little girl. I am probobly older than you are. And yes the meeting is about Dios Kane."

She saw him scowl at the name. She did not respond in any way visual. Just as she had not when he had entered the room. This... Fiend or Demon or whatever they wished to call him did not scare her. She had delt with far more in her time.

"I have a plan to where we could make him suffer... make him loose Maia. Do you wish to partake in this or shall I do it solo? I have heard that you wish to make his life miserable and to seperate the two of them."

Jan 25th, 2003, 03:33:33 PM
:: The veins at my temples were plainly seen through the thin white skin and they seemed to throb at the mention of Maia and Dios in such short spacing of words. The very thought of it all copming under one whole juction just fro this little gil was making my black blood race. My fingers tapped my knee quickly as ideas raced across my mind.::

What did you have in mind?

:: I had no time to banter and ramble on in an arguement with this child of darkness. The thoughts of torturing Dios, ripping him away from Maia... ahh what a relaxing thought.::

Kaytor Surna
Jan 25th, 2003, 06:27:47 PM
"A simple enough plan. Lure him here. He trusts me enough to do so. After he is here, I will give him some of this."

Kaytor removed a bottle of red wine from a cooler beside her chair. It looks normal enough.

"In this is a drug that could knock a wookie out for weeks. Dios has a strong emune system then a wookie so it will only last a day or so. When he wakes, he wont know where or who he is until an antidote is given to him. Seducing him will be easy. But I will need your assistance. I need you to find a way to keep Maia from finding him. I dont care how just find a way to do it. Will you help me with this?"

Kaytor places the bottle back into the cooler and leans back, watching Fiend. Her dark eyes stare into him, studing him, finding out if he can be trusted.

Jan 26th, 2003, 10:57:43 PM
:: My hand goes to the shoulder length hair and brushes it aside, Kaytor realizes the gesture for the exact thing dios does somtimes. I turn my head in the dim lighting of the room and for an eirie moment, Kaytor could've seen Dios sitting there instead of his evil nemesis.::

I will help... but I want to know what you want with him... why? And this... it won't work. Poisons never did anything to the ivincible body of Dios. You need an extra kick to it my dear...

:: I laughed as I drew out my sickle and sliced flesh from my forearm. The cut of skin slid off my arm and onto the floor. The ground began to hiss and sizzle as my black blood settled.::

Shake that in and Dios will be drugged out for 24 hours no longer, his blood is that strong and that is all I can promise...

Kaytor Surna
Jan 26th, 2003, 11:00:28 PM
"Well I was going to add my blood but if you belive that yours will do it better then..."

She removes the bottle again and hands it over to Fiend. She leans back in her chair and watches him a moment.

"The reasons are my own. I would like nothing more then to get Maia out of Dios's life. She is a burden to his power. I belive I can assist him in getting his power beyond any most have seen."

Jan 26th, 2003, 11:29:36 PM
Tell me the reasons or I'l drink this drug myself and I'll warn Maia. This drug will be like Dios' ale for me, I would know what damage you intend to do to my angelic prey. He is mine to kill and I would know what you intend with the wretch before I do this. I would gladly have at Maia, any damage would be worth it, but I would know first and my blood will cost you your own. I want a cell and an explanation...

Kaytor Surna
Jan 26th, 2003, 11:36:03 PM
Her dark eyes narrow and turn a blood red. He could feel her anger rising at the mention of harming Dios. She quickly regained composure of herself and removed a dagger from her boot. She made a small slash across her wrist and took an empty bottle on the side of her chair. She let some of the blood drip into the small bottle then closed the bottle. The wound healed quickly and she tossed the bottle to Fiend.

"There is your cells. If all you care about is killing Dios yourself, trust me, I will not kill him. He is still of use to me. I just need Maia out of the picture. Do you think you are able to take out a girl jedi or will you need help there?"

She taunts him slightly.

Jan 30th, 2003, 03:45:11 PM
:: I catch the bottle, my hands like serpents striking out at the prey, the bottle disappears into the folds of the cloth hanging behind me. I smile as my skin contorts a bit and I appear as nothing but Dios.::

When your done, he's dead. But Maia will be well out of the picture. Have fun...

:: I stood up, the skin across my chest suddenly achieving a slight shimmer to match the silver sheen in Dios' skin. Mimicing my weaker part wasn't hard at all, but I knew who wouldcome outof his, Dios would die...::