View Full Version : Father, why have you forsaken me? [Dae, Diego, Ket]

Vega Van-Derveld
Jan 17th, 2003, 07:16:54 AM
[OOC: continued from here (http://meras.org/forum/showthread.php?s=&threadid=5952)]

A small ship passed over Coruscant, angling downwards as it swung through the blanket of smog into the maze of skyscrapers. The Corellian Gunship was aiming to land down on one of the many launch pads found scattered about the city, though all seemed to be filled at this time thus the captain began a route for base level of the metropolis. Within minutes, the ship was touching down in the area that had been specified by one of the passengers – Dae Jinn.

“Alright,” Vega stood up from his chair and began strapping on weapon after weapon to his belt, loading up a pair of twin blasters with a new cell cartridge.

“Dae, you’re going to take us to where you last saw him.. Then hopefully we can find the bastard from there, hmm?”

Ket Van Derveld
Jan 17th, 2003, 10:39:48 AM
Ket merely stood, the picture perfect soldier. He loaded up his two 10mm blaster with new cell cartidges and made sure his lightsaber was functional. He took the 1 foot cube with the light blue button in his left palm. He tapped the blue button, and the cube seemed to 'melt' onto his skin, covering him from head to toe. His armour now in place, he chaecked the visor H.U.D. He tapped his forearm to arm his bio-electric feedback module, effectivly masking his force signiture with that of a normal, everyday human. Ket ran a quick system diagnostic, and nodded lightly as he saw everything was in the green. Ket placed his blasters into the side holsters on his theighs, his saber clipped to his waist. He said nothing, He only followed Vega's lead.

Dae Jinn
Jan 17th, 2003, 11:21:49 AM
"It was near a train station..." She sighed, watching the two lupines suit up. She was armed only with her saber, and she wondered why they needed all those guns.
"Over there, I was following him," She walked down the stairs, leaving Vega and Ket on the ship, and headed towards a large platform packed with people.

Vega Van-Derveld
Jan 19th, 2003, 06:42:22 AM
Vega didn’t even bother to mask his Force signature. He feared no one who could sense it, and knew that of those they were searching for only Elena had even the smallest power in the Darkside.

He followed in tow behind Dae, pulling his coat tightly around his body – in part because it was cold, but mostly to hide the weapons he carried. He looked past her towards the station. If they had any chance of finding Diego, he would need more than slightly enhanced senses. At some point this would become a one woman, two wolf chase. He didn’t know his fathers force signature, but he knew scent well enough to track it if he caught it.

“Following him? Was he with anyone?”

Ket Van Derveld
Jan 19th, 2003, 10:48:39 AM
Ket had no intention of shifting. His enhanced muscle fiber combined with the power armour would give him a top speed that could keep up with Vega. Ket just wanted to find out if his father really was alive after 20 someodd years of thinking he was dead. And if he was...Ket had no idea what would happen.

He kept his black robes close, the hood up, covering most of his features. No one on Coruscant would bother them as long as they appeared to have no weapons. And Ket's were hidden well. Following Vega, he concentrated solely on the moment Vega would start to run so that he may not lose even a second.