View Full Version : IC: A gift to his master, Athena.

Ket Van Derveld
Jan 16th, 2003, 09:28:36 PM
Ket entered the camber, looking toward all the members present. He got to one knee, and placed a lightsaber down in front of him, lowering his head in respect to those higher than he.

"Mistress Athena, I give to you this gift, a trophy from my latest battle. I have defeated the Jedi Master known as Satine Capashen, and I relived him of not only this lightsaber, but an arm as well. I hope you will accept this gift, my mistress."

Ket then closed his eyes, plcing an arm to one knee, respectfully staying still until his mistress told him to rise.

Nayala Palain
Jan 20th, 2003, 02:53:25 PM
The Sith Master looked down at her apprentice and smiled.

" Master Capashen, I dont remember when he was given such a rank. But a job well dont Ket. Rise and tell of your battle. "

With the darkside of the force just as her apprentice stood from his kneeling postion the lightsaber flew to her hands. She inspected it and listened.

Ket Van Derveld
Jan 23rd, 2003, 12:17:41 AM
"It was a short fight, my lady. He was apt in fighting hand to hand, and with a saber, but it was purely my knowledge of Sith Magics and the use of the darkside that helped me over come. The battle was lost to him before it had even begun. As a trophy of my own, I froze his right arm and snapped it off, keeping it in stasis as a literal trophy to commerate my victory..."