View Full Version : Hostage situation (To be finished at Sejah's request)

Jan 16th, 2003, 09:17:45 PM
The Jackel's eyes burn red with ferocity, their amber color maintained only at the edges of his irises. He's fighting his berserk nature just long enough to lure a worthy opponent. The scene is on top of a shopping mall, surrounded by police and searchlights. He's holding a young girl before him, no blasterbolts can hit him without killing her. She has been beaten severely, her clothing hangs in tatters on her body, allowing the cold air to seep into her skin and fill her with its suffering. He twists her arm, forcing her closer to the edge, and holds his transformed katana to her neck. It'll take a Jedi to save her...

Hinata Neketsu
Jan 16th, 2003, 09:21:19 PM
She eyes the blade warily, knowing she can't move at all or face death. Hinata winced at the cold, why had this thing taken her? What did he want? She wondered and why wasn't anyone coming to her aid?

Jan 17th, 2003, 07:50:56 AM
A disturbance could be felt throughout the Greater Jedi Order. The council moved swiftly to find someone they could send to find out what was going on exactly and to find out just how serious the situation is.

By chance, the Jedi Knight Oriadin was found in the archives studying, as he usually was and so was called upon to see if he could help resolve the situation.

He was given a speeder and carrying only his lightsaber and comm unit he made his way to the shopping mall in question. By the time he had arrived, crowds were begining to gather round in hundreds. Police had the ground secured and lights were being panned around left right and center. One was permanantly fixated on the hostage taker and the young girl he help captive.

After a little pushing and shoving to get through the crowds, Oriadin finally made it to the front and to the police officer in charge. A quick briefing gave Oriadin very few details about the situation and so that left him with the task of talking to the hostage taker.

He called up

--I am Jedi Knight Oriadin of the Greater Jedi Order. I wish to talk with you, alone if you like in order to find out what it is you want.--

He spoke calmly and honestly as he called up. Now he awaited a reply from the hostage taker.

Jan 17th, 2003, 10:42:11 AM
The reply is without words. Inu raises his sword arm and fixes his gaze on the Knight. His eyes turn completely red. A Jedi. Good. The berserker in him takes hold and he throws the girl over the side of the roof. A feral roar erupts from the Jackel.
Save her if you can...

Jan 17th, 2003, 02:21:29 PM
Oriadin was shocked at the sudden drop of the girl but he wasted no time in moving to try and save her life. He remailed as cool as ice and focused. Using the force he tried to keep the girl in the air as best as he could but her falling made it more difficult. Oriadin couldnt stop the fall. He did manage to slow it down quite considerably though and without wasting a second me made a mad dash for the girl.

The crowd of people were deeply alarmed. Some looked away, others held their hands to their faces. Oriadin had no time. As the girl reached the bottom, Oriadin made a last second lundge in order to save her life. He through his body down, arms stretched out. He skidded beneath her just in time for her to land on top of him.

She seemed in a state of shock. Oriadin lay there for a few seconds. A streak of pain shot up his body and he found it hard to breath. He had been winded. Now he focused the force on himself. To find the strength to get up. It took a few seconds but he made it. As soon as he did stand up he ignited his whiteish/blue saber and looked up at the hostage taker. He grabbed hold of the girl and began backing up towards the police.

Hinata Neketsu
Jan 17th, 2003, 08:41:44 PM
She shuddered a moment, too stunned to speak before managing out a few works.

"Tha-ank yo-ou..."

She still shuddered as she thought about that man and her recent fall but at least it was over for now.

Jan 17th, 2003, 08:45:15 PM
Inu leaps from the building and lands in a low squat, blade behind him, facing down the Jedi Knight and his army of police. He throws the blade out to his side, seemingly away from the opponents...but the Force guides the blade around and spins it like a bladed disc, wreaking havoc amongst the cops gathered there. He faces Oriadin bare handed.

Jan 20th, 2003, 06:04:56 AM
Oriadin summond the blade to his free hand using the force before he guided the girl to the chief of police, who was now looking a little shaken by the blade Inu-Aku had had sent through the crowd of police. Now the Jedi knight stepped forward, armed with his beutifully crafter lightsaber in one hand and the blade his oponant had given up so easily in the other.

He called out but his voice was still soft and calm.

--Once again, I am Jedi Knight Oriadin of the Greater Jedi Order. I wish to talk with you, alone if you like in order to find out what it is you want. Throwing people off of the top of buildings however will result in nothing but everyone here walking away from you--

Jan 20th, 2003, 10:39:15 AM
The man's words were cut off by the Jackel's attack, a lunging punch boosted by the Force to be five times stronger and faster. Let Oriadin have two weapons. The berserker cares nothing for the odds against him.

Jan 21st, 2003, 05:05:18 AM
A punch has little chance when up against a lightsaber and and blade. Oriadin got hit by the strange mans strike only because he was carefull not to harm the man with his lightsaber. If he wanted to, he could have lobbed his head off there and then. It seemed a little foolish to try and punch a Jedi unarmed while the Jedi was holding two weapons. Oriadin did manage to avoid the blow hitting anywhere that would likely cause him any great deal of pain.

The strike made Oriadin fall back a couple of steps but it didnt take long for him to regain his composure. He looked at the man with a face of sympathy.

--Listen, Im not sure what your game is but I think you need help my friend. To attack an armed Jedi Knight while you yourself are unarmed is foolish, if not insane. Realistically, you dont stand a chance.

What is your problem? I dont want to hurt you, at all. I want for us to discuss what it is thats wrong and come to some kind of agreement.--

There Oriadin stood. Still holding the two weapons tightly. He made no attempt to attack Inu and he did not back away either.

Jan 21st, 2003, 09:28:29 AM
Oriadin's words fall on deaf ears. The Jackel looses a feral roar. A challenge to fight or be killed.

Jan 21st, 2003, 10:22:41 AM
The Jedi knight sighed adn shook his head from side to side ever so slightly. Bitter and full of anger this character seemed to be, and why? Oriadin will probably never know.

--I will neither fight you, or be killed by you. If you have brought me here to simply pick a fight then youve come up against the wrong Jedi. The girl is safe now, ive done my job. There is no need for sensless violence. If you back down and go off quietly then I will let you leave without harm. You have no weapons and I have two, with an army of police behind me pointing guns at you. Be realistic.--

Jan 21st, 2003, 02:13:21 PM
Army of police? Something, somewhere in his mind sees Oriadin's point. But he pays it no heed. He wants his sword back. It comes flying from the Jedi's grip to Inu's hand, borne through the air by telekinesis. Now he'll have to fight. A lunging vertical cut leads the attack.

Sejah Haversh
Jan 22nd, 2003, 03:26:59 AM
Inu tripped on a shopping bag that was suddenly in his path, and flopped to the floor, slidign across the imitation marble.

While he was down, the wooden handle of a newly-purchased mop rapped soundly across his back, and a familiar voice regarded him, "I thought you leanred somethign that day I helped teach you, Inu. I guess you forget easily."

Sejah stood next to him, a few bags of goods set on the floor by his sides, and he weilded the mop like a quarterstaff.

"You out shopping too, Oriadin? The Fap has a sale on sweaters, just in case you needed one." he joked, wathing Inu, then whacking his sword-hand with the mop and butting the blade away once it was free with the stave like a pool cue.

Jan 22nd, 2003, 12:31:45 PM
Inu is on his feet in seconds. Sejah...the mongoose triggers a deep-seated memory. The humiliation of being so soundly dispatched by him, that he had suppressed the day he had been taught. Now he has no misgivings about releasing it. He just wants to kill. He doesn't attack right away. Instead, he draws the dark power to him, accumulating it. And at the back of his mind, civility takes a small foothold against the berserk personality that has taken his mind by storm.

Sejah Haversh
Jan 25th, 2003, 05:18:30 AM
Spinning the mop down, Sejah used his footpaw to detach the head, leaving him witha decently strong wooden pole, which he immediately used to deliver two quick whacs to the sides of Inu's head to disorient him, then fast jab to the gut with the tip before wheeling it back into a defensive placement again.

"Well, it seems you haven't learned much from last time we met. Pity for you, I guess. Oriadin, what's the full scoop on this fellow today?" Sejah called out, slowly pacing sideways to be at least a bit of a moving target for Inu. Even if the jackel had grown in force powers since their last meeting, so had Sejah, so it would be an interesting match if Inu decided to try anything. Especially with Oriadin there as well.

Aug 30th, 2003, 07:48:06 PM
Inu rocks back, placing one hand to his head and blinking as the color of his eyes flicker.

He's right; you've not taken a single one of his lessons to heart.

He doesn't care, he doesn't need this guy's lessons and tricks! He'll prove it too, by tearing his head from his shoulders.

At the very least, remember that speed will assist you better than strength.

For once, the berserker heeds the civilized mind; the gathered Force power brings Inu's blade zinging towards Sejah's neck at a speed he could never muster on his own.

Sejah Haversh
Aug 30th, 2003, 08:04:55 PM
The way Inu moved his feet told Sejah what he was going to do next. Dropping to one knee, Sejah narrowly avoided the sword, and thrust his mop handle between Inu's legs. With a mighty twist, he swung his arms around and whipped the stave sideways, hoping to knock Inu's legs out from under him.

Aug 30th, 2003, 08:15:08 PM
Sejah is successful in this end; perhaps too much so. Inu completes a flip, landing unsteadily on his bare feet. The surprise of it rattles him; Sejah's still whole, and he has the advantage.

THINK! You may as well be waving a flag rather than swinging a sword!

An amber hue appears in Inu's irises as he takes a proper stance. The berserker is being driven out.

Sejah Haversh
Aug 30th, 2003, 08:25:24 PM
Spinning on his knee, Sejah boosted himself up to a stand, and held his mop handle out in front of himself to block any sudden attacks.

But when none came, he relaxed slightly. "Inu, come on, put the sword down. You don't need to do this," he tried to talk some sense into the jackel.

Sep 3rd, 2003, 07:05:38 PM
Inu shuffles a few paces forward, hesitant, considering how best to overcome Sejah. He remembers last time. Follow through, think ahead...

He steps forward quickly to deliver a diagonal strike, from Sejah's right shoulder to left hip.