View Full Version : Sober? What is this..."sober"...?

Jan 16th, 2003, 08:16:45 PM
Jhony sits at a back table, laid out across the top of it. There's little room, as the table is covered almost entirely with empty mugs. The servers are so busy bringing him drinks they haven't had time to clear the table.

"Eeeeey...burrraaap...Ah burped...EY! You!"

A confused passersby looks about, hoping Jhony means someone else.

"Yeah, you! Haf ya seen muh kidz?"

The poor person--Jhony can't distinguish the gender--shakes his (or her?) head and runs off.

"Mahn...no luck..."

Dae Jinn
Jan 16th, 2003, 08:27:13 PM
"Pfffft, I hate men who can't hold their liquor."

Dae Jinn said from her seat in the booth next to Jhony's table. A single glass and bottle sit on her table and she pours herself another as she watches the old drunk mutter to himself.

Jan 16th, 2003, 08:29:40 PM
"Ey! Ah'm holdin' it! Who you think ya are?"

He's indignant. He's not throwing up or anything, he's doing quite well this evening, thank you very much! Besides, that was beer, not liquor...

Dae Jinn
Jan 16th, 2003, 08:33:31 PM
"I think I'm a person who thinks men shouldn't be sloppy drunks.Now, get off that table and smarten up...." She took a drink, and smirked at him.

Jan 16th, 2003, 08:34:44 PM
"Ah dar ya ta come ofer here an' say it!"

Though he does sit up and glare from behind his shades.

"Young...young..." Dammit, what gender is this person? "Young'un!"

Dae Jinn
Jan 16th, 2003, 08:57:42 PM
Dae rose from her seat and stalked slowly over to the man. With a finger she gives him a shove back down on the table. "So, whatcha drinking for? To forget something?"

Jan 16th, 2003, 08:59:43 PM

He lets himself fall over on the table. Lying there is better than the effort to sit up. Less disorienting too.

"I ahready fergot...I fergot evurthang...four years ago..." he mumbles drunkenly, though his slur seems to be getting better.

Dae Jinn
Jan 16th, 2003, 09:07:11 PM
"Okay...Then why did you ask the other patrons if they had seen your kids?" She smirked a little, debating whether to lure this guy outside and slice him up..or listen to his sob story, then kill him.

Jan 16th, 2003, 09:12:16 PM
"B'cuz I'm lookin for 'em. You'd think a somone your age would be smart enough to figure it out...here..."

He pulls a torn picture from his pocket.

"Recognize 'em?"


Dae Jinn
Jan 16th, 2003, 09:16:25 PM
Dae took the picture and held it up in the light, squinting.
"Hmmmm, don't recognise the girl...but the kid looks like.....Zeke?"
She handed the photo back to him. "he looks like the Little Jedi.."

Jan 16th, 2003, 09:18:59 PM

She's got his full attention.

"Li'l Jedi?"

Dae Jinn
Jan 16th, 2003, 09:23:11 PM
"Yeah, Zeke, he's a Jedi here at GJO...D-uh."

She put a hand on her hip. "You could probably find him around here sometime. Or at GJO headquarters...whatever."

Jan 16th, 2003, 09:25:57 PM

He can't believe his ears. She knows where he is? And his name is...Zeke?


Sober...oh, if only he was sober...though the shock of her information is getting him there quick fast and in a hurry.

Dae Jinn
Jan 17th, 2003, 10:03:58 AM
"Here, on Coruscant. This is a JEDI bar, you know."

She sighed and shook her head. "Maybe you should sober up first, so you don't forget what I just told you."

Jan 17th, 2003, 10:31:36 AM

He shakes his head and takes her by the collar of her shirt.

"GJO! Let's go! Now!"

Adrenaline overdrive + drunken stupor= hyperactive somewhat demanding drunkard.

Dae Jinn
Jan 17th, 2003, 11:11:28 AM
Dae gave him another shove, sending him sprawling back on the table. She straightened her collar and smirked.

"Don't touch the clothes. If you want to go to GJO, go...I'm not your tour guide."

Jan 17th, 2003, 11:14:16 AM
"If I knew, I'd go. But I don't. I'm asking you to help."

Of course, he'd probably be better served finding someone less whore-like, but at the moment he's not presented with much choice.

"No need to be rude."

Dae Jinn
Jan 17th, 2003, 11:39:16 AM
"Then ask, don't demand..."
She grabbed her bottle from her table and headed for the door, taking her saber from the guards as she left. "Come on then."

Jan 17th, 2003, 11:41:54 AM

He feels better now, in a way.

"Sorry for ravin' at ya..."

He's so close! So close...

Dae Jinn
Jan 17th, 2003, 10:51:45 PM
"Meh, no worries, follow me."

They walked silently for a while, Dae leading him through the bustling streets of Coruscant. She stopped in front of several tall, beautiful buildings. She stopped, and shrugged at Jhony.

"He's should be in there, ask one of his fellow Jedis, they can help you."

Jan 17th, 2003, 11:00:00 PM
Jhony swallows and steps forward, breaking into a run halfway down the long walk to the entrance. His son is here! He'll finally find his son!