View Full Version : Push me, pull you (Janus Riddyl)

Jan 16th, 2003, 07:08:58 PM
Zeke's third Padawan is Janus Riddyl. He's also the last one he's taking until one of the three is promoted. Jamel and Lime both know telekinesis, so it's only fair that he teach Janus the skill as well.

Janus Riddyl
Jan 17th, 2003, 04:44:41 PM
Janus entered the area where his new Master was waiting for him. He bowed the best he could, mimicing others he had seen before. "I am prepared to start my training now."

Jan 17th, 2003, 05:00:07 PM
"Sweet. First you'll be learning telekinesis. It's a power I excel in above all others, even more so than the basic Force Boost, which you'll learn in a later lesson. But before you can learn to use Telekinesis, you must learn to tap into your own power over the Force. I find that the Force acts on emotion...which is why you'll hear the masters warning against being afraid or angry. The Light side acts on positive emotions, like happiness, calm...love, even. It can be hard to maintain these emotions, especially in the heat of battle, but it can be done. We'll begin by having you focus on a positive emotion. Find something that makes you feel happy, calm, or loved."

Janus Riddyl
Jan 18th, 2003, 09:51:36 AM
Janus repeated his masters words. "Happy...calm...loved." He thought of home, how he missed it. He thought of his family, his youngest brother learning to fly. He let a smile show through. Then he found it again, the Force. For longer than he could count he felt the Force inside of him and never knew what to do with it. Soon he would.

Jan 18th, 2003, 10:43:35 AM
Zeke rolls out a training dummy and puts it well out of Janus's reach.

"Now...once you've found the Force, use it to push this dummy."

Janus Riddyl
Jan 18th, 2003, 12:08:25 PM
Janus looked at the dummy for a moment. Closing his eyes he thought and found his center. He tried to apply it towards the dummy. He tried pushing the force inside of him at it. He opened his eyes and looked up and saw that the dummy hadn't moved.
He found his center and thought for a moment. If all things are part of the Force then perhaps if he reached out and found the dummy in the Force he could manipulate it.
He did as he thought and sure enough he found his surroundings in the Force. He knew where the dummy was in the Force and now he knew he could move it. He made a pushing movement with his center and directed it towards the dummy.
Now he opened his eyes to see if the dummy had moved. It had, it fell on its side. Janus now felt more confident in his abilities and asked his master, "How was that?"

Jan 18th, 2003, 12:16:14 PM

Zeke gestures and the dummy rights itself.

"Pull it."

Janus Riddyl
Jan 18th, 2003, 12:23:56 PM
Janus repeated under his breath "Pull it. Ok." He followed the steps he went through to push it. He reached out with his center and found the dummy again. This time he would give it a little more...Janus pulled hard with the Force.
He opened his eyes and saw dummy a meter closer to him.

Jan 18th, 2003, 12:35:37 PM
"Ok. Push it to the wall."

The far wall is a fair twenty feet from where the dummy stands. So far Janus has moved the dummy short distances. Zeke wants to see how he does at long distance.

Janus Riddyl
Jan 18th, 2003, 12:50:40 PM
"The wall." Janus looked the distance and fell into the Force. Finding the dummy he realized he had to push as hard as he could. He readied himself and then he pushed the best he could and he felt the dummy distance itself in the Force. He opened his eyes and saw the dummy slide half a meter from the wall.

Jan 18th, 2003, 12:53:54 PM
"Pull it to you, nose to nose."

This one isn't so much of an exercise in distance as precision. It's a test of Janus's ability to stop his own power.

Janus Riddyl
Jan 18th, 2003, 01:06:28 PM
Janus knew that he could easily hurt himself doing this, but no pain no gain. He grabbed the dummy with the Force and instead of giving it a single push or pull he thought that for this exercise maybe it was best if he used a consistant gentle pull. He tugged on the dummy but it wasn't enough. He pulled harded and the dummy stood upright. Now he pulled it slowly towards him. Is it grew closer it slowly sped up. Now Janus could feel the dummy closer and if he didn't stop it it would run into him. He pushed with the Force to slow the dummy and it came to a halt just as its artificial nose touched his.

Jan 18th, 2003, 01:12:44 PM
"Not bad...you seem to have a thing for telekinetics. Lift the dummy. As high as you can."

Janus Riddyl
Jan 18th, 2003, 01:25:39 PM
Janus stepped away from the dummy. Moving it back and forth is usually the limits to a normal species movement, but Janus had wings. Up was like walking to him. He was used to fighting gravity. He held the dummy with the force and lifted it a little off the ground. he used the same technique he used to constantly move the dummy before and applied it to elevating it. The dummy moved up slowly, but it began to sink as Janus could feel gravity holding on to the dummy. Janus struggled to lift the dummy higher as its decent slowed and stopped. It was moving up again until it slowed and stopped. Janus tried to push it higher, but he couldn't get it to move anymore.
Now he opened his eyes and saw the dummy in the air. His concentration broke and the dummy plumeted to the ground.

Jan 18th, 2003, 01:34:31 PM
"Not at all bad. Not at all..."

Zeke is tempted to let him try up and a direction, but considering he hasn't given that opportunity to Jamel or Lime, it would be unfair to let Janus go that far. Instead, an idea occurs to him.

"Janus, this session is ended. I would like if you could find your senior padawans, Jamel and Lime, and together with them practice your telekinesis. It doesn't have to be now, it can be later, after you've all finished your basics training. For now, this lesson is over. You did well."

Janus Riddyl
Jan 19th, 2003, 01:27:15 PM
"Thank you master." With that said, Janus left to go relax his tired mind.