View Full Version : Making Weapons

Jan 16th, 2003, 04:10:09 PM
Nomak Entered his living quarters with materials in order to make himself weapons. He places his exsisting weapons on a huge table and then begins to study them on how he can improve them.

Jan 16th, 2003, 04:20:08 PM
After thinking for a while he decides to upgrade some of his weapon by making them beam compatible. Having been experienced in crafting weapons because of his history as a bounty hunter. Nomak Knew what he needed to change. But the only thing he did not know was how to install the beams.

Jan 16th, 2003, 04:28:53 PM
Nomak then went in search of blue prints and essembling manuals. Arriving at the junk shop around the corner Nomak bought the manuals and parts required for the weapons and returned home

Jan 16th, 2003, 04:38:21 PM
Once arrived Home Nomak Searched through the booklets and found out how to make his weapons beam compatible. He grabbed his first weapon. His double edged Spear. He dismantled the spear and then molded the crystal to a perfect fit in the spear. Once the essembling was fixed he remanteled the spear and turned it on. The beam on one side open and the second side did not work. Nomak looked at the spear confused. Knowing he did everything that he was supposed to. He then Began to shake the spear and see if something was lose. after the third time he shook the spear the complete spear lit up and nearly cut his face off. lucky his mask was on and it only scratched the mask. Nomak Turned off the spear and took off his mask to see how damaged it was.

Jan 16th, 2003, 04:48:01 PM
Now that Nomak Completed his first weapon he began testing it on steel pipes . He cut the pipes with ease. He felt a great sense of power holding the Double edged spear. Once Nomak had finished the spear . He took his mask and Began to repair the mask.

Jan 16th, 2003, 04:50:21 PM
Hours after the mask was repaired Nomak walked up to the table and glanced at the remaning weapons. He noticed His indistructable Light weight peircing dart. He picked it up and thought he could not upgrade that so he put it away in his weapon Rack. He turned back to the table and Noticed His Disk. He though it would be big enough to add a beam onto it so he took the disk and began working on it

Jan 16th, 2003, 04:58:34 PM
After Hours of fixing the small weapon. He clenched it in his hand moving it around. He turn it on and saw that it worked. Nomak was happy that he was able to build the weapons in such great time. The only problem was he found the disk to heavy for his taste , so he began fixing to make it lighter.

Jan 16th, 2003, 05:01:22 PM
Once happy with the weight , Nomak added the weapon to his rack. Left on the table was his beam cannon, Arm computer , oxygen pack, armour,healing kit , His plexy steal net and other gagets.

Jan 16th, 2003, 05:03:14 PM
Once he put those item back onto his rack he realized that he had a built in claw on his arm gaurd. He thought that maybe he can build the blade so that he can charge it with enough energy creating a Light Claw. Able to cut threw anything. With His new plan in mind he took a peice of paper and began to sketch and plan his new weapon

Jan 16th, 2003, 05:04:47 PM
After Hours of Sketching , He stopped and took a rest.

Jan 16th, 2003, 05:05:11 PM
The next day he went back to sketching

Jan 16th, 2003, 05:05:49 PM
Now one third done his sketch he began to pick up pace and calculate more quickly

Jan 16th, 2003, 05:09:02 PM
two thirds done Nomak Now clings onto his hope that the project might acutually work.

Jan 16th, 2003, 05:10:20 PM
The Prints are now completed and Nomak has only to work it out onto his claw.

Jan 16th, 2003, 05:12:11 PM
After taking the claw apart and looking at the mechanics of it, he realized he would have to create a new ciruit able to with stand the enourmous pressure that the crystal gives off. So He began working on that

Jan 16th, 2003, 05:15:07 PM
Now that the ciruit was complete he gathered the parts of the claw and began to put it together peice by peice. Half way threw Nomak ran into a problem. The claw would not slide in and out because of the new circuit. So he expanded the box and continued. Now that the claw Came out and it and was properly secured Nomak Closed the Claw Box attached to his arm and was about to turn in on when he rember how close he almost killed himself when he built the spear. So he went out to buy a test droid

Jan 16th, 2003, 05:19:04 PM
After returning home with the new droid Nomak programed it to use the claw. Once Nomak hid behind the wall he gaze the droid the voice command to activate the claw. Once the droid activated the claw . It began to work until the claw turned Red and over heated Blowing the Ciruit. Nomaks hopes dropped as he watched what had happened. He then Took the claw and the blue prints and began studying them on why it went wrong

Jan 16th, 2003, 05:20:11 PM
After studying over and over he realized he was going to have to rebuild the circuit with more power because he under estimated the power of the crystal.

Jan 16th, 2003, 05:23:26 PM
Now Done recreating the circuit Nomak , Tried it again. And again the ciruit blew. Nomak Had no idea what to do now on how to fix the circuit. He couldn't find a material Strong enough to wistand the Energy ,that the crystal was outputting

Jan 16th, 2003, 05:50:03 PM
After Testing over 30 circuits and different materials Nomak was fed up. So he left his quarters and went to the bar. Hours after he returned drunk . He looked at the claw on the table dazed. He got up and started walking slanting left and right. Once he reached the Table he looked at the claw and saw the claw turn into 4 different claws . He tried to focus on one claw , but as he focused more he only got a headache. He went to lie down in his bed . When he noticed the ceiling was made of a funny material he never noticed before. He got up and stumbled to the floor still feeling the effects of the alcohol. He looked around and tried to grab something to get up on to his feet and after a extending his hand and waving around to find something to clench on he managed to grab onto the furnace pipe that went threw his room.He pulled himself up to his feet and sat down on the a chair looking around the room. Nomak looked around and then fell to the floor passing out . When he re-awoke he had a huge headache . He got up and walked to the wash room and took a pill to ease the pain. Nomak then walked back to his bedroom and looked at the ceiling . He went to the wall and stuck his hands into the wall and started climbing the wall. when he reached the ceiling he tried peircing it to take a peice of but the ceiling was a made of a wierd kind of steal that was inpercable with his hand. So he jumped down and got his double edge spear and turn one side on and climbed the wall again and this time cut off a square from the ceiling and took it to his computer to anazlyse it . the computer told him it was made of many different materials. So he tought he 'd try it in his claw since he had nothing else to loose. So he went to the table and replace th steal with the material fromt he ceiling. He fixed the circuit and then put it in the claw and put it on the droid. and then he turned it on and and watched in amazement that that the claw was withstanding for over 2 min which was the longest time it ever withstood before. He let the claw run and it lasted over 30 min . He turned the droid off and took the claw. He opened it to analyze for any kind of damage and to his surprise there was none and the claw was not even hot. The weight was lighter because of the new material from the ceiling. He tried it on and it fit perfectly. Exstatic that his creation was compltete and functioning. Nomak went out to celebrate at the bar