View Full Version : Drinking Angels and everything else up yours! (open challenge to a darksider)

Dios Kane
Jan 16th, 2003, 03:15:24 PM
:: I straightened my white gloves and pulled them down on my wrists. I looked up at the moving night sky of Coruscant and smiled, my sunglasses' HUD showing me everything I wouldn't need for the moment of looking upwards. I made sure the edges were fixed in place and then ran a hand through my hair before reaching for my flask. I drew it out and downed a flask of the hot liquid before placing it back. I looked down and out the window before tapping the cab driver on the shoulder. He turned his head barely to me and I handed over more credts than the guy deserved. He smiled as he was about to pull over to let me off.
I closed my eyes and focused for a moment. I had been training force sensing a lot before I left and I hoped that the tracker I had working would be good enough adding my own abilities. I opened the cab door and fell out, the cab driver calling out in some language I couldn't hear anymore. I dived into the cold night air and with a slow turning of my own centrifugal force, I was prepared for landing. With a thud and a shattering power, I landed onthe balcony I had hoped to be on. I stood up and brushed my self off, stepping out of the indention I had made. Ow.
I touched a sensor on my glasses and the tracer became suddely apparent. The darksider I'd been tracng was just now stepping inside their room, I cold easily get there as it was opened b a balcony some meters down, but I could see the tracer through th wall, giving me an outline of my prey.::

Vega Van-Derveld
Jan 17th, 2003, 07:21:42 AM
With the Jedi creeping down towards the open French-windows, the Darksider he was chasing could be sensed just within the confines of the apartment. From Dios point of view, the figure was straight ahead and off to the left slightly.

Unfortunately, what Dios was unable to see was his critical error in stalking this particular Darksider. As he descended onto the balcony that would lead to his prey, his quarry stepped into the open and became visible. Between this happening and a sudden pressure clamping on Dios throat there was barely a second, as the Jedi was raised into the air by a powerful Force grip…

“… Sod off.”

… that loosened a second later, throwing the Jedi backwards, tumbling over the balcony’s edge.

Dios Kane
Jan 17th, 2003, 03:10:22 PM
:: I fell off the edge with a few curses. This wasn't going to be the end, the sith knew that. The buildings were symetrical so if al I had to do was step forward meant landing where my prey had been, a step back meant- ... Ow.
I rolled over on my side. The fall was incredibly painful landing on my back but I guess I could deal with it. I pushed myself up and smiled, fixing my glasses as I stood, well,staggering for the moment. I stared across the gap at the Sith in front of me. I knew this guy... I'd seen him before and there had been a dukedom of a fight when I had been a padawan. This was a bit different.::

Howdy do Vega? Been a while hasn't it?

:: Using the force to enhance my speed, I moved closer to the wall with my mag pistol leveled at him. I fingered off my ring with ease and tossed it over to Vega.::

I found that, is it yours? Just catch it please, I don't want to ruin the balcony with your brains across it.

Vega Van-Derveld
Jan 17th, 2003, 03:26:09 PM
“Been a while?” Vega sneered, one eyebrow rising. Whoever this person was, they presumed that Vega recalled them – he was a shallow man with a short memory span, especially for the faces of those he aimed to kill.

The ring span through the air towards the Dark Jedi, who raised a hand to catch it, whilst wondering if this man was truly suicidal to allow him to do such a thing. He’d never seen the ring before in his life, but one thing that did make him grin was being able to gesture his hand upwards. This simple movement of his hand sent out another wave of energy, knocking Dios aim off balance and causing the barrel of the gun to be jerked upwards, pointed at the sky. As Dios looked up at his upturned weapon, a crackling snap-hiss reverberated from in front of him, as a yellow glow was cast across the area.

A dull pulsing hum mixed with a low growling laugh.

Dios Kane
Jan 17th, 2003, 03:53:23 PM
:: I laughed as I looked back at Vega. He really wasn't that smart of a sith. The whole garou thing must affect him some way. In fact that was one thing I had remembered about the Van Dervelds, their streak of garous and their strengths and weaknesses. But he had taken the ring. That was all I needed. I had given him what I had felt like was the right thing to do and it was done. I leveled my gun at him as I backed up to far ledge of the balcny, away from him. I pulled out a small whistle and smiled.::

I figured something out a while ago about dogs and other canines such as yourself, they hear high frequency noises and sometimes it can be quite painful. And hold onto that ring for me will ya, it actually belonged to another Van Derveld at one time, I just happened to find that on their carcass and I guess family should get what is theirs.

:: I blew sharply on the whistle and fired off three magneticaly propelled rounds. They traveled so quickly that their momentum could've blown a speeder in two, no to mention the tension and strength t took to show no sign of backlash from the pistol.::

Silus Xilarian
Jan 17th, 2003, 04:11:49 PM
It wasnt everyday that you came back to your hotel room to find a brawl. This was Coruscant though, and experience had taught Silus that anything could happen on the Scintilllant Planet. Even weirder though, Silus knew both these men. He had a minor altercation with the Jedi, Dios Kane, awhile back. Van Derveld though, that was a story that really didnt need to be brought up.

From the looks of things, Vega had decided to pay Silus a visit and Dios had sensed he was up to something, and tried to stop him. Either way, there was a fight going on and Silus needed to join in. This was his room, after all....

"Well Well Well, looks like you two are having a bit too much fun in here, and I must be flipping the bill for it....."

A sharp grin crossed Silus' face as Vega glanced back toward him....

"Vega, let me guess, Im just the man you wanted to see, right?"

Silus reached behind his back and removed his lightsabers. Two red blades ignited in unison....

"Dont tell me the pup's bit off more than he can chew..."

Vega Van-Derveld
Jan 17th, 2003, 04:20:52 PM
The sound of the whistle apparently caused Vega to tumble sideways, moving him clean out of the path of the shots raining down on him. Not so quickly as to allow one to just about catch his shoulder, however, making the Lupine wince. As he fell, he rolled onto his back, swinging Seraphim up and around into a guard over his body.

“Silus, what a pleasant surprise.”

He grinned from the floor, looking back and forth between the two before springing up to his feet, ‘recovering’ from the shock of the high frequency.

Dios Kane
Jan 17th, 2003, 04:48:18 PM
:: Two in one deal? Sweet. This just got better and better.::

Welcome Silus, I'm sure I can find money on your head too, not to mention your association with Vega here. That is, if you decide to help him from me either taking him to some nice pound or just wiping him along the streets several hundred feet below. I don't want to ruin your balcony and I'd rather not deal with you right now. You were quite nice to my wife if I can remember but I don't have the time either.

:: My gun was slung back into its holster and I drew my lightsaber, the orange light mixing and shadowing Vega's yellow and Silus' two red. I was surprised that he could wield two though, I could only wield short sabers with both hands but I knew we were all gifted to our own extents. I took the whistle and quickly placed that in my jacket, retrieveing a similar ring to the one I'd given Vega and tossing it to Silus. Plus I still had an edge... ::

That belongs to Wargrave I think, return it to him please, I found that on Fiend.

Silus Xilarian
Jan 17th, 2003, 05:36:35 PM
He almost laughed at Dios' words...

"Me? Help Vega? HA!....You must have something mighty strong in that little flask of yours...."

Contrary from what Dios may have been expecting, Silus moved over slightly, putting Vega in between himself and Dios, rather than positioning himself to protect Vega....

Dios tossed "Wargrave's" ring toward's Silus. Rather than drop his weapons to catch the ring, Silus stepped to the left and watched as the ring flew by him and rolled away into the corner. He smirked slightly and looked back over to Dios...

"Seems the mutt has been pissing in a few corners that didnt belong to him. Theres a hefty reward for him back on Balmorra. Might be worth your time. Im sure a few thousand credits would be enough to take Maia somewhere nice, dont you think?

Silus kept his stance wide, with his left side angled toward Vega slightly. His left saber was held backward in his hand, almost hidden behind his left arm. His right saber was held lazily at his side, as a strike defense position would look daft when know one was close enough to strike...

Vega Van-Derveld
Jan 18th, 2003, 08:08:49 AM
Seraphim wavered back and forth, as Vega considered his options. Of the two, he knew more of Silus; therefore he assumed he was the stronger. Quickly, and as subtly as he could, Vega cast the ring he had been thrown off the edge of the balcony down into the endless drop below.

“Well if you two are finished your little reunion, I’d like to get on with killing you both. How about I start with you?” he said, swinging the yellow blade out sideways in a horizontal strike at Dios.

Dios Kane
Jan 22nd, 2003, 03:28:23 PM
:: This guy was joking right. Last time I had met him, he had been an all powerful master of the darkside, melting my bullets and throwing us across the field but it just seemed diferent now. And if Silus was going to help me in ayway, I don't think I needed it but he helped me enough just by tossing the ring into a corner.
I stepped forward, my mind clean and absorbed with the void, the force and the small song of dancing swords were the only things that were found at the center of the void. But a smile crossed my face as my orange blade came up; the force, the lightside that I could control was pure love, love for life and for Maia, and my death meant pain to Maia, it would not happen.
I took another step and my saber came up to meet the horizontal slash with a calm ease. But as I took a step I barely whispered two words.::

Night fall...

:: The two words that registered with only my voice were the trigger to so many things at once. The piecing of it all together was like watching prophecy come to fruition. The words hit the two wires inside my jacket and the confirmation as present on my glasses. The frames on my glasses wrapped about my ear and inserted into my inner ear, blocking out all noise as the rest of it began. The ring, an idea from a long dead friend, Crono Katon, was actvated an the immense yet small radius shockwave exploded from the ring, sounds reaching impossible pitchs low and high, that would stun everyone who hadn't taken the precautions, such as me, my smile stayed as I watched the sound travel in my glasses.::

Silus Xilarian
Jan 25th, 2003, 02:53:05 PM
Silus went down to one knee from the blast. It made his head spin to the point that his vision was even blurry. As soon as it was over, he got back to his feet, staggering slightly. He could see Dios, who was standing just as comfortably as could be...

"You know, a little warning would have helped, partner"

Silus shook his head, trying to clear away some of the cobwebs...

Dios Kane
Jan 25th, 2003, 03:10:14 PM
:: I casually tossed a pair of sunglasses that I usually kept for Maia, they gave her protection from minor things, mostly my own devices but he could use them i guess.::

So it is partner? I would hope so. Take em, and use em too, cuz I got a lot more where that came from. Be glad you weren't still holding it.

:: My focus shifted instantly from him back to Vega. What was next?::

Vega Van-Derveld
Jan 26th, 2003, 04:37:19 AM
A high whine came into Vega’s ears, followed by a sudden massing of pressure around his body. It knocked him backwards against the wall of the apartment and pinned him there for a moment as he tried to shake off a split-second feeling of nausea. His pupils shifted from thin slits to large black spots and back again as his eyes regained focus on what was going on around him, briefly flitting to Silus.

What was next?

A grin appeared on Vega’s lips. So long as Dios kept these small infuriating attacks coming, eventually the Lupine would have enough power to pull off a devastating attack. In the mean time, he might as well have a little fun.

“Sunglasses… on a Jedi. How cliché.”

A blur of crimson, Vega moved forwards and did a text-book fencing lunge straight at Dios collar bone, driving the yellow beam of Seraphim with Force-enhanced power.

Silus Xilarian
Jan 26th, 2003, 09:20:58 PM
Silus' head was still spinning slighty from the earlier blast, so he decided to play it safe for now. He drew back his left saber and clipped it behind his back. As Vega lunged forward at Dios, Silus came forward with a downward diagonal strike. Chances were Vega would block it, but it would allow Silus to maintain a solid defense.

Right now it was best to be safe...

Dios Kane
Jan 26th, 2003, 10:39:40 PM
:: I snarled in cold determintation as the attack came at me, falling back in one stride and my saber coming around in a ful arc to deflect the saber. I saw Silus move forward and attack while Vega came at me with his sickly colored yellow lightsaber. My own desert orange flashed before me as it came to meet his saber, unless he decided to deflect Silus. Then I'd just twist my wrist and stab at the lupine.::

A dog with a human's face... how cliche.

Vega Van-Derveld
Jan 31st, 2003, 01:03:25 PM
The first shot from Silus was temporary ignored as Dios swipe was deflected on the rebound from Vega’s original attack. His saber was repelled from the momentum of the two blades meeting and hooked back down against Silus’. To minimize the chance of any damage from the Jedi Vega rose his free hand and delivered a small Force push to knock the oncoming offensive to the side as Vega himself shifted himself a few paces backwards.

“All the better to scare unsuspecting Jedi with.”

Dios Kane
Jan 31st, 2003, 05:47:27 PM
Te only hng you'd scare is my bunny slippers Vega. Don't waste my tie, I might be nice enough to make sure they don't put you in a high voltage dog fence. But that's alright, that's only if Sius and I don' skewer you inside out.

:: I slowly stepped forward as I watched vega move farther away from us. He was cornering himself. Moving closer to the edge, yeah, he was smart. I shifted my hand and another ring apeared between my fingers.::

This might as well be a collar, don't try anything and I might not pulling out the leash.

:: My gaze went to Silus, from beneath the sunglasses but I knew he could see me looking at him.::

Just how well are you with those lightsabers?

:: I didn't entirely trust him, well, not at ala, but it was a coin toss, he turned or he didn't. But that was gambling.::

Jana Silthron
Jan 31st, 2003, 08:23:54 PM
They all heard an odd sound at the window. Looking over, they saw a upper teen looking girl standing there, watching them. A small smirk went across her face.

"Two on one isnt exactly the best odds. Then again, the odds might go towards the one rather then the two."

She came out of the window and they saw her three wings comeing from her back. She slowly reached down and grabbed her saber. She activated the blood red blade and watched the three of them, waiting for a time that seemed her help might be needed form this lone darksider.

Silus Xilarian
Feb 1st, 2003, 06:54:49 PM
"Good enough"

Silus replied to Dios, who was now holding up another one of those rings. He then smirked as another person broke into his room.

Silus looked back slightly, still keeping Vega and Dios on his peripheral...

"Who are you and what the hell are you doing in my room....."

He should have asked the question earlier, but hey, you dont think about stuff like that sometimes. It seemed to that this one was intent on getting into this fight, and odds were, she was goin to be coming after myself and Dios.

Vega Van-Derveld
Feb 2nd, 2003, 04:24:28 AM
“Just how many of those to you have to hide behind, Dios? Only cowards fall behind tricks and gadgetry to do their work for them.”

Vega spread his arms wide as his shoulders began to rise and fall with laughter.

“Throw your little rings at me Dios, destroy me with jewellery, smite me and accessorize all in one.”

Bringing Seraphim up to its vertical guard, the Lupine didn’t give a second thought to the new arrival. He had all the insurance he needed in this fight, even if seeing another person beating down the Jedi would have been entertaining.

Dios Kane
Feb 2nd, 2003, 03:13:42 PM
:: I didn't even pay attention to the girl. I'd seen her in the B&G before, I'd sensed her signature, no, she was not a bother. But I laughed out loud myself as I heard Vega's words.::

It has nothing to do with how I get rid of you Vega, just that I do it, I could have a whole bag of rings for all you care. But either way, you might not leave her in one piece, if I get you or not.
Silus, I didn't think you were one to keep little girls for your own pleasure.

:: I smiled jokingly as I slid on one knee and slashed from down to up at Vega. The dog whistle slipped back into my mouth and I blew into it as I slashed.::

Vega Van-Derveld
Feb 11th, 2003, 11:44:22 AM
Seraphim came down almost lazily to meet the oncoming saber, as Vega faked a momentary wince at the sound of the whistle before a laugh convulsed from his throat.

“Don’t you see, you imbecile! That little whistle of yours does nothing! Whatever you believe you have learned about my kind is insignificant when met with the power of the Force.”

As his words passed his lips Vega drove Dios backwards with a Force push, following it by planting his foot against the Jedi’s chest to knock the wind clean out of him.

Dios Kane
Feb 11th, 2003, 04:32:17 PM
:: I breathed out with a large sigh as the foot came down but that was enough, I couldn't put myself in such an open place for either of the people present, I couldn't trust any to show me mercy for getting into this place but the fact that the whistle didn't work on his ears was stunning enough. Hadn't it before?
I wasn't going to worry about that though, I had enough toys to play with that Vega would never get this close again.
The ring in my fingers opened like a hand cuff and then expanded with a slight hissing noise as it extended to a large enough size to wrap about a leg or arm. I spit the whistle out and as I slammed the ring onto Vega's leg the ring slid shut and then fastened down firmly, small thorns piercing the cloth of Vega's pants.::

I don't need to know any more than that you all can char like a chicken like the rest of us! Night Fall!

:: The ring activated and volts spewed from the ring and into Vega's body. This had enough juice in its mini reactor to knock a bantha out twice and then a few tusken raiders if I pleased. Maybe I didn't know enough about the dog people but I did know that the boot was gonna crush me if the he didn't get off!::

Silus Xilarian
Feb 16th, 2003, 09:04:52 PM
In a twirl of red, Silus came around, both metal blades en route towards Vega. The first blade singed the ring on Vega's leg, the second severed it completely, burning though the clothe of Vega's pant leg. the cut was precise however, as it barely left a red mark on Vega's skin. As the turning slice was completed, it brought Silus facing Dios, both red blades staring at the lightsider menacingly.

With this though, Silus had done something that he normally wouldnt do, which was turn his back toward Van Derveld.

It was true that Vega was here for Silus, as the Dark Jedi had invited the lupine for conversation on future plans. It wasnt true that Vega was wanted on Balmorra. No one could be honest all the time, no matter how hard they tried.

Now Silus had ended up investing real trust in Van Derveld, in order to defend his ally from Dios.

With both blades pointed toward the grounded lightsider, Silus spoke.

"Leave, you've overstayed your welcome...."

Dios Kane
Feb 17th, 2003, 04:40:32 PM
:: Vega, obviously off me now, was no longer my biggest worry. It had been a coin toss, this time the coin was on it's edge. I had either trusted him or not, first mistake I guess, but that's alright. I had never been welcomed so it didn't matter either way.
With both points of the red sabers pointed at my face, I took one hand to my belt as the other slowly pushed my up and away from the two. What a sticky situation I was in now, two darksiders who could very well kill me and one girl who was too stupid to do anything else but stand there.
My arsenal of weapons was clicked down and fastened to my clothing and the device I was about to activate would do some serious damage since I had tiny amounts of iron in my body but it was either that or die, I don't think Vega would just let me walk after what little I had gotten to do. Silus might've stopped it but that ring worked faster than he did.
I clicked a button on my belt and the magnetic field was emitted, knocking metal away from me in a range of 2 meters. Silus's sabers would be blasted away at this distance and I could feel all my weapons lift suddenly and then push away from my body, I could also feel my blood moving away, I got a little light headed but I didn't care right now. I pushed myself back to the wall and deactivated the field. My breathing slowed and I smirked lightly at Vega and Silus.::

I knew there wasn't any honor in you man, no point to prove it like that.

Silus Xilarian
Feb 18th, 2003, 06:12:32 PM
The push was hard enough to knock the saber out of Silus' left hand. His right hand however, that was a different matter entirely. Instead of the saber being pushed out of his hand, it was pushed with his hand. This jerked him back slightly into the wall not too far away.

Though he had one saber in his hand at that moment, Silus didnt make a move to attack, instead he called his other saber to his hand then tucked it away behind his back.

He now stood, a smile crossing his face. For the next few moments he stood, watching Dios with an unsettling smile. It was then that Dios heard the footsteps coming toward him from the side, and Silus spoke.

"Surprise Suprise"

Maester Wargrave
Feb 18th, 2003, 06:13:59 PM
Wargrave stood, his blue eyes glowing as he looked right at Dios.

HIs blue-red saber was ignited and swinging at Dios' head.

"Good evening."

Dios Kane
Feb 20th, 2003, 11:49:35 AM
:: My saber came up backhanded to block the cold attack, recognizing the voice of its owner sent shivers down my spine, Wargrave. This night was only getting better and better. I deflected the attack with effort and ducked, rolling so that I came up imbetween the three. Well...::

Good morning Wargrave, how's it been? I'm sure you were just trying to make sure I was on my toes of course. And Silus that was quite a surprise I must say, thank you for the verbal acknowledgement of his arrival. But what should we do now? Dance maybe? Yes, I think a dance is in good order. Any of you ever heard of the tune "March of the Damned?"

:: I flicked my wrist and then held my saber in both hands, I was still a bit wary of the mag field but I figured I could last a bit longer. Was there really an escape here, sure suicide, but duty was heavier than a mountain and death was lighter than a feather, yet we live on. I assumed the stance to begin the March of the Damned, very similar to a more impractical form March of Death. I smirked slightly at the thought and then went impassive, sword styles was not the topic right now.::