View Full Version : What do you guys think about this?

Jan 16th, 2003, 08:34:44 AM

I think it's really funny and mostly true. Mainstream news can be incredibly useless and boring sometimes. Local news is even worse, though. You have to hear about a missing dog, Fido, for like 5 minutes and the history of the dog and what it meant to its owners, then they spend 60 seconds on starving people in some foreign country, a brutal dictator executing his citizens, and a giant war breaking out in Africa. :)

Jan 16th, 2003, 09:57:18 AM
Have you seen that guys main site? He's brutal, but he makes some decent points about CNN.

Jan 16th, 2003, 12:46:47 PM
JMK thinks his article on judging children's art is cruel, I think it's brutal, yet funny. Except if he were judging my kid's art. Then he'd HAVE to give them an A!

Hector Diens
Jan 16th, 2003, 01:42:13 PM
I have been reading him for years.

Darth Viscera
Jan 16th, 2003, 02:25:33 PM
I hate CNN. Heck, I should know that it sucks-I've been watching the news passively for like 12 hours a day since September 11th. It's Time Warner bullcrap.

I find that in order to circumvent the liberal/democrat/thieving-movie-star bullcrap, I can just tune in to Fox News Live. FNL rules. It's like 24-hour Live coverage on everything Iraq. Instead of getting to hear from Billy Yank in Wisconsin about how he doesn't want war because his occupation is flag burning and he doesn't want the evil American Satan to corrupt the land of joy and freedom and holiness (Iraq) and its valorous holy warrior leader (Saddam), we get to hear from Abdullah Jihid, an Iraqi who risked his neck to desert Saddam's army and make his way to the Turkish border and has a strong inclination to go back and kick some Baath party behind. Fox News Live has the courage to give Sean Penn a knuckle sandwich, call him a few names, shake him around a bit, slap him a few times, then ask him why the hell he expected to find the truth in Iraq.

One thing that redeems CNN slightly is their close partnership with all the SKY stations in Britain. As soon as something extroardinary happens in Britain, like the Ricin situation or Prince Albert getting his head stuck in a toilet or Paul McCartney getting married, CNN is the first to hear about it. Jeez, you Brits need some more exciting domestic news. But then, so do we. Touche!

When I want something exotic, I tune to NWI (Newsworld International). It's a Canadian station which gives you every type of news you can imagine, even state-run news from the People's Republic of China, which is interesting to watch, because it's very bland and lacking in color, because the only countries smart enough to switch to the NTSC TV system (as opposed to PAL) are the U.S.A. and Japan. Not you, Britain, your SKY Digital images are crystal clear and ultra-colorful.

BTW, Canadian news anchors are ugly as sin.

And yes, I agree, CNN sucks.

Jedi Master Carr
Jan 16th, 2003, 03:48:41 PM
Fox isn't any better its pure tabloid crap Bill O'Reilly was a tabloid journalist before he made the move and so is half the anchories, and they cover the Ryder case just as much as CNN, heck they were cover with some of these tabloid stories (Chandra Levy anyone) really all the major news is entertainment crap, they are trying to grab ratings that is why I get my news either from a newspaper or the internet.

Diego Van Derveld
Jan 16th, 2003, 06:54:10 PM
I agree with the sentiments about Fox News. They are WAY too hung up on catch phrases, and it kinda cheapens the news they report.

Jan 16th, 2003, 07:03:15 PM
Interesting discussion and opinions. I personally enjoy Fox more than I like the other stations and I really like O'Reilly. Is he sometimes really weird or radical about some issues, or even rude? Sure, he is, and I've seen him be a total @$$ about some things, but overall I find that he asks the tough questions and tries to get to the bottom of many issues. I like him...

I'm a hypocrite for posting that article in some respects because I will admit I check CNN.com probably 2-3 times a day. I'm kind of a news junkie in that sense. I just like to know what happens every day, not necessarily even reading the articles, but I must visit and read the headlines and I almost always click on 2-3 articles per day I'd say. I totally understand the criticism of CNN and I even agree with it, but I do not mind using CNN.com for my news source because it does give me a basic idea of what's going on. I try to ignore the more idiotic headlines that I see, though.

My ESPN and CNN bookmarks appear right next to each other, lol. I visit both almost religiously. It always amazes me for some reason when people don't know what's going on in the world around them or even when guys who claim to be into sports don't know what happened to whatever team the day before. I ALWAYS must check at the end of the night to see who won, who lost, what everyone thinks about it, haha, all that.

Jan 16th, 2003, 07:05:57 PM
I like CNN alot, but I actually prefer MSNBC. Fox News is garbage.

Jan 16th, 2003, 07:09:58 PM
I like Fox News... not sure what you think is so bad about it. I do feel it is more unbiased than CNN, which leans liberal quite a bit, IMO.

Jedi Master Carr
Jan 16th, 2003, 07:10:27 PM
I agree with you CMJ, and it isn't that Fox is conservative or anything personally I don't think they are that conservative they show more trash than any other news network.

Jan 16th, 2003, 07:13:13 PM
I find Fox News FAR more conservative than CNN is liberal.

I'm a moderate independent, and I think MSNBC is the best. ;)

Jan 16th, 2003, 07:25:46 PM
I'm a libertarian, so you couldn't get too conservative for me pretty much. I don't agree with the Republican party on many issues, because that's the nature of being libertarian, though I'm a registered Republican and likely will remain so for a while. I am struggling with that issue though.

I personally don't find the solutions I feel are right in either of the two main parties. I definitely lean libertarian because I want absolutely no government control of most things and I want the private sector handling it all. We, the people, do a better job than them, the government, could ever hope to do. This has been proved time and again through communism and other ruined societies where the people relied on corrupt governments....

Darth Viscera
Jan 16th, 2003, 07:50:03 PM
Don't forget that Taiwan, a nation of about 30 million people, makes fully a quarter of the GNP of the People's Republic of China, which has 1.2 billion people. All it takes is a little capitalism ;)

I really don't care if Bill O'Reilly is the former Fecal Matter Senior Production Engineer, he asks the tough questions. FNL does not seem cheap to me. It's FAR more serious than CNN's breaking news about how a tiger escaped from the L.A. zoo or whatever, which occupied AN ENTIRE NEWS DAY back in November. The tiger was just sitting in a backyard for more than ten hours, and this was breaking news?!??

Bottom line, FNL is interesting. CNN is mostly uninteresting. IMO.

Jedi Master Carr
Jan 16th, 2003, 08:00:55 PM
I have seen the same kind of stories on Fox, really they are the same I just don't like the way Fox does there stuff especially those morning guys they have nothing good to say about democrats being a moderate I don't like that kind of animosity.

Jan 16th, 2003, 08:33:18 PM
You guys are bitching about tigers and stuff? Sometimes I get a half hour on how some lame old bag got ripped off by the local shoe outlet. I'd kill for a tiger to escape here. And eat the person who assigns people to cover old people getting scammed.

Jan 16th, 2003, 11:23:23 PM
Actually I don't like any of the US News Networks. I for one try to watch the Spanish Networks (Televisión Española) or BBC News Channel. I like them a lot. They cover everything that CNN/FOX/MSNBC, except for most of the celebrity crap or the local news, but they also add the rest of the world. For example, none of the major US networks has an extensive coverage on the Venezuelan crisis, which has huge repercutions on the US. Nor do they cover the recent election of Lula da Silva in Brazil, or the problems in Spain with ETA, etc. When I watch any of these networks I get informed on all these issues, and those of the country from where they come from. I do like CNN en español, because it covers all of L. America, and most of my financial news I get from CNN.

To the three networks in the US the only important issues are War, Iraq, Showdown with Saddam and retired Generals yapping where to bomb, and saying they would not mind a single bit establishing a military govmnt on Iraq and staying there forever. Though I must admit, there is US news program that I do not miss, Daily Show, friggin hillarious!:rollin