View Full Version : Manifesto (Zeke-Finished)

Jamel Croko'yn
Jan 15th, 2003, 11:05:50 PM
The world's sky was stroked with a brush of saddness, storming in the Eastern Sector of the Coruscant's Main City. The sky stared down on the Jedi Temple as Jamel Croko'yn, a new Padawan, exited on a air-speeder into the traffic. He had recently dyed his hair to a dark red, and changed his garments to follow in the path of his Master. He also created a signal of "Enternal" Indepth on his back, with the words of his Master. It was part of his culture to show their first true friend "Enternal" Indepth tatto on their back, and to forever keep it as well as that friend. The tatto was weird in some form though, it gave him an occasional scratch, but it wasn't of his concern now, his mind was more on the sky-line path, and the traffic before him.

Jamel sat as the line of speeders slowed stop, reminiscing the previous courses of action. It was hard contemplating on mistakes, such as his emotion instable attack on Lilya, who hadn't known. He had gestured in mind to apologize, but he knew that an immeditate confrontation could possibly seek an altercation in itself. He would at first like to undergo a confrence with his Master. He had arranged a meeting for this "confrence" that he hoped to home around a few problems with his life after their seperation at the training facality.

Landing upon the "landing" fill at a levitating platform linked to a resturant building, which was one of the best in town, he reached out for the engine control panel. Placing his finger on the button, shutting down the engines, he leaned back and awaited his Master.

The boy had many other things for mental boggling, and of which was how he would manage to present himself in the conversation. First was that he needed to give his Master a gift to Lime, he had attained two garments for her. He had noticed that she needed some, and soon he would be on a normal-basis of interaction with her. He also wanted to know more about his Master, and he was welcomed now to open his own concealed past to his Master.

Running his fingers slowly thorugh his hair, he leaned back, staring at the ceiling of his wind-sheild, covering half the top of his speeder. The boy just waited, his eyes closed, and filled with weariness. Frowning in despair, he fell into an exhausted slumber, later to be alerted by the speeders landing on the platform.

Jan 16th, 2003, 09:54:21 AM
Zeke doesn't own a speeder. He doesn't own alot of what Coruscant's middle class takes for granted. But he makes do. He leaps with the Force from one car to another, a dangerous game high in the sky of Coruscant. A missed jump could mean death, but Zeke's command of telekinesis is something of a safety net. He makes one final, long arc and lands on the hood of Jamel's speeder, looking through the windshield at his Padawan.

"Asleep at the wheel? At least this thing's parked."

Jamel Croko'yn
Jan 16th, 2003, 11:48:19 PM
Alerted by the comment, he woke restlessly, throwing his arms out to the side, nearly cutting the engines on with his flapping arms. Clasping onto his lightsaber quickly, he swifted his vision to the top of the windshield, staring at his Master who had arrived by foot by the scene. Smiling as he finally registreted the sly, yet somewhat joking statement. Pulling himself to a stand, he restrained his hold on his lightsaber hilt. It was clear that as of now, their was no reason to defend himself against any harmful attacks.

Exiting the air-speeder, he placed his feet on the solid foundation of the platform, his eyes closed. The wind rushed rapidly, beating against his hair. The boy buckled his head, the strap fluttering in the wind at the side, while hair locks fell over his face, covering his left eye, but allowing his right to to see pass. The boy's face was stone cold, serious as possible, probably too serious compared to his previous confrontation with his Master. He wore a wide-turtle neck tunic, straped at the waist with three colums of belts, and a loose strap covering them which held his lightsaber hilt. Under his tunic was a long-sleeve white shirt, that combined the beauitiful colors of the red tunic, stripped at the middle with white, greatly. His leggings were white loose, ruffled pants, allowing the wind to blow at them, but belted tight enough that it wouldn't allow the one wearing it to feel the cold breeze.

In the hush of every element surronding Jamel and Master Zeke, other than the cold winds that rushed along, the boy began the conversation. His voice was firm, undertoned with enthusasim, though his face was still as "petro-" as a rock.

"Master, I have something for you, really it's for Lime." Jamel began, though his pause silent implied he would further his statement. Letting the wind gust past for a seventh time after his exit out of the speeder, he continued on with his previous statement. "I want to also talk to you. Shall we venture in the restaurant?" He ended, questioning his master as he turned.

He clasped on the end of the soft materail making up his Jedi garb. He slowly, but perfectly placed it on himself in a matter of seconds, his eyes opening. They were hinted with red, but the weirdness of this was that previously he had a brown mix with blue. What had happened now to cascade the hue of brown mixture, and forfront the colorization of red. It wasn't a signal, though his face was stone, and his expression dull, he was still very light-hearted, but troubled.

That what the whole oral confrontation was about, it was about his troublesome week in the Jedi Order after the two departed at the end of the Jedi Academy Training Facility. He had now dyed his hair, and somehow he had maanged ot change his eye colorization. It was a weird time, and Jamel just hoped his Master had the answers for this one.

Jan 16th, 2003, 11:59:38 PM
"Something for Lime? Odd, I just went on a small adventure to that end myself. Sure, let's go inside to talk."

He gestures and the door opens, allowing to two inside. There's a counter with a few empty stools at the far end. Zeke takes a seat there and turns down the bartender before he can ask for an order.

"What did you want to talk about?"

Jamel Croko'yn
Jan 18th, 2003, 06:30:58 PM
Jamel leaned back in his seat staring at the ceiling while silent moments went by. He wanted to have his words coordinates perfectly for the response, and he wanted his Master to understand them without a hint of speaking, though very complex. Slouching back down against the counter, he placed his chin on his fisted hands. He stared forward, his face unreadable, as he began to speak.

"I want answers, I want answers to what to do. I confronted this woman, a female of some race or humanoid being in the Jedi Order in my new Quaters. I wanted to tell her something.." He paused suddenly, throwing himself up to a straighten seating position. He continued, his words toned more emotion, " That I loved here, but I notice now that I didn't. It was something going on with my emotions, I think I was reaching out for friendship, but in hte wrong way. Well, I closed the door on her when she motioned to leave, and she slapped me after an antic I hoped would help her notice my feelings not only toward her, but to many." The Padawan's head fell down, staring into his palms which banged the floor after the slapping. His lips slanted horiziontally vertically to the right side, expressing his uncertainty about his own actions.

He didn't know how his Master would react to his weird behavior to another fellow Jedi Padawan, but he was hoping it would be calm, and unpainful. Doing the wrong thing back at the slavery camp meant sollitary confidement, and he didn't want to be in solitare again. He didn't want lonilness as his only friend, he couldn't handle it, and it was tearing him up even in the lightest hour of the days.

A tear trickled down his cheek, hitting the counter, and sliding off to the ground. He stared at it, pleading, beckoning for it to come back to him with his eyes, but only more came out. Rushing down his cheeks, and jumping off to the floor from his chin, running from the terror that had manifested inside of him.

Cutting the silences of their conversation with his choppy, confused voice.

"What do I do Master, what do I do Master Zeke?"

Jan 19th, 2003, 01:53:25 PM
"Lust. That's just physical attraction...there's no love to be had. You THINK it's love, but in reality, it's only physical. It's something Jedi are warned against, one of the darkside tendencies. Could have been that. Or, it could have been just another one of those mistakes we make growing up."

Zeke pats him on the back and orders him a drink.

"Don't regret it. Don't run from it. Learn from it."

Jamel Croko'yn
Jan 19th, 2003, 02:09:04 PM
Jamel glanced over at his Master, for amoment or two he just stared at him without even a sense of blinking and turning away. It was the word "lust" that caught him off guard, it just sounded devil-ish, and sadistic. As if love itself for a Jedi was the worst thing that one of the Order could think of. The boy's face twirled away, staring at the others in the restuarant. His face was painted with embarrassment and disturbance. Glancing down at the drink the droid placed before him, he stared at his sorrow-filled reflection in the liquid. He couldn't handle it, so he banished it with a grasp and a long gulp down.

Glancing over at the problem solver with all the answers, Master Zeke, he began to speak once again. His eyes wavered this time, a tear rolling down his cheek though his words seemed so stern, but it was all a lie if to be compared to his expression.

"What should I tell her now, should I apologize for my actions?" Jamel said, running his hands along his face, whipping the tears from his cheek. Reaching up to his red hair, he tightened the 'buckle that was placed on his forehead, sustaining the unruly hair.

"Should I?" He repeated to confirm his questioning, though his voice gradually changed from every letter, gaining more crackled by his tears that drowned down his face like a waterfall. Whipping his eyes with the edge of his knuckle, he sniffed up one last tear. Gazing at his master with red eyes from irritation and tears, his mouth slanted downward into a frown.

He didn't know what to do, and it was disturbing him. He felt fear in his bones, he felt he had done so much wrong, and not he was to be banished from the Order for his "lust". The "lust" of darkness that was only known as love..

'No, it was only physical attraction', Jamel mentally told himself, as he sniffed up one last tear again.

Jan 19th, 2003, 02:27:21 PM
"It's a start."

Zeke sits back and thinks.

"Give it time. Let her calm down, get over it some on her own. Then approach her."

Jamel Croko'yn
Jan 19th, 2003, 02:31:52 PM
Jamel looked at his Master, his eyes glowing as the hint of sunlight reflected it from the nearby window. Leaping from his seat, he headed toward the door, a sudden feel of movement needed hitting his brain. Glancing over at his Master, he gestured with his hand and his cloak came, levitating before him. Clasping it, he swung it around and placed it upon his back.

"Master Zeke, are we to walk the streets now, I'd rather not stay here.." He simply asked, very little emotion in them, though his eyes expressed his want.

Jan 19th, 2003, 02:35:39 PM
"Walk works."

Zeke pays for Jamel's drink and follows the Padawan out.

"Something else on your mind?"

Jamel Croko'yn
Jan 19th, 2003, 04:22:21 PM
"I turn 15 today.."

Jamel said, exiting the restuarant with his elder, heading through the concrete streets high off the ground of Coruscant. The wind blew at his cape, throwing it into the air while they entered a small motor-walk. Their feet stopping at the motioning concrete street, much like an exculator steps, it stopped at a building topping. Heading down the path, Jamel gestured his hand at his speeder activating the system to direct back at the Jedi Temple safely.

The two continued on their path through the city as they continued with the conversation...

Jan 19th, 2003, 04:24:48 PM
"Why didn't you say anything? Happy birthday!"

Jamel Croko'yn
Jan 19th, 2003, 04:46:33 PM
Jamel frowned at his master as the wind rustled past, a sound of a whistle coming from the blow. The Novice grasped for his hood, placing it over his head as they went down the exculator to the lower sectors. He looked away, staring out into the crowd of traffic, and beings venturing around the city on foot. He shook his head, glancing back at his Master who had now placed on his own hood for the safety of concealing their occupant. The Lower Sector was very hectic area, and if found they were Jedi trouble could come.

The boy began once more, his voice seeming to be older now, but still his tone was emotionless just as his expression was under the darkness of the hood.

"I dont feel as though it is happy, Master. I am growing, but no one sees that, no one cares." Jamel ended sternly, his eyes lowering to a close as they stepped off the exculator.

Heading along the concrete streets with many different beings of race walking past them. All creeds from Humanoid figures, Droids, and Twi'leks, they all were alike in the large city. The haven of great towers, and blossoming of government order. The hectic grounds that they stood upon with guns swirling, and blackmarket workings under the noise of the Government Senates. It was a fascinating city, it had wielded so much history, but at times it seemed to replay once again, or even rewind into earlier times.

Their are barbains around them as well, those who seeked trouble, blessed with life but tarnishing it with their hatred. Jamel, though only 15, saw all this for what it was and at times just spat at the ground in disgust. He wanted to change the world but so many citizens didn't see the Jedi for who they were, the superior creed whom helped them when they needed help or in danger. They were saviors, but many men and women hated them secretly, or even publicly. The Jedi were strong, but populatiry wasn't always a prime definition of their Order.

Jamel remembered once in his canidancy, he was around the age of 10, searching up on the past of the Jedi Order. It held files of the war with the Yuuzhan Vong who had nearly made those of the Order extinct once more as they were in the time of the Galatic Empire. It was then when the hatred of the people was revealed to those of the order, but yet so many still managed to help in the fight to conserve those citizens that sold them like slaves. It was the burden of great power and the ignorance that came with the people smashing all into one and the equality of that sum was hatred.

Jamel turned his attention to the present, taking in every detail of his surrondings. Before him was a large building, but not comparable to those that started at the bottom and reached to the heavens, only inches away which they were around at the beginning of the conversation. It was a small club, and a few men and women were dancing, but most were conversating at stools, tables or counters. Many seemed to hold a unseeable aura that told the boy that they had darkness in them. It wasn't comparable to that of the Dark Jedi, or Sith but it was still mischeif in their head.

He saw that his Master had seen the same, and though they were to keep citizens in no harm, they would also in duty have to hold peace. The two ventured in, interested in the situation that could unravel from the loudiness of the room, and it's colorization. His master and him sat the bar, glancing at the fellow stoolmates. Master Zeke awaited, but Jamel began ordering a drink for the two so they would seem casual, and not out of place.

The two drinks came, Jamel's was only a form of punch, though it seemed as if acholol, his Master was root beer, but it as well seemed like an acohol beverage, to them it would seem like beer.

"Master, shall we stay?"

Jan 19th, 2003, 05:00:53 PM
"Well...we've got drinks, and it's really not a bad place...music's good. Sure, let's hang."

There's no one here to cause them much trouble...just your usual assortment of ravers, partygoers, and punks. Zeke's not worried at all.

Jamel Croko'yn
Jan 20th, 2003, 01:15:35 AM
Jamel glanced at one of the human bartenders, she was a beauitful attractive female. He noticable found attraction which was expressed in a gleam that was placed in his eyes. Moving his head to the side her beckoned her to come to him with his eyes and every cell in his being. As she walked slowly behind the bar counter a sudden interruption coming from the frontier of the two Jedi.

A gun was placed into the face of Jamel, though he noticed it before any of the fellow stool seaters with his ability to forsee in the Force, but his facial expression was laidback and tranquil with his eyes still locked on the female that had been stunned by the interruption. Motioning his eyes toward the end of the gun he smiled at the man with his bodily position changing to a straight stand. Putting his hands to the air expressing his inability to attack though his face was pasted with an optimistic smirk. The man wielding the unstaggering gun which pointed at the youth's face began to speak, his voice ruggid and filled with an aura of anger.

"You fool, you will die for looking at my daughter. Before yousa die, tell me who you are?" The husky structured man said, his face covered in after-shave and his head bald, illuminated by the dim light that was above. His right eye was distenctively disturbing to the boy, it was a clear spectrum with no iris or pupil at all.

The boy gulped down as his eyes directed to that eye, but it was unsensable to one who wasn't paying any attentiong to his facial expression. Jamel's smirk only grew though his eyes showed disgust and disturbance by the eerie eye colorization. The boy slyly and cunning spoke as his Master watched in silence, solitarly calm compared to those whom were surronding him, frantic and fearful.

"I am a novice, a novice in the arts of Jedi Order." Jamel said while chattering began thorought the club, and the beauitful girl took one blink of shock, with her once stunned face taking a higher stage of suprisment and puzzlement. Yet, her father was unwavered by the words, he was old and had seen those of the Jedi creed many times. Jamel spectulate that the man probably didn't even believe in the Force, it was probably only rubbish talk to the man, even though he was old and had likily seen the ability of the Force.

Abruptly the sound of the man's finger pulled back slowly silencing the chattering that had began from the teenagers dailogue. The creaking sound echoed in the ear of the boy before it even had reached those of the others, it had been in his brain before even Jamel spoke. Reaching swiftly down at his lightsaber he swung with it a delicate unique style, cutting through the tip of the blaster. A sizzle hiss ran through the ears of the observers while the eyes of Master Zeke narrowed.

"Master, shall we leave?" He said without his eyes motioning toward his elder Jedi while he inactivated his lightsaber. The blue powerful light blade drew itself back into the hilt, the weightless object being placed at the belt of the Jedi Padawan. His once jeering expression fell behind the layer of a new mask of serious appearance.

Jan 20th, 2003, 10:54:52 AM
"Leave?" Zeke repeats.

He's not sure exactly what to think of the display. Should he be more worried about the bartender's uncalled for attack? Or should he be concerned over the cocky expression his Padawan was wearing when he disarmed the man?

"Sure. Let's leave."

He pays the man, leaving a fair tip for him as an peace gesture.

"Sorry for your trouble."

Jamel Croko'yn
Jan 20th, 2003, 01:00:33 PM
Jamel and his Master walked beside each other along the alleys and streets of hte lower quaters of Coruscant's enormous city. They had yet to conversate or even physically express themselves to each other, it was just silence as they ventured aimlessly. It was weird though, Jamel had led the two outside for a talk, yet he was providing any verbal or oral gestures at all.

Cutting through the silence that had emitted from their exit at the restuarant, Jamel took his head to the side his hood still hiding his facial expression through the Darkness though his Master still could manage to see through taht with the ability in the Force.

"Master, What do you think about my antics back there, I know they were very optimistic but I couldn't decline the fact he was going to kill me and that I knew I could stop him. I'm sorry Master if I disobeyed your moral, and disrespected the Order by my actions." The boy's voice was formal but still raspy and youthful. He sounded like any normal teenager around his age, growing up slowly into the man he would be for the rest of his life. The only thing that troubled Jamel was if anyone notice he was to be a "man" and not just a child. He also wonderd if anyone noticed him at all.

Jan 20th, 2003, 01:07:56 PM
"Like I said before: Don't regret it. It's done; you can't DO anything about it. Instead, learn from it."

Zeke rubs his chin for a moment in thought.

"Try to think of a way you could have defused the situation without the use of your weapon. When you think you've got something, tell me."

Jamel Croko'yn
Jan 20th, 2003, 01:12:24 PM
Jamel knew before the question was even ask, it was something he was thinking about during the situation. It was as clear as day of an answer, specially with since he had been trained in the arts of telekentics. It was the confidence that swarmed him it overwhelmed him at the moment, maybe it was the girl or possibly it could have been implying emotionally he needed someone to attach to. It could be anything, but at the time he needed to answer a question and when it came out, it came out quick.

"Easy one Master, I could have done it in a conversational fashion or I could have pulled away the gun from his hand with the bind of the Force." He said, turning back on the road ahead, going down the long path toward the Jedi Order, it was a few sectors up and they could possibly take one more visit to a restuarant or shopping area.

Jan 20th, 2003, 01:29:59 PM
"Very good. Next time you'll know to try one of those before you draw. That's all there is to it."

Jamel Croko'yn
Jan 20th, 2003, 01:34:58 PM
Jamel was hesitant to expand on his conclusion to the question, but he would have to be more vocal if he wanted his Master to understand his point of view. As they motioned up the exculator only a few sectors below the mid sector of the city, he started.

"Master, I noticed he wouldn't listen and the pull of his weaponary would only start a more hectic situation. He knew that I was a Jedi and he had another lightsaber prepared to fire as well." Jamel commented, his eyes rolling over to gaze at the face of his Master, awaiting a response to this statement. The boy's face was solitary expressing one thing during this comment though, it was confusion of his own ability to see all of what he did at the time so fluently when he had yet to gain the training for such abilities really. Maybe it was a talent and it came natural, or it could have been something else.

Jan 20th, 2003, 01:43:12 PM
Zeke considers this.

"Be that as it may, a diplomatic solution is always better than an aggressive one."

Jamel Croko'yn
Jan 20th, 2003, 02:04:33 PM
Jamel turned his head, looking ahead as he responded with litle to say this time.

"You are right Master.."

Jan 20th, 2003, 02:08:00 PM
"Don't worry. So...what's next?"

Jamel Croko'yn
Jan 20th, 2003, 03:21:52 PM
Jamel walked forward toward a large mall, his amble gesturing they woudl be heading toward the mall though he verbally didn't have to say anything. Slowly the wind rustles past, his hood being pressed against his right cheek, as well as his Master beign in the same position but they continue to stride on with the crowd of people excorted out by their friends and a few by New Republic Coruscant Security.

Gazing over the bridge the two stride upon he notices the many faces that wonder thorought the lower sectors, going to different walks of life all on one planet. Jamel wanted to see these paths, he wanted to see the world for what it was, not what he had seen in the Archives. Reading did expand ones mind but it as well set boundaries on the extent you had and reality was so much real. Books told stories of past, never future but when staring down the eyes of a Sith or to conversate with a Twi'lek you form a future for yourself, creating history all in the same.

Jamel's eyes motioned toward his Master, a question on his mind as they step on the front mat, welcoming them to the large mall.

"Master, what planets have you been on in your lifetime?"

Jan 20th, 2003, 03:26:09 PM
"Coruscant, Arcan IV, Naboo, Bespin...a few others I've forgotten. We went to alot of planet's with my dad's transport company."

Jamel Croko'yn
Jan 22nd, 2003, 10:23:08 PM
The two Jedi entered, the hard winds interwtining with the rain felt behind them, with their presence stronger than that of any weather that would challenge them outside. The two individuals simelatentously pulled their hoods down, glancing at each other to spectate each others facial expression in th enew inhabitants.

Zeke, his unruly black hair wetted down by the wind that drifted the rain onto his head, wetting it to drap over forehead and nearing his eyebrows. He had a smile spreaded along his face, and his eyes tender though they had been bumrushed with an attack previously, but following the steps of the Jedi Code, his postivity was at an enlightened point as if a lamp had observed it's actions.

Jamel on the other hand was serious, his expression defined only with a line mouth and sleakly created eyes, narrowed down to see the surrondings as well as that of his master, yet his face had an undertoned that was as well filled with glee. The boy's red hair controlled with a buckle on his forehead, pushing spiked hair down, and a large bunch pointing upward on his head.

The two seperated their eyes from one another in a matter of seconds of facial expressive interaction, and headed down the path of crowds that swarmed through the mall like frantic ants. The boy though expressively unagurable, felt a sense of a smile coming to his tender youthful face as a question escaped his mouth.

"So, Master--which was the favorite of those planets? What was it like?" The young initiate inquired, his hands placed behind his face in a formal composure. A smile sparked on his face though it seemed more like a smirk to the outside person.

Jan 22nd, 2003, 10:29:14 PM
Probably Arcan IV. I was trained as a Jedi there, and promoted there. I loved the jungles..."

Jamel Croko'yn
Jan 22nd, 2003, 10:36:09 PM
Jamel pulled his attention away from his Master, glancing around at the glamorous features of the surrondings. They were delicately formatted, one store after another, clashing such diverse elements of life all in one selling arena. In his face was the shock obviously expressing that he had 'yet' to be in such a glamorous area. He had never been the one to touch the good things in life, the closest he had ever gotten since his birth to this point was when he first got his pay of credits and was able to purchase a ship.


It was in the hangar now, he loved that ship with all his might, and all he needed with it was a astromech to help and be a companion when he needed someone to rely on, just like the stories of Luke Skywalker. Glancing over at a data-archive store, he rushed like crazy to it. Falling into a stummble into the store, he bounced off a rack and nearly onto theg round if he didn't regain his balance. Pulling his hand with the bind of the Force being exposed, the rack was pulled back along with it's items still neatly in place.

Twirling quickly around he looked at one of the archive data-download files. It was fascinating how many selections they had, it was nearly as magnificent as that of the Archive. It ranged from the mechanics to create a pod racer, which he had always wanted to learn and humorous comics.

Beckoning his Master to come in with a waving gesture of his palm, he quickly asked as he arrived.

"Can we buy this Master?" He inquired, pointing downward at the file hologramic cover of the pod racer creation.

Jan 22nd, 2003, 10:42:23 PM
"Your money, your decision."

Zeke had no business telling the boy what he could or could not do with his money. His job is to guide Jamel in the ways of the Jedi, not shopping...Zeke is a lousy shopper, and doesn't go often to buy things. He's the last person to be instructing the boy in such things.

Jamel Croko'yn
Jan 22nd, 2003, 10:49:20 PM
Jamel looked up, and chuckled in the face of his Master playfully. Ruffling his Master's hair he pushed him toward the two choices that had came up. The Pod Racing Datapad chronicles or the "Living Jive and Sexy" Manga, published on Yudli.

"Which one Master, come on?" He questioned, a playful tone in his voice for once.

Jan 22nd, 2003, 10:53:22 PM
Zeke waves Jamel away. Podracing or porn?


He tosses the datapad at his student.

"Living Jive and...sheesh."

Jamel Croko'yn
Jan 22nd, 2003, 11:02:43 PM
Jamel gave his Master a mischevious yet cute smile, taking a rush through the cooridors of the book store, heading to the purchasing counter. Sliding along the polished floor, he placed the datapad file on the front of the desk and placed his datapad on the desk for the download and the transition of the credits.

Awaiting the response of the beep, he glanced around the spectrum.

"Hmm...You know what lady.." Pausing to look if the attention of the teenage female, probably no older then 19, a tall beauitiful blonde with blue eyes. An old age picture perfect girl, but of course not Jamel's type, he liked the pretty girls with the spunky attitudes, or something sadistic aura about them.

Watching as her eyes motioned slowly to his own, he began once more.

"Do you like porn manga's?!" He mischeviously said as the beep alerted them, and he grasped at his datapad and the file card, heading out the store with a laugh bumrushing out his mouth.

Falling onto a bench he continued with a laugh, hearing the hallow footsteps of his Master coming toward him, but ignoring them with his overwhelming chuckle overlapping of his focus.

Jan 22nd, 2003, 11:13:44 PM
Zeke gives a faint smile to the poor girl at the register and hands her a few credits.

"Sorry for the trouble..."

Walking out to the bench he sighs with slight confusion and irritation.

"Jamel...what was that just now?"

Jamel Croko'yn
Jan 22nd, 2003, 11:36:08 PM
Jamel opened his eyes, his laugh coming to a slow halt, staring at his Master.

"What did I do, I payed my credits and had a bit of fun with her. Is anything wrong?" He said, standing up to his master, placing his datapad on his belt and placing his hands behind him respectfully. He awaited a response, he felt something was wrong with the antic, maybe an apology was to follow his actions.

Before his Master could speak, he was on the road back to the store, grasping at the hand of the woman. He kissed it, introducting himself as Jamel, and apology with the the cunningness that not even a model could hold.

Placing a peck on her cheek, he was off back to his Master. Glancing at him, he just waited for a response.

"Hmmm.." He murmured under his voice in the silence of the wait.

Jan 22nd, 2003, 11:40:13 PM
"Anything wrong? Well...there's the matter of tact..."

But before he can finish his advice, Jamel has gone back and kissed her. Is he afraid of girls? Is he some kind of player wanna-be? Jeez...one minute he's mackin' the next he's either scared shitless or angry or something. Jeez.


Jamel Croko'yn
Jan 22nd, 2003, 11:54:03 PM
Jamel glanced down at the ground, he felt disturbance in the mind of his fellow Jedi, his Master. Gritting his teeth to conceal his words, he was unable, blurting out what was the essence of his contemplation during the silence after the words Done.

"Master, I'm sorry for my emotional stabilization. It is very shaky, it's alot of reasons that I have noticed in the times of silence we have had during out conversation, I've been contemplating about myself. Reflecting on me as a person--I came up with a conclusion.

I have scars..deep scars and it's hard to express myself. I think girls are the only outlet, I place so much blame on them as the females were the ones that inslaved me."

He placed his hands before his Master's eyes, burdened with visable scars, creating rigid marks on his palm creating for painful working and battering. He slid his hand along his face, feeling a mark that was created under his left eye, not visable if one was not to feel, and focus on that paticular element of his face. Their were stitches that were created from a scar a female Bothan created with a swiftly running dagger.


He returned back to reality, his hand dropping, his fist clutching as his eyes felt a sudden burn.

"Master, I dont know what to do. I dont even know if I belong in the Jedi Order--I dont even know myself, how can I help others if I dont even trust myself at times. Master, tell me this, tell me?" He beckoned, his voice deep like a Lord of some sort, though strong and vigorious. Tears trickled down his face from the strain of his tightened eyes, holding them his optic from absorbing in the curse that was created in his hands, and the tightening of his fist.

He felt it all at once, piercing his heart, going through his temple and into his pain.

It ain't hard to tell, I excel, then prevail
The mic is contacted, I attract clientele
My mic check is life or death, breathin a sniper's breath
I exhale the yellow smoke of buddha through righteous steps
Deep like The Shinin', sparkle like a diamond
Sneak a uzi on the island in my army jacket linin
Hit the Earth like a comet, invasion
Nas is like the Afrocentric Asian, half-man, half-amazin
Cause in my physical, I can express through song
Delete stress like Motrin, then extend strong
I drank Moet with Medusa, give her shotguns in hell
From the spliff that I lift and inhale, it ain't hard to tell

Jan 23rd, 2003, 02:46:02 PM
Enslaved by women...there's a joke here, but the circumstances don't allow for it. The scars on the boy's hand are numerous, and bring a bit of worry into Zeke's eyes. Then, the kicker to the whole thing:I dont know what to do. I dont even know if I belong in the Jedi Order--I dont even know myself, how can I help others if I dont even trust myself at times. Master, tell me this, tell me? Zeke puts his hands behind his head and slows his walk, thinking of how he wants to say it.

"I can't tell you whether you belong or not. I can't tell you what to do with yourself at times when you're unsure of what to do. These are things you must learn on your own."

He sighs and thinks a bit more before addressing Jamel's last statement.

"If you don't trust yourself to do what is right, then you must prove yourself wrong."

Jamel Croko'yn
Jan 23rd, 2003, 09:26:49 PM
A hushful blow of the wind by a quick motion of a drifting body in the mall crept through the two conversators seperation. The boy didn't wont to continue on the subject so he gestured himself toward the door, his hands placed behind his back. His head was held down as he contemplated his reflective issues. Exiting the gigantic concrete created mall, while the wind swept through his hair, he reached into his pocket searching for his "Speed"-Beckoner.

Jamel found it on the posterior of his belt, and pulled it out quickly. Placing his hand on the button, he could heard the sound of a beep come from the button as a holopad map appeared. The speeder rushed through traffic as a holocam spectated, watching the speeder slash through traffic.

Landing down before him only moments later, Jamel got in, and without even a wave to his Master he was off. He didn't know where, but he was leaving somewhere...

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