View Full Version : Dragula (Challenge to a jedi)

Kaytor Surna
Jan 15th, 2003, 08:26:16 PM

dead I am the one
exterminating sun
slipping through the trees
strangling the breeze
dead I am the sky
watching angels cry
as they slowly turn
conquering the worm

dig through the ditches
burn through the witches
I slam in the back of my
dig through the ditches
burn through the witches
I slam in the back of my

dead I am the pool
spreading from the fool
weak and want you need
nowhere as you bleed
dead I am the rat
feast upon cat
tender is the fur
dying as you purr

dig through the ditches
burn through the witches
I slam in the back of my
dig through the ditches
burn through the witches
I slam in the back of my

do it baby, do it baby

do it baby, do it baby
burn like an animal

dead I am the life
dig into the skin
knuckle crack the bone
21 to win
dead I am the dog
hound of hell you cry
devil on your back
I can never die

dig through the ditches
burn through the witches
I slam in the back of my
dig through the ditches
burn through the witches
I slam in the back of my

do it baby, do it baby

do it baby, do it baby
burn like an animal

dig through the ditches
burn through the witches
I slam in the back of my
dig through the ditches
burn through the witches
I slam in the back of my

dig through the ditches
burn through the witches
I slam in the back of my


A lone man walks along a street. A lone hunter watches him carefully, waiting for her chance. He turns a corner into a darkened ally and she jumps down behind him. She grabs him and bites into his neck. She quickly drains him of most of his blood then lets him go. He drops to the ground and rolls onto his back, his eyes wide as he looks up at her. She smirks as he painfully bleeds the rest of his blood out.

"Another death, another night."

She waits for him to stop breathing then steps out on the street. She quickly runs down the abandoned street towards one of the more populated areas of the city. She could smell the life of these humans. And she hated it. But her attention was soon draw away from the humans infront of her and to a being coming up behind her. She could sense the force in this figure.

"Jedi. Comeing to meet your death?"

She could tell that this jedi had found the corpse of the man in the ally and had come to find out who or what had killed him. She smirked and turned to fully face the figure. She started to walk towards it. She stoped about twenty feet ahead of the jedi.

"Come to meet your own death?"

Wei Wu Wei
Jan 15th, 2003, 08:34:54 PM
"Not really, no. It's just that, when a guy has two holes in his neck, you can only wonder," Wei said brightly.

Wei looked at the vampire. "Oh, hi Kaytor. You know, I never understood how you guys can like blood. Why not have a nice glass of water?"

Wei chuckled. He wasn't going to make things any easier on himself, now was he?

"Kaytor, Can't you go suck animal blood? Like a chicken's or a cow?"

Wei wondered if she would take his suggestion seriously. But he had to come up with some alternative so that lives would not be lost and vampires could drink blood. He'd sit and wait and see how she responded. Nothing much more he could do at the moment.

Kaytor Surna
Jan 15th, 2003, 08:41:04 PM
"Well now. Long time no see Wei. Animal blood? Never did much like the taste for the uninteligent. So your blood will be spared. But your life wont be."

She grabed her saber and activated it as she ran at him. He could tell that she no longer cared who or what she killed as long as after she was done, it was dead.

Kaytor brought the saber up towards his chest in a slashed that few jedi could blocked, backed with anger and hatred, not to mention the dark side of the force placed behind it.

"Your turn."

Wei Wu Wei
Jan 15th, 2003, 08:47:46 PM
Wei pancaked to the ground and avoided the slash. As he got up he turned on his saber and cut at her ankles.

"Hey, what's with the violence all of a sudden?"

Wei could have asked himself the same question, but she was out to kill. He'd have to fight back to get her worn down to where they could actually talk.

"And I'm not stupid, I'm just simple minded. There is a difference, you know."

Kaytor Surna
Jan 17th, 2003, 10:27:03 AM
"Its all the same to me."

She suddenly lets up with the struggle of power and slashes towards his stomach. She then flips back and lands on one knee with her saber and free hand pointed towards Wei.

"Tell me Wei. Have you ever felt the cold touch of death wrap its hand around your neck, slowly choaking you?"

Wei Wu Wei
Jan 17th, 2003, 11:20:40 AM
Wei redirected Kaytor's slash away from his stomach with his own saber.

Wei wasn't sure, but didn't Kaytor rejoin the GJO last time he had seen her? Wei was confused for a second, but shook his head to shake loose the cobwebs. He had to forget about that. Forget about Wei. Forget about Kaytor. Wei's emotions were pretty stable, but a busy mind could change that quickly. Wei shut out her voice. Her blabbering would not get him killed. It could be ignored. But her saber was another thing.

Wei was getting better at it recently. Using and concentrating on the Force. All he saw was a person, and all he felt from her was an intent to kill.

Wei's eyes narrowed slightly, nostrils slightly flared. His knees were bent, his shoulders lowered, and his back straight.

Wei was a statue. His face showed no signs of emotion. Silence reigned. Kaytor's questioned would go unanswered. He was serious. Now was the time to fight.

Wei gained strength in his legs through the Force and jumped high over Kaytor's crouching form, angling his saber downwards to stab through the top of Kaytor's head.

Kaytor Surna
Jan 20th, 2003, 09:19:55 PM
Kaytor quickly steped out of the way and brought her sword around towards his back once he had landed. She could tell he no longer acknoledged what she said or even who she was. She smirked at this because it gave her the advantage. She knew how he moved but when he ignores who a person is, he looses the knoledge of how a person fights.

Wei Wu Wei
Jan 21st, 2003, 08:39:28 AM
Wei pancaked to the ground to aviod the saber at his back and brought his leg around to sweep her feet out from under her, the Force greatly enhancing his speed and strength. Force boosting was what he did best, after all.

Kaytor Surna
Jan 21st, 2003, 09:13:16 PM
Kaytor easily jumped over Wei's leg and landed back on his leg with a sickening crack. She backfliped off of him and pointed her saber at him. Her eyes watched him carefully. Her face was emotionless but her mind was studying him. Every move he made she recorded in her memorie.

Wei Wu Wei
Jan 21st, 2003, 09:30:19 PM
Wei heard the bone crack. He focused on himself and the problem was slowly fixed. Force Healing was a skill recently added to his list of abilities. Wei stood and looked at Kaytor.

She was paying him extreme attention. Learning from him. Wei boosted his legs, turned his face to the side and stuck out his left shoulder. The Padawan charged into Kaytor, flinging her away from him a few meters. Wei felt his leg give way again. It was not completely healed. Wei used the time he had to work on repairing his leg. She'd be on her feet again soon enough.

Kaytor Surna
Jan 21st, 2003, 09:37:11 PM
Kaytor quickly flipped up to her feet. Her eyes grew blood red as she watched him. Her fangs extended as she watched him in his little more than helpless position. She ran forward and knocked him over onto his back.

"Maybe this will knock you back to your senses."

She leaned over and bit his neck. She drew out a small amount of blood then drew back. She jumped to her feet, landing on his stomach then jumping off.

Wei Wu Wei
Jan 21st, 2003, 09:54:03 PM
Wei fell to his back, felt himself get bitten and felt the rush of air from his stomach. Too many things to heal at once.

Wei pushed Kaytor away with a Force push and focused on his neck. The bite marks disappeared. Wei spoke at at last.

"You will not make me like you, Kaytor."

Wei took a defensive stance, regaining his breath as found his chi. The bite was a minor wound, and was healed quickly. Even novices could heal scratches quickly. His leg was another thing.

Wei shook his head. What had happened? Emptiness. Wei had read about it. It was when a Jedi loses himself in the Force. His abilities increase, but he is also put into grave danger.

"Well, Kaytor, what next?" Now was the time for talking. If he could keep her at bay long enough with idle talk, maybe he could get his leg fixed before her next attack.

Kaytor Surna
Jan 21st, 2003, 09:58:00 PM
"What next? What next is that I kill you."

She ran at him and high kicked his head. She actualy had no intention of turning him like her. She only wanted a challeng instead of a dull emotionless battle.

Wei Wu Wei
Jan 21st, 2003, 10:04:11 PM
Wei yielded with the kick, keeping his weight on his good leg. out maneuvering her was slowing down the healing process.

Kaytor Surna
Jan 21st, 2003, 10:11:05 PM
Kaytor dropped to the ground and swept his feet out from under him. She then stood back up and pointed her saber at his neck. He could feel the heat coming off of it. She glared down at him.

"Give up now and I will let you live."

Wei Wu Wei
Jan 26th, 2003, 10:34:15 PM
Wei was thinking a mile a minute trying to think of a way out. Then he remembered his grandpa teaching him how to disarm a person who held the tip of a vibroblade at his throat. Wei used two fingers from each hand, and slapped the back of the person's hand with one hand, and then the person's wrist with the other.

Wei was not as good as some at telekinesis, and sabers were not quite vibroblades, but he had to at least try. Wei held up his hands and used the Force to slap the back of Kator's hand and wrist. The Padawan pressed himself into the ground just in case he messed up.

Kaytor Surna
Jan 26th, 2003, 10:41:44 PM
Kaytor's wrist freaks and she lets go of the saber. It slides from her hand, moving slightly to the side and cutting into his cheak enough to where it will leave a rather large scar. She quickly grabs Wei by the neck and slams him up against a wall. She then drops him and lets him crumple to the ground. She grabs her saber and takes a few steps back, watching him.

"Next time you will not be so lucky. Now get out of here."

Wei Wu Wei
Jan 27th, 2003, 08:20:12 AM
Wei put a hand to his cheek. Slammed into a wall too. Wei had heard that vampires were hard to beat.

"Ah, gosh darn it." Wei focused on healing his face. Already a scar had formed on his cheek.

"All right, Kaytor. I'll leave. It's ashame you didn't stay at the GJO. I miss having you around as a friend." Wei got up and headed off to the Clinic at the GJO. Wei decided he had done pretty well against an undead.