View Full Version : Hopeful (Garen, Open)

Rognan Dar
Jan 15th, 2003, 02:15:20 PM
The Recruitment Center was quiet this day, he didn't see many people around the place, but he was hopeing that at lest someone was around. Rognan walked farther in, dressed in a white jedi robe, looking for anyone. Behind him was a young lad that looked confused, and a bit couries of where he was being lead. Next to Garen was Marga, a instent friend to Rognan. He looked back and smiled, stopping at one side of the room, next to some chairs.

"Please, sit." The Lorrdian said waving his hand out tord the chair. "We shall wait for someone to meet us."

Garen Selore
Jan 15th, 2003, 02:27:29 PM
Garen, a young 12 year old boy, with the build of a person who has grown up on a farm, is following Rognan looking intently at his suroundings. When He is told to sit, he takes a seat, still looking around.

"Where are we? And why have you brought me here? Who are we meeting?"

Dasquian Belargic
Jan 15th, 2003, 04:21:59 PM
“Is there something you require assistance with?” said a friendly sounding voice, which was quickly followed by the appearance of a man in pale robes, identifiable as a Jedi Knight.

Garen Selore
Jan 15th, 2003, 04:28:04 PM
Garen Look over toward the voice, to see the jedi.

"Hi. I'm Garen. Are you the person that Rognan said we were here to meet? I don't know why I'm here, I just follow Rognan. He said we going to get me some help."

Dasquian Belargic
Jan 15th, 2003, 04:34:04 PM

Dasquian raised an eyebrow as he looked from the boy to Rognan.

“I’m sure I can aide in some way, whatever it is you require. I’m Dasquian by the way. Dasquian Belargic.”

Garen Selore
Jan 15th, 2003, 05:34:21 PM
"Well I guess I can tell you the story I told them.....

I was going home from a friends house, I was block away I heard a scream coming from home, so I ran home. When I got there I saw through the window my mom and dad in chunks on the floor, and to men in black clokes heading out the front door. So I went and ran for help, but the men saw me and ran after me. They got me cornered in an ally. One of them drew something that looked like a black handle, and told me that I won't be telling anybody about what I saw.

That's when a purple blade sprung out of the handle and he swung it at me. I backed away into the wall and the blade went down my arm. I realed in pain into the corner of the ally as he lifted the blade to bring it on to my head. I closed my eyes and waited for the blade to hit, thinking to myself 'I wish I could get out of here, I nead help!'. after a moment or two I opened my eyes to see I was just sitting on the steps outside of the Bar and Grill.

I went in and they got me some food and patched up my arm. I got frustrated and mad at them when they wouldn't tell me how I could get home, and I hit my fist on the table, and the table split in two, and both sides flew accross the room.

That suprised me cause I'm not THAT strong! And I sat down in shock. Then Rognan convinced me to come with him here. I don't know what's going on but He says that I can get help here.

I don't mind being here... I don't here the voices in my head around the people here"

Rognan Dar
Jan 15th, 2003, 07:14:12 PM
Rognan bowed as Dasquian came to them, then letting Garen tell his story, after it he thought that he should say something.

"I brought him here because he was asking questions that I dont know how to explain, so I thought that he might want to join the Order and learn more of the Force." He said to the Dasquain.

"Him braking the table was a shock to us all, and I have no dought that the Force flows through him. So I thought that this was the best place for answers."

Garen Selore
Jan 15th, 2003, 07:20:35 PM
Garen gets confused again..

"I still have NO idea about this Force stuff and how it somehow shot me off my homeworld and landed me outside a bar, OR how it let me split a thick wooden table! Isn't Force just the energy put out when you do any kind of work?"

Marga Alton
Jan 16th, 2003, 09:32:31 AM
Marga had entered the RC with Rognan and Garen and up until this time, she had been quiet so using her normal mode of communication which is telepathy, she says.

Garen is also a natural telepath who is untrained so he is picking up ppl's thoughts, Vai Dom.

Dasquian Belargic
Jan 16th, 2003, 02:34:50 PM
“The Force is essentially a symbiotic entity living within us all, which enables some gifted few the ability to use certain… powers. Usually these show as they did in your case, at heightened points of emotion. At one time the Republic made sure all newborns were tested for potential to become Jedi Knights; however that custom has since faded out of existence…”

Dasquian looked at the boy, his mind working over some thoughts for a moment.

“… What do you have planned for your future? Could you see yourself helping others?”

Garen Selore
Jan 16th, 2003, 04:37:49 PM
"I don't know.... My whole life, I have been working on my family's farm. My dad spent his life on the same farm. same with his dad. I don't know anything else.

I have a strong fealing that my parents are dead, though I have no proof. With out my parent, I have no reason to go back to the farm. so My life as I know it and all of my plans for my life, are as dead as my family."

Garen Starts to cry.

Dasquian Belargic
Jan 17th, 2003, 07:41:01 AM
Dasquian nodded, feeling empathy with the boy.

“I understand how you feel… I too lost my family, but have found that being here is like being amongst a new family. Everyone here is a brother or sister to one another, each of us helping one another as we strive to accomplish our personal, and collective, goals.”

Garen Selore
Jan 17th, 2003, 10:37:40 AM
Garen, doing his best to stop crying says...

"I just don't know what to do. Strange things have been happening to me, I've lost my family, and when I'm around normal people I can't stop hearing voices in my head.

Also I want to cacth the men that killed my parents....But what can a symple boy do aganst three grown men with glowing blades that could cut me to pieces in seconds?"

Dasquian Belargic
Jan 18th, 2003, 08:18:12 AM
“It is more than likely that the voices in your head are caused by the Force… some Force users are gifted with the ability to hear others thoughts. Without proper training, this can have an effect like it has on you.”

The boys second statement made Dasquian frown, though only slightly.

“Seeking out revenge is never the correct path to take, but with Jedi training you can learn to protect yourself and those you love to ensure nothing like that will happen ever again.”

Garen Selore
Jan 18th, 2003, 12:39:51 PM
"How would I get proper training? I don't like the voices , would training make them stop?"

Garen looks Dasquian directly in the eyes. Even with out any training any jedi could see that this boy is strong with The Force. He seem to be touching the force with out even trying. He stand, still looking Dasquian in the eyes, his temper starting to flare.

"I said NOTHING about revenge! I would Never! NEVER!! Dishonor my parents by seeking revenge!! That would be going aganst EVERYTHING they taught me!! I seek Justice!! So don't you DARE put words of revenge in my mouth!! I don't care WHO you are... You will not dishonor my family with such talk!!"

Marga Alton
Jan 18th, 2003, 01:49:39 PM
Marga had been quiet up until this time.

Garen, please calm yourself. I'm sure Dasquian didn't mean to say that you would go and get revenge.

Marga places a hand on Garen's shoulder.

And yes, training will make it so you won't hear the voices anymore unless you Want to.

Garen Selore
Jan 20th, 2003, 09:51:08 AM
Garen sharply turns to face Marga.

"But He still did!! It doesn't matter what he ment to say, he still said what he did!!"

Dasquian Belargic
Jan 20th, 2003, 11:22:16 AM
A look of seriousness came over the Jedi.

“I meant no insult with my words, I can assure you. I am simply giving my opinion based on what I have thus far seen, and your lack of control over your temper and anger only adds to the concern that you may seek to avenge what has happened.”

Garen Selore
Jan 20th, 2003, 12:11:02 PM
Garen Takes a few deep breaths calming himself unknowingly with The Force. He looks back to Dasquian...

"I'm sorry sir, I did not mean to snap like that. I am only a kid. A kid that doesn't even know what is wrong with himself. Since this morning my emotions have been a bit fragile. Considering I lost my family this morning, I think I'm doing rather well.

Please do not think that I am like this all the time. I admit the thought of revenge has come to mind, and I am asshamed that I have even thought it, but I swear apon the resting spirits of my parents, That I would NEVER dishonor them by seeking revenge for their death, That I WILL bring them to Justice for what they have done, weather I get your help and training, or not."

Dasquian Belargic
Jan 20th, 2003, 12:19:04 PM
“I understand that you must feel extremely fraught by what has happened, but all that you must remember is what’s past is past. It cannot be changed. All that you can do is learn from that happened, and build upon it, so that it does not occur again.”

At this point, seeing a little distress in the boy, Belargic offered a more comforting smile.

“In the end, it is your choice whether you undergo the task of becoming a Jedi. We offer one path in life that is open to you, though you are not bound to it. Your life is your own, and if you wish to look elsewhere for help, you are free to do so.”

Garen Selore
Jan 20th, 2003, 12:30:33 PM
"I don't know where I would go if I didn't get help here. All I know Is....I nead help. So far I have recived more help than I could have ever expcted from Marga and Rogana, And I do want the voices to stop. "

Garen hangs his head.

"If you don't want me here, I will understand, and will seek others that will help me, But mommy always told me that only an idiot would turn away help when it is offered, And I am no idiot."

Garen looks Desquian in the eyes again, this time with a calm expresion on his face.

"I will except any help you can give me. I am willing to learn."

Dasquian Belargic
Jan 20th, 2003, 12:35:05 PM
“We welcome anyone here who is wishes to learn and is willing to set aside their anger. You are already feeling through the Force, but this does not mean your training as a Jedi will be easy. Many of us are hated for who we are and what we strive to accomplish, and many try to kill us… could you live a life like this?”

Garen Selore
Jan 20th, 2003, 12:45:43 PM
"I beleave I could. If you hadn't been listening, I already have people out to kill me, and I know that my life will not be easy as it is with out my family. So I think I could."

Dasquian Belargic
Jan 22nd, 2003, 03:43:53 PM
“Very well then.”

His judgement told him the decision he was making was right, so he continued,

“I formally welcome you into the ranks of the Greater Jedi Order. A Master will be assigned to you once one becomes available, in the meantime feel free to explore the grounds. I’d recommend checking out the living quarters for a place to stay, as well as Yogs bar and grill to get to know some of the others members.”

This said, Dasquian bowed and smiled.

Garen Selore
Jan 22nd, 2003, 04:02:04 PM
Garen bows to Desquian.

"Thank you sir."

Geran hangs his head for a moment.

"At the risk of sounding Stupid.....um.....Where are the living quarters?"

Dasquian Belargic
Jan 22nd, 2003, 04:06:08 PM
“Once you leave this building, take a left and you should spot the large building a few hundred metres in front of you,” replied the Jedi Knight, laughing quietly.

Rognan Dar
Jan 22nd, 2003, 07:25:36 PM
"Dont worry, Garen. I'll take you there and help you find a room. ITs what I do best." Rognan cocked a grin at his little friend.

"Come." He bowed to the Knight before walking a few steps, waiting for Garen to come.

Garen Selore
Jan 22nd, 2003, 10:56:34 PM
Garen bows to Desquian again and goes to follow Rognan out of the room.