View Full Version : Enraged Battle. (Drake Lonerunner, open)

Jana Silthron
Jan 14th, 2003, 11:08:52 PM
Jana sat atop a building in Courscant. She watched the crounds below. She was near the jedi order at the time so everyonce in a while, she would see a jedi. But today, there was only one she was after. The half brother of Straffe had bothered her enough when she was around Straffe. It was time for him to find out what happens when you mess with a dark angel.

Jana watched for the jedi to come out. She knew his face as he knew hers. They had seen each other before and he knew that she did not enjoy his company. She waited silently for the jedi to come.

'Come now, little human. Show me how much you do not want me around your brother' he hears in his head.

Drake Lonerunner
Jan 15th, 2003, 04:15:05 PM
As Drake walked he sudentatly fealt an uneasy presence which was familiar. He then heard A familiar voice in his head "'Come now, little human. Show me how much you do not want me around your brother" Drake then looked up and the the sith which he had despised the most JANA. He didn't like her for many reasons one of the which she was a Sith. His mother was killed by 1 and wanted to rid the planet of them all. As she came down Drake ignited once sode of his saber. A large three meter green light came out of the metal handle. He then went into a fighting stance and watched her carefully. His brother warned him of the sith and was told to be extra careful for they are wild and sometimes unpredictable, but on the other hand Drake was also unpridictable and wasn't like most Jedi.

Jana Silthron
Jan 15th, 2003, 08:15:42 PM
Jana removed her saber and activated as she desended down. Several humans scattered as she landed, kneeling down. She slowly looked up and rose to her feet, watching Drake as she did so.

"You do not want me around your brother? Then prove yourself strong enough to boss me around, jedi."

She spun the dark purple blade around her momentarily then ran forward and slashed down at the jedi's head. She glared into his eyes.

Drake Lonerunner
Jan 15th, 2003, 10:36:18 PM
Drake quickly reacted and blocked her attack easily. They exachanged looks but that only lasted till Drake kicked her in the stock sending back a few steps. As she flinched backwards Drake round house kicked her in the stomack. She fell on her back.

"I almost lost my entire family to the sith and im not planning to loose my brother as well."

Drake stepped a few paces back and watched her careful. She moved slowly around her like the vulture fly's around the it dead pray. As he moved spung the saber around his hand and waited for her next move.

"It appears that you're not as good as you though you were"

Drake spoke in a sarcastic tone and grinned.

Jana Silthron
Jan 17th, 2003, 10:20:01 AM
"You have alot to learn, jedi"

Jana used her wings to shove herself into the air quickly. She fliped and landed behind Drake. SHe quickly brings her sword at a slice across his stomach.

"One is that i will not kill your brother."

Straffe Stormrider
Jan 17th, 2003, 10:08:43 PM
A sudden blur was all the could be seen. A blue flash appeard as a saber appeared infront of Jana to prevent her attack. It was Straffe, the older brother of Drake. HIs brother meant everything to him, he had lost him once but not a second time. He looked at her with a serious expression on his face with no change, his blue eyes gazing inot hers. He slowly moved her blade back and soon made them both have a good distance between them. He kept his eye on her as he stood infront of his brother, bot breaking eye contact

"Are you ok? Didnt I tell you to try and stay out of trouble? Man your hard to keep up with. Im in my room when all I hear is you fighting...Your lucky I came or you would have been fish bait"

He still looked at Jana, woundering what made her attack his brother. He unignighted his balde and walked slowly towards her. He placed his hand on her trembling face and spoke in a soft tone

"Why did you attack Drake?"

He spoke sencerly, hopeing that showing her there is someone out there that cares for her, then maybe she would not be so dark

Drake Lonerunner
Jan 17th, 2003, 10:18:22 PM
Drake unignited his own saber. He could halp but feel pity for Jana. Her face was white as the clounds. Whenhis brother came in to help him, her face just seemed surprised and at the same time scared. As straffe walked uped to her she began to tremble, her eyes were blood shot and she droped her lightsaber to the floor.

"Straffe I'm sorry but you know me, i don't start fight's I try and finish them, and also thank you for......for saving me once again, what would i do with out you"

Drake sttod in his current position, he just looked at Jana and his borther.

Jana Silthron
Jan 18th, 2003, 12:03:42 AM
Her lightsaber sliped from her hands and deactivated. Her dark blue eyes were staring into Straffe's as the two spoke. A small tear drops down her face as she slowly backs away.

"I can not strike you."

She flares her wings and takes off into the air. Straffe feels a gentle brush from her wings to his face as she takes off, leavings the two behind with the only sign that she was here was the memory, her saber and a single white feather.

Drake Lonerunner
Jan 18th, 2003, 06:13:16 AM
Drake walked up to were she stood and picked up her lightsaber. And thefeather that remaind behind. He looked at his brother and handed them to him.

"Here takes this"

Straffe did not speak, he stood there looking into the sky; it looked as if he was in a trance.

Straffe Stormrider
Jan 18th, 2003, 06:34:00 PM
Straffe continued to look into the sky as he held the saber and feather. He cliped the saber to his belt and held onto the feather

"You know I will always be there for you brother. Just try to pick your fights wisely. I dont want you to fight a Sith if Im not there. If you ever incounter one...Just use the force to call me"

He walked pass his brother and laid his hand on his shoulder, gazing into his eyes

"I dont want to lose you again...Brother"

He continued to walk as he reached the Living Quarters. He walked in and didnt turn on the lights. He sat on his bed in the dark, still holding the feather. He went to his desk and picked up some string. He attached the feather to it and put it on his neck. He saw the white in the dark, it seemed to light up the room. He woundered what was happening to him...Was this Love? He had to speack with his master for guidence

Drake Lonerunner
Jan 19th, 2003, 01:50:18 PM
Drake felt something weird in hi brother but he ignored it. He put back his cloak and walked back to the academy for some more training. It seemed that his Fight with Jana make him a bit stronger.