View Full Version : a scent of Jazmyn

Vampyre Dalamar
Jan 14th, 2003, 09:38:08 PM
Dalamar waited for his new guest. A female of many virtue's. Jazmyn had been to the Shrine the latest applicant for membership. The Warlord had taken a special interest in her. Her Dark hair and sharp feature's contrasted beautifully with her soft curve's and red lips. He needed a female for what lie ahead, But more importantly than that he wanted her company.

His heart beat a little faster with nervousness it had been quite a while since a female had had this effect on him. He had watched her in the Roonstone Inn her delicate feature's had caught his eye right away. Her tilted voice so much like crystal music to his ears. How she unconciously tugged at the soft part of her neck all her gentle mannerism's apealled to him. She agreed to meet him here. He checked his Black velvet suit with the Embroidered dragons going up each arm, he must look his best. The candle's where lit the room was ready. There was a creak at the door Dalamar turned......

Jan 14th, 2003, 10:17:47 PM
Jazmyn peers around the door as it creaks open, announcing her arrival. Just as her name, her perfume drifts in lightly, the scent of nightjasmine soon lingers in the air. This only adds to the ambiance of the cozy feeling given off by the candlelight flickering its fiery red-orange glow around the room.

She doesn't see him at first, but she detects his scent. Easing her way into the room, the door closes on it's own; a slow creaky groan breaks the silence.

"Good evening, M'lord"

Vampyre Dalamar
Jan 21st, 2003, 09:46:23 PM
"Enter Mi'lady and have a seat.": Dalamar pulled the gilded high back chair back for Jazmyn to sit. Then Joining her on the other side he poured her wine. "So Jazmyn tell me your story why do you wish to join the Shrine?" The Dark lords long fingers where laced in front of him as he let the dark haired beauty speak....

Feb 17th, 2003, 11:03:03 PM
Jazmyn takes a seat on the offered chair, smiling a bit in a show of silent thanks. Turning soul-stealing eyes to meet his, she looks over his features for a moment in silence.

There's something unique and darkly handsome to his stoic features.

"I ah .... I'm not sure to be honest with you, M'lord. I was ... drawn.. to this place."

A small, almost embarassed chuckle is heard as she shakes her head, chestnut tendrils dance over her bare shoulders with the gentle movement.

"I know it sounds crazy..."

She can feel his penetrating eyes piercing through her; perhaps seeking out her soul to be had or taken. Maybe more like .. given.

Vampyre Dalamar
Feb 19th, 2003, 01:55:38 AM
Dalamar was entranced by her dark beauty she had a hold on him that he found quite intoxicating. Her eye's burned into him making even his cold skin warm. Vampyre's where the masters of seduction but her race of people had never been seen before by the Dark Lord. What kind of people where they? Why could he not take his eye's off her?

He could only ask, his curiousity getting the best of him. Jazmyn where do you come from? I would love to know more about you......

Feb 19th, 2003, 05:16:07 PM
She smiles again to Dalamar, crossing her right leg over her left knee and smoothing out the skirt of her gown with a delicate sweep of her long, narrow fingers.

"I doubt you'd believe me if I were to tell you, M'lord." Captivated by his eyes, which she cannot seem to avert hers from his even if she tries, there is an odd sense of calm easing her nerves.

Strange. She once thought that peace could only come from the light; yet here in the darkness she finds it caresses her like a soft blanket of fleece.

Tilting her head to the side, she asks of him curiously, "And you? Where do you come from?"

Vampyre Dalamar
Feb 20th, 2003, 12:58:27 AM
"I doubt you'd believe me if I were to tell you, M'lord."
Well he had to agree with her there. Any answer from her would only lessen the mystique yet still the desire to know was there.
"Ahh a lady of mystery." Her manner of silence regarding her origins only enticed him further.

Tilting her head to the side, she asks of him curiously, "And you? Where do you come from?"

The Warlord seemed confused at first from the question. But then his eye's flashed red and he answered. My origins are questionable and I still seek answers. But I can tell you what I remember. I was sealed in a golden Sarcophagus and floated in a asteroid field on the Outer Rim. There I was for an indetermined amount of time. A young adventurer one Tiberious Kinslayer found me. Knowing Alana of the Shrine they revived me with false memories not knowing what I was capable of.... this was a safety precaution only.

Only recently have these events come to light. As I thought I was turned by Alana. But to my suprise memories started resurfacing of a time long ago. There was one part especially telling the prescence of two sisters. They are old like the ancients. Apparently I was created for the father to be a weapon.

How I came to be in the Sarcophagus I do not know. I only remeber vast pyramids and being worshipped by the human masses. The Father was in the height of his power then. Images of the main throneroom still ring true. To tell you more would be more than I remember.

Feb 20th, 2003, 05:41:23 PM
Her soulful eyes wander over his remarkable, perfectly chiseled face, while listening intently to his words. Once he finishes, the silence lingers; still she studies his face -- mainly his eyes.

Without thought, and without asking (not meaning to be rude), she leans forwards slightly in the chair and reaches a delicate hand towards his cheek; brushing her silky fingertips ever so lightly across it.

A small smile curves her lips and when she realizes what she's done, her hand is drawn back.

"I'm sorry, forgive me for being so rude."

Vampyre Dalamar
Feb 26th, 2003, 11:45:33 AM
Dalamar chastised himself. He never recalled babbling before. Yet here he had told all, to this woman he had barely met. What hold did she have over him? It was not one he could understand. Is this how his victims felt? The uncertainity of knowing that you where not in control of the situation but at the same time not caring. Maybe.....

Just then she, she ran a delicate finger across Dalamars face. His blood boiled like liquid fire.

"I'm sorry, forgive me for being so rude."
Dalamar was breathless, "Ohh its quite okay. Dalamar paused. He needed to change the subject quickly just to bring a semblance of normalcy back to the conversation. " So Jazmyn why do you wish to become a vampyre?.." He said quickly.

Feb 26th, 2003, 05:23:55 PM
For a long moment there is a silence that seems to be palpable. She had to think about his question, make sure what she felt was true to her heart and not some fly by night fancy. She'd be giving up her soul; a decision not to be made lightly.

Finally ....

"The allure of being one with the night is appealing. It's comforting and consoling; feeling right .. here." She places a flat hand over her heart.

"I wish to be young forever, never to age. I understand that I will see those around me die and I will continue to live on for ages, perhaps centuries or longer. I will see and experience things that a living soul would find unbearable, but perhaps they won't bother one of the night."

Those magnificent eyes seem to take on a far away look, as if recalling memories that are vague or perhaps not even hers.

"It feels right, M'lord. I fear I cannot explain it beyond that."

Vampyre Dalamar
Mar 3rd, 2003, 12:14:36 AM
Extending his hand he spoke softly to her. Come with me Lady Jazmyn. We will talk more of this. They walked the long hallways. Until they came to some stairs. Walking upward ever upward they chatted as they went. Finally they reached the top. It was a large open area the wind was warm as it whipped past them. The stars where bright and glistened on the windy night. Dalamar pulled her close wrapping his cloak around her. "So what does you family think of your decision?" Are you willing to see them pass as you live on?" The moon was large and romantic and Jazmyn could clearly see that the Dalamar was just making conversation. He pulled her closer under the pretense of keeping her warm, but he let her make the decisions on how far they would go. His smile was soft and his eye's where tender as he listened with rapt attention to every word that she said. Her beauty was such that he felt he could have listened to her forever. There they where at the top of the highest part of the Shrine and the Warlord just listened, just listened and he could not remember when he had such a wonderful time...

Mar 3rd, 2003, 12:24:36 AM
Once upon the open rooftop balcony, Jazmyn lifted her eyes skywards to take in the beauty of the white twinkling stars against a midnight backdrop.

So peaceful.

The warm winds whip her long chestnut tendrils around her delicate face and sends them dancing around her shoulders then to sweep her bare back.

The hint of a storm approaching from the far west is detected in the air, the wind carrying a chill to it at times as it kicks up in its gusts.

"I have no family."

She tells him quietly, now taking in the view of the bustling cityscape in the near distance. His cloak being laid on her shoulders pulls her attention from the beauty of the night for a moment, to give him a tender smile of thanks.

As she looks back to the scenic vista, his arms enfold around her from behind. No, she didn't make a move to step away or to remove his arms from her body. In fact, she welcomes it by leaning back against his firm, muscular body slightly.

"As for watching others in my life come and go as the ages pass..."

Her slender shoulders shrug gently.

"There is no one in my life. I've been alone for many years. It's suited me nicely."

Then there was silence; save for the whistling of the winds and the hint of rain in the air. She can feel the electricity building; from both the oncoming storm and from the sparks igniting between she and Dalamar.

This only drives her desire and passion to become one with the night. To be embraced in the dark satin of its coldness and to take on the heightened passions brought on by such a drastic change.

"It's rather peaceful here."

She comments idly; perhaps just passing conversation...

Vampyre Dalamar
Mar 3rd, 2003, 01:05:46 AM
"Yes I come here when I want to think. The stars shine brightly from this vantage point. The Solitude of the night and the warm breezes up here have kept me company. I have never before brought any one up here you are my first guest. I think its time I share my life with someone. I don't know why I'm telling you these things as I barely know you. You seem to make it easy and the words just fall out of my mouth without any hesitation. I have lived for a long time and nothing stirs my interest much. Few have given me as much to think about as you. Your affect on me borders on supernatural. So I must ask you. What are you? For I do not think you are human? You have there form and beauty. But somehow in ways that I cannot understand you surpass that. As if.... as if you are something holy... I'm sorry that's not right but it is the feeling that I get. Maybe you could enlighten me?

Mar 3rd, 2003, 01:09:58 AM
There would be no sense in lying to him, besides, she wasn't capable of it.

"A fallen angel."

She murmurs.

How would he react to that? His intuition was right on the money, she once was holy. However, things happen and that has changed. Doomed forever to walk amongst the mortals .. as one with a mortal soul.

His kind is viewed as evil. Vile, soulless creatures who do not deserve to walk around freely. Yet, here she is, embraced by one and wanting to become just like him.


Vampyre Dalamar
Mar 4th, 2003, 11:05:20 PM
You are of the Cherubim?!!! You have fallen from the 3rd heaven and now walk upon Roon? Dalamar stepped back from her for a second lost in thought. Why where you cast down from the heavenly host? Was it the maker...? The Warlord asked his questions with some awe. He knew her words for truth it explained the burning he had in his heart at her every word.

Mar 7th, 2003, 07:25:23 PM
When Dalamar releases his gentle hold around her slender body, Jazmyn walks to the edge of the rooftop balcony and looks over the edge.

She could take that final step, but it wouldn't kill her. The price one pays for a bit of immortality. Perhaps she would of been better off if she had just produced offspring while she was still alive. After all, offspring is humanities touch of immortality. A little piece of you continuing on in your child. What could be more perfect?

Crossing her arms, thin fingers curling gently around her biceps, she draws in a slow, deep breath and pans the horizon with jaded eyes for a time; carefully considering her words before she begins to speak; thus a time of silence passes.

Folding her pouty lips upon themselves, she moistens them lightly with the tip of her tongue, then let's that deeply inhaled breath pass through her nostrils slowly.

Has he touched upon a subject she wishes not to speak of? Probably. Then again, maybe it's time that the events that led to her falling from grace. The one thing, maybe among many, that will remain as a curse to her for the rest of her aeons is the fact that she simply cannot lie.

"There are many rules that must be followed in the heavens..."

Her voice, melodic upon the blowing wind and taking a tone of reminiscence; the constantly moving air seems to carry her hushed words straight to Dalamar's ears. Even if his own senses were not heightened from Vampirism, he would have heard her clear as day anyways.

"It's not like what you think or are taught through religion."

Her head turns, just enough to level her chin with her right shoulder and a pained smile tugs at the corner of her lips.

"Many things about heaven are not as mortals are led to believe."

Now she turns, facing Dalamar fully. Canting her head to the side gently, the winds whipping her long hair around her shoulders again, she pauses in the beginning of her own tale to ask him a question.

"When you were mortal, what religion did you follow?"

Maybe he followed no religion. Maybe his parents felt it wasn't necessary or that the numerous religions around the galaxy just didn't fulfill their spiritual needs. Perfectly fine. To each their own, of course.

Vampyre Dalamar
Mar 8th, 2003, 10:49:53 PM
I had no religion. My life before being a vampyre is not known. A truth I will one day seek out. But my life is not the issue. You do not come from the sky, nor from the stars, so if you are an angel you come from the 3rd Heaven. Where the Host resides, where the cherubim count the millenia. If you are not from there then where? I have studied the prophecies they say before the return a star named wormwood would fall from the sky's.

Enthralled now Dalamar had a hundred question's. It was his excitement. He had found something new. Something out of history and time that would rock his foundations with truths and mysteries. "Tell me all of it I must know, please?"

Mar 25th, 2003, 12:17:24 AM
"I am of the heaven you speak of. . . "

She affirms to Dalamar quietly. Her sweet and melodic voice softens and she strolls along the ledge a few paces. Black feathers gracing her back suddenly fan out; spanning 12.5 feet n width and 6.5 feet in height.

She allows the cool night breezes to ruffle through the feathers, then folds one slowly over her side, idly running the fingers of the opposing hand to glide through them slowly; preening them to keep their shine as well as to keep them clean.

"I was created there and remained there for many centuries."

Finished with one wing, she tends to the other, curious as to how he will react thus far.

Vampyre Dalamar
Mar 26th, 2003, 08:29:27 PM
"I was created there and remained there for many centuries."

Dalamar watched with facination as she cleaned herself, Her every move was grace itself. Truly she was an angelic being. "What led to your departure from heaven?" Dalamar asked.

Instantly she stiffened it was obvious that the question disturbed her. For a moment there was silence between the two. The wind whistled between them in the stillness of the moment. "If you do not wish to answer I understand." She looked at Dalamar for a moment. Then with a small smile she began to speak....

Apr 2nd, 2003, 08:14:40 AM
"A few of us were sent to walk amongst the mortals, on a mission of sorts. Each was assigned a soul to protect."

Another fluttering of her beautiful black wings then they are folded gently along her back, to once again form a feathery, yet living, cloak. Or atleast make it appear to be a cloak. A few steps are taken, walking along the very ledge of the rooftop.

"I was to make sure that one child's soul remained untainted. I think that's the word. No.."

A pause.

"Uncorrupted; that is it."

A slow canting of her head as she shifts those deep yet expressive and vibrant eyes of emerald to fixate upon his.

"I do enjoy children; or . . . I did. Don't think I could ever have had raised one myself, though. Do you have any idea how badly they can smell!?"

A small smile appears.

"Still. This soul was easy to guide for many years, making my task a joy, really."

Another pause, this one longer than the previous one. Her eyes appear distant, as if looking through the sands of time to the past and seeing it all again.

"Until this child was discovered by one of the Darkness..."

This is where she falls silent for a bit, turning to look out over the cityscape again, needing to collect her thoughts.

Vampyre Dalamar
Apr 5th, 2003, 10:05:30 PM
"One of the Darkness? Do you mean a Sith? Enthralled Dalamar leaned forward. What happened to the child...?

She paused and Dalamar fell silent he could see she was thinking. What had happened to this woman that was so horrible. Scratch that this angel!!

The wind howled, this high up it sounded like a lost child. He wondered if she had made the same connection. Her wings ruffled with the breeze.

She turned and her face was beautiful it took the Warlord's breath away. Please continue the Vampyre said......