View Full Version : The Pianist

Jan 14th, 2003, 08:38:30 PM
Man, what can I say? What a story! It's almost impossible to believe that guy made it all the way through the war without getting killed.

Really, really good film. Adrien Brody was OUTSTANDING. From what I have seen...give the man the Golden Globe and Oscar and what ever else he's up for. This is one of Polanski's best(that I've seen). I wish there was room for it on my best films of the year list, but I just don't think I can fit it. I have to say 2002 ended up being a pretty damn good year for the movies.

Jan 15th, 2003, 12:44:14 AM
I think it's a great year for movies, I don't see why anyone would be complaining. Yeah sure there were a ton of HORRIBLE films, but come on, there always are... you have to look at the positive.

The Pianist was a really good film. It reminded me a lot, of course, of Schindler's List but it's very different in key ways that I discuss in my review too, mainly because of Polanski's style versus Spielberg's style, not to mention their attitudes, not just styles, because that's an important distinction to me...

A rather remarkable story. I didn't feel it was a great movie, but a really, really good one that was SO close to greatness... it nearly got there for me. But that's not meant to be a diss or anything, because it truly is a worthy film.

Jan 15th, 2003, 09:22:24 AM
I'm not sure I felt it was a great film(helluva story though)...it was filled with great moments however. I don't think I breathed for about a minute when he saw the German officer.

It was sorta like "Schindler's List" but I feel it unfair to compare the two. Especially since "List" is my all-time fave. ;)

Note: Brody versus Daniel Day-Lewis is quite a competition. I loved both of them. I'd forgotten how good Lewis was. Not sure who to pull for.

Jan 15th, 2003, 02:16:01 PM
Well personally I wasn't as impressed with Brody's performance as you were. I'd go for Lewis in a second, but that's just me.

I mean, one reason why Schindler's List strikes me as so much better is just way better acting. Neeson and Fiennes are fantastic, especially Neeson. Also the pacing of the two films. I felt Schindler's List is an easier view in terms of length even though it's a much longer film (almost 50 minutes longer). The Pianist, in parts, drug. Not enough to hurt the film that much, certainly, but it wasn't the masterpiece that Schindler's List was, I didn't think.

Jan 15th, 2003, 02:28:25 PM
Hey, you don't have to convince me about the merits of "List". ;)

As far as performances go, you don't get much better than Neeson and Fiennes in that movie.

As far as the race this year...I think Lewis's was the more "showy" performance, but Brody was impressive in a more understated way. I loved his delivery.."It seems like a strange time to say this, but I wish I'd known you better."

Great stuff. I'd probably have go with Lewis by an eyelash though, because his villain was among the most memorable I'd ever seen.

Jan 15th, 2003, 02:46:35 PM
That was a good quote, but a sad one. His performance was obviously very good. :)

Jan 15th, 2003, 02:51:09 PM
Of course it was sad...it was about the Holocaust. ;)

Speaking of which, this film didn't spend alot of time on the attrocities the Nazi's committed, but I was fine with that. We've seen it before in other films. The ones they did show I found to be very effective though...especially the guy in the wheelchair.

The audience I was in gasped at that part.