View Full Version : Engravings of the Masters (Figrin and open)

Ki-Adi Kindo
Jan 14th, 2003, 06:02:16 PM
Kindo casually strolled down the lavished halls of Temple Avalon; his wide eyes set on one thing as he passed. It was the walls, rather, what was on them that he stared at with such interest. There, engraved into the wall, were Jedi throughout the centuries that had stood out, those who had made a signifigant impact while serving under the Order.

He recognized many of them, for instance Mace Windu and the highly revered Master Yoda, and there were many of whom he didn't know. He couldn'y help but grin from ear to ear as he brushed his hand along the smooth stone carvings. They were people just like him, who had lived anywhere from twenty to a thousand years ago, who had dedicated their lives to being Jedi.

They reminded Ki Adi so much of himself. They'd gave up everything just to insure the safety of others, the same sacrifice he himself had made. They had all left their marks in the galaxy, not just in stone walls or in the Jedi archives, but also in the lives of so many others. He couldn’t help but wonder if one day his image would rest in stone.

" Perhaps one day. "

He whispered those hopes to himself under his breath.

Figrin D'an
Jan 14th, 2003, 09:40:04 PM
"Perhaps one day indeed."

The voice came from behind Kindo, but it was one that he surely recognized.

Figrin took a few ambling steps in Kindo's direction, looking about the walls himself. The intricate detail put into the carvings rivaled that of any work found in the galaxy. But, at the same time, they held a humbleness and humanity that matched so well with the men and women that were depicted. Jedi in the finest and most complete sense.

"Quite a legacy to uphold," commented Figrin, to no one in particular, yet audible enough for Kindo to hear.

Ki-Adi Kindo
Jan 16th, 2003, 07:40:34 PM
" Indeed. "

Kindo glanced over his shoulder, even though it was unnecessary. He knew exactly who stood behind him. He wanted to turn around and greet the Jedi Master formally, but he just couldn't muster up the will to do so. He'd lost himself within every carved corner of the stone designs, and not just as breathtaking works of art, but the stories that came along with them.

" If these Jedi could come back and find themselves engraved into these walls, I wonder what they would say? "

Jan 17th, 2003, 07:11:44 PM
Well... I don't know about what all the Jedi would think...

:: The voice stepped up from behind Fig's tall frame, as AB appeared, carrying a lopsided grin on her face. ::

But I'm pretty sure I know what Master Windu might say... in his usual dry humor, of course...

:: She cleared her throat and deepened it as best she could, waving one hand at Mace's engraving, huffing a bit. ::

"Just a bunch of hullabaloo about nothing."

:: She ended her play-acting and the smile went from lopsided to warm. ::

But in the end, they would be humbled and thankful that so many remember their deeds and what they did in their times to help make this galaxy safe and peaceful for all.

Figrin D'an
Jan 18th, 2003, 01:58:31 AM
Figrin couldn't help but chuckle at AB's comment... ... or her impersonation of Master Windu. How accurate it was, none of them could know for sure. But, he very much suspected that it was far closer to truth than not.

"Just as I'm sure Master Yoda would say 'Portraits not make one great'," he added, continuing the sentiment.

It was difficult to look at these Jedi, even represented in stone, and not in some sense be awed. The history of the Order stretched back millenia, bearing witness to both times of widespread peace and the horrors of galactic war... bringing hope to countless worlds, defending those that could not defend themselves, surviving near extinction on more than one occasion... because of the courage and sacrifice of beings like those immortalized on the winding walls of the Temple.

Immortalization... now there was an interesting term. History had a fickle way of remembering it's key players. One man's martyr was another man's criminal. Yet, despite an overwhelming popular opinion, Fate could offer a twist to the expected outcome. For Fate's sword was the pen of the scribe.

No man was perfect... even a Jedi. Yet, whenever Figrin looked upon the faces of the Jedi of ages past and read the abridged biographies, he couldn't help but wonder how much of those personas were idealized, and how much was truthful. It was a question that was impossible to answer, and nearly endless in it's implication.

After a long pause from deep though, that very ponderance found it's way to the Jedi Master's lips in a veiled form...

"There are times," Figrin uttered softly, "that I would give almost anything to hear these voices of the past... to hear the tales of their lives... just to know if we got it right."

Ki-Adi Kindo
Jan 18th, 2003, 07:17:29 PM
Kindo, with his wide eyes still fixed on the wall, gave a light smile at Figrin's comment.

" How fortunate are we to be able to have them before our us, that we can benefit from not just their mistakes, but all the great things they accomplished back then. "

History couldn't always repeat itself. If the Jedi of today could build upon what the Jedi of yesterday achieved, how far advanced would they be? Kindo understood this, being the reason he would often spend countless solitary hours in the Jedi Archives reading the biographies of Jedi throughout the millennia.

He knew that without knowledge and experience that the past Jedi had obtained, the Jedi of today would be liable to make many avoidable mistakes. You couldn't have the new Jedi without the old.

" Nope, we sure wouldn't be far without them. "

Jamel Croko'yn
Jan 18th, 2003, 07:34:03 PM
Jamel was transfixed as well, but he managed to keep his distance from the elder Jedi. He felt he was too young to confront them with his own concept on what was before him. Unconsciously motioning forward, he gently hit against the back of Figrin unknowingly, bouncing back in suprisment. Glancing up at the three Jedi, he bowed respectfully.

The Novice just stared for a second at the wall, indicating his own mind was as well bubbling with ideas of the History. He always loved History, and at times would be in the Jedi Archives, just searching aimlessly for anything that was on the past of the Jedi. He knew this, though very young, that you could not wield to ability to forsee that of the future if you knew not of the past. Their wasn't only the possibilities of making the same mistakes, but it was the possibility of the inability to advance. He cherished those whom were before him, remembering the solitary words that defined Mace Windu in the Jedi Archive Scriptures.

"A gladitor with uncanny peace in his words, no matter the subjects or occasion." He thought outloud, his finger directing to the carved face of Master Windu, a smile coming upon his face. He had remembered even the very color of the Master's blade, the purple shine. The fighting style and cunning technique he used, very effective, but less strainful. Jamel attempted at that stability in his fighting technique but it ended up coming out too much like Obi-Wan's fighting style.

Jamel folded his arms over his chest as his overcoating fluttering in the wind of those whom passed quickly through the halls. The smile he had materlized into a gleeful small grin.

"They were so fascinating, I wish I too could talk to them." He spoke to the three Jedi, his eyes only blinking once during his statement to glance over to the others and shifting back to the carvings.

Ryla Relvinian
Jan 19th, 2003, 05:23:40 PM
"As do I, young padawan." I replied softly to his spoken thoughts. "Sometimes, I think I could use their help. But then I remember that they are people just like you and me, making choices and sacrifices based on their own situations."

I sighed, pushing a stray strand of my jet black hair back behind my ear. "Nothing is ever as simple as we all hope, I am afraid."

Jamel Croko'yn
Jan 19th, 2003, 05:48:45 PM
Jamel took his view toward Ryla, confused and puzzled, though understanding the meaning of her words, he knew not who she was. He bite down on his lip holding back his words so he wouldn't be disrespectful but the might of his curiousity took over him before his will was stabilized.

"Who are you?" He paused, though on his face he seemed to hold back a few more words that he would add to that statement. Grinding them down with his sealed teeth, he blurted them out quickly, but after he covered his mouth so he wouldn't speak anymore. "Might I ask.."

He slowly sled his hands fmor his mouth, a large grin pasted along his face, his eyes squinching into small lines of eyelashes. His hair draped over his face, purely red as his eyes were in darkness.

Jan 19th, 2003, 05:59:34 PM
"There are times that I would give almost anything to hear these voices of the past... to hear the tales of their lives... just to know if we got it right."

:: Fig's words echoed in her mind as she pondered the same thing. True enough, they could hear their voices and teachings in whatever recordings and holocrons each one may have left behind. But even recordings weren't the same as the real thing. ::

All we can do now is follow their example, and in a sense, make our own history.

Who knows... perahaps waaaaaaay down the line, their will be another generation of Jedi looking at our engravings, much like we look at those from the past.

:: She took on a thoughtful look. ::

And yet... I think the only way I'd like to be remembered would be by my actions and what I did in my own time to preserve peace in this galaxy.

:: She smiled, looking at the various engravings, beginning to walk down the hallway, her voice fading as she walked further and further away. ::

For in the end, it's not what statues we see immortalized before us that count, but what memories and helpfulness we have left in beingings hearts.

:: Her sillouete faded as she rounded a corner, continuing to look upon the faces of old that went down the long hallway of remeberance. ::

Ryla Relvinian
Jan 20th, 2003, 02:39:58 AM
"I am a Jedi, just like yourself. I believe we have not yet been formally aquainted, however." I extended a slender hand towards him "My name is Ryla, and you are...?"

Jamel Croko'yn
Jan 20th, 2003, 12:00:23 PM
Jamel motioned toward the hand and with his own placed it down, taking a respectful bow he pushed himself to a stand. He was to responde to her question as of now or it would seem as though very disrespectful.

"My name is Jamel Croko'yn, I'm from Lok--as you see I'm a Jedi Padawan." The Jedi novice said, his voice smooth, cunning but toned with happiness for this paticular statement. On his face was a wide smile expressing his glee & respect toward her. He didn't know exactly everything about her background but by her composure he noticed she was a superior ranked Jedi.

Figrin D'an
Jan 22nd, 2003, 11:20:49 PM
Figrin gently nodded at AB's comments. Wise and truthful were her words, and he found himself in complete agreement with her. The future of the Jedi Order was in the hands of the present, not the echoes of the past. Lessons could be learned and knowledge derived from history... but the choice of how to use that knowledge was for the Jedi of flesh and blood... Jedi like those now gathered in reminiscence... and not those enshrined in stone.

"Musing about lore and legend can easily lead to a loss of perspective... one that I myself am guilty of at times."

He smiled coyly at AB, while turning his back to the wall carvings and resting his hands on the guard rail behind him.

Anbira Hicchoru
Jan 23rd, 2003, 01:23:51 PM
I am in the minority, I suppose.

:: Anbira approached the group, looking at the engravings for a moment, and then turning away. ::

I would just as soon be forgotten by history when I leave this life. I've left too severe a mark upon it already.

Dasquian Belargic
Jan 23rd, 2003, 01:30:16 PM
The group was growing larger, and was added to as Dasquian paced leisurely past the small gathering, his eyes fixed up on the busts of the past Jedi.

“You shouldn’t judge yourself so harshly, Anbira,” the Jedi Knight commented as he looked down towards his counterpart, smiling somewhat.

“People always choose to fixate on the bad things that have happened in their life, neglecting to remember what good things have happened to, and as a result of, them.”

Anbira Hicchoru
Jan 23rd, 2003, 04:36:17 PM
The rest of my years are spent in atonement, young one. I assure you, had you known of me before as you know of me now...you would understand what I speak of.

I am in a race to the grave, and to overtake the shadow of the dark side that has eclipsed my very stride. Perhaps I will find vindication. Perhaps not. I am no seer.

Ki-Adi Kindo
Jan 23rd, 2003, 05:10:17 PM
Despite all the chatter going on around him, Kindo had gone quiet. He found himself imagining what it would be like to meet them, to be able to hear the tales of their lives, however he awoke from his short-lived daydream when he heard others gathering behind him.

" Your service and loyalty to the Order has more than made up for your past mistakes, I believe. "

He was quick to plunge into their conversation.

Jamel Croko'yn
Jan 23rd, 2003, 07:01:39 PM
Jamel spectated, drawing him from the crowd of the Jedi Elders, heading out into the corridors. Exiting down the path, he was heading toward the quaters. It was now time for a small rest..

Anbira Hicchoru
Jan 23rd, 2003, 08:44:31 PM
:: Anbira turned to Kindo...looked at him intensely for a moment, then turned away ::

There is much you have yet to learn. I am too old and pragmatic for such niceties.

Figrin D'an
Feb 1st, 2003, 12:54:49 AM
Figrin knew all too well of what Anbira spoke. The memories of such times were not something that he wished to dwell upon either. While history was of such great value to him, there were some parts of history that were best left unspoken...

... especially for those whom were in the middle of the fray.

Figrin chose to remain silent on the matter... there was a time and place for such discussions, and now was not one of them.