View Full Version : Awaiting his arrival (closed to Dios Kane)

Jan 14th, 2003, 05:54:13 PM
It was a chillsome night on Coruscant. After reading a book Morpheus ventured out onto the balcony of his suite to view this planets beautiful surroundings. He always found it soothing when he was out in the mists of the stars and planets above him instead of down below where it was corrupted with evil and darkness.

Morpheus knew in his heart that he must do everything in his power to eradicate all evil in the galaxy before it consumed everything that he ever adored but although he is a great warrior he also knew he could not accomplish this on his own.

The night air blew through his dark attire as he started to the top of the building. The moonlight glimmered off his glasses as he let his mind wonder and eyes stared off into space. He reached into his coat and reviled a communicator which he then turned on. The beacon was sending a signal to Dios Kane informing him to meet up with Mopheus on top of this very building. With his arms crossed he awaited patiently for his guest to appear.

Dios Kane
Jan 15th, 2003, 04:04:55 PM
:: The door that had led to the roof had been jamme from barely any use but I got it undone easy enough. I preffered to travel on the streets below the uptown, the night air here was either a metal plate above or stars that were really speeders moving across the moons.
I approached the dark figure, my red coat and white hair catching what light it could, making me stand out in the darkness. I flipped a coin and caught it, repeating the process as my other hand produced a flask and I graciously accepted the hot tasting drink before putting it back. My orange and red sunglasses gave me a good view of the night, HUD in the glass kept telling me information I didn't need really need to know but it was pretty cool! I smiled at my thoughts as I put my hands in my pockets.::

Howdy do... what was it? Morpheus? Former Plague member, I respect your values Mr. Morpheus and the efforts you ad Nemesis both put forth. But what might you need with the Drinking Angel?

Jan 16th, 2003, 03:29:17 PM
A good while past but Morpheus was a patent man and continued waiting. Speeders flew by as the gate creaked open. A pleasant smile appeared over the face of Morpheus as Dios drew closer. From what he could tell he knew that this man was a reasonable and determined person. "Welcome" he said as he extended his hand. "It is an honor to shake the hand of the man who know what needs to be done ... and does it." He spoke to him with a calm voice and a deep tone as he continued to talk.

He let his arms down and crossed them behind his back. "Do you recall the night at which you were discussing your views of how order should be brought to the galaxy at the bar and grill?" There was a silent pause as Dios nodded his head. "Needless to say, your message intrigued me. This is the reason why I have summoned you here." His arm outstretched to indicate the walkway ahead.

"Walk with me Dios, and tell me what courses through that brain of yours, share with me now on what you believe is going on in the GJO and what you plan to do with your future as a fighter against the evils in this galaxy." Morpheus respected this man, who awoke from a dream world and saw the truth that there is no action being taken by the GJO to destroy the evils. He respected him because he chose to stand up for a better cause instead of sitting down.

Dios Kane
Jan 16th, 2003, 04:02:17 PM
:: I nodded, my face stayed solemn though, no more smiles. This man had heard words that carried farther than just a bar it would seem. But as for the GJO, I had my views but they were my own, not to share. This man was tight and strung to a metal pole but then it happened to people somtimes. I shugged.::

Walk where? I'm not planning on walking off the edge but I'll talk. I prefer to move, if I stand still for too long, I feel ueless and stupid. The only place I'll stay still is unless someone would die if I moved or if my wife had me pinned someplace where no one could see us. Well, some could watch if they wanted, they might learn something.

:: I laughed for a moment before putting my serious face back on.::

My future lies in the hands of the lightside. That's what I believe in, that and my wife. But I'm going to found a vigilante group, at least thoseare my plans for the future for now. A group of not just jedi, why just jedi, I'll never undertand why people preferred that, you can understand right from wrong with or without the force? At least thats what I think. But again, I am rambling, what do you need? I don't want to waste your time.

Jan 21st, 2003, 01:59:04 PM
Morpheus could feel the cold night air hitting him. He gave a calm look as he cupped his hands and turned to face Dios. "It would be a privilege to fight along side of you against the darkness which has overflowed our time. My knowledge, fighting skills, and my temple on Naboo would be a great support to the group if I where to join."

Morpheus was trying to show his dedication to this group of honorable warriors which he where to hopefully become a part of.

The proud and noble man stood still as he extended his hand toward him. Morpheus knew the importance of this very conversation where just the beginning of a great alliance between the two warriors. Slightly lifting his head he smiled and said "What say you Dios Kane will you accept me into your group."

Dios Kane
Jan 22nd, 2003, 03:48:01 PM
:: I turned to him, the same smile on my face, but my hand didn't come out yet. I didn't know enough yet. It was easy to speak and Morpheus had a rep that he knew how to present but everyone had their reasons.::

I've been through Hell and Purgatory and back again just for a vacation Morpheus. I have a wife who I love and a kid who says he's mine but from an alternate reality. All of these are thretened by an existing evil that I created, through my weaknesses I gave it life. I fight to stop it, to stop Fiend and everything he stands for, his sick notions of the Savage Garden, bloodlust, and all that rot. But you... why Morphus, why pick up a weapon and throw yourself into the shadow, is yours to save some love or is yours just to see that justice is fufilled, how can you say that you are the one righteous enough to dole out justice?

Jan 23rd, 2003, 03:31:46 PM
Morpheus started to walk to the edge of the building and then he leaned on the rail. A gentle breeze passed by as he looked out onto the city. A couple of minutes passed by... nothing but silence. Without moving an inch he said

"Long have I looked upon this galaxy for what it truly is. I've been to many places and seen many things. I have seen a lot of corruption and darkness come upon this galaxy, but I know there is still some good here, and that is worth fighting for."

Dios Kane
Jan 24th, 2003, 10:37:36 AM
:: My hand goes onto Morpheus' shoulder and I turn him around taking his hand in mine and shaking it.::

Good enough for me man, good enough for me. Welcome aboard and thanks for the use of your place on Naboo. That's a good place to meet up in if we're ever in a bind. But we're leaving soon and I'm gonna be sure to stay in contact with you alright?

Jan 27th, 2003, 10:39:06 AM
Morpheus noded his head as he smiled.

"Very well I shall look forward to seeing you again."

Dios Kane
Jan 29th, 2003, 03:10:57 PM
And I you, but until then.

:: I shook his hand and patted the dark shoulder. I smiled and nodded before turning to the roof door and descending back down. One more to add to the fold that would decide the turning in the tides of darkness and light.::