View Full Version : The night kills...(challenge to any jedi padawan)

imported_Ambrose Braeden
Jan 13th, 2003, 10:45:55 PM
Looking into the streets of the planet from one of the windows from the citadel, he could see that there were people from every species roaming around. Bothans, Correlians, Wookies, etc. All of them going about their day. Not a wonder in the world. Many of them buying food from the markets that lined the streets. Others looking for a mere nights pleasure. Some who could not get even that, would make their way to the local tavern. A well lit place, fairly buisy this night Ambrose could see. He thought of how pathetic they all realy were. The window in which the Vampire Warrior was standing in front of was on the second floor. One of the many floors that made up the humungous building. The walls were maid of the finest marble. White with grey streaks cutting through. He had noticed that the sun was going down, it would be dark soon. Concentrating on the force, feeling it pulse with life throughout his entire body. The extacy of the power coursing throughout his veins.

As he walked along one of the many hallways that led downward to the main chamber, passing by statues that seemed to watch him as he walked. He could hear the hilt of his well constructed lightsaber bounce off of his thigh as he walked. Always in motion. He remembered the process he had gone through to construct such a weapon. The weapon of a Sith was his lightsaber. Remembering the training he had gone through to become what he is now. A Vampire Warrior. He thought of his master and of his teachings. Pondering the technique he had used. The way he had taught the young Vampire. His master wanted nothing more than his all. If he did not give that, Ambrose was worthless.

I will not fail you my Master. I will do as you command

Reaching the main hall, statues of heads and beings lined the walls of the main chamber. They all were maid out of stone. They seemed to move but stood still. Motionless. Never breathing, never moving. Only to serve one purpose. To stand. It was almost dark now. The sun almost out of view, the night sky ready to take its place. Ambrose would wait until then. That would be when he would feed. And anyone who got in his way would suffer the same fate...