View Full Version : A Day in the Chambers (Lilya-Closed)

Jamel Croko'yn
Jan 13th, 2003, 09:59:37 PM
Jamel sat there, he had recently sent a hologramic message to the coordinates of Lilya. He had visual sensory of them for Jedi announcements on a private level, he had attained those objects earlier in his canidancy when studying technology. Wiggling on his bed, his eyes wandered about himself, asborbing in every substances in the room.

"I'm going to be living in these chambers for some time, they probably wont re-arrange my registration form to these quaters, so I better get comfortable." He told himself, twirling on the bed, and with a single drift of his hand, the Tele-vision was on.

They were forecasting politics, something he wouldn't mind studying. He had a thing for politics, and such things as that, and maybe during his branch in the Jedi Order, he could follow the path of Count Dooku, and so many Jedi before him into Politician arena. Without moving his eyes once from the screen, he clasped his lightsaber hilt, and threw it across the room, but with his sense of Force telekentics, he assured a safe landing.

Pushing his back against the wall, he watched on as he awaited Lilya's entrance into his quaters.

Lilya Goldberry
Jan 13th, 2003, 10:10:36 PM
Lilya knocked lightly on the door, wondering why the strange boy had sent her a message. She had met him only once, in Sir Kelts room, and it had been an ackward exchange. She folded her hands in front of her, and waited. She was dressed in her usual attire, minus her cloak, a light blue dress cut in an old style, with low blue shoes. Her long golden ringlet hung loosely around her shoulders, pushed back behind pointed ears. She knocked again.

Jamel Croko'yn
Jan 13th, 2003, 10:51:15 PM
Jamel headed toward the bathroom, a smile upon his face as he passed the door. He heard the door, but he felt like changing at the moment, and he would of course have to be polite to give her notice though. Calling out in the mid of hsi amble, he glanced at hte door, as if she was to reply and enter.

"Just wait a few seconds, I have to get a few things prepared." The boy said, going into the bathroom, and soundlessly shutting in purposely. Placing on his clothes that were hung out, the Offical Old Republic Jedi Padawan Suit, a very well broomed white colored outfit, much similar at the top as a Japanese warrior, and at the bottom it fell over his pants. Attired as perfect as possible, he came to the door answering it.

Glancing from the side of the door, a smile covering his face, glee forcing it's way to his core. Pulling the door back more to welcome her with a single bow of the upper body. He stared interested as she prepared for her entrance into his new quaters.

Lilya Goldberry
Jan 13th, 2003, 11:00:58 PM
"hello" She stated simply with a small bow. She walked past him and stood, taking a quick glance around his room. She noticed he was dressed in Jedi garb and smiled.
"How are you on this fine day?"

Jamel Croko'yn
Jan 13th, 2003, 11:12:26 PM
Jamel bit his bottom lip, and stared at her--lush circling his iris, as he unknowingly gazed at her delicate beauitiful. When the words hit him, he seemed to jump out of his garb in shock, as if a bullet touched him. Shaking his head to shake off the sudden suprisment of words, he glanced up into her face, throwing himself onto the bed.

"I'm doing okay, just got my chambers, been searching for it for a long period of time. So, you probably wanna know why I asked you here...right?" He asked, bluntly but toned so casually, and elegant all at one time. A mixture of cunningness, he had been waiting to use that voice for a long time, ever since he ever seen a beauitiful girl. Though to him, nearly every woman was pretty, somewhere inside or out, possibly both.

Lilya Goldberry
Jan 13th, 2003, 11:19:09 PM
She stood in place, hands folded over each other in front of her, her long ringlets slipping from behind one ear to cascade down her shoulder.
"Yes, I was. I don't really know you, nor do you know me. Why would you invite a stranger into your home?"

Jamel Croko'yn
Jan 13th, 2003, 11:24:34 PM
Jamel pondered, though he knew the answer before she even finished her setence. He wanted to perfect his words, and emotionally transmitt it as neatly, and fittingly as possible. Their was no room for respect, and the conversation was a slow one at the moment, so he wouldn't have to worry about his silence suddenly.

Glancing up at her, a smile came to his face, as he pushed himself off the bed.

"I find you attractive, physically and innerly by our previous interactions, so I was interested in talking to you. A relationship could be on the horizion, such as a friendship of some kind." Jamel said, quivering a smile of self-embarrassment, that he created by anxiety of his own words. It was uneasy to transmitt "love" and sexual "attractive" emotions, he was old enough though, but it just seemed akward to be in the very garbs that the greatest of Old Republic Jedi's could deliver, and actually say in other form of words "I think I might love you."

Lilya Goldberry
Jan 13th, 2003, 11:37:24 PM
"Our previous interactions? We have only met once, for a brief moment! I am all for talking and meeting new people, but I don't believe you are the right age to be thinking of love and relationships!"

She was shocked, she didn't know what to do, so she just turned away, walking out the door.

Jamel Croko'yn
Jan 13th, 2003, 11:41:15 PM
Jamel shook his head in disturbance, he gestured his hand forward and the door locked immeditately before she could reach it. Glancing up at her, he frowned at her.

"I'm old enough to do anything. Don't measure my intelligences by my youth, but by my personality, and perspective. You haven't even talked to me. Age never has effected me before and I see why as of now, I find disturbance in you because I'm younger. I find you attractive, I'm 14, you are, what? What age?" He questioned, leaning against the door. He wouldn't allow her to leave, even if it was placed on his heart. The youth wanted to know her, not the beauitiful skin that covered it.

Lilya Goldberry
Jan 13th, 2003, 11:43:17 PM
" I am much older than you, now please move out of my way."

He just stood there, and she frowned. "Please, just move."

Jamel Croko'yn
Jan 13th, 2003, 11:55:16 PM
Jamel frowned, every caculation of age in marriages ran through his mind. A snarl came to his face, it was anger in his heart like no other time, not even the conversation with Sejah could comprehened that of his state at that moment. His eyes seemed to burn with lightning, and a draft from the vent drifted through the premises as he exhaled.

"Anakin Skywalker, example one, Archive Coordinates Old Republic Chapter: 150, Volume: 53, Column: 23-Anakin Skywalker of 19 in age married that of a Padme, a Senator. Though this was against the regulations of the great philosophy of the Jedi Order, it ensured the safety for the galaxy, as they preduced one of the strongest individuals that the Imperail Era ever, known as Luke Skywalker who re-constructed the Jedi Order along with helping in the return of the Rebellion Alliance." Jamel said, his accurancy was uncanny. It seemed like his very existence was metallic, metaloid, somewhat unrealistic, yet at the same time, his emotions swirled like that of a beast. The most evil, but determined to prove his relevance in the world.

It wasn't only her that pursuited him on the path of this mild, but extreme hatred for that of a JEdi, it was every person who doubted him thorought at the years. They saw him as only a pitiful slave, never to accomplish anything, never to feel equality to all those. It had been a burden ever since the digits where placed on the back of his neck, and he was considered a slave for eternity, no matter if the regulations of slavery were broken down, someone owned him. Someone said that his fate was this way, this that and that.

"NO! Dont tell me what I am, you dont know me!"

Lilya Goldberry
Jan 14th, 2003, 12:02:47 AM

Lilyas hand fell across the boys face hard, causing him to wobble for a second, it was all the time she needed. She shoved him aside and was out the door and down the hall. Being of her race, she moved swifter, lighter, than a normal human would. She turned and muttered to him in her native tongue.

"Amin delotha lle!"

Jamel Croko'yn
Jan 14th, 2003, 12:06:57 AM
It was no pain at all, even though he stummbled off, his tears did fall though. He fell to his knee's and pain released from his life. His fingers digging into the carpet, tears made a small puddle before him. It didn't stop, it seemed as though it went on forever. He was releasing all the pain that he had in his whole life, and he could only handle one word out his mouth. It was in the words of the Lok language.

"Jig-amata Cro'to" meaning simply, "Pain No more..."